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Hearing her groan, he understood that the way he sounded was perhaps a bit too rigid. A bit too rough, as well. He peered over as the infected clutched on to the roof of the car, groaning and gnashing. He was already thinking about an apology, however, he wasn't going to say it just yet.

As Elle rid them of their unwelcome visitor, he let out a small sigh. Killing, as it seems, has become so normal to them that it comes without a second thought. Why? Why has it become like this? Whatever the answer to that question is, it is not meant for Daniel to know it now. As he drove on, he pondered on the thought that Elle is essentially a stranger to him. He knows that she was alone. She is a survivor, and that she seems to mean him no harm. How did they end up in this car, at this precise moment, remains a mystery to him...

Without saying much or making more noise, he reached out, and held Elle's hand. This would be the first time, if one does not count the times where Elle needed helping get up or vice versa. He reached out, held her hand and remained still. He feels the warmth of his body through his hands, and he was sure she felt his too. It is rather nice... Human warmth...
As he drove, he essentially forgot about the infected they had just run over. To him, it no longer exists. It is as good as dead before he hit it anyways, and why would a dead thing mean anything to him now? Occasionally, he would peek over at Elle, to see her expression or emotions. Usually, she kept a straight face. Sometimes she smiles, a tough smile. He often wondered what she was thinking about. Maybe her life before they met, before everything went to shits. Maybe its her family, her friends, her lover...

"Eh, I don't know. I'd rather not. I don't want a competition. This shouldn't be fun. We're doing this to survive. For all I know, that could have been someone's grandmama I just ran over...Even though its already as good as dead. Do you sometimes think about who they were before? Ya know, before all of this?" He asked. Now, this shambling creatures are nothing more than ravenous beasts. No humanity left in them, no conscience. They needed killing, and Daniel is not opposed to doing so, if that means survival.

They were approaching a pack of infected now. Some were hunched over, seemingly eating something. While others looked on, at nothing at all with their dead eyes. He sighs. "I don't really care. I'm just going straight through them..." He reached over to check her seat belt and gave it a quick, hard tug. "Sit back, relax and enjoy the blood..." He said in a jest. Putting more pressure on the gas pedal, he sped towards the pack of Infected.

With a loud thud, and a few bumps, the pack was behind them. He hit most of them, while the ones he didn't hit moved back in to clean off their fallen kin. Suddenly, there was a grotesque groan, coming from the slightly cracked open roof of their car. "Ugh. I hate these kinds of fuckers. Don't know when to quit..." He gestured towards the shotgun, wedged between his seat and hers. "Would you mind?"
Quick note. When we, the GMs thought of the idea for this RP, we wanted it to be quite carefree and simple. No intense characters, no complicated storylines. Just simple fun. Please keep that in mind moving forward ^__^
@Phobos Axel said the D word!


@Flightless_SoulI have a couple of points to discuss about your character. 1. The camouflage. Is a limit in terms of duration and the extent of invisibility? Like, is she completely gone or is it like the Predator where there is a distorted outline? 2. The gaseous state, I'd stay this is a bit much, but I'll wait for another GM to chime in on this issue before we proceed.

@alxmnWe can use a little more detail about the character : P But, as it is, I need clarification the regeneration part. Wolverine has regenerated from basically a cellular level. We won't be allowing something that crazy so please clarify.

@AxelIf you say your characters all love tea and not coffee then you're good. Nah, but for real, the Hade's Marking. How much can he 'absorb'? Also, Super-Jag, how long can he stay like that?

@PhobosAlright Whitebeard...<_<

@xChromeHow long is the duration for his coating?

I'll be taking a look at all the characters later tonight folks.

In terms of the first IC, I'd say we're shooting for this weekend.
"Well, I kind of thought you were, as soon as you're fully awake that it..." He said, nonchalantly. To be honest, he has had his fair shares of sleepless nights. He has nightmares, lots of them. The sight of the infected feasting on what once was a living thing haunts even his darkest memories. Laughter, genuine laughter, was a cure. The one Elle just had was soothing to him. Remedies like that are in short supply these days..

During nights where they would have to rotate guard, he tries to make sure Elle would get some sleep. He knows she has her fair share of troubles sleeping. He would repeatedly try to comfort her through his words. Whether or not it helps, he doesn't know. During those times, he just knows that he needs to try to help calm her...

