Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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>>Vika, at the Old Starboard @PrinceAlexus

Taking a seat next to Vika and offering a small smile at the casual greeting, Ryan waited for Vika to finish speaking.

Still just a friend, huh. Ryan thought to himself. Perhaps it was a simple choice of words, perhaps its exactly what Vika meant to say. In any case, Ryan took it to heart.

"Um, why don't I just take you? Sure, a Vespa might not be as comfortable as a Uber ride perhaps, but its definitely cheaper, and quite possibly safer. Well... It'd make me feel better anyways, knowing that you for sure got home safely." Ryan said, offering to take Vika back himself.

"I would be as bold to ask you to stay over at my place but you might not be too comfortable there. Quite the bachelor pad, I'm afraid. Lacking the necessities that you've no doubt grown accustomed to. Um, yeah, the restaurant. Its been fine. Nothing I can't handle. We don't typically take walk-ins so its been manageable. Though, I've been thinking about shutting her down for a bit, taking an extended sabbatical of sorts. Get out of this town, clear my mind, ya know?" Ryan said, taking a sip of the water in front of him.

"All the things you've mentioned. It is not my place to judge or pass comment. It was during a time where we had absolutely no connections. Whatever happened, has happened. They're in the past. So. All I want is an answer. You know the question. You know where I stand on it. Yes or No." Ryan said, face stoic.

"And about that morning coffee. I've been told that I make quite the spread for breakfast. Or I can, rather. I guess you'd have to answer me to find out."Ryan said, offering a small smirk.

Regardless of how Vika answers, Ryan's offer to take her home personally will still stand. Just.. His actions might be slightly different.

>>Vika, at the Old Starboard @PrinceAlexus

His song was interrupted when the message came through. Looking up at the still red stop light, Ryan took out his phone and read the contents of the message. Vika's sister. Interesting. Why did she reply for Vika? Was Vika otherwise incapacitated? Why was she at a bar so late, given her current state? There were more questions that flowed in and out of Ryan's mind. One thing was certain. It would seem like he is paying the bar a visit.

Taking a look to his right, making sure he was not going to be hit by a distracted driver rumbling down the street, Ryan pushed off with his Vespa and made his way towards the bar. On his way there, one more thought entered his mind. "So. Mari is there. I wonder if the rest of her family is there as well, having bought out the bar for the night and is going to question me thoroughly, old mafia style..." Honestly, the thought entertained Ryan briefly. If that is the course of action that has been decided, Ryan would face it. After all, whatever he did was already in the past and there was no going back, lest one own an otherworldly Gauntlet of some sort, created by some mad Titan somewhere...

Upon his arrival, Ryan opened his under-seat storage compartment and nestled his knife case in it as best as he could, having to somewhat force the seat shut due to the box being slightly unruly. Clipping his helmet to the under hanger, Ryan checked himself out quickly in the side mirror. Of course, he was still wearing his chef outfit. No matter now. No time to go and change. He stepping into the bar and his eyes went to the corner booth immediately.

Spotting Vika, but not Mari, Ryan took on a perplexed look as he made his way over. Along the way, his mind fluttered between utter clarity and complete chaos. What is Vika going to say to him? What is he going to say to her? He wants another kiss, a real one this time. Would Vika kill him? Is there some sort of mobster sitting near the table somewhere, ready to deliver a precise strike?


>>Lets do this party right, goddammit!<<

Casually waiting for the Knights, or those who were coming to the party anyways, to reply, Rich sipped on the mysterious liquid from the bottle while scanning around the gathering crowd. He started to notice more and more familiar faces. Good. Good. Let the party begin. Its their first big get together of the year. Anyone of any importance would be there.

Off in the distance, he hears a familiar voice. Turning slowly, he sees a human embodiment of a Wack Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman TM. Oh wait. Its same. Never mind. Rich chuckles as he hopped off the hood of his car and made his approach. Responding in kind. "Sam! Sam! Saaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm!!!" He said, chuckling. "Wassup girl. How are you?" He said as he goes in for a hug. "Where is the rest of the damn crew? I swear if it's just us, I'm cussing each and every last one of them out." He said, absentmindedly.

Not really waiting for Sam to respond, Rich started scanning the crowd again. Off in the distance, he spots Alex chatting with Jordan. Odd, but who is he to judge. Minty, off being her secluded self. Lana joined them. Which was interesting to say the least since Rich does not expect Lana to be much of a party-goer. Though... If he had to guess. There is someone here she wants to see. But, for the time being, he will leave the gossiping to Jordan. Morgan was here as well. She, for maybe some not so obvious reasons, immediately approached JK. If there is a was a party, it isn't done right unless JK Moore is there. Or so Rich thought. Finally, Rich spots an approaching vehicle.

A rather decrepit minivan. A mobile deathtrap so to speak. That can only mean Steph, and very possibly the rest of the Thorns, would be attending.

