Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ami no Jussaku
Land of Wind - Fishing Village

On a day that had once been thought peaceful, within a building at the outskirts of a small fishing village on the Land of Wind's coast,
one member of the Ami no Jussaku puppet awakened from its dormant state. Within the small concealed building stood what the puppet identified as a human shinobi. Quickly the construct ran through its database of knowledge, locating the chakra signature and cross referencing it. It identified the man as a member of the Land of Wind's naval fleet protection.

Straightening, the wooden marionette-like puppet lifted its head at an angle that would be painful for a human so as to notify the being it was aware of its presence.

The man began speaking quickly, but only did so for a few moments before falling silent. The puppet, known by the name Chiten(地点 'Point') as all of the individual members of the Ami no Jussaku were, processed the information over the course of several seconds, and then nodded. Hobbling towards the man, its arm shot up through the air with unnatural quickness and then ejected off of its form, sailing through the air and then suddenly stopped right in front of the man's chest. Between the small stub still connected to the shoulder, and the arm were a system of complexly arranged wires all glowing a faint blue. The man's eyes widened before the palm of the puppet's hand opened and it made contact with his body, causing him to gasp and then go completely limp.

Immediately, the Chiten channeled the necessary chakra to mark the man, then retracted its arm, locking it back into place, before taking off through the tunnels of the underground warehouse. It would eventually arise from the sands of the Land of Wind's great desert, and enter the village. It began marking civilians, staying in the shadows, or becoming entirely invisible or undetectable periodically to avoid the greedy eyes of the marauding pirates.

However, it wasn't the puppet which threatened the activities of the pirates, no, it was its master that they ought to worry about. The same master who had been aware of the puppet's reactivation and acitivities immediately upon their occurrence.

The towns people needed only survive for several minutes.

Reinforcements would be arriving in record time.
Uranaisha, Syu-lerneThe Sand's Appirition

Located in one of his smaller labs, this one being located within the village, the man that was perhaps the world's most ingenius puppeteer was making modifications to one of his many many puppets, when he was notified of a Chiten's reactivation via the Ami no Jussaku(網の術策 'Network of Intrigue'). Eyes widening as the information was received, Syu-lerne smiled as he received a form of visual feed from the puppet for a minute or so, before the look faded.

Swiftly, Syu-lerne donned his mask and robe and preformed several handseals to activate three other Chiten of the Ami no Jussaku, which were located within village limits. Sending them out, the puppets would notify the three divisions of Yoru to prepare for combat, primarily focusing on the Tactical and Medical divisions.

There were likely to be casualties, or at least a good many injured when their forces arrived so both would be quite necessary.

Preforming several more handseals, Syu-lerne clapped his hands together and then laid one against the wall, the other falling to his side. In a flash, the masked man vanished only to reappear outside of the Kazekage's office door. He had, in his hurry, forgotten to check her whereabouts and so noticed that she was not there. Scowling behind his mask, Syu-lerne turned around, having a member of the Ami no Jussaku collective locate her, even as he headed out of the building.

Ironically, there was no need, as she was at the front door as he opened it to exit. It appeared she had been heading back.

"Greetings Rei-sama," stated the puppeteer. Meanwhile his puppets had notified the leaders of each division. "While I am happy to see you pleased, I have some bad news,” he didn't even stop to let her speak, such was the importance of the news, "It appears one of the fishing villages on the coast of our lands is under attack. Pirates I believe. Though...” he paused for a moment as if checking something, then continued, "...it appears they are not from Kirigakure, to my surprise. I strongly advice we head out immediately so as to mitigate damage and assist the wounded. I've already dispatched some of my puppets to notify Yoru's division leaders. I hope It was not presumptious of me to think you would take action, Kazekage-sama. After all, it is ultimately your decision as to whether or not we spend the resources to go.”

He bowed his head slightly to her, before raising it again so she could see the one eye of his that could be glimpsed through his mask. There was respect about him despite his quick response, but there was also a certain passion. For while Syu-lerne had his...darker moments, he was truly passionate about keeping the people of Wind safe and well off, just as she was, though for different reasons.

To him it was personal. He entirely intended to brutally kill the man who was hurting these innocent people. Perhaps use him as a test subject.

That would be awfully fitting, he concluded internally.

Meanwhile, he awaited the Kazekage's response. He hoped it would be swift.

GenmyouThe Shade of Clarity

Having left his office upon the departure of the two, Genmyou returned to his look out, which those who knew of had taken to calling “The Raikage's Perch.” He found it rather amusing that it had gained a colloquiallism among the people. It was rather funny really.

His mind having turned to other issues, Genmyou did not immediately notice his adviser's presence as he approached however, this was not to say that he was surprised either when the man managed to get behind him.

