Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@AristoWhy did you take your time to write out a response?

You saw the list and saw the list of topics. They're obviously not your thing. Why shitpost?

You're welcome to stay and chat with us if you have something constructive, otherwise please excuse yourself.


@ArenaSnowCare to elaborate?

Do you mean the items we have listed aren't very good? Or what do you mean?
Top Animes to RP
1. Sports Types currently
-There are a lot of moving parts, therefore there are a lot of things for players to do. The amount of detail that can go into a post is quite vast. What your player/character is doing, planning, thinking, seeing, reacting to. Thats all things one can throw into a post. Then comes a reaction with just the same amount detail because they have to react to the previous post and create their own actions. However, my only concern with this is that it needs a larger group of players to take up roles so it can be a fully fleshed out roleplay.

2. Bleach
-Because Bleach. Kidding aside. Within Bleach, there is a wealth of detail the players can already use. I think I speak for anyone that read the manga from beginning to the end that the ending was garbage and did not justify the memories it brought us. Therefore, we the players can pick up where the manga left off, expand on it, and make it something we would have loved to see.

3. Goblin Slayer
-I've always liked MMOs. The leveling, gaining gear, taking on missions, and other things one can do in an MMORPG is what makes things like this fun. Goblin Slayer, given its well known brutal nature, can serve as a great starting point for something we the players can expand on. It is a relatively new anime/light novel series so there are not too much information in terms of what is set in stone. Therefore we the players can take what we know and just meld it into something we like.

Posting speed
-Personally, I prefer a faster paced roleplay. Now, I'm not saying we turn this place into a chatroom and just shoot one liner back and forth. Thats how it was when I started/first discovered forum-based roleplaying years ago. The pace was insane. You blink and you'd be pages behind. However, that sort of pace was invigorating. However, it is not currently sustainable. The people I met during those times all grew up obviously. We do have the same sort of time to devote to roleplaying and posting as we did back in those days. However, keeping a regular pace within a roleplay is what keeps it fresh and alive. To be quite honest, I tend to get antsy if a reply doesn't happen to my post within a couple of days. I'm by no means pushy and require my partners to constantly check and post replies. However, some regularities in posting and replying would be nice.

RP Requirements
-Eh. I'm not too fussy. One paragraph would be fine. However, I just ask that the player put in as much effort as I do. Give me enough to give you a good reply. One liners will most likely be met with another one liner because there wasn't a whole lot of information for me to go off of. Paragraphs of detail? I'd be obligated to reply to everything you said and then give you things to reply to as well so the post will obviously be a longer one. Thats all I ask. Give me something substantial to reply to, so we can all benefit from it.


Honestly. I get that inspiration come and go. Muse comes and go. We all hit it rough patch from time to time and go a bit stagnant. That is totally fine. We're all human and we go with highs and lows. Posting and finding inspiration to create isn't a problem when other things in life is going well. When things starts to head downhill as they inevitably do, creativity and muse tend to go down with it. I think we're all here to capture some sort of magic we felt somewhere. Through literature, cinema, plays or whatever it was that inspired you. We're all here to take on a different mantle. We're here, perhaps not to capture a feeling, but to escape something. We let ourselves fall into a created world and escape whatever it is that is bothering us in the real world. Thats the magic of roleplaying. We're all here to create. The purpose of this thread is to facilitate that. Help each other find a common interest and to create something spectacular from it.

Please vote on some of the things listed below. Of course, the GM team is open to any sensible suggestions as well.

Top Anime to roleplay
1. Bleach
2. Naruto/Boruto
3. My Hero Academia/ One Punch Man
4. Goblin Slayer
5. Sports-type Anime (Kuroko no Basket/Ace of Diamonds/Arena no Kishi...)

Posting Speed Preference
-Very Fast (Back and forth, based on schedule and timezone differences)
1. Fast (One post per six hours)
2. Regular (One post per day)
3. Semi-Regular (One post per three to five days)
4. Slower (One post per week)
5. Slow (One post per two weeks+)

RP Requirements (Post Length)
1. As long as there are no one liners
2. One liners are ok, as long as they're not too often
3. One paragraph minimum
4. Several paragraphs
5. As long as there are something to reply to

In terms of the topic of the roleplay, feel free to pick a few and of course add in anything that isn't listed that happens to be your personal favorite. The topics listed are the ones the GM team feels most comfortable with.
With a small snap of his fingers, he locked the door to his office. His squad members knows not to disturb him when they find his office door to be locked without a sign out front saying anything. If the door was just locked, it most likely meant that he was in there, on some official business that he cannot share with the rest of the squad...

