Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@WaddleDaisyHey, as long as you're feeling better, I'm ok with it ^__^

Hope you're feeling better! I check the site several times a day, if you ever want to talk, I'm here to listen ^__^

During the kiss, Kyoichi felt how warm she was. From al of her reactions up to this point, one would expect her to be a little colder than the regular human. That was not the case. She was, indeed, just like him. Made of flesh and blood, capable of feelings.

There was a slight breeze around them, flowing through her hair gently. During the kiss, his hand had naturally moved to the back of her head, holding her gently. When she pushed away from him, he leaned back as well. For the briefest moment, he could swear that there was a blush on her cheeks.

"So, anything?"
He whispered with a small smile on his face. In truth, words have not been created to describe the euphoric feeling he had in his own heart...

An interesting response. It would seem she is opening up to him, if ever so slightly. At first, she was not very talkative, barely responding at all. Now, her responses are getting more detailed, and faster as well. Kyoichi took that as a small victory in itself. After hearing her response, Kyoichi remained silent, just holding on to Rini's hand and staring at the cherry blossom outside.

The petals were falling, drifting in the wind. As fate would have it, the two of them met from seemingly opposite sides of the spectrum.

Kyoichi, being a little taller than Rini, leaned towards her once again and whispered "Why don't we find out...Just react however your heart tells you..."
At the end of his words, Kyoichi moved to kiss Rini, placing his lips on top of hers, feeling the warmth from Rini.

Lol. We'll see
"Isn't that better?" He said to Rini when she took her scarf off. Honestly, he had the urge to just kiss her right then and there. But, he did not act upon it as it would be indecent and he does not know how Rini would react, if there would be a reaction at all...

After a moment of silence, Kyoichi picked up Rini's hand again and held it in his hands. He leaned towards her slightly and whispered to her...

"What would you do if I were to kiss you right now? How would you react?"


In no time, they were standing in from of some windows, looking at the cherry blossoms outside. It has been a while since Kyoichi actually stopped to appreciate the things around him. He has always been on the move. Home, school, clubs, home, friend's place and so on. But now, with Rini's hand held in his, he actually wants to moment to last. He wants to slow down and enjoy everything life has to offer him. With Rini, if possible....

He doesn't know why. Nor does he have to...

"Will you hurt me" Rini had asked.

To that, Kyoichi replied "Never..." Without too much thought behind it...

Folding up his packet, Kyoichi did it to the best of his abilities and decided that it was finished. Standing behind Rini, seeing how the instructor is not paying much attention, he set his packet down and did the same for Rini. "Let's go, he isn't even listening..." He said, chuckling slightly. Reaching out nonchalantly, he took her hand again and walked out of the room.

They have a few moments before the next class started so he thought they can get some fresh air. It wasn't too cold outside so he thought Rini could take her scarf off as well...

"Wanna take the scarf off? Its not too cold.."
I would love to, I just need to know what has happened. I think I speak for everyone else that is still in this RP that some updates from our GMs would be appreciated.

Turning over the page, Kyoichi continued on with his problems. It seems as if the teacher planned it so they would have just enough problems to do during their class period. Nevertheless, Kyoichi pushed on.

When the boy that heckled Rini left, Kyoichi noticed that Rini had answered his previous note. It was short, but it was a positive answer.

"Its settled then, let get coffee after school before the mandatory curfew and you can help me. Sounds good?"

He wrote on the notebook before passing it back. After he did, he looked up and scanned the classroom. Seeing all the other students that were present during the opening ceremony, it seems nothing was adrift...
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