Yūdai, Tokumei

【Full Name】
Yūdai, Tokumei
Senkensha - Second in Command [Sensory Division]

【Birth Country】
【Current Village】
Kyokujitsu no Tochi
【Shinobi Rank】
Tokebetsu Jounin

Tokumei is laid back, despite his analytical abilities. This is mostly done to counter the sometimes overwhelming amount of information that is barraging him at a time.
Despite being the youngest child of five, Tokumei is exceptional within his own right.
His first seven years of life were during the war. In fact, Tokumei is the only one of his siblings that 'served' during the war. His abilities were picked up on very early by Touzoku, who, at the time, was part of Kyokujitsugakure's Intelligence Division. Given the nature of his abilities, he served as a sensor in the the medical camps - the only reason Shadan and Suishou would have allowed them to do so. Under the protection of his father, Tokumei was charged with detecting nearby presences and relay communication throughout the camp. At this stage of his life, only 6 years old, and just before the end of the war, Tokumei started to develop his abilities and refine them. During those early years the range of his power was incredibly limited.
As he grew up, he formally joined the Senkensha, Kyokujitsu no Tochi's sensory division before he even graduated the academy. It was a special exception made solely to him given the unique nature of his abilities. Tokumei's kekkei genkai is a closely kept secret with his family and the high ranks of Kyokujitsugakure knowing of its existence. Because of his ability's importance, Tokumei rarely leaves the village. He has a specialized office within the Sankage's compound specifically for him. His superior, Shiō, also works directly within the Sankage's compound.
Because of his abilities, Tokumei was granted the position of second-in-command of the Senkensha. Shiō actually often concedes to his abilities and judgement, given that he is technically the superior sensor. However, Shiō, partially of virtue of being Nara, and partially a virtue of her being Shiō, is the superior tactician.
Tokumei's alternative role is directly with Sankage Ayameko to provide theoretical modelling for their research.

【Chakra Nature(s)】
【Abilities and Special Traits】
Tokumei is, by partial virtue of his Kekkei Genkai, one of the most powerful sensor shinobi in the world. Additionally, he is innately gifted with an analytical mind and naturally eidetic memory. Tokumei is incapable of preforming most ninjutsu, despite having the skills and knowledge to preform them due to how his chakra behaves. Due to his kekkei genkai, Tokumei is exceptionally skilled with fuuinjutsu. He is also exceptionally gifted at shape manipulation despite his inability to use most techniques.
Tokumei also has exceptionally high chakra reserves and control, despite his inability to use these for most things.
Tokumei, despite many attempts to train him over the years, is completely inept at almost all forms of jutsu, except for fuuinjutsu, which are even still occasionally hit and miss. He is barely an academy graduate in taijutsu, and mostly only able to do anything due to his kekkei genkai's ability to analyze.

【Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Name of Weapon or Item:

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Jōhō Seido [Information System]
Clan: N/A
Description: Jōhō Seido is a multi-faceted kekkei genkai. The first, and most utilized characteristic of Tokumei's kekkei genkai is his ability to process large amounts of information. This includes secondhand information by utilizing jutsu specific to his kekkei genkai.
The second ability is his ability to visualize information as it is happening to things within his visual range, as Jōhō Seido does provide the bearer with a doujutsu. However, this ability is not limited to the doujutsu, but can be preformed within a predetermined sphere of influence. The visualization of this data can include recognition of patterns, chakra pool, display of trajectories, or other data. With usage of other techniques, this sort of visual overlay can be transferred to other individuals. Tokumei's visual prowess is significant enough he can see the flow of chakra in minute detail.
The third ability of his kekkei genkai relates to the second ability and his ability to create 'networks'. For most instances, these networks are created by contact with his chakra. With techniques, this allows Tokumei a number of abilities, which includes the transference of information.
The fourth ability of his kekkei genkai is the ability to store the information gathered with this kekkei genkai.
【Canon Jutsu】
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Kiru Koto [Hack]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu [Kekkei Genkai]
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: N/A
Description: Tokumei forcibly withdraws information from an individual that is connected to his network. Unfortunately, connecting an individual who is unwilling into his network is potentially difficult.
Weakness: Tokumei cannot modify or delete information from an individuals brain. Cannot be used on those outside his connections.
Name of Technique: Setsuzoku-bu [Connection] / Chūkei [Relay]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Tokumei's Setsuzoku-bu can be executed in multiple methods. The first, and most common, is physical touch by him, or someone already under the effect of Setsuzoku-bu, which, at this point, allows him to duplicate and transfer the effect of Setsuzoku-bu. The second option is through a seal, inscribed on a tag, the ground, or other object and then having an individual make contact with him. The third method is similar to the Puppet String technique in which he can project a thin line of energy out at an individual or object, including from people already under the effect of his connection. The range of the technique is limited depending on the method of connection. While it is possible to maintain a long distance connection, even spanning halfway through Kyokujitsu no Tochi, in base form by committing significant time, energy, and focus on maintaining the connection, the alternative method of long range connection is utilizing the fuuinjutsu form of the seal which shapes portions of the body's electrical field to maintain the connection, extending the connection that can be maintained to incredible proportions. The limiter on this is that Tokumei's connections with those at greater distance are much weaker unless they are within 30 miles of a Chūkei [Relay] seal. This technique does nothing other than facilitate his other techniques.
Weakness: Limited range depending on method of contact. If using long distances with a basic connection, then he must focus on that individual if they are significant distances away. This technique does nothing other than facilitate his other techniques.
Name of Technique: Jōhō Tensō [Information Transfer]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Jōhō Tensō is a multi-faceted technique that can only be executed on those under the effects of Connection. The first function of Jōhō Tensō is to allow the user to download information from a willing individual, allowing Tokumei to gain a copy of the memories as well. The second function is the opposite in which he can transfer information to another individual, including the visualization (arcs, trajectories, etc) of data that Tokuemei is capable of or even items such as techniques they are theoretically capable of. In the instance of technique Tokumei can only transfer that information temporarily with fabricated muscle memory before the body reverts. Visualization creates an experience unique to the individual under Jōhō Tensō and thus is as good as their memory is natively. The third function is as a communication system using between those marked where Tokumei behaves as a relay. By virtue of the third function, Tokumei is able to take sensory information from one individual an overlay it with his own.
Weakness: Requires the Connection technique.
Name of Technique: Angō-ka Shimasu [Encrypt]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 3
Description: Tokumei's technique is a method of dealing with counterseals on his, or allies, fuuinjutsu. By forming a connection with a seal (his are already under these effects), Tokumei 'encrypts' his seals, changing the seal's function and appearance into gibberish while maintaining the effects of the seal using an algorithm that only Tokumei knows. Tokumei uses an mutating algorithm that alters the original algorithm at specified times. As a personal effect, Tokumei has an encryption algorithm over the encryption algorithm within his own mind, leaving only certain mental functionality. As an inadvertent effect, his is unable to be put under the effects of most Genjutsu.
Weakness: Requires a connection or is limited to personal range.
Name of Technique: Hyōji Gamen [View Screen]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: C
Range: Very short
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Creates construct of chakra in front of Tokumei that allows others to see the information he is processing at the time or him to show specific elements to individuals. Mostly utilized as a technique for planning battles.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Jikkō Kanōna [Executable]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: S
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Tokumei's ultimate use of his kekkei genkai and his only outright ability to perform combat. By performing the handsigns for a jutsu he knows, he can utilize the technique utilizing the chakra of an allied individual. However, the technique must also be one that they are capable of utilizing - more specifically, it requires the ability to use the chakra nature or possess the genetic traits of using such a technique in order to be preformed.
Weakness: Requires connections. Additionally, the techniques Tokumei uses through this technique still have indications of usage providing they have handsigns. This is indicated by symbols appearing around the individual.
Name of Technique: Denkai [Electrical Field]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 3
Description: This technique can be executed in two methods. The first is constructing a seal on the ground. The alternative is for him to create a point within his visual range and then expand the field. This provides more detailed information on the position of an individual.
Weakness: Certain techniques can create points where he cannot sense with the confines of an area. Mostly these would be very specific barrier techniques or certain high level Raiton techniques.
Name of Technique: Sakidō [Reboot]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Sends a small electrical signal to body or brain of the individual Tokumei is connected with. This is non-damaging, but is used to counter Genjutsu they may be under.
Weakness: Requires a preexisting connection.
Name of Technique: Kasai Kabe [Fire Wall]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: S
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Continuous
Description: A disruption technique derived from his brother and Yggdrasil. By placing an individual within the confines of a seal he has created, he can prevent the formation of techniques by them providing he continues to preform handsigns similar to Yggdrasil by creating imbalances of energy within the individual. While not in every instance, this is most frequently done by utilizing natural energy. The second effect of Kasai Kabe is the ability for the user to create an electrical field of this effect, which means most techniques, including techniques that manipulate timespace will falter when in contact with the technique.
Weakness: Only one individual can be under the effect of this technique aside from Tokumei himself.
Name of Technique: Chūsha [Injection]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: A counter sealing technique. By making a connection with a seal through his other techniques, Tokumei can do a variety of things. In most instances, this will essentially alter most seals and make them useless. Of course, the alternative, and in the event that the seal falls under a class that cannot be altered, Tokumei can inject a sequence into the seal allowing him to determine what the seals effects are and the moment it is activated.
Weakness: Requires a connection.
Name of Technique: Jidō Jikkō [Auto Run]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu - Fuuinjutsu, Kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Similar to the Jikkō Kanōna, but more restrictive. This technique allows Tokumei to automate certain technique processes without the need for conscious usage, allowing him to quickly and easily deploy multiple techniques or continue to keep his techniques active in the event he is incapacitated. For his personal techniques, this is much easier and he can have many of his techniques continue to run or activate with mere though. For techniques that he has merely stored into his database through his kekkei genkai, typically techniques taken from others, he can only use it on a maximum of 5 techniques. When paired with Jikkō Kanōna, Tokumei pays the cost of the technique as well as the person he is using as a conduit. This can integrate with Hyōji Gamen to allow others to use activate techniques instead of him. In fuuinjutsu format, this technique can be used to program single techniques into items as well.
Weakness: Requires connection for usage outside self.

