Yūdai, Kisaki

Full Name】
Yūdai, Kisaki【
Arashi no Megami (Goddess of Storms)【
Ambassador to Kumogakure【
Birth Country】
Kyokujitsu no Tochi, Windspeaker's Temple【
Current Village】
Shinobi Rank】
Kisaki is a serious woman, much like her twin. Kisaki, of all of her siblings, is by far, consider the strongest of them and she is fully aware of this power gap with her siblings. Kisaki is also jealous of her sister's position as Assistant to the Sankage.
Kisaki often prefers to spend time away from other people, especially when she needs to think. She often spends this time with her horse, Sōin.【
Kisaki is the oldest daughter of her family. Born at the Windspeaker's Temple during the war, Kisaki was considered blessed from her birth. The Windspeakers at her birth commented her eyes were so blue that she must be a child of Fuujin himself. It was that start that fostered Kisaki's skills. Like her brother, she lived many of her early years at the Temple. However, Kisaki far outpaced her brother in mastering the temple's secret techniques.
Even when the war was over and she was able to move back home, Kisaki, as well as Rin, stayed primarily at the Temple. Kisaki had begun to be groomed to take over for the current Windspeaker in the event that they step down. It was on Kisaki's tenth birthday that she would meet her companion, a beautiful white horse named Sōin. It would be noted by the priestesses that Sōin was born on the same day of the same hour of the same minute and second as she was. Since that day, the two have not been apart.
In addition to her training as Windspeaker, Kisaki spent significant time learning to be a horseman. Sōin and her have developed a deep bond from this training. The two travel together constantly, even when Kisaki doesn't need him to get places, resulting in a number of humorous scenarios in which Kisaki brought Sōin to a place she shouldn't have.
Kisaki was able to graduate at the top of her class as a gennin, beating out her brother for the same honor. She additionally excelled in her Chuunin exams, easily passing and earning herself the rank. Her promotion to Jounin was swiftly after that, making her one of Kyokujitsugakure's fastest promoted shinobi in many years.
Kisaki did meet someone at the age of 18 and was the first of her siblings to get married. She is currently married to Kakugyō, a member of the Nara clan, and head of Kyokujitsu no Tochi's military.
Chakra Nature(s)】
Abilities and Special Traits】
Kisaki's skills are highly slanted towards ninjutsu. She has a large chakra pool and incredibly fine chakra control. She is considered a prodigy at shape manipulation.
Kisaki's other traits are lacking, relying solely on her skill with ninjutsu in combat. She is decent with her fan staff in a pinch, but lacks any physical strength at all. Her speed is subpar unless augmented by some other type of technique and she lacks any skill for genjutsu.
Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Name of Weapon or Item: Senpū [Whirlwind]
Description: A specialized staff made for Kisaki by the smith Masazane Iyo. The weapon has Symbols of Fuujin on each end of the staff which allow Kisaki to channel her combination of natures through to form blades of the corresponding element (including her Araton). In addition to this, the staff is able to open to reveal that it is, in fact, two massive warfans connected by a hilt. Instead of utilizing the blade, Kisaki can unfurl the fan, or fans, and make a sweeping motion to send a mix of those natures at an opponent. This has a much shorter effective range than most of her normal ninjutsu, but requires no handsigns. If she uses both, then spins the weapon, she can create a spiraling wall of mixed elemental chakra. The fans can be wielded separately if needed.
Appearance: Name of Weapon or Item: Sōin
Description: It is a normal horse that, when needed, can have armor placed on its body to protect it.
Appearance: Looks like a 16 hand white horse.

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Hyōton
Clan: N/A
Description: Ice Release
Name of Kekkei Tota: Araton [Tempest Release]
Clan: Description: Combination of Hyōton, Fūton, Suiton, and Raiton.
