Shikata Ayameko and Friends
Shadan embraced Tensai strongly.
"Ah, my friend, too long," Shadan replied. For most, his tone would almost be shouting, but for those that had experience with the boisterous shinobi would know that was actually his reserved 'inside' voice.
"We will have to drink tonight to your new role as Ambassador." He patted Tensai's back with enough force that it would have knocked a small tree over. Shadan's wife, Suishō bowed to both the Tsuchikage and Tensai in respect.
Shadan, of course, was not done,
"Lord Tsuchikage! What a pleasure to meet you." The large man moved into hug the Tsuchikage, having since released Tensai. This earned a sharp look from Suishō into the back of his skull.
Ayameko said nothing but smiled at the antics of her friend. It was one of the reasons she had brought Shadan and his family along on the trip. It was very difficult not to smile around him. He would have made a good ambassador himself, but, unlike Tensai, he did not have the reserve in the situations that called for such skills.
"Lord Tsuchikage," Ayameko replied,
"There is no need to be concerned. Your men were only doing what they thought was best for the village. They should not, and you should not, feel at all ashamed." She waved her hand, a gesture that the situation was something to brush aside,
"And yes, please lead the way to your office. We should discuss a few items in advance of the festival tomorrow. But first, please let me introduce you to my travelling companions for this trip.""You already know Shadan," Ayameko smiled, knowing at this point Shadan needed no introduction,
"But this would be part of his family. His wife Suishō, who is assisting as my guard for this trip." Ayameko gestured to the dark haired, slender woman with the bow.
"Her children, Tokumei, Kisaki, and Kei. Kei also serves as my assistant and I have just appointed Kisaki to ambassador to Kumogakure."Kisaki and Kei bowed to the Tsuchikage when Ayameko gestured to the respective individual. Kei smiled, while Kisaki maintained her stern expression, which made her look even more like her mother. In fact, the only truly obvious difference between the two was the slight age visible on Suishō's face and Kisaki's golden hair.
She did not say much about Tokumei as his position in the village was hard to explain. While invaluable, he had no real formal title. She had thought about giving him one, but after discussing it with the youth, they had both felt there was no need. She appreciated his ability to provide his skills to the village with little recognition, which is why she respected the youth so highly. This trip was part of a way to show this appreciation, knowing he should be relatively safe within the Land of Earth with the rest of his family, as well as Tensai.
"Tensai," Ayameko added, turning to her old friend and Ambassador,
"Shiori and Yui are packing their things and should be moving within the week. I believe they are still packing books for the move." Ayameko smiled at the thought of that, knowing the move of the Yuki's would probably give the Land of Earth a significant increase in reading material between the two young women alone.
It was at that moment another group landed, having been riding upon a flying sheep.
"We are here for the festival as well," Chiyoko stated, swinging her leg over the sheep to put both feet on the ground. A small child, no more than four, remained on the sheep.
"My sheep refused to go anywhere else, I think, for the sake of this child who he believes is interested in attending this event," she continued to explain, wanting to clarify that she was not there to cause issues. Chiyoko was visibly a bit different than most, so she often found that it was necessary to explain to others what precisely she was doing - and it wasn't just because of the sheep. Even when she spoke, in front of two Kage's, she had this far off look in her face.
Ayameko was a bit familiar with the strange woman who had visited her own village awhile back and was now in charge of her protege's child. It was a strange arrangement, but it wasn't her place to question 'Kyokujitsugakure's Best Parents' for the last three years in a row.
Shadan waved at Tokiko, the child that was seated on Hitsujiki.
Chiyoko realized that the situation may be confusing,
"I am Chiyoko. I am from the Land of the Moon. I am a wandering spiritualist. These are my companions, Hitsujiki," she gestured to the sheep, and then gestured to the child,
"And Tokiko, who Hitsujiki looks after." She followed this up with an awkward bow in the direction of Shadan who she assumed was leading the group based on his size.
Hitsujiki bleated a response to Chiyoko's introduction, assumably an honor to the presence of the two Kage. Tokiko merely made a giggling noise before almost falling off of Hitsujiki's back.