【Full Name】
Yūdai, Tokumei
Senkensha - Second in Command [Sensory Division]

【Birth Country】
【Current Village】
Kyokujitsu no Tochi
【Shinobi Rank】
Tokebetsu Jounin

Tokumei is laid back, despite his analytical abilities. This is mostly done to counter the sometimes overwhelming amount of information that is barraging him at a time.
Despite being the youngest child of five, Tokumei is exceptional within his own right.
His first seven years of life were during the war. In fact, Tokumei is the only one of his siblings that 'served' during the war. His abilities were picked up on very early by Touzoku, who, at the time, was part of Kyokujitsugakure's Intelligence Division. Given the nature of his abilities, he served as a sensor in the the medical camps - the only reason Shadan and Suishou would have allowed them to do so. Under the protection of his father, Tokumei was charged with detecting nearby presences and relay communication throughout the camp. At this stage of his life, only 6 years old, and just before the end of the war, Tokumei started to develop his abilities and refine them. During those early years the range of his power was incredibly limited.
As he grew up, he formally joined the Senkensha, Kyokujitsu no Tochi's sensory division before he even graduated the academy. It was a special exception made solely to him given the unique nature of his abilities. Tokumei's kekkei genkai is a closely kept secret with his family and the high ranks of Kyokujitsugakure knowing of its existence. Because of his ability's importance, Tokumei rarely leaves the village. He has a specialized office within the Sankage's compound specifically for him. His superior, Shiō, also works directly within the Sankage's compound.
Because of his abilities, Tokumei was granted the position of second-in-command of the Senkensha. Shiō actually often concedes to his abilities and judgement, given that he is technically the superior sensor. However, Shiō, partially of virtue of being Nara, and partially a virtue of her being Shiō, is the superior tactician.
Tokumei's alternative role is directly with Sankage Ayameko to provide theoretical modelling for their research.