"Hey, Sam" Rich said in a lowered voice. "What do you know about Melissa? Melissa Elliot. What is her deal? Got any inside scoop, so to speak?"
In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

>No direct interactions. Just waking up. Getting ready and arriving at the Chunin exam location<

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and Satoru was...already warming up and practicing. Such is the life of someone born into his family. No days off, so they say. Sure, Satoru gets to live like his peers do. But to say that he had a normal childhood would be a bit of a stretch. Having one of the three great dojutsu could seem like a blessing that gets you a head start in your ninja careers. Sure, that may be true. But for Satoru, it came with living in constant fear. The fear of assassinations above all. Even at such an young age, Satoru knows the procedure he has to take should he be captured and his eyes are being removed. Death. Before losing the Byakugan to someone.

Thats how he has lived his life.

After completing his 10 lap warm up around his family compound, Satoru was immediately summoned to start his martial arts practice against a wooden dummy. Today, the focus was his own chakra flow and tenketsu. He has to release a precise amount of chakra through palm strikes, finger jabs, elbow strikes, punches, kicks and the like. If he misses, even by a margin of 15%, he has to start the entire sequence over. His instructor stood near him, cane in hand and ready to strike should Satoru commit a 'silly' mistake. Fortunately, his warm up session was kept shorter today.

Today was the big day. Today, he becomes Chunin. His squad mates would too, if he has any say about it. There is no way a squad led by the Lianie Kamikaze fails at any sort of test or mission. It simply was not an option. Not even of Satoru's only volition. It just isn't going to happen.


Satoru shook his head slightly as he changed out of his morning workout outfit into a more test appropriate outfit. He can't let this creeping doubt affect him. Not to day. Whatever he has learned and know from his training will have to do. There will not be a growth spurt from now until the end of the exams, he thought. Besides, if he gets into a pinch, his Byakugan will surely be enough to get him through.

Giving his family members, the ones that are still around anyways, a respectful bow, Satoru exited his family home and took off running towards the exam location, excited to meet up with his squad mates and to tackle whatever tasks the testing committee has planned for them.

He got to the location in time to hear the Hokage officially kick off the exams. Three parts. Thats very exciting, he thought to himself. With his Byakugan hidden under a low-brimmed hat, he looked around the crowd for his squad, wanting to chat with them first before the tests started.

>>No direct interactions, other than him contending with confused feelings and thoughts by himself, mentioning Vika @PrinceAlexus in the process.

Ryan was wiping down his dining room counter, reserved for those who wanted the full 'omakase' experience of having their dinner be based completely on the whims of the chef. Today, it would have been an assortment of fresh sushi including fatty tuna, yellowtail that would receive a light torching then dressed with a semi-sweet soy based sauce, mackerel marinaded in a light vinegar-based dressing, scallops with a tiny grating of fresh wasabi, sweet shrimp, and finished with a delectable tamagoyaki. Of course, matcha or warm sake would be served should the customer request something other than water. No beers, no matter their quality. Ryan found that the taste of beer malts and hops often overpowered the delicate sweetness of fish.

His staff had retired for the evening. As it was customary for them to leave after they tidy up after the last set of customers has been satisfied. Ryan alone would remain behind and complete the final cleaning and tallying of the day. Ryan often took this time to think about the menu for the next day, to take account of inventory, and to clean/sharpen his tools. He would lock the doors, then put on headphones, drowning out whatever noise that might filter through his windows and also his own mind. It was a sort of stress reliever for him. After a night of intense cooking and meticulous attention to detail, Ryan needs it. Ryan had made himself a mug of matcha, and he would take small sips from it time to time. Mainly, he shuffled around the empty kitchen, going from tallying and closing out all tickets, then to taking stock, then finally turning his attention to his tools.

Of course, he was thinking about how he replied to Vika the morning after the drunken kiss.

It has been a couple of days and it is now Saturday night, around 11 pm. Ryan sighed and glanced at his phone. The words he sent kept creeping into his mind.

"Sure. We can talk whenever you're free. The kiss... Hopefully I... I mean. Hopefully that made my intentions clear. Inebriated or not. I just want you to know that alcohol had nothing to do with my motives behind the kiss.

- Ryan"

The soft grinding and sound of friction resonated from his knives. The whetstone was being put through the ringer. A chef who can't keep his knives sharp isn't worth a damn, Ryan always thought. Of course, given the nature of Ryan's restaurant, dull knives mean poorly prepared fish. He would rather die than to mutilate the bounties the seas have given him. Thus, he takes time every evening to make sure his knives are sharp, and are well maintained.

Tucking his knives away in a large lacquered box that is lined with red felt, he clicked the case closed before taking the final sip from his mug and rinsed it out. Placing the mug on his workbench, he grabbed his phone and took a final lap around, to make sure there was no trash or scrapes left over. He enjoys the feeling of returning to work the next day to an already clean environment. He would clean the restaurant again before they opened for service of course, but it was just nice to walk in in the morning to a clean space.

Satisfied with what he saw, or didn't see, Ryan went back into the kitchen to grab his knife case and exited through the back delivery door. Locking it behind him, he walked over to his Vespa and clipped the knife case to the front where his legs would go as well. Grabbing his helmet, he started the vehicle and started his ride home.

The night breeze ruffled his light dress shirt. Tugging at his light windbreaker, he clicked through a few songs before getting going.

The thought remained. What or how would Vika respond.....
In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

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