Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@PrinceAlexus Interacting with Vika. He made some more tea, continuing the conversation with Vika.

Moments after excusing himself, Ryna returned to the front of the house with a small porcelain bottle of tea. "This is as much as I was told to make at a time. It should be enough for another cup with a bit left over. Of course, if you want more, you can always let me know." Ryan said with a small smile before setting the bottle down by Victoria. "Do be cautious, though, the bottle can get a bit warm. It shouldn't be scalding hot, but it will be quite warm to the touch."
When Victoria gave him a rough time frame as to when she can come back, Ryan let out a small chuckle. "Well, we usually aren't open for brunch. I don't think I can make that happen for you, so in two weeks time, I can save a table for four for you, but it would be dinner, which starts around six PM. I'll have the table ready for you around seven, if that works for you. Of course, since you're giving me a bit of time to work with, if that time doesn't work, just let me know, and I'll try to change it for you."

"Hey, I'm not here to judge what your hobbies and talents are. I'm just a guy that loves to cook, and you're just a girl that is in to technology. Nothing more." Ryan said with a small grin. "Beside, I think having a healthy hobby is good for you, anyways." Ryan said, giving something in his mind a small ponder. "I mean, seeing that we're not open and that no one is here, I can show you the kitchen, and a few little trick so you can try to make this at home? If you want, that is." He threw his hands up softly and shrugged slightly."I'm sure you're better than you let on to be"
Ryan nodding, agreeing with what she said about improving the accessibility of this place. "I can see that. I'll make sure to bring that up with the owner and see what he thinks about it. After all, we want to be as inclusive as possible." Ryan gave a slight sideways nod to confirm that he said to be true.

"Ah, Mogadishu. That is quite an exotic place. I've heard Somali food is great. I've had their rice, or I think its call Bariis, and its honestly better than any rice I've ever made. The spices, the blending of them, the buttery flavor and the fact that each grain is so separated and fluffy yet the whole creation is so cohesive, its wonderous." He said, chuckling as his food-nerd peeked its head a little bit. "I've been to London, though I would love to go again and be more... free." he said, letting out another chuckle "Last time I went was with my parents and we just followed a schedule. I'd rather just roam, ya know? Russian food is... unique. Its both rich and simple. Home-styled yet grand. Not something I strive to make, but I've had it and I do like it. Honestly, you've done much more traveling than I have." He let out a breathy chuckle. He could travel more, but he chooses not to, at this point in his career.

"Ah, congratulations. A marriage is always something to celebrate. Two people felt strongly enough about each other to want to be joined in holy matrimony. I'm sure you and your family will have a great time, complications or not. But yeah, I'll have a table ready for you and yours in two weeks time. I'll save four seats, and if that should change, let me know."
"The manager made you...sing? Thats a fun, and funny, way to get out of trouble. I swear if the owner here made us sing to get out of trouble, we might as well be having a concert everyday. Not because we're good singers, no. But because he is so particular about how things are done and what we do never seem enough for him." He said, giving a slight shrug. "Ah well. I guess when you have your name on the menu, things have got to be exactly as you want it, eh?"

To be honest, to Ryan, it didn't matter what Vika's private life was like. What she did for a living and what kind of people she was involved with is none of her business, just like the way he told her he was just the cook of a restaurant. People have reasons to not divulge things about themselves, and who is Ryan to poke and prod?

𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Walking with Shizuo, Shinpachi agreed to what Shizuo was saying. "I mean, yeah. We're meant to restore balance to the world by purifying hollows and send them back down the right path, not like those filthy Quincies that does nothing but disrupt the balance of souls by obliterating them as they kill them... So yeah, its quite odd that we were meant to only observe and not even capture this particular hollow. And that Squad 12 had requested it so they can do more research. Odds on it was Squad 12 that fucked up their experiment and let this hollow loose to see how it would fare in the real world..." An preposterous accusation, of course. Shinpachi was of neither rank nor power to be making these kind of claims, and he knew that, and that is why he only confides in Shizuo with this kind of blasphemous talk.

Shinpachi dropped off his report after Shizuo did so. "So, we need to sweep the entire fucking place them mop, right? Lets get to it, its a big place after all..."
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi had been done with his report. In it, it simply stated what he saw and what they did, including his own thoughts on why his actions were justified at the time. He knows that the captain might not like what he said in the report, but being truthful in what he thought and saw was important to him.