【Chakra Nature(s)】
【Abilities and Special Traits】
Tokumei is, by partial virtue of his Kekkei Genkai, one of the most powerful sensor shinobi in the world. Additionally, he is innately gifted with an analytical mind and naturally eidetic memory. Tokumei is incapable of preforming most ninjutsu, despite having the skills and knowledge to preform them due to how his chakra behaves. Due to his kekkei genkai, Tokumei is exceptionally skilled with fuuinjutsu. He is also exceptionally gifted at shape manipulation despite his inability to use most techniques.
Tokumei also has exceptionally high chakra reserves and control, despite his inability to use these for most things.
Tokumei, despite many attempts to train him over the years, is completely inept at almost all forms of jutsu, except for fuuinjutsu, which are even still occasionally hit and miss. He is barely an academy graduate in taijutsu, and mostly only able to do anything due to his kekkei genkai's ability to analyze.

【Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Name of Weapon or Item:

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Jōhō Seido [Information System]
Clan: N/A
Description: Jōhō Seido is a multi-faceted kekkei genkai. The first, and most utilized characteristic of Tokumei's kekkei genkai is his ability to process large amounts of information. This includes secondhand information by utilizing jutsu specific to his kekkei genkai.
The second ability is his ability to visualize information as it is happening to things within his visual range, as Jōhō Seido does provide the bearer with a doujutsu. However, this ability is not limited to the doujutsu, but can be preformed within a predetermined sphere of influence. The visualization of this data can include recognition of patterns, chakra pool, display of trajectories, or other data. With usage of other techniques, this sort of visual overlay can be transferred to other individuals. Tokumei's visual prowess is significant enough he can see the flow of chakra in minute detail.
The third ability of his kekkei genkai relates to the second ability and his ability to create 'networks'. For most instances, these networks are created by contact with his chakra. With techniques, this allows Tokumei a number of abilities, which includes the transference of information.
The fourth ability of his kekkei genkai is the ability to store the information gathered with this kekkei genkai.
【Canon Jutsu】
【Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Kiru Koto [Hack]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu [Kekkei Genkai]
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: N/A
Description: Tokumei forcibly withdraws information from an individual that is connected to his network. Unfortunately, connecting an individual who is unwilling into his network is potentially difficult.
Weakness: Tokumei cannot modify or delete information from an individuals brain. Cannot be used on those outside his connections.
Name of Technique: Setsuzoku-bu [Connection] / Chūkei [Relay]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Tokumei's Setsuzoku-bu can be executed in multiple methods. The first, and most common, is physical touch by him, or someone already under the effect of Setsuzoku-bu, which, at this point, allows him to duplicate and transfer the effect of Setsuzoku-bu. The second option is through a seal, inscribed on a tag, the ground, or other object and then having an individual make contact with him. The third method is similar to the Puppet String technique in which he can project a thin line of energy out at an individual or object, including from people already under the effect of his connection. The range of the technique is limited depending on the method of connection. While it is possible to maintain a long distance connection, even spanning halfway through Kyokujitsu no Tochi, in base form by committing significant time, energy, and focus on maintaining the connection, the alternative method of long range connection is utilizing the fuuinjutsu form of the seal which shapes portions of the body's electrical field to maintain the connection, extending the connection that can be maintained to incredible proportions. The limiter on this is that Tokumei's connections with those at greater distance are much weaker unless they are within 30 miles of a Chūkei [Relay] seal. This technique does nothing other than facilitate his other techniques.
Weakness: Limited range depending on method of contact. If using long distances with a basic connection, then he must focus on that individual if they are significant distances away. This technique does nothing other than facilitate his other techniques.
Name of Technique: Jōhō Tensō [Information Transfer]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Jōhō Tensō is a multi-faceted technique that can only be executed on those under the effects of Connection. The first function of Jōhō Tensō is to allow the user to download information from a willing individual, allowing Tokumei to gain a copy of the memories as well. The second function is the opposite in which he can transfer information to another individual, including the visualization (arcs, trajectories, etc) of data that Tokuemei is capable of or even items such as techniques they are theoretically capable of. In the instance of technique Tokumei can only transfer that information temporarily with fabricated muscle memory before the body reverts. Visualization creates an experience unique to the individual under Jōhō Tensō and thus is as good as their memory is natively. The third function is as a communication system using between those marked where Tokumei behaves as a relay. By virtue of the third function, Tokumei is able to take sensory information from one individual an overlay it with his own.