Canon Jutsu】
Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Megumi no Fuujin [Grace of the Wind God]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 1
Description: By channelling a constant sphere of wind chakra around herself, Windspeaker Kisaki is able to levitate as if held aloft by currents of wind. She gains a sphere of influence around herself with which she can manipulate wind in myriad ways. The sphere extends six feet from Windspeaker Kisaki in any given direction. While within the Megumi no Fuujin, Windspeaker Kisaki is immune to all friendly Fuuton techniques. Windspeaker Kisaki’s control over the wind is so proficient that she is able to essentially fly. In addition, instead of performing handsigns, Windspeaker Kisaki is able to invoke symbols of Fuujin with simple movements that are not necessarily restricted to movement of the hands/arms. Kisaki is capable of weaving her Araton and the elements composing it into her Megumi no Fuujin for additional chakra cost, but adding the effects of those elements. This applies to all of Kisaki's techniques related to Megumi no Fuujin.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Megumi no Fuujin: Kin'yoku no Michi [Grace of the Wind God: Path of the Ascetic]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Within the Megumi no Fuujin
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 2
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki causes the boundaries of the Megumi no Fuujin to intensify greatly, causing it to deflect all physical objects or projectiles that come near it. By weaving currents of chakra through the wind, the sphere can also become impermeable to unfriendly chakra, but doing so requires intense focus that prevents the use of other techniques and movement.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Megumi no Fuujin: Hyōgi-kai no Ishi [Grace of the Wind God: Will of the Council]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Megumi no Fuujin
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 2
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki creates innumerable blades of wind nearly invisible to the naked eye within the confines of the Megumi no Fuujin. The blades cannot leave the sphere, but are so sharp and numerous that almost anything that comes into sustained contact with them will suffer immense damage. The blades can be condensed into single, visible blades that can be launched outwards from the Megumi no Fuujin at a significant reduction in power. The blades are shaped like crescent arcs, and despite their relatively reduced firepower they move very quickly and are difficult to avoid.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Kaiko no Fuujin [Wind God’s Dismissal]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 1
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki creates an incredible gust of wind in a single direction, buffeting anything it hits and sending them flying backwards. The gust can persist for up to ten seconds, gradually decreasing in potency as it does so. If an object moves with the gust, its speed is dramatically increased. While Windspeaker Kisaki is within the Megumi no Fuujin, she is unaffected by the technique unless she chooses to be.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Seidō no Fuujin [Wind God’s Sanctuary]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: N/A
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki creates a ring on the ground, up to fifty feet in diameter. The ring creates a stream of wind that physical objects and chakra cannot pass through in either direction, allowing her to provide sanctuary to allies or isolate enemies. The wind only lasts for a maximum of sixty seconds.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Kamikaze no Fuujin: Ran’un [Wind God’s Divine Whirlwind: Storm Clouds]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Long
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 3
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki gathers immense amounts of Fuuton chakra and unleashes the chakra in a constantly expanding sphere. The sphere will travel for fifty feet before dissipating, carrying any physical objects with insufficient mass or not rooted to the ground with it. As soon as the sphere dissipates, strong winds begin to gather in the area that disrupt movement and leave small lacerations in exposed skin.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Kamikaze no Fuujin: Arashi [Wind God’s Divine Whirlwind: Tempest]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Long
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 6
Description: Kamikaze no Fuujin: Arashi cannot be used until Kamikaze no Fuujin: Ran’un has been used. Windspeaker Kisaki increases the intensity of the winds created by Ran’un, causing them to become strong enough to cause light cuts through leather armour and cut deeply into exposed flesh. The winds become strong enough that moving against their currents is nigh impossible without a significant amount of physical force, and the winds are so intense at the edges of the technique that physical objects may not enter or leave.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Kamikaze no Fuujin: Hayate [Wind God’s Divine Whirlwind: Hurricane]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Long
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 12
Description: Kamikaze no Fuujin: Hayate cannot be used until Kamikaze no Fuujin: Arashi has been used. Windspeaker Kisaki brings the winds to their most intense level, strong enough to uproot old trees with ease and severely damage plate armour. The area of the technique doubles, and Windspeaker Kisaki has complete control over the direction of the winds at all times. By focusing on specific areas, Windspeaker Kisaki is able to manipulate the air pressure in order to achieve various effects, and is able to sharpen the winds to create gusts with the same cutting power as the Wind Release Slash. While within this zone, none of Windspeaker Kisaki’s techniques require Symbols of Fuujin to be used.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Namida no Fuujin [Tears of the Wind God]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Medium-Long
