Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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The world has ended, or as the remaining human would consider it. The year is 2066, 50 years after the incident. Now, there is the traditional 'Patient Zero' but he was not the true cause. During the 2015-2016 period, humanity came under attack by two different virulent sources. The Zika and the Ebola virus spread through different parts of the world. Through collective efforts, the spread was largely contained. 'Patient Zero' was an unfortunate soul. He managed to contract both, though at different times. Through the transfer of bodily fluids, the viruses contracted by Patient Zero mixed. It became the now-dubbed M-Virus. The M-Virus attacked the brain and the central nervous system, essentially destroying the main functions of both. Mortality rate is near 100%. The world's brightest minds came together to try to counter the M-Virus. They did not, however, truly understand the aggressive and virulent nature of the M-Virus. It can, in fact, infect the host body through not only the transfer of bodily fluids, but by air as well. Though, airborne transmission is much less common as the virus needs to attach itself to a host body within 30 seconds of being exposed to oxygen..

Needless to say, the scientists and doctors were all infected and soon 'died'...

Their final recordings are the only thing humanity has left of the research being done on the M-Virus, with the last tape being nearly incomprehensible, filled with odd groans and screams..
Name: Nie Feng
Affiliated Region:A.A.L. Taiwan
Code Name: Typhon
Age(Apparent or otherwise):
Gender: Male
Apparence(Image or description):
Abilities(Please note universe or character taken from if it is not original)
-Near unlimited stamina
-"Juggernaut":Enhanced durability, superhuman strength, virtually unstoppable momentum when running
Back Story:

I'll be editing this when I can get on a PC
Now go away~
I mean. I wrote the starting post so... lol~
@Lady AmaltheaPerfect, I'll try to work out a character in the next 24 hours or so.
I'm at a family function for the night, but I'll get to work on Lord Stark.
@dabombjkGlad to help!
@dabombjkI mean, for NPCs, yeah. Monsters and other villain, unless you want specific ones to stand out, I think if you just put up a 'class guide' it should be enough.
@dabombjkAlright, count me in as the guard.

Umm, regarding the NPC question, I think we can have both. Some NPCs just for interaction while nameless characters fill out the void
Sounds interesting. Will this be a post-apocalyptic, repopulate the Earth type RP or?

I can play one of the guards, but I would like to know what kind of direction this RP is going to take...
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