"I was talking to Ms. Mochizuki. You know how she is. Better late than never though. What did you want me for?"

Genmyou, behind his mask, smiled slightly, but did not turn to his friend, Ryuunosuke. They had once been comrades in arms, but that was many years ago now—in the past. However, it was upon their prior interactions that their current relationship had been built and if it had not been for the war, the two would perhaps never have found a friend in one another.

"Ah, well it is good that you took your time then," the kage responded before he briefly worked to recall what he had wanted of his adviser. The thought swiftly came to him and so he continued, "I am curious what you think of these kidnappings," he stated succinctly. He wondered what Ryuu's outlook on the strange occurences would be as due to having been so busy with his research lately, he had not found the time to ask him.

Now was clearly an opportune time to do so. Perhaps he could shed light on the situation that his own mind had not. It was always good to have more than one perspective after all.

This was, of course, the exact reason he had advisers to begin with. He hoped the two would continue to prove his decision a wise one.

Zume TatasukoSuiteiru Meian

Smiling down at her as she pressed to him, the Tatasuko let his arms drape around her waist even as he kissed her head. Then came her words, just as enchanting to him as her presence was, and so his smile grew. Then, making his decision he bent down slightly, his arms slipping beneath her knees and back as he lifted her up and carried her back to her bath. Grinning, his hazel eyes flickering and vanishing, their color replaced by the same deep endless black that was in his lover's eyes, he let her down before the basin and laughed. "Yes, love I do think I'll join you. Though...we have some things to attend to after that, I do believe.” His smile didn't falter for a moment as he began to disrobe so he could enter the bath with her. There was no shame nor shyness in his actions just as there were no scars on his body, both being a result of many lifetimes of skill and refinement of his form both in combat and out.

Finishing the removal of his clothes, he stepped into the pleasantly hot water, lowering himself into the basin before her, then raising his hand to help her in. He planned to enjoy the little bath before they'd need to do some more...serious work. The two would need to discover the cause of the world's shifting cycles, and from there understand how the ripples would spread throughout.

Then it would be time to prepare and the fun would be over. He sighed internally at the thought. The next few years were going to be interesting and had he been mortal he would have known it a curse to live in interesting times.

It was a good thing he was not. Not technically anyways.

Tsuki-sha, Kyūsai - The Ashen Harlequin

Exiting the informant's office, Kyūsai's expression was one of annoyance. The lead had been miniscule yet again, but at least now he had an idea of where the man was. Apparently hidden away in a small settlement called Onteimura. It was in the southern mountains...between two small countries, which took advantage of the border between the Lands of Stone and Wind respectively.

However, to his greater annoyance as he exited the building, he noticed the towns people rushing away from the forest, and several houses, which had caught on fire. Gritting his teeth slightly, Kyūsai hopped onto a roof and traveled that way, running towards their meeting point. When he got there, a minute later and found them missing, he immediately knew who had caused the fire. Sighing, he jumped from the roof and slowly walked against the press of people, the current of bodies parting around him unconsciously as he did so.

They had gotten themselves into trouble and he'd not even been gone that long. Oh well, he'd take his time getting there, the two could handle themselves most times and if they had gotten themselves into it, then they deserved what they got.

If he got there in time, he would help, but if not, they would suffer whatever fate The Thief decided for them.

That ought to teach them a lesson. Plus, it would be interesting to see the infamous man's work when he arrived.

'Interesting...' he felt his parasite shift at the thought.

Not a good sign. He'd need to feed it soon.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden Sand Village - Kazekage Office Building - Morning

It seemed this day was filled with running errands back and forth. Yuzuki had to remember to appoint an assistant or two, not because she didn't want to do them herself, but it was inconvenient for her to be away from her office with so many important things going on. She requested daily reports on her many construction efforts going on and she of course had to be where people could find her. She made a mental note to herself that she should remember to ask around for an assistant. She wondered though if anyone would be willing to take up such a busy position.

As she pondered this, lost in thought and tossing a small scroll between her hands, she was hardly paying attention to her surroundings as she approached the office building. Thus, when she reached out to open the door, was surprised when it instead flew open from the other side. Despite herself, she ended up gasping when the first thing she saw was a tall masked figure in the doorway. Her eyes widened as she was startled for a moment, but once the figure began to speak, her brain processed who was standing before her and she calmed down. She sighed in relief and was about to return the greeting to the familiar puppeteer and ask his business, but he continued to speak through his greeting, stating he had bad news. It made sense, considering she didn't often see Syu-lerne in person like this. As he spoke, she listened intently to his words, the crossing of her arms an a scowl showing her anger about the news. Of course she had questions, ones the puppeteer probably didn't have answers to. Thankfully, the man was adept at gathering information and so she didn't interrupt. When he was finished speaking, her eyes met one of his hidden behind the mask he wore.