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin: 2
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki condenses Fuuton chakra into orbs, roughly a foot in diameter, and hurls them. At any point along the path, or when the orbs reach a hundred feet away, they explode in a sphere of wind identical to
Fūton: Atsugai at maximum power. Windspeaker Kisaki can only make two orbs per five minutes.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Ataishinai Handan [Judge Unworthy]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton/Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 3
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki manipulates frigid currents of wind to surround a target, trapping them as if they were in the
Suirō no Jutsu. Over time, the sheer cold of the wind will begin to induce frostbite in exposed flesh. The prison can only be maintained while it is within two feet of the Megumi no Fuujin, after which it dissipates immediately.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Keibetsu no Fuujin [Wind God’s Contempt]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton/Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 3
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki creates a gust of wind imbued with Hyouton chakra, resulting in a freezing cold gale that can freeze any water it comes into contact with. The gale is persistent and extremely easy to control, but it cannot leave a fifty foot radius of Windspeaker Kisaki. The wind is strong enough to knock projectiles off course.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Shidō tame Tangan [Plea for Guidance]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton/Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 3
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki sends a freezing blast of extremely harsh wind in a direction and maintains her pose as she does so, prolonging the freezing wind for as long as she maintains the pose. The wind is so cold that ice begins to crystallise on all physical objects caught within it for more than a few seconds, and after four seconds caught in the wind the target is encased in a block of solid ice.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Tenno Shimo no Hairetsu [Heavenly Array of Frost]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Nature Type: Fuuton/Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 1
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki unleashes a fast, expanding sphere of wind from herself, knocking back all enemies without sufficient mass. Additionally, the sphere leaves behind a thin veneer of frost chakra, causing any physical objects that pass through it to be coated in the chakra and frozen solid. Katon techniques that would pass through the chakra are immediately snuffed out if they are B-Ranked or lower.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Akishimo no Gishiki [Rite of Frostfall]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Range: Mid - Long
Nature Type: Fuuton/Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 10
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki prepares a vast amount of Hyouton and Fuuton chakra, and unleashes an immense hailstorm in a three hundred foot radius around herself. The storm is so vicious and so cold that enemies with insufficient insulation will succumb to frostbite and hypothermia rapidly. The winds are not particularly strong, but if this technique and Kamikaze no Fuujin: Hayate are used simultaneously, the result is a storm so powerful that it threatens destruction on the scale of the Bijuu.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Totsuzen no Akishimo [Sudden Frostfall]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Personal - Short
Nature Type: Hyouton
Symbols of Fuujin: 6
Description: Windspeaker Kisaki emits a freezing ring of energy from her body. Two seconds after the ring has passed through a physical object, it is completely coated in ice and begins to sink into a deep freeze. Fuuton techniques that pass through the ring become extremely frigid, gaining the freezing quality that the ring has.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Seishin no Fuujin [Spirit of the Wind God]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin 1
Description: A combination defensive and offensive technique, allowing Kisaki to convert her entire body (or that of a marked individual) to an entity of wind, allowing the person to pass throw many physical obstructions. This can be done in a manner that can hurt those that one passes through (they remain visible as a blur during this).
Weakness: Seishin no Fuujin can only be held for short moments of times, with a maximum of a few seconds. After use, this ability cannot be used for at least 30 seconds. Kisaki can use a partial version of it on herself, which reduces the restrictions on it dependent on what percentage of her body she transformed.
Name of Technique: Sentaku sa Reta no Fuujin [Chosen of Fuujin]
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Long
Nature Type: N/A
Symbols of Fuujin 10
Description: Kisaki marks an ally or object with a special symbol of Fuujin. This technique allows Kisaki to use certain abilities on them.
Weakness: Requires preparation.
Name of Technique: Heishi no Fuujin [Soliders of Fuujin]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Fuuton + Araton
Symbols of Fuujin 20
Description: Heishi no Fuujin is similar to many cloning techniques. Kisaki constructs a solider of her Araton chakra around a visible Symbol of Fuujin. Contact with a Soldier of Fuujin will leave vicious lacerations on the skin. The weapons of the soldiers of Fuujin are primarily spears and blades, which can be enhanced with other properties from Kisaki's Araton Kekkei Tota, but ranged weapons such as bows are not outside the bounds of her abilities. However, ranged attacks are typically only Raiton due to the difficulty of maintaining high levels of shape manipulation over the other elements. The Soldiers of Wind can preform Judge Unworthy.
Weakness: Even the smallest contact with the Symbols of Fuujin by an outside source will collapse the technique.
