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Keeping an eye on this!
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am, Traveling from Sun Elf Kingdom to River port.
Location: The woods outside River Port then into River Port
Interactions: Boar, Joverine
Mentions: @Alivefalling
Equipment: New backpack acquired from Sun Elf Kingdom odds and ends, traveling essentials including portal hygiene products, his journal along with the ink pot and quill, a small fire starter kit, a water canteen, and a bed roll tied to the top of his backpack, coin purse tied to his belt containing approx. 450 amas from his previous commission. Personal axe, forged from iron but etched with intricate markings, a 'travel-sized' pickaxe, made from iron and kept simple.

Orenn grimaced. The boar had managed to strike him on his left thigh as well. After stumbling back a few steps, the pain panged through the entire left side of his body. "Nngg. You just had to get me one time too, eh, laddie." Orenn exhaled sharply, his blue eyes seemed more icy than normal.

Facing the boar that was readying another charge, Orenn readied himself for what is to come. In his mind, images of how he was going to kill the boar flashed. He could go for a straight-forward swing and separate the boar's head from its body. He can go for a crippling blow, severing the boar's lower legs from the upper counterparts. Or... He can...

Orenn's eyes opened. With a small smile that conveyed the briefest sense of sadness, Orenn switched his axe to be held with his right hand only. With a small nod that seems to acknowledge the boar, Orenn steadied himself as the boar closed in on him. With a long, but smooth, exhale, Orenn stopped the tusk that was coming straight from the boar towards his torso and used the boar's momentum to be thrusted into the air. While 'airborne' Orenn kicked his right leg outwards and swung his upper body so now he is on the back of the boar. Once there, Orenn drove the handle of his axe into the back of the boar's head with the axe blade facing skyward. The boar collapsed into the ground from carrying Orenn's weight and the force exerted from Orenn's axe handle. The forward momentum of the boar made it so the pair skidded on the ground for a few feet before coming to a stop. Meanwhile, Orenn had rotated the axe so the blade is now pointed towards the ground.

"With this blow, I honor you. I thank you for all that you provide to me. May you travel to your forefathers and be at peace."

Orenn thought in his mind. The pointy end of the axe was thrusted into the boar's throat as Orenn forcefully pulled up on the axe handle. With the previous injury sustained, the boar did not struggle much after this second blow. With one close stroke, Orenn removed his axe, leaving the carcass of the boar more or less intact.

The pain from his own injury returned. Orenn looked down as he tore a bit of fabric from his clothing and did a quick field bandage on the wound. "I suppose I'll have to head into town an get some medication for this. Lest it festers then I'm really in trouble..." he thought to himself. "But first. The boar." Orenn approached his kill, kneeling in front of the carcass. With his eyes closed, he gave it a small nod of honor and respect. After that, he got to work taking apart the boar, harvesting everything he could. Tusks, the pelt, and some meat for himself. Any other bits he could not use immediately, he had the wherewithal to burn, as to not attract more predators. With the meat, he started a fire and cooked it. The tusks and pelt he washed in a nearby river. He store the tusks into his backpack and hung the cleaned pelt to dry as he ate campfired boar.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am, Traveling from Sun Elf Kingdom to River port.
Location: The woods outside River Port
Interactions: Boar, Joverine
Mentions: @Alivefalling
Equipment: New backpack acquired from Sun Elf Kingdom odds and ends, traveling essentials including portal hygiene products, his journal along with the ink pot and quill, a small fire starter kit, a water canteen, and a bed roll tied to the top of his backpack, coin purse tied to his belt containing approx. 450 amas from his previous commission. Personal axe, forged from iron but etched with intricate markings, a 'travel-sized' pickaxe, made from iron and kept simple.

A rustle here, a snort there. Orenn was moving through the weeds in the woods, trying to track down his target. It would be inappropriate to call it his prey out here. As far as he knows, there could be creatures so big in these woods, they eat his kind in one fell swoop and doesn't even break their stride. He will approach this with caution, but in a relaxed manner.

The rustling sounds seems to have quickened. Orenn's eybrows furrowed as he drew his axe out of his belt and scanned his surroundings. He was never the most proficient hunter. His kind were never meant to be one's traditional hunter-gatherer. Sure, they farmed here and there, but in terms of animal kills, they traded or bartered in the market to fill their need. However, in Orenn's case, he has had to survive much of his adult life on his own. Trading and bartering weren't always enough. He learned to hunt, he learned to track. Most of all, he learned to survive.

"I swear I'm hearing some sort of battle-theme. Me brains must be fryin in this stupid heat. I cannae be hearing such tunes out here in the sticks..." Orenn thought to himself. He kept his axe in his dominant right arm and reached for his water canteen with his left. Before he can take the drink, however, Orenn felt a presence bearing down on him. Swinging his body slightly back and to his left, he swung his axe in a wide crescent from left to right as well. The momentum of the motion cause Orenn to pivot. "Well there ya are, ya beauty." Orenn huffed softly. A small devious grin appeared on his face as he saw the charging barrow. Orenn quickly shrugged off his pack and slung it to a nearby tree as he took his stance, ready to make his first dodge away from the boar.