She was silent only a few moments, processing the information and making a decision of how to proceed. As she thought, she stepped past him and waved, a gesture for him to follow her to her office. By the time they reached it, she had taken all the time she needed.

"As usual Syu-lerne, you are quick to take action without needing my permission or guidance. Something I admire in you. That being said, you made the right move contacting the Yoru commanders." she said, moving across the room and placing the small scroll she held onto her desk. She didn't turn to face him though, just crossed her arms back at her chest and stared out the window before her. "Pirates attacking a small, defenseless, and developing village and Kirigakure not behind it? Unusual to say the least. Hn, they they are a bunch of fools to attack us without a nation backing them up."

She turned to him then to give her orders. "Tell the Commanders this is going to be primarily a search and rescue mission. The priority is to save as many lives as we can and get the civilians out of immediate danger. Once the village residents are safe and secured, pursue the Pirates. We have two other small towns at the waters edge and we must assume they both will be targets. Until we figure out the reason behind this attack, we need to take as many precautions as possible. Notify the shinobi who are stationed at the other two villages to be wary. They may be ordered to evacuate the people or prepare to receive reinforcements. Depending on the situation at this village, I will decide which orders will be given"

Yuzuki paused again then and clicked her teeth, thinking she had to take steps to further protect these small villages.

"That's all for now." she said, turning again and going to sit behind her desk. Immediately she pulled out a new scroll and threw it open, taking ink to it as she began to write furiously. As she was writing, she spoke once more but glanced up to make sure he was still there, the look in her eyes were fierce. She too was very passionate about the protection of her people. "I don't think I need to tell you to make sure these Pirates don't get away. The only one I need alive is their leader. Bring whoever it is back here so he and I can have a little... talk. You're dismissed." she finished, returning her focus to what she was writing.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiroshi Wakahisi – Hiroshi of the Invisible Hand

Toward the outskirts of Sunagakure was a small house that doubled as the puppet workshop of a jonin by the name of Hiroshi Wakahisi. At the moment the puppet user was in the middle of working on a new type of combat puppet that he was hoping to reveal in the near future. He had just finished sharpening the blades and were just setting them in place as a rattling could be heard from the other side of the room. Hiroshi looked over to notice a small puppet hanging from the wall had started to move and gesture toward the door in a strange manner. There was nothing special about the puppet on the outside but it had been given to him by Syu-Lerne to let him know if there was anything that could use his attention.

The puppeteer slowly stood up from the workbench grabbing the three scrolls hanging from the wall which contained his current line up of combat puppets before slipping the scrolls into their holsters and locking up his house. It was now eleven years since he had lost his parents in the Shinobi World War and no matter how many puppets were created in the house it still felt empty. Maybe he should take some time to find a girlfriend sometime. It wasn't uncommon for ninjas in their twenties and Hiroshi had seen some of his friends from the academy had started to get girlfriends. Though in Suna there weren't many girls that were willing to go out with a shut in who enjoyed just going on missions and making puppets in his free time.

With these thoughts swimming through his head, the young man left his house and headed in the direction of the Kazekage's manor which is where the puppet had indicated to go. It was just over a year now since Hiroshi had started learning from Syu-Lerne and he felt that he still needed to prove himself worthy of the training he was receiving. That is what the puppet was for. If that puppet started to move and point in a direction than it meant that it was something worthy of his skills.

Once he had reached the Kazekage's manor he figured that they were probably in the Kazekage's office and that was where he headed. When Hiroshi opened the door to the office he found Syu-Lerne as well as the Kazekage already inside discussing something. "Well hello there. What's the big news that you called me for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dazsos


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Locke Wind

'Tchik, tchick,' quietly a match lit finally lit up in this dull haze. Alcohol was a horrible thirst quencher in the desert, and much of the mist had evaporated as it passed inland, on the northbound wind. As heat rose, it was easier to light ship's bane again, and the latter idea caused enough stress to a pirate, so his thought process came to relieve himself a minute. Under the chaotic neutral alignment, everything that mattered was the ego, and what that ego laid claim to. Not once did Locke reminisce on the idea that his wrongdoings stole jobs from his neighbors, nor the heartache or hatred that would breed. After a deep inhale, old captain Locke tossed the still-lit match on his pissing pile and watched it burn. He was happy being a bad person, even if he didn't sleep well at night.

The pirate's crude vocabulary debated against the voices in his head, they called out from time to time. "Steal... Life..." A dark and raspy whisper echoed alone in his skull. "Aye, a hostage is in order. But none o' these lassies be dressed anythin' fancy... arrr... maybe... maybe if we doll her up nice, n' pass tha' wench off as a princess... not a betta' idea! Glad I came up wit'it." It was strange how he came to conclusions with himself.