When she spoke about needing a more edgy look to their vehicle, he chuckled. "Shiny is good though, I'd prefer to keep this car clean, for appearances sake. I mean, we don't want people to think we're some sort of barbarians, now, do we?" He said in a jest. As he drove down the road, he would notice pockets of infected here and there. He kept moving, and the infected paid them no mind as soon as they drove past them.

They hit an intersection. An infected ran out. "Oop. Another one bites the...tire?" He said, not even flinching as the infeced thumped against the car as it got run over and basically crippled. One interesting fact is that the infected will, regularly, cannibalize their own kind. This one, is going to be eaten by its brethren.

"Eh, we're not going to start keeping track now, are we?" He said, chuckling slightly. "If so, how do we count the next pack?" He said, looking ahead and seeing a small pack of about 5 infected. "I plan on driving over them, yes?"
He chuckled. "Well, thats good. I'm glad you're somewhat a morning person...Me, not so much, if I can avoid it." He kept his eyes on the road, not noticing the small flash of pink on Elle's cheeks. The road they were taking seemed essentially clear, devoid of life, or the infected for that matter. That made the early parts of his driving rather simple.

"Eh, the roads seem pretty clear for the time being. I think we should keep it that way by running over any infected that we see..." He laughed. As his laughter faded, memories of his life before he met Elle appeared to him. His parents, now assumed dead, raised him as carefully as they could, considering their circumstances. In truth, he never was fully, or legally for that matter, inducted as an Eagle Scout. His father was, and he taught him everything he knew. His mother taught him some basic medical skills. Then, in one raid, they were separated. All Daniel was left with was his machete. He had some leftover food, sure, but nothing else. He had forgotten how many days he spent looking for his parents. Days turned into nights, nights into day. After a while, he sort of gave up. For all he knows, his parents, and his past life, are dead. Everyone he knew, his friends, family, loved ones, even the girl he was ready to marry, are all gone from him now. The pain, at first, was unbearable. The thought of losing people that he cared about so much, seemingly in droves, was killing him. However, as they say, time washes away everything. He just made a simply pact with himself. He would never get too attached to something, lest he lose it again. He turned and glanced at Elle, and had to remind himself to not get attached...

"I mean, running over the infected helps with the paint job I think... So, I think I'll take you up on that offer, eventually. But, for now, I'll drive." He said, chuckling at Elle's comment as his memories faded to black. In truth, he had become used to seeing packs of infected and just driving over them for the sake of eliminating threats. The infected seem to lose the will to chase them after a small distance, returning to their shambling walk thereafter.
With a small grin, he slipped on a plain t-shirt, a sweater and grabbed a jacket. Moving towards the driver seat, he draped the jacket over his seat. His pistol was in the cupholder and his machete was next to his left leg. The group of infect was just mindlessly shambling about. They haven't made enough noise to attract them, it seems.

While he moved towards the seat, he saw the hair flip from Elle. Somehow, in the smallest of ways, even that action from her tugged at his heartstrings. Sure, there were times. Times where he just wants to hold her close, tell her everything is going to be alright. Those times, however, are often followed by the harsh reality that they are surrounded by.

"Um, according to this traveler's guide, its a good...20 minute drive from here. So, if you really wanted to sleep more, I can give you 20 minutes. " Offering a small chuckle, he pressed the lock button for their doors a few times, making sure it was secured.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, he turned the key and the car roared to life. Peering over at the group of infected, he saw that they haven't made a move on them yet. "Phew..." He looked to Elle. "On the road again..." He hummed and shifted the car into gear.

And thus, they were on the road again...
Folding the map up and putting it on the dash board, he noted to himself that they needed a new map as well. He learned most of the skills he now uses daily during his time being an Eagle Scout. Map reading, tracking, navigation, and the like. He wiped away some of the frost from the inside of his car, and saw that the sun has fully risen. Doing another quick scan of their surroundings, he noted that in the distance there were some infected shambling about.

One thing about these infected. They are slow, yet, but somehow, they travel in packs. Usually anywhere from 3, to 15 which was the biggest pack they had to deal with. That was an scary event that he, at least, would not want to ever encounter again. Coincidentally, that was the day he met Elle....

"Well. I ain't telling you to not stare either..." As the blanket whizzed past him, he grabbed the jacket she had asked for and turned around. He was topless, showing some minor scarring from their endeavors. Waiting, he assumed that she would turn around and see him. In truth, he wanted to see her reaction...
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