Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Call me Killroda. *Kingsun grin*

Yeah, he's a sniper. History will be coming, perhaps soon.
You know who I am by now, Sota, so lets skip the pleasantries and just spar!

I'm more or less done, but just not the history part. Everything else should be relatively easy to approve. *Kingsun smile*
Name: Weston Smith

Nickname(s): La Pistola, El Lobo

Age: 18

Gender: ^

Race: Who-man


Position: Sniper, part time cook.

Bounty: Starts at 0

Personality: He is salty. No, but seriously, he is rather happy, most of the time. However, when there is a threat imminent, he becomes very serious and commanding. He has captain's quality about him, in terms of being able to give clear directions and steer people in the right direction.

History: Born in a small fishing village in the East Blue, Weston grew up in relative peace. However, one day, a group of unknown bandits raided their village and through the events, he was orphaned. Starting at the age of 10, he has had to fend for himself in the streets, scraping by however he can. Through that, he had to learn to survive. During the raid, his father gave him a few items, all of which he still has with him. His katana, Sengoku. Liz and Patty, his pistols. His herb pouch, and a box of bullets for his pistol. Since then, he has acquired the skills to wield the katana correctly, pick up any firearm and use it to a very sufficient degree, especially his pistols and his rifle.

While sitting in a tavern one day, he saw this one man speak of a city. A city of wealth and dreams. That man would eventually become his captain. However, at the time, he scoffed at the notion of some mythical city full of wonders. He had more trust in his katana being able to shoot bullets than this city...

A few drunken arguments later, Weston was the crew sniper, and Roma is about to lead him and his crew mates in a search for the city of dreams...

-Ladon, The Rain Bringer. His trusty rifle. Through his travels, he has outfitted it with advanced thermo-optics, extended magazine, and fore-grip for stability.
-Liz and Patricia, The Thompson Sisters. His pair of .50 Desert Eagle that he keeps on his person at all times. Through his travels, he had them outfitted with an adjusted grip, and optional silencer.
-Sengoku, The Original. His family heirloom. A single katana, the blade itself is of a demonic black, the sheath is bright red and there is a golden jewel in its pommel.
-Power/Skill: Expert in ranged weaponry, guns in particular.
-Proficient swordsman
-His eye sight and reflexes are leaps and bounds above what a regular human should have
-He is an above average hand-to-hand combatant, able to fend off 3~4 opponents at once.
-He has average strength, able to go into a full, uninhibited sprint while carrying (the team) a fully loaded M2010 sniper rifle
-He has trained himself to be able to hold his breathe for an extended period of time

-He does not smoke, but he has a keepsake pipe and a pouch of herbs with him, at all times. Sometimes the pouch is used like a scent pouch, hung around his neck or belt, other times the items are completely hidden.
-Due to their superior optic powers, his eyes are quite sensitive to the sun and thus he wears sunglasses constantly.

*Auto-hits Hatake with his four neglected hell-children from a(Several) Bleach RP, long forgotten...*
You should have said sniped it....


Ah. I'll work on an app for the sniper spot... As far as the miscellaneous spot goes, I'll think about it.

Also, devil fruits? Only non-canon?
Blondy, I want to join.

How does everything work?
@AeonumbraPm sent, please review and comment : D
@LauderLooks like a witch doctor from Diablo III.... <_______>
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