The slave wenches were beautiful, except Sa Li. "A barrel fer Sally!" The captain jested, before the pirates brought her back in to the ship. Finally, one of the villager ninjas would have infiltrated the pirate's ship, or to an opportunist captain, a drunk was found alive. Informants were useful, and that is why it is good to poke dead bodies with sticks in misty places, sometimes they weren't dead at all! Every time Locke arrives in town, the entire population became intoxicated and inducted in to the pirate way of life. His crew weren't lightweight drinkers, and thus a disadvantage turned upside down due to unorthodox circumstances. On the bright side, gibberish all would be remembered about what really happened on that evening.

It was time to set sail. Landlubbers were frowned upon by the crew's majority, as were the lightweight. Hit and run tactics weren't as honourable as they were effective. "At the end of the day, there was booty and lay." Said one pirate. "Aye!" Exclaimed another. Locke was sometimes the last to join his crew's diparture, which was weird yet sanctified by years of attempted mutiny; this time it was for good reason, he happened upon the weirdest of things, a doll shop. He thought about bringing one back for target practice, until one he spotted caught his attention, it looked eerily human-like, and was leering at him. A staring contest began, to which Locke was utterly defeated. As a drinker of whiskey, Locke got angry when he was humiliated around inanimate objects and everything else. Seeing another doll with a long nose was looking as if it was laughing at him set Locke off, enough to merit the unnecessary waste of a grenade. He had hundreds, sure, but sometimes a man needed that many! With a smug smirk, Locke nodded overhead at the puppet that tripped him out, and turned away. While walking, the pirate captain pulled out a small clay bomb from his inner pockets, and licked the trigger hair to the base once. He angled his still lit cigar to the wire's end first, and tossed it over his shoulders while walking. He had seen many explosions before, and didn't care about how nice just one looked, and so he returned to his ship after a swim.

Returning to sea, Locke would have to catch up to his ship now. They cared more about their own interests, and not his. Easily manipulated, but trained for combat nonetheless. Upon return to the ship, Locke recited in his mind how he would order his crew to travel further east along the coastline... even though they were already on that exact same route. Thing is, swimming around while carrying that coffer, was little different than using a coffin as a mini boat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke Hikari-
The Crimson Phoenix of the Hidden Cloud

Ryuunosuke smirked as he arrived, directly behind the Raikage.

"Never thought I'd see the Raikage not paying attention to his back. Everyone will be gossiping."

It was a playful tease, he was sure Genmyou's blade had half a dozen jutsu at the ready, no matter where he came from. It was a game, a test of Ryuunosuke's smaller skills, such as appearing behind someone. He didn't have ninjutsu, only in ambushes and close quarters could Ryuunosuke keep being useful to the Cloud. His games were important to him.

Genmyou's question was met almost casually.

"Eh, the kidnappings are all outside annoyingly effective seals, and away from any big authorities. Someone might have some information of where your seals are. Hope you haven't been leaving them casually around, I'd hate to pick up after you.

ANyways, either they want to not deal with us at all picking a remote place, or they definitely want to deal with us, and are working hard to get our attention in a poor spot. On the first, a chunnin team would do. On the 2nd.... well, we don't know what we're dealing with. I see you already went through all this, and went sent out a higher team. Personally, I think it might be good to set up a 'kidnapping', and see how they take to it. I hope no hot-heads are out there. You know, hotheads who would walk into a trap, and then try to forcibly smash through it, those are always troublesome. Need to observe them, then deal justice."

Ryuunosuke made a jab at himself with bit about hotheads, it described how him and Genmyou had met. Ryuunosuke was a hothead who walked into a trap, and forcibly smashed his way through it. Genmyou had saved him.

Ryuunosuke then put his staff down, and looked a bit more serious.

"You already thought through all of that. Did you want to see if someone else was thinking the same thing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Uranaisha, Syu-lerneThe Sand's Appirition
Land of Wind - Sunagakure

Listening in respectful silence as the Kazekage finished delivering her mandate, the puppeteer received a flash of intel from just outside the building. It seemed Hiroshi had arrived.


He began counting.

As the woman finished, Hiroshi stepped in right on time and Syu-lerne turned from the kage, an arm extending from his robe and placing itself on the man's shoulder.

It wasn't a human arm, but instead the thin arm of one of Syu-lerne's puppets. While Syu-lerne was indeed beneath the cloak, hidden within along with him were two of his combat puppets namely Sekimiru and Shinkirō. The arm had belonged to the more spindly of the two puppets and once it had helped lead the jounin out the door along with Syu-lerne it fell from Hiroshi's form and slipped back into the cloak.