Name of Technique: Kaze o Sanran [Scatter the Wind]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: 'Personal'
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin 1
Description: Kaze o Sanran is a technique that can only be used on her Heishi no Fuujin. Kaze o Sanran disperses the Heishi no Fuujin and reforms it 2 seconds later in a new location within 5 feet of the place that the technique was used. Kaze o Sanran reduces the stability of the visible Symbol of Fuujin within the soldier's body meaning this technique cannot be used more than once on a soldier.
Weakness: Can only be used once. Can only be used on soldiers.
Name of Technique: Shinden no Fuujin [Temple of Fuujin]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: 40 feet
Nature Type: Araton
Symbols of Fuujin 25
Description: Shinden no Fuujin creates a visible, relatively large symbol of Fuujin in chosen area around Kisaki. This symbol will launch a combination of Fuuton and Raiton at opponents without any need for additional symbols of Fuujin.
Weakness: Shinden no Fuujin can only target objets within Kisaki's sensory range, despite the fact it can persist outside of that.
Name of Technique: Hōfuku no Fūjin [Wind God’s Retribution]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Range: 100 feet
Nature Type: Fūton/Hyōton
Symbols of Fūjin: 10
Description: Kisaki manifests an immense symbol of Fūjin in the air in front of her, twenty feet high and twenty feet wide, made of fragile ice. When the symbol is broken, an immense volley of Hyōton chakra is released in a 100 foot radius sphere that creates an exceptionally durable sphere of ice that is hollow inside. The ice is almost completely impervious to flames and physical attacks. While within the sphere, the body temperature of anybody not within the Megumi no Fūjin will begin to drop drastically, causing severe hypothermia after three minutes. Hyōton techniques within the sphere are twice as powerful as usual. If the Kamikaze no Fūjin: Hayate is within the bounds of the technique as it created, the storm will encompass the entirety of the interior of the sphere of ice.
Weakness: Interpret it yourself.
Name of Technique: Kisetsufū [Monsoon]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: 30 feet, epicenter is personal.
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin 1
Description: A low damage burst of wind that knocks back opponents and objects within the range of the technique. Strongest towards the center which is Kisaki
Weakness: Low damage.
Name of Technique: Hogo no Fuujin [Protection of Fuujin]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B-S
Range: Personal
Nature Type: Araton
Symbols of Fuujin 1, continued for additional strength
Description: Creates a small, personal rotating barrier of wind chakra around a herself, or an ally that has been previously marked. This technique will only persist for a short bit unless Kisaki continues to empower the barrier, which is accomplished by additional symbols of fuujin. By infusing the technique with additional chakra natures, she can create offensive effects on those that make contact with it equivalent to D rank techs of the corresponding elements.
Weakness: Requires advanced preparation for maximum use.
Name of Technique: Shindenmon [Temple Gate]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: 50 feet
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin 15
Description: Constructs a symbol of Fuujin that creates a wall of wind over the the plane that the symbol sits on. The size of the shield is only about 8 feet by 8 feet.
Weakness: Can fire around the wall.
Name of Technique: Arashi no Kyoku [Song of Storms]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Range: Variable
Nature Type: Araton
Symbols of Fuujin Variable
Description: Kisaki's strongest jutsu, and the technique she derives her nickname from, that is capable of destroying a village in its full ferocity. After creating an initial 30 series of Fuujin, Kisaki marks an area in the sky, which brings forth storm clouds which expand by a radius of 2 foot for every additional Symbol of Fuujin (base 60 feet). Even within the beginning stages of this technique, Kisaki can call forth violent gusts of wind equivalent to B and C ranked Fuuton Techniques within the storm's column of control. In addition to the strong gusts of wind, Kisaki is capable of channeling her Raiton techniques into bolts of lighting at an opponent of comparable strength to her gusts of wind. Coupled with this is strong rain to obscure vision and augment Raiton techniques with a sudden drop in temperature that can quickly freeze the water she is is not protecting from that effect. Opponents that stay within the technique's bounds will quickly begin to receive the effects of frost bite and hypothermia. Once this technique reaches a 500 feet in diameter, the effects of the storm become equivalent to A and S ranked techniques that are called upon at will by Kisaki.
Weakness: Requires a lot of preparation. Significant chakra cost.
Name of Technique: Nagare o Yon [Read the Flow]
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Range: 100 feet
Nature Type: Fuuton
Symbols of Fuujin 0
Description: Kisaki passively can sense the flow of the wind around her and, by virute, sense objects within it.
Weakness: Can be fooled by certain techniques.