Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@ProProI mean, I didn't think Kenshin can break through Dangai just by himself... So, throw something up and I'll finish it.
@KabenSaalshe will not be able to stalk Kenshin.... She has no way in to where he is going...
*Eats the project...*
To be honest, I don't think the GMs would care. The RP has not progressed super far and there has not been a lot of interact to 'undo' so to speak. If it were me, I would say ok, go ahead and change it ^_^

Kenshin is perfectly sane. He picks his squad members for specific reason.... Haha
Stepping through the senkaimon, Kenshin observed the platform his third seat made. Rough, but solid enough to stand on. He also caught the upset expression his third seat had on her. Sighing inwardly, he would need to have a talk about what is really bothering her with his third seat after they return from this mission. After all, he cares about all of his squad members deeply and can definitely say that Reiki has leadership potential if given the proper guidance... Looking back at the task at hand, the rough reiatsu platform his third seat created simply means that she needs more practice in reiatsu control and refinement. He can give her some separate lessons later. In any case, he chuckled when his fellow captain made his reiatsu platform. "Eel-san, ya know, you don't need to show off here..." He continued to chuckle softly.

Soon, the soft laughter stopped. Purple reiatsu was crackling up his forearm. He extended out his reiatsu platform and reached over to pull Rei onto it. He was not going to let her be a burden for the other captain, regardless of whether she would be or not. He made sure his third seat was a safe distance between himself and the other captain. Who know how big of a ripple they were going to cause by hitting the walls of Dangai with hakuda. Between the two of them, they had possibly the most potent combination of reiatsu in the Gotei 13. Physical strength was also out of the question, as there isn't very many that can claim they can best these two in feats of pure strength. Combining those factors, adding in the refined control and technique of captain-level hakuda usage, it is not hard to believe that they can break through Dangai. In fact, they need to, in order for this mission to get anywhere.

As soon as his question was answered, he noticed that his fellow captain has begun the assault on the walls. At the points of their impact, the liquid walls seems to solidify and crack. Seizing this opportunity, he extended his reiatsu platform and pulled his third seat onto it. "Now, Rei, stay away from the walls. If they pull you in, neither of us can save you..." He was determined to not have his third seat be a burden to the other captain on his mission, whether she would be one or not. His breathing slowed and steadied. Squatting into a martial arts position, his signature purple reiatsu crackled and jumped, coating his arm. This was his version of Shunko. In truth, since his kido mastery was so bad, there was no way he could ever master the true Shunko, even if he is masterful with hakuda. Thus, he had to devise a way to add even more destructive power behind his hakuda. Through his monstrous reiatsu and incredible physical strength, he figured if he coated his arms and legs with his own reiatsu, he can amplify the force behind his punches and kicks. He was right, and thus he had his own version of Shunko that anyone can learn...

With a sharp exhale, he exclaimed "Sokotsu!" and struck both of his reiatsu covered fists into one of the cracks that had formed when the other captain had struck the wall. The crack widened but the wall did not break. With a savage roar, he began a barrage of the single-fist variant of Sokotsu, otherwise known as Ikkotsu. To those watching, if there was anyone doing so, he would look like a raging beast, sparks of purple reiatsu flying from his back and dissipating into the air...

Moments after the barrage, the two captains had literally created an opening into the walls of Dangai. "Now, we need to step through. The wall should, theoretically, repair itself. We would have to break it again from the other side to come back out, I think..." He was not tired, but the hundreds of Ikkotsu he had released into the wall was taxing nonetheless. "We need to be on our guards here on out. I don't know what we will run into..." His reiatsu platform had extended into the abyss that lays before them...

He had a grin on his face. He has not heard the combination title of "The Sword and Shield of Seireitei" since he was promoted as a captain. Of course, in this sense, he was the sword, and his fellow captain would be the shield. "I'm glad you are willing to come with us, Eel-San." He said. After that, he noticed that his fellow captain was passing out instructions to his lieutenant. It seemed as if he is still quite lacking in terms of squad management. His lieutenant was going on a mission and he is going to take the third seat with him. So, who would be the acting captain while he is gone...? With a small sigh, he sent out another hell butterfly. "As myself and the third seat will be away, all squad members are to continue their training regiments. As there should not be any missions while I am away, all squad members are to attend regular meetings and all things shall carry on as usual. Captain's orders." The message would say.

After the message was sent out, he noticed that the lieutenant of the 9th squad had arrived. He returned the bow he received from the lieutenant. "Lieutenant Kimashi." He addressed the man. As soon as the bow was over, he noticed the body posture of the lieutenant when addressing his captain. He sighed and commented softly "What in the hell is with this generation's lieutenants... There is absolutely no respect for captains anymore..."

As the other captain finished speaking to his lieutenant, Kenshin responded to his question "I don't think we have to go get her... She is on her way..." He said. As soon as he finished, the third seat appeared in front of them.

With a sigh, he reached out, smacked the back of the third seat's head. "I don't care if you don't bow when you see me, but when you see other captains, you bow." He said to his third seat. "I'm sorry, Eel-San. I swear, this new generation of up and comers have no manners..."

With that said, he reached out two fingers and opened a senkaimon. "Eel-San, I assume you can still use Hakuda like no one's business, correct?" He said as he stepped into the Dangai. "Good, the place we're going, We can't get to through the senkaimon. I was told that we need to physically break through the Dangai and access a whole other portal..." He said, his two fists are glowing with his signature purple reiatsu. He assumed his third seat had followed them into the Dangai as well. "Now, Rei, you may want to stand back a bit... We're going to be hitting the walls real hard. Steady yourself..." He then turned and continued walking into the Dangai, the reiatsu platform underneath his feet were as solid as concrete...

Whats with disrespectful lieutenants now a days... smh.

Just as he was about to return to his barracks with his constantly-stepping-out-of-line lieutenant, two hell butterflies appeared. One headed for Mirja and one headed for himself. Firstly, the one headed for Mirja had traces of the head captain's reiatsu on it. As such, Kenshin assumed it was something important. The one headed for him, however, had a reiatsu trace on it that is only familiar to him...

Once both of the messages played out, Mirja said she would be going on the mission the head captain had laid out earlier. "Thats fine. Be safe, and I will be reviewing your work on this mission upon your return. You know, your annual performance review is due...So, be safe, do well, and most importantly have fun." He said to his lieutenant with a grin. "And you will do well to address the people on the mission with their proper titles, you hear me!" He called out as his lieutenant left...

Once Mirja is a ways out, he quickly approached the other captain. "Eel-san, I have a favor to ask you. I have an important mission that isn't exactly Gotei 13 sanctioned. You are one of the few people that are around that I can confide in. Will you lend me your hand for this? I'll explain the details later if you are willing to come with me." He asked sincerely. He knew the dangers of this mission. The head captain will hear about this, and possibly the Central 46 as well. However, it needs to be done. A full scale invasion cannot happen.

"There is also one more person I will be taking along with us. She...may be a burden since she is just a 3rd seat, but I think she is ready for a promotion. This will be her test. A cruel and deadly one, but a test nonetheless. One of the favors I'm asking you if you come with us is to keep an eye on her, keep her safe if I'm too occupied..." He said. At the end of his words, he quickly sent out a hell butterfly to his third seat that sounded like "Rei, come find me, now. We have a mission that is quite dangerous, I'll explain later. No more beating up other squad members when I'm not around either..."

If the other captain was listening to the message he received at all, he would hear the worlds "Travel, bringing hell, King" among other words.
@ProProI did.

What a crossover XD
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