As the two walked, Syu-lerne explained the situation, “A fishing village was attacked by a group of pirates. Non-shinobi it seems...though their captain seems a foul sort with a certain air about him.” As the puppeteer said 'air,' Hiroshi would know that he really meant 'chakra,' and 'malice,' both things likely hinting at the possibility that the man could use ninjutsu. This was something picked up only by those who had spoken with the man frequently and Hiroshi was one such uncommon individual, Yuzuki was another.

"You and I, in addition to several members of the Medical and Tactical divisions of Yoru will be acting as first response teams and to apprehend pirates and ascertain their...motives, his visible eye narrowed slightly just beyond the hole in his mask. "I will be sending Sakyū ryōshi and Shinkirō with you and I'll be located nearby to command Yoru.” As he finished the two exited into the street before the kage's office building and walked over to a nearby wall.

As they neared the wall a puppet seemed to shimmer into existence right next to Hiroshi. It was one of Syu-lerne's reconnaisance puppets, designed for espionage and a variety of other non-combat purposes. "Shiso Amaguya will follow soon after I send you,” the puppet reached its hand out to Hiroshi, "You know the drill,” Syu-lerne stated. The puppeteer had done this with his pupil before, sending him on a mission via summoning, or substitution. He need only place his palm over that of the puppet's and then the transmission would take place.

When Hiroshi disappeared, Syu-lerne's head turned and he strode towards a nearby alley, closing his eyes as he did so. With his eyes closed, Syu-lerne's perception fractured into several 'screens', each was from the perspective of a different Chiten. One was knocking on the door into Shiso's home, whereas another was with Hiroshi, monitoring him. The third of them had tagged the necessary members of Yoru, while the fourth made specialized summonings for each. Finally, the last of the them was tagging civilians and others whom were injured in the fishing village.

Reaching the alley, his eyes snapping open, Syu-lerne waited for Shiso to answer the door, shift into combat mode, gather her gear, and then he placed his hands together and activated the technique.

"Shitsuryō kawarimi no jutsu(質量変わり身の術 'Mass body replacement technique').”

Land of Wind - Fishing Village

A brief flash of white followed by a drastic change of scenery, many civilians found themselves in infirmaries where medical shinobi immediately began care. Even women who had been in the clutches of the pirates had been tagged, though not all of them.

It would be disorienting, but once they settled down they'd be much happier where they were now.

At least...that was the idea

Shiso AmaguyaThe Swimming Feline

The Yoru shinobi who had been tagged found themselves spread throughout the area and they moved engage the stragglers that the enemy had left behind while others began to take care of those who were still in their clutches or who couldn't have been moved and needed immediate medical attention.

Hiroshi would appear a block away from this scene, a Chiten to his left and Shinkirō(蜃気楼 'Mirage') to his right, its form shimmering and warping out of proportion before it practically vanished in a burst of high speed movement. The Chiten, in the next moment, would similarly vanish, but for entirely different reasons as it activated its stealth techniques. The puppet would hide itself in a nearby building, remaining invisible and then extending its sensory range. It would assist Hiroshi by notifying him of possible threats, and it would assist Shinkirō by leading it to targets. This was its purpose and it would stick to it unless directed to do otherwise.

A moment or so later Shiso would appear a building or two away from Hiroshi. First she glanced over the situation, a frown crossing her features. Hiroshi would be able to see it due to the angle he was standing at in relation to her. "Well that's not good," she said with an exasperated tone. After all, despite their lightning fast response time, it seemed their quarry were already gone. However, as her eyes moved across the horizon she noticed a ship sailing away and a grin grew on her lips.

With that she turned halfway around, smiling at Hiroshi before she pointed at the ship and called out, "They're trying to get away, but with my water techniques and your puppets I think we can slow them down!" She'd wait a moment for his response, but she knew they had to act quick if they wanted to catch them.
Sakyū ryōshi

Being summoned right in the midst of three pirates, the tiger-like puppet pounces on the first and slit another's throat before the third man landed a solid blow to its side. To the man it appeared as if a rather feral living creature had been struck and then not budged an inch, no damage occuring on its simulated flesh. What had actually happened was the man's weapon striking an incredibly hard substance, which was covered by a technique that simulated the flesh to all the senses.

As such, the unfortunate pirate, who swiftly turned tail and ran for the ship, would find his leg cut out from under him, before he was caught mid fall by a clawed non-human hand. The creature then hoisted the man up by the collar of his shirt, its iridescent eyes piercing through him, before a smile seemed to spread across its illusionary lips.

