Avatar of Innue
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  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.36 / day)
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    1. Innue 11 yrs ago
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Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
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Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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Alright now that thaf was fixed (hopefully) i realized my cs is basically done. Let me know if theres anything i should fix/change

I think you'll want to spend a bit more time thinking through the bio. For a jounin, your character is very outclassed by many of the other characters (even some of the Gennin and Chuunin) and would have a hard time holding his own. I'm willing to help you out as much as I can with this, but I'd need to know a few things.

For starters, we need to decide how you want your character to actually operate in combat. What sorts of tactics does he prefer? What strengths does he have? What are his weak points? Does her prefer operating at ranged or does he like to get up close for his attacks? I do know your character probably would want to operate at close range given his name. It might be good to think through some tactics he could do with that (it would be potentially good based of the history for him to have begun to develop some elemental kenjutsu (sword techniques) after realizing it was a potent combination).

Some example techniques would be:
- <Jutsu Name> ignites his blade with a hot flame, extending the offensive reach of the weapon by a few feet as well as making the blade harder to avoid.
- Rekindle - With a strong Katon chakra nature, Akira is capable of reigniting any object or individual that has been hit in the last few seconds by his sword of his flame techniques with a lesser version of the flame technique already used. The longer he waits between utilizing Rekindle from the initial attack, the weaker Rekindle is. Rekindle cannot be used on Rekindle.

But without knowing more about your character, it is hard for me to offer more advice (it is also really late at night for me right now).

What I may suggest, especially given how cutthroat some of the characters can be in this thread, is to consider playing a lower ranked character, such as a Chuunin or even a Gennin (there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, plus with a gennin we could start a squad for Kyokujitsugakure). The advantage to this is you will A) be less of a target B) be under the protection of other high ranking members of your village. This will allow you to get ideas for additional techniques that your character can learn as he progresses (I know you are eager to jump in right now, but your character just isn't quite Jounin level), as well as learn from some of the more experienced fighters on the thread (combat roleplay can be challenging).

Just don't feel discouraged. There is a lot of people on the thread who can help if you really want to commit to that jounin or if you want to get into the thread quicker, consider a chuunin or even a gennin. I'll work with you on either way you want to go.
Sankage Ayameko, Yūdai Family, & the Wandering Monk

Despite the crisis in Kirigakure, the Sankage had made a point to ensure she would have time to visit the Land of Earth. The steps the new Tsuchikage was taking to come out of their isolation were quite bold and it was her duty to support the other leaders in their endeavors. Positive relationships with the other nations were the best way to avoid a repeat of the war that felt not that long ago. Accompanying her, she had brought her assistant Kei, as well as the Yūdai family that was currently dispatched with other missions. Of course, they were technically her guard while visiting Iwagakure, but it was intended to be a break for them as well. She had known the family for years. In fact, her assistant was in a relationship with her grandson, who unfortunately, had been too busy to attend the function.

Shadan had spent most of the time talking Ayameko's ears off in his loud, boisterous tone earning him sharp looks from his wife for irritating the Sankage. Kei, Kisaki, and Tokumei had joined in on the family vacation. Kei had, of course, encouraged her father's behavior, while Kisaki merely walked in silence the entire way. Tokumei had also been silent, seemingly occupied with a significant amount of analysis as he walked - a feat that impressed the Sankage.

Ayameko had left the village in the hands of Kakugyō, her head of military, and was intending to meet Tensai, her newly established Ambassador to the Land of Earth for the festival as well. It was a new position she had created, specifically for the Land of Earth. It was sort of a litmus test to see if it was worth establishing for the Land of Wind as well, another nation she did not necessarily have a strong relationship with. Kumogakure was one of the nations they traded the most with, given their proximity to the smiths in the Land of Iron and their long rapport with each other.

Of course, the selection of Tensai as the Ambassador was mostly because the man was at the stage of his life where he wanted quiet and refused to accept any other position of authority in the village. An ambassador position allowed him to serve his nation, and by virtue of that, assist in ensuring the prosperity of his family, while staying in what she hoped would be a position that would not cause him undue stress. It was an important position, but suited Tensai's nature quite well. She had nothing but confidence in him - one of the few people she classified as a dear friend.

Ayameko was arrive the day before the festival to ensure she did not miss any of the festivities as well as with the intention of sitting down with the Tsuchikage and Tensai beforehand to discuss the future of their nations together. That would also make the situation less stressful for her travelling companions who were either taking their job too seriously or already on vacation. Ayameko had always been amused by the drastic personality differences in that family and amazed just how strong their family bonds remained.

Despite the great journey, Ayameko now stood outside the southern gate of Iwagakure.

"I am Sankage Ayameko and I am here at invite of the Tsuchikage. I have brought my travelling companions along with me," Ayameko called, waiting patiently outside the gate to be escorted inside, and ideally, to the Tsuchikage himself. She gestured politely to the Yūdai clan that had accompanied her to the festival. Shadan waved energetically while the others remained more serious, making his response look even more unusual.

Chiyoko, Hitsujiki, and Tokiko had been travelling from the east of the Land of Earth towards the capital. Chiyoko had intended to visit the Land of Iron first to find out any more information on any of the relics she was hunting down, but word of a festival had changed her mind. Hitsujiki had refused to travel anywhere but Iwagakure upon hearing about the festival, pitting the sheep in a battle of wills against the monk. Ultimately, Hitsujiki had won out, partially because Chiyoko did not know the landscape well enough to bypass her need for the sheep as a vehicle.

Chiyoko suspected Hitsujiki was mostly refusing to go to the Land of Iron because of Tokiko, who he had taken a special liking too back in Kyokujitsugakure. Strangely enough, the couple that were the parents of the child had no issue giving their child up to the sheep, citing that, "It would provide him with real world experience." Hitsujiki had been thrilled and the child seemed to have no issue travelling. He spent most of his time riding on Hitsujiki as the sheep hovered of the ground beside Chiyoko, when she felt like walking, or in front of Chiyoko when she was riding on Hitsujiki as well.

Chiyoko hoped that it would not prove problematic to get within the city for the festival. Some places were less accommodating to outsiders, especially ones that didn't necessarily have money. While she did have a few bits of various currency, and items to trade, she knew she probably wouldn't have much for anything extravagant. She also expected prices to be high for any sort of food or lodging given the likely demand generated by the festival and that was coupled with her need to keep those items to trade with people for information on the items she was trying to track down from the ancient scrolls her clan had written long ago.

Chiyoko noticed another party at the gates of Iwagakure far off in the distance, noticing that much of the city was well secured. While she could use Hitsujiki to fly over most of the physical obstructions, not knowing what defenses they had, and not wanting to seem antagonistic, she deemed it was best to also attempt to enter through the southern gate.

@yoshua171 At the moment yes. That is a reason why an invitation was send to the other Kage to come to Iwagakure's creation festival.

Okay, I am going to have a bunch of characters show up then for you.
@MonkeyBusiness, what is Iwagakure's focus as a nation?

FYI Konohagakure doesn't exist anymore. It is now Kyokujitsu no Tochi (referring to the nation) and Kyokujitsugakure (referring to the capital). The Land of Fire is merely a territory in Kyokujitsu no Tochi.
Are the Uchiha or Hyuuga clans available if not I have other Ideas

Yes, they are available.
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