As the boar approached, Orenn dropped into an athletic stance. As much as a man of his stature can muster, anyways. He also gripped his axe with both hands, sliding his right hand up quite close to the base of the axe-blade and his left hand held the handle of the axe a mere few inches from the bottom. Orenn licked his lips and in a flash the boar was on him. Sliding his left foot back behind his right, he turned his entire body sideways to the boar charging in a straight line and with both hands on his axe, he attempted to take a big hack at the body of the boar...

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am, Traveling from Sun Elf Kingdom to River port.
Location: Sun Elf Kingdom, but ultimately River Port
Interactions: None, other than NPCs creatures in the wild
Mentions: None.
Equipment: New backpack acquired from Sun Elf Kingdom odds and ends, traveling essentials including portal hygiene products, his journal along with the ink pot and quill, a small fire starter kit, a water canteen, and a bed roll tied to the top of his backpack, coin purse tied to his belt containing approx. 450 amas from his previous commission. Personal axe, forged from iron but etched with intricate markings, a 'travel-sized' pickaxe, made from iron and kept simple.

Stepping out of Odds and Ends, Orenn adjusted the strap on his backpack once he stashed all of his things in there. Though there isn't a whole lot in his pack anyways. He browsed the outfits, sure. But, unfortunately, there were nothing for a man his size. Of course, he could have something tailored for him, but that just would not be the Dwarven way. Sure. modern comforts are nice. But, thats not how Orenn was raised. Orenn has lamented the downfall of his family, but he has since gotten over that. He has embraced his life. Maybe, just maybe he can recover the Fists of Thror. Maybe he can restore his family's glory. Or maybe he was just destined to be a anonymous blacksmith toiling away in his small, unassuming shop.

Brushing off the thought, Orenn stopped by a nearby stall and bought some food that were made for travel. He looked around, thinking that he should head to River Port to see if there are more information on the stone that he is hunting for. He thought about writing a letter to his commissioner and telling him that this project will have to be put on pause due to the difficulty of acquiring the material they had requested. Thank goodness for non-refundable retainers. Orenn sighed, and started for the port in which he can catch a boat and head towards River Port...

-Nothing of note happened during his travel. He kept to himself and stayed away from the other folks on the boat also making the trip to River Port. He did end up writing that letter to his commissioner, putting his current commission on pause, until he can hunt down the stone, that is...-

Upon arriving at River Port, he realized that the pickaxe he brought with him is needing some maintenance. He found a simple toolshop in River Port that let him use their furnace and anvil for the small price of 10 amas. Orenn scoffed, but paid the price nonetheless. After all, a mere 10 amas was worth the price to keep all of his tools well oiled and sharp. He looked around, not wanting to pay for food and lodging for now. He thought to himself as he started to head to the surrounding forest "Hm. Maybe I can find some nice stones and iron to work and maybe hunt a Joverine Boar for food and use their tusk as decoration on my next piece of work..."

Orenn then began his hunt, primarily looking for the Joverine Boar while seeing if he can find a small cave somewhere to dig for some ores he can work with...
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 8:30 am, Summer Solstice
Location: The Glistening Lord Inn and Tavern, Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: None, other than NPCs in the inn
Mentions: None.
Equipment: Rucksack filled with travel essentials, small personal axe, checked in with innkeep.

A soft thud could be heard from the room. Orenn grumbles as he sets down his mug of ale. Breakfast was simple. Eggs, sausage, toasted bread with a few mugs of brown ale to wash it all down. Letting out a heavy sigh, Orenn took out a leather-bound journal and opened it. Peering inside, he shifted a small, hand-drawn map to an empty spot on the table and set out a small jar of ink and quill to write with. Small tinkling sounds can be heard as he tapped the quill into the ink bottle.

Unsuccessful, as of right now, to acquire Tyrfing stone. It's apparently damn rare. Shit. Maybe I should have charged more. I've run through about 450 amas of the 600 retainer I took and it seems like I'm nowhere near this damn stone. Nothing in Yenworth. Nothing in North Pass. Nothing in Roshmi. I swear if I find out that the damn stone is found in River Fairy Kingdom or something I'd be pissed. I'll have to write a separate letter to that guy and ask for more from the remaining 600 amas... I'd really not want to do that. I have the iron ready, the wood for the handle, and leather for the wraps. I just need the damn stone. And now there is this shite with the dark elves declaring war. Fuck sakes. Can't everyone just leave each other alone? Why does it have to be all this conquering and bloodshed? Just find some good stone to work, and work.

Orenn physically shook his head as he tapped the quill back into the ink bottle and took another dram of the brown ale in his mug. What is it with this stone anyways. Why was it so hard to find? Orenn took a look at the map and tried to decide on a route he can take. He'll head towards River Port next. There are lots of people at the port. A blessing and a curse for him. Lots of information coming and going, but also a lot of judgment. Sighing, he sealed up the jar of ink and secure the quill before closing up the journal, satisfied with his latest entry. He flipped through a few more pages and looked at a few recipes and pondered some adjustments as he finished up his ale.

Once the ale mug was emptied, he got up and tidied up a bit. As brutish as his people might seem, they're still generally well-mannered and well-raised. Double checking that all of his belongings were packed away into his rucksack, his coin purse was tied to his waist and a charm that was passed down through his family was fastened to the necklace around his neck. Sheathing his axe to his waistband, Orenn exited the room and paid for his stay before leaving the inn and headed into town for more information and to, hopefully, outright buy the elusive stone...
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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