The pirate managed to retrieve his gun and shoot the creature in the face, causing it to crumble to the ground in a heap, though its body didn't fall apart.

Falling to the ground and then scrambling away, the man saw the monster rise back to all fours, then onto its hind legs before it lept to a building, pushed off the side of it and landed in front of him. It didn't stop, but instead charged the man, who turned and ran, but this time when the beast lept, it pulled a exuded chakra around its claws and slashed, sending a wave which sheered the lower half of the man's legs off. Moments later the pirate's face had been torn off, revealing flesh, bone, and cartilage before the puppet rose away from the dead man and turned towards the coast to begin the hunt.

It had the scent of its prey and it wouldn't be losing it.

A Captain would give in the interrogation room tonight.

Sakyū ryōshi(砂丘猟師 'Dune Hunter') would make sure of it.
GenmyouThe Shade of Clarity

Chuckling lightly, the Shade glanced at Ryuu, then away as he listened to the man's thoughts. When his friend finished, he nodded slightly as if confirming his advisor's assumption that he had considered all the possibilities.

He had. Nonetheless, he had wanted to verify them with someone he trusted, this had done the trick. "Quite right, friend, I was wondering if someone else had come to the same conclusion from similar data. This was quite helpful." Falling silent for a long while, Genmyou and Ryuu stood at his lookout for a good while, both leaving one another to their thoughts. Genmyou did not dismiss the man because there was a certain comfort that he seldom felt when in the presence of trusted friends.

He had few friends. Not from lack of popularity, but by necessity.

After several minutes, he spoke up, "Do you think Sunagakure would be interested in an alliance? Perhaps trade as well...though the paths would be forced to pass through Kirigakure's waters or over the land of Kyokujitsu no Tochi. I think it is viable once we establish lawful trade routes on land. Then again we could risk the seas while Kirigakure is embroiled in its civil disputes, though I doubt they would appreciate that." There was the smallest hint of a smile in his tone as he said the last bit. The idea of sailing right under Kirigakure's nose by taking advantage of their situation appeared to amuse him.

He turned to Ryuu and motioned for him to follow down into the cave system. Genmyou would lead them to another location while they talked.
Kumogakure - Outside Genmyou's Office

Appearing from Genmyou's office, the Kosui clan symbol on her the front of her jounin jacket, a woman placed her hand on Manami's shoulder. “Apologies Negishi-sama, but I have need of my cousin's assistance, urgent clan matters have come up,” she said, interrupting the flow of the conversation. There was a harsh seriousness about her and as Manami opened her mouth to protest, the woman snapped her fingers, handing Hanawa a scroll, and then snatching the scroll from Manami and handing it to the the Hyuuga as she had the other. “The Raikage said to take that as extra. It's a summoning scroll for back-up if the two if you need it,” with that her piercing silver eyes cut through the air to meet with Manami's eyes before she dragged her off rather unceremoniously.

The two turned a corner and were gone. It appeared the Kosui clan, rather fittingly, had some very...venemous women in their ranks.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yuzuki Rei and Yuuhi Jikangai - The Hidden Sand - Evening

A Collab between Neyu and Snake-senpai

The sound of furious scratches upon a scroll could be heard even before entering the Kazekage's room - a sure indication of urgency or a severe lack of love for writing letters. Jikangai, Yūhi made a mental note of that as he stepped down the corridor towards the office, and as he did so the mysterious cube of metal floating above his left hand glowed in agreement, myriad impressions of sigils in a faint blue appearing and disappearing as he did so. Such motions were not uncommon for the artefact he kept with him. He continued to walk down the corridor, softly, as the sounds of quill meeting paper grew in intensity and eventually announced himself with a single, clear knock ringing out above and beyond the ambient sounds. Perhaps the Kazekage had been in a state of dreaming, so focused on the task at hand that reality seemed distant and far away. Perhaps she had not, and she would not be startled. Either way, Yūhi did not wait for her to respond before opening the door and walking in.

The office was... Interesting, he thought, not being used to the markedly less civilised conditions of the surface world from his time spent deep below the earth in Kinjiro's lab. The desert heat would have been stifling if not for the cool winds that fluttered through the sandy village in rhythmic patterns - the work of fellow fūton users, no doubt, he would have to pay them a visit and correct their no doubt archaic technique - and the amount of natural sunlight was somewhat jarring to the extremely pale Jikangai that now stood in front of Rei, Yuzuki - the Kazekage.

"I assume you were informed of my impending arrival? Jikangai, Yūhi at your service." He said, diverting his focus to the cube as its patterns came to life before him, speaking in a language that only he could understand. He was listening intently for whatever Yuzuki had to say, of course, but his eyes remained totally focused on the cube.

