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Kuroda Jōichirō ( 黒田 城一郎 )


Jōichirō arrived with the rest of the crowd, being sort of standoffish. He scanned around the waiting room, noticing the same few people that he graduated the academy with. Most importantly, none of these people ever really paid him much mind. He has overheard his father speaking about having to put them into separate squads. Letting out a small sigh, he wondered why that is. He gets that teamwork is important, but he has never worked with these kids before, let alone go to war with them...

As the group filed into the Hokage's office as they were beckoned by the nameless Jonin, him and that one quiet kid were the last ones left. He was hesitant to make the first move. He did not want to seem eager. Yes, his father is the Hokage. Yes, he has been called a potential heir when he was born. Yes, he has been ridiculed ever since. So no, he was not too excited about the fact that he has to be in the same room with his father with strangers also present.

As the thoughts passed through his mind, he went into state of daydream, thinking of different jutsus and how to make the hand seals. When he snapped back to reality, he was the only one left in the waiting room. Standing up, sighing once more, he straightened himself out and entered the room, hoping to get the situation over with. After all, he had to see this man at dinner anyways...

Stepping through the office doors, he sees that the rest of the kids have already introduced themselves. He might as well do the same, even though he is certain his father knows who he is. Or so he hoped. "My name is Kuorda Jōichirō". His voice trailed off at the end, waiting to hear the incessant whispers that typically follows...

Kuroda Tesshin

New leaves are springing.

Sitting rather straight in his chair, the Hokage had a slight scowl on his face as the genins entered the room. Mentally taking notes about the newest recruits...

"The Uchiha kid... doesn't seem to have that...certain feel about him...Hm.. The Nara kid. Fuckin' hell he is on the tall side. I wonder who is taller between him and Jōichirō... A girl from the Hyuuga clan. The signature white eyes. She seems a little nervous... For fuck sakes, messing up your own name, just how menacing am I... Oh and the quiet one. He seems... unusually quiet.. I suppose..."

As he was quietly making notes about the kids, he notices that his own son sauntered into the office last. Giving him a small nod, he cleared his throat. Pushing back from his desk with his left arm and standing up, the action cause a very slight breeze to course around him, lifting his loose fitting haori. If one was looking hard enough, they can see a concave scar where his right shoulder should be. "Tsukai-kun, Shikkaru-kun, Mai-chan, Kanzaki-chan, Keizo-kun, and Jōichirō. It was very nice to meet you all. My name is Kuroda Tesshin. You may call me whatever you'd like." He said with a silly smile. "It has been brought to my attention that you have all recently graduated from the academy. My congratulations. You're now in my world now. This world is brutal, it is unforgiving, and it will beat you down constantly. But, it is not without its colors, and other wonders for you to behold." Lightly flipping open a ornate box on his desk, he moved from behind his desk to the front, facing the children. "This here, do you know the significance of what I now hold in my hand? " In his hand, he held a forehead protector engrave with the symbol of their village. "This represents our pride in Hokohagakure, and your dedication to it." With a small nod to Tsukai, the first one in line, he personally handed each children one headband, making sure to wink in the most cheesy way to his own son.

Clearing his throat once more, he looked to his personal assistant and gave a almost imperceptible nod to him, asking him to retrieve someone. "You may wear that protector as you see fit. I keep mine tied to my waist, but the decision rests on you. Now, as you know, we work in squads of three. Being that there are six of you, there will be two squads. I will be leading one squad while the other squad will get one of our best to lead them as well. He should be here shortly, but in terms of my squad, Keizo-kun, Kanzaki-chan, and Shikkaru-kun, you're with me." Give the three a small smile, he leaned back and sat slightly against his desk. "Oh and you guys can relax for now. After all, you all will be going on your first missions after we're done here. Would anyone like some tea? Or anything to drink?"
@TsukaiYou'd be surprised.

When I first met him, and got into RP, both of us were up at some unreasonable times just posting away lol.
@TsukaiHe is in a totally different time zone.

No worries~
Ahhh, me too. But I have to wait lol~
Indeed. I’m mentally constructing my next post that I’ll put up when everyone has had their turn.
Yes. The Hokage will lead a team. He needs some run lol~
@KurisaI hate you.
In the Hokage Office
"Ah, this year's academy class looks good. Got me a Uchiha, a Nara, and a Hyuga. This will be interesting. I should just fuck around and put them in the same team, make a super team... Oh.. and there is my son. He managed to graduate too..." A figure sitting in the executive chair that has its back turned to the door sighs slightly.

A knock can be heard...

"Come in." The Hokage said, turning his chair so he would face the entrance to his office to greet his visitor. "Sir, the graduating class is ready for you. Should I have them come to you or will you go to meet them?" "Eh. Have them come in. I will be assigning teams and perhaps their first missions as well... That reminds me..." He turned his attention to a few dossiers on the table. "I also need to pick their team leaders as well. I might...." "Is there anything else you would like me to tell them?" "Nah. Don't freak them out too much. Just have them come through." "Very good, please excuse me" The Hokage offered the ninja a respectful nod as the ninja exited.

"So...how should I split the teams... Perhaps I'll just come up with it on the spot... after all, I've never even met these kids.. Gods be good they're competent. I don't want to write any letters to any families informing that one of theirs have died..." Taking a sip from the cup on his table, he leaned back into his chair and waited for the arrival of the freshly promoted Genins.

@Saltwater Thief@Tsukai@FourthKing@sassy1085@kurisa

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