Matter of fact, he had been done for about 30 minutes now. He thought he'd take a nap before going to check on Shizuo, to see if he was done with his report and wanted to get cleaning. He wanted to be done with those two tasks before dinner, then take his laps after he eats as his nightly exercise.

In any case, Shinpachi was half asleep when Shizuo came knocking. "HUH? Oh UH. Yeah. I'm done. I'll be out in a second..." He hopped out of bed, got dressed and straightened up in the matter of moments. Sliding open the door, he had his report in hand and zanpakuto strapped to his left waist. "Looks like you're done too. Lets go hand this in, then get cleaning. This place is quite messy, and I want to be done by dinner... I think I'll start on the east wing, by the practice rooms, and you can start in the west side, and we'll meet in the middle?" He said, stepping out of his room and started towards the captain's office to hand in his report...
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Nodding, Shinpachi went off in the direction o his room as well. As soon as he stepped through the door, he let out a sigh. Going to his desk, taking out his thermal flask and sipped the warm tea from it.

"Fucking hell. All we did was kill a hollow. If they're in such dire needs of a specimen, why didn't they just send someone from their own squad to collect it? Or better yet, send someone with up to collect it while we're all out there anyways.... God dammit."

Shinpachi grumbled on, as he began writing his report.
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi remained quiet as Shizuo spoke to the captain. What he said was true, to a T. They did encounter the hollow. It was indeed weird. It did seem like it was learning as they fought and they definitely took it down. Shinpachi had his hands folded behind his back for the duration of the meeting, standing upright and giving the captain his full attention.

Then came the reaming.

The captain essentially told them to fuck off if they couldn't obey the orders. Orders were given because there were more things at work than both him and Shizuo knew about. Apparently, the Gotei 13 already knew that these were not normal hollows, but needed more specimen to fully research and study. Which, to be fair, is completely valid. Squad 12, for all their brilliance, was also a squad of secrecy and shadiness. Shinpachi trusts its members as far as he can yeeeeet them.

In any case, the captain took in their verbal reports but handed down punishments for disobeying orders as well. Giving a slight bow, Shinpachi backed out of the office, speaking to Shizuo at this point "Well fuck. I'm going to get some food and finish the report first. When you want to clean the barracks, let me know, we'll get that shit done I suppose..."
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Nodding along, Shinpachi didn't talk much once they entered the Seireitei. Strolling through their barracks, he had an air of confidence around him. They just took down a hollow, without their shikais and the hollow was an odd one at that. Oddly enough, there wasn't really anyone else around in the barracks. Are they all on missions? Or did the captain send them out to do something else? In any case, he was ready to give his report and what he saw during the encounter.

"I don't need you to put in a good word. I'll get my shikai and bankai before you for sure." He shrugged, walking next to Shizuo. When they reached the captain's office, he push the door open after knocking twice, ready to give his report.

The one to win 3 games of Uno out of us gets to go for their Shikai first! xDDDD

Disgusting proposition, but you're on.
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


"Nah, I'd be willing to bet it won't even take weeks with me. A week, max. " He said, chuckling. In his own mind, he knows that there was no way he'd get his Shikai in a weeks time. In fact, he doesn't know how long it would take to get it done. When he was told to enter Jinzen, he has always only heard faint whisperings and things of that nature. He doesn't know his zanpakuto's name, nor does it know his, if he had to make a guess...

When Shizuo opened the Senkaimon, he sighed. "Well, here goes literally nothing... We got carried away, but that was fine, I suppose. We did our 'jobs', even if it wasn't a part of our mission. You're right. It seemed like it was... learning, or worse, evolving, as we fought it. It learned to-" With that, he hopping in the Senkaimon before carrying on "Break our Bakudo's, charged at us, but not aimlessly, and knew how to retaliate in a general sense. All of this should be told to the captain..."
𝕶𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎


Shinpachi sighed. "Oi, fuck off. It'd would be so much better when I can get my Shikai, which I intend on getting years before you do, you little wizooooorrrrd" Shinpachi said, slightly chuckling. "But yeah. I mean, do you remember the lessons we had? I mean, this hollow seemed too.... scrubby.... to be firing off ceros like that. And the fact that it was able to break free from our Bakudo. There is definitely something sketchy going on..."
Shinpachi's left eye twitched slightly. "You're right... We were supposed to just track and monitor this hollow... But, we;ve gone and killed it. Oh well. Its our job to do this anyways eh? Lets go. We have to report to the captain anyways..."
Off to a flying start.
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