Perhaps it was her foul mood that caused Yuzuki to be heavy handed with her writing tool. Even to those with normal hearing capabilities, she was writing loudly, but she hardly cared. She was writing with passion and it was clearly shown in the thick brush strokes of the words she was enscribing onto the scroll. Of all the things, Pirates! And she should have known. Been more wary and concerned about the coastal villages. Until then, she was only aware that Kirigakure was known for producing Pirates in the past, but it was expected in the Land of Water. Yuzuki had dismissed the possibility that a nation half a world away would try and do such a thing, and thus the word 'Pirate' had been the most surprise of all to her.

What she was so furiously writing, a message to the Hidden Mist Village regarding their knowledge of a group of unaligned Pirates roaming about the waters. If this had perhaps happened before, she could draw some information about them and see how great this threat was.

It wasn't until a sharp knock jerked her head up and caused her to made an unintended mark on the paper, that she sighed and lowered her head into her free hand. She had to calm down, really. This ordeal was already becoming far too personal, and in that respect could possibly cloud her judgement on other things. When Yuzuki again raised her head, she was looking at a familiar face. One that, though didn't bring a smile to her face, was welcome.

"Jikangai, Yūhi? Ah, yes, it's nice to see you." she said, though her tone and expression displayed an opposite feeling. Knowing this, she quickly added, "Forgive me, I'm not in the best of moods. Please," she extended her hand towards a chair that sat to the right of her desk. "Have a seat."

As she only paused for a moment to see if he would sit or not, Yuzuki rolled up the scroll she was writing on and set it aside. Now with her full attention on her aquaintence, she would speak.

"I do hope you have some good news for me?"

Yūhi's eyes darted immediately towards the scroll that the Kazekage had been writing on and the cube glowed vigorously in response, little blue symbols darting across its six faces. Yūhi studied them intensely, as if reading a particularly complex book, and largely ignoring what it was that Yuzuki had to say. He was still listening on some level, but his conscious mind was very much focused on his Yata no Kesan.

"Pirates attacking the coast? No, they are not of the Mist - if the Mist had plans to attack, my colleagues would know. You have no doubt seen the Jikangai Missionaries from time to time? They operate as vassals to the most powerful members of the Jikangai. As an Immortal Scion, there are a number of them in my service." Yūhi commented wryly, before moving towards the seat that Yuzuki had offered. Turning to look at her directly.

"You seem more troubled about this than you perhaps should be. You have competent operatives taking care of the more delicate details, yes?" he asked, idly picking up a piece of paper from Yuzuki's desk and beginning to fold it with delicate strokes. It had been a long while since he had manually folded anything for his origami, as his talents with paper made it much easier to perform with chakra, but the act of folding was one of patience and skill - virtues he hoped to impart the impression of upon the Kazekage - and he very quickly presented her with an origami butterfly.

"Take the time to appreciate the little things. You never know when you will stop seeing them."

Yuzuki said nothing at first, reaching out to take the butterfly, she examined it with a blank expression, though color slowly rose in her cheeks. "I can't remember the last time someone gave me a gift like this." she said, raising the paper to her hair and securing it in her hair with a little knot. When that was done, she smiled. "I have full faith the operation at the costal village will be sucessful. As you said, my men are all competent." She paused and leaned back in her chair. "I just... sometimes feel like a mother who sends her children out rather than doing her business herself. It is frustrating to say the least."

Folding her arms across her chest, she would close her eyes a moment as she thought about what she'd even requested the Jikangai for. With everything going on, it seemed she had forgotten. Masking her embarassment like a pro, she said, "Remind me the nature of this meeting again."

"You wished to discuss an idea for a project I had brought to your attention." Yūhi replied, a small smirk creeping across his mouth as he avoided the subject of the meeting. Toying with people was a favourite pasttime of many of the Jikangai, but he in particular had made the art one of his life's goals to master. He would relent fairly quickly, but there was fun to be had in the moment and he did not feel like he should deny it. Invoking a little of his chakra, Yūhi manifested a piece of paper and it begun to fold itself in exactly the same way he had done himself earlier, a little paper butterfly rapidly coming into existence. Unlike the previous one, this one fluttered of its own accord on invisible currents, floating around the room briefly before disappearing out of a nearby window.

"I will keep tabs on the coastline also. Pirates do not tend to look particularly hard for paper butterflies. Nor do many people, as it turns out." He laughed, relaxing a little in the chair. It was surprisingly comfortable, for a surface-dweller's furniture, and it was to his liking. The heat in Sunagakure was not stifling like he had expected, but it was worlds away from the cool underground of Kinjiro's laboratory - the transition had not been an easy one, and he still had not fully accustomed to life on the surface.