Drawing in a deep breath, he leans back in his chair and mumbled yet again to his notepad. The content that he was reading before faded from the pages into nothingness. Standing and walking over to a seemingly empty wall, he raised his right hand and placed it about half an inch from the wall itself. With a soundless mumble, the palm of his hand glowed a faint blueish white. The light would soon fade and he would drop his hand to his side. Adjusting his zanpakuto, he shrugs his shoulders to shift his haori back into place. A door would then appear where his palm previously pointed. Stepping through the door, he walked down a spiral staircase into the darkness below.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, with his right index and middle finger, he drew a circle in the air and the torches in the room lit up accordingly. If one was lucky enough to see this room, they would be able to tell that the torches are lit with numerous Hado #31, each all finely controlled to provide optimal lighting but minimal destructive power. Such is the grace and prowess of Kuroda Jōichirō. In the great room stood two pillars. Standing in front of the pillars, he began chanting and reciting the words to a very specific spell...

When the spell was complete, he would quickly step through the portal it created and the portal would just as quickly close behind him. Within a few moments, his feet would touchdown on white sand, over looking a bleak and grey landscape.

"Haaaaa~ The dry ass air of Hueco Mundo..." Now being in a different dimension, he reached into his left sleeve and promptly removed a bracelet he was wearing. To most, the bracelet would just seem like a common piece of personal accessory. To him, it kept his reiatsu in check. To that of a normal, even possibly weaker, captain level. Within moments of his removal of the bracelet, his hair would flair slightly and the sand beneath his feet would give way to a small rumble.

Being from an ancient and proud house of Shinigami, his reiatsu was pure, and often, seemingly untamed. With all of his reiatsu at his disposal, leaking out or otherwise, creatures in Hueco Mundo often steered clear of him as he traversed the dreary land. Matter of fact, beings below the level of Adjuchas stayed away from him completely based on their primal emotion of fear alone.

Walking at a rather leisurely pace, he seemingly wandered about aimlessly. However, he was looking for someone to discuss something with...


At the end of the meeting, Jōichirō stands from the room and makes his exit. Smiling all along the way out at anyone that would make eye contact with him. His haori, always in pristine condition of course, flaps lightly in the wind. Underneath the pure white exterior that is emblazoned with the icon kanji of the number Five symbolizing his status as the captain of that squad, sits plenty of secrets. First and foremost, a colorful lining that is obviously custom-sewn. In the pockets of his haori held a couple of flasks of unknown liquids, and a notepad with random bits and bobs scribbled down.

Walking briskly, he made his trek back to the barrack of his squad. The trees in the courtyard have lost all their leaves in anticipation of the coming winter. Snow that have drifted down and gathered itself on the branches line the edges like white shadows. Balling his left fist up, he blows a sharp breath of hot air through it in some feeble attempt to heat them up. A few lower ranked members of his squad are scattered about, sweeping the snow off from the elevated pathways that line the rooms of the barracks. Giving a polite nod to them, he proceeded into the great hall in the barrack, happy to see that there are several pots of tea being kept warm on hearths.

Taking out a medium sized flask from his left sleeve pocket, he unceremoniously emptied the content of the flask into the small crackling fire, causing a small sizzle and a puff of smoke from the liquid. Taking a cup from nearby, he takes a taste of the tea from that specific fire. A mellow black tea, with a golden yellow tea liquor."Mm. Someone took out the good stuff today... Interesting." His voice was always soft when he spoke in his barrack, and this time was no exception. "A floral body, smooth, slight bit of astringent aftertaste. A bit of honey can do this tea a world of good. Zealong, I think. The Zealong Black, possibly... I'll have to check our tea reserves... Hmm.." With a small smile, he savored the last sips of the tea that was in his cup, rinsed it out with some hot water that was boiling near by. He then poured some of the tea from the kettle into his flask, filling it about three quarters of the way up. He has a small jar of rare orange blossom honey that one of this squad members brought back from the Human world tucked away in his office. Walking briskly once more, he made his way into his office, body now sufficiently warmed. By the lack of general interaction, he would think his squad members are just out and about, training and what not. It is the middle of the day after all. Speaking of which, where is his food...

Sitting in his office, he added a few drops of honey into the flask that is now holding the tea from the great hall. Giving the flask a gentle shake, he made sure the honey was sufficiently melted and distributed through the tea. Taking a sip and being satisfied with the mix, he takes out his notepad and starts going over all the notes he managed to take down during the meeting...

"Vasto Lordes. Multiple at that. Thats going to take a few captains to handle. Can get messy. Not getting my hands dirty for that. I guess we'll just be ready to get deployed... As usual." A small smirk as he made preliminary plans in regards to one of the threats discussed during the meeting. "But now, more pressing concerns..." He flips a few pages in the notepad to a blank page. Small mumbles can be very faintly heard from his lips and he would snap his right fingers and the notepad would temporarily glow a faint blue before revealing the contents he wished to hide.
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