Weakness: Requires the Connection technique.
Name of Technique: Angō-ka Shimasu [Encrypt]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 3
Description: Tokumei's technique is a method of dealing with counterseals on his, or allies, fuuinjutsu. By forming a connection with a seal (his are already under these effects), Tokumei 'encrypts' his seals, changing the seal's function and appearance into gibberish while maintaining the effects of the seal using an algorithm that only Tokumei knows. Tokumei uses an mutating algorithm that alters the original algorithm at specified times. As a personal effect, Tokumei has an encryption algorithm over the encryption algorithm within his own mind, leaving only certain mental functionality. As an inadvertent effect, his is unable to be put under the effects of most Genjutsu.
Weakness: Requires a connection or is limited to personal range.
Name of Technique: Hyōji Gamen [View Screen]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: C
Range: Very short
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Creates construct of chakra in front of Tokumei that allows others to see the information he is processing at the time or him to show specific elements to individuals. Mostly utilized as a technique for planning battles.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Jikkō Kanōna [Executable]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai
Rank: S
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Tokumei's ultimate use of his kekkei genkai and his only outright ability to perform combat. By performing the handsigns for a jutsu he knows, he can utilize the technique utilizing the chakra of an allied individual. However, the technique must also be one that they are capable of utilizing - more specifically, it requires the ability to use the chakra nature or possess the genetic traits of using such a technique in order to be preformed.
Weakness: Requires connections. Additionally, the techniques Tokumei uses through this technique still have indications of usage providing they have handsigns. This is indicated by symbols appearing around the individual.
Name of Technique: Denkai [Electrical Field]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 3
Description: This technique can be executed in two methods. The first is constructing a seal on the ground. The alternative is for him to create a point within his visual range and then expand the field. This provides more detailed information on the position of an individual.
Weakness: Certain techniques can create points where he cannot sense with the confines of an area. Mostly these would be very specific barrier techniques or certain high level Raiton techniques.
Name of Technique: Sakidō [Reboot]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: Sends a small electrical signal to body or brain of the individual Tokumei is connected with. This is non-damaging, but is used to counter Genjutsu they may be under.
Weakness: Requires a preexisting connection.
Name of Technique: Kasai Kabe [Fire Wall]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, kekkei genkai
Rank: S
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Continuous
Description: A disruption technique derived from his brother and Yggdrasil. By placing an individual within the confines of a seal he has created, he can prevent the formation of techniques by them providing he continues to preform handsigns similar to Yggdrasil by creating imbalances of energy within the individual. While not in every instance, this is most frequently done by utilizing natural energy. The second effect of Kasai Kabe is the ability for the user to create an electrical field of this effect, which means most techniques, including techniques that manipulate timespace will falter when in contact with the technique.
Weakness: Only one individual can be under the effect of this technique aside from Tokumei himself.
Name of Technique: Chūsha [Injection]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: 1
Description: A counter sealing technique. By making a connection with a seal through his other techniques, Tokumei can do a variety of things. In most instances, this will essentially alter most seals and make them useless. Of course, the alternative, and in the event that the seal falls under a class that cannot be altered, Tokumei can inject a sequence into the seal allowing him to determine what the seals effects are and the moment it is activated.
Weakness: Requires a connection.
Name of Technique: Jidō Jikkō [Auto Run]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu - Fuuinjutsu, Kekkei genkai
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Raiton
Handseals: Variable
Description: Similar to the Jikkō Kanōna, but more restrictive. This technique allows Tokumei to automate certain technique processes without the need for conscious usage, allowing him to quickly and easily deploy multiple techniques or continue to keep his techniques active in the event he is incapacitated. For his personal techniques, this is much easier and he can have many of his techniques continue to run or activate with mere though. For techniques that he has merely stored into his database through his kekkei genkai, typically techniques taken from others, he can only use it on a maximum of 5 techniques. When paired with Jikkō Kanōna, Tokumei pays the cost of the technique as well as the person he is using as a conduit. This can integrate with Hyōji Gamen to allow others to use activate techniques instead of him. In fuuinjutsu format, this technique can be used to program single techniques into items as well.
Weakness: Requires connection for usage outside self.