Yuzuki gave a half smile at his offering to keep guard on the coastline, but she felt that perhaps it would be too much to ask the Jikangai. "That's very thoughtful of you. However, I believe the situation at the coast will be a once in a lifetime occurance. The man I put in charge to carry out the mission is very capable of handling situations like this. And after this ordeal, he will only get better at what he does." she said, in her tone one could see she thought very highly of her friend. Reaching up with a hand, she would scratch behind her head. "Also, the Jikangai have been very proactive in stimulating the Village's trade systems. You've come here to offer assistance I simply can't turn down. Any more would be simply too much, considering the Jikangai only want very little in comparison. I hope it's clear that I am very grateful for all that's being done." she said.

Yuzuki wanted to continue further, and seal a greater alliance with the Jikangai other than trade and such. She wanted to offer them a place in the village, permanently, as was her kind nature. However, the Jikangai had made it clear they were in no rush to ally with Sunagakure, and she would respect that decision. So, instead of trying her hand at persuasion, she decided it would be best to continue with their business.

"Now, let's not waste any more time. Though we've been very happy with what trade the Jikangai have been providing, I want to discuss the possibility of perhaps a trade of more than just goods. Which I believe is why you're here. The Hidden Sand wishes to obtain knowledge as well. Anything that can ensure we are well equipped with any kind of threat that arrives at our doorstep. It is to my understanding that the Jikangai can provide that and more. But of course, I want this to favor the both of us," she finished, waiting for his reply.

"You misunderstand, sweet Yuzuki." Yūhi laughed, idly changing the position of his cube with his mind as he ruminated on what possibilities she could have wanted to discuss, and her naivete regarding the Jikangai's assistance. His laugh caused Yuzuki to raise a single brow, wondering which part of what she had said was amusing to him.

"I am not sending my eyes and ears to the coast for your benefit - I would see what happens for myself. These once in a lifetime occurrences hold information that should be categorised and stored for future use, no? I assure you that even without your permission or consent I would find a way." he added. It was for the best that the Kazekage learned that the Immortal Scions did not wait on others for permission - Yūhi would do whatever it was that he found to be the most appropriate at any given time, and he neither took orders from nor gave orders to anybody in Sunagakure (with the exception of his missionaries, perhaps). Their arrangement was mutually beneficial, yes, but Sunagakure did not control or own Yūhi any more than he could control or own them.

"Yes, the project I have in mind will suit your... Requirements, I am sure. Tell me what you know of the origins of the Kuchiyose no Jutsu." Yūhi asked, turning his steely gaze towards Yuzuki.

Though there was hardly a hint of disrespect in the voice of the Jikangai, his words did not sit well with Yuzuki. Her expression quickly turned into one that was displeased, and she sat up straighter in her chair. She thought for a moment, correctly placing her words in her mind before she spoke.

"I am doing my best to understand and accept the Jikangai's position when it comes to things like this. However, while I try not to stick my nose in the affairs of others or give orders to those not under my command, I do need to make it clear just one thing." she started, her tone firm. "It is my duty as Kazekage to be aware of everything that goes on in Sunagakure. The Land of Wind in its entirety is under my command. That is how I see it. So for you to say that my decisions regarding the villages and the people of my nation do not apply to you... that is something that does not sit well with me." she paused and sighed, standing up, she walked over to the window behind her desk and gazed out of it.

"I've said it before I respect the Jikangai in their position to be neutral, and my opinion of that has not changed. However, I have no choice to assume that your people also have... 'agreements' with the other nations. Thus you can understand that collection of information regarding the situation going on in Sunagakure by a group of people who are not bound by any means to my authority, can be quite troublesome for me. Especially since many other nations would gladly pay for information about our standing."

Turning away from the window, she looked at the man sitting across from her and continued. "Now I have no problem sharing certain types of information with you. However, you must understand my concerns about things like this." With that she returned to her seat and leaned back comfortably, waiting for a response. If any.

"I will happily sign a contract guaranteeing that I will not divulge any of your information to non-Jikangai parties. As I'm sure you have no doubt realised, it is within the purview of the Jikangai to make such contracts binding in more ways than one." Yūhi offered, raising an eyebrow at the sudden decision of Yuzuki to become serious about the matter. It was not something he could comprehend - the fierce loyalty to a village, to a collective of people simultaneously more and less than one's own. He had been an Immortal Scion for too long - the Jikangai were all he knew - and he could not imagine Yuzuki's fierce loyalty to people not of her direct family, or not related to her interests directly.

"You do understand, however, that every nation has spies - some of which will be in your village - and that this trading of information transcends anything I could do? I am here to assist you in your endeavours and report back to Kinjiro on the state of the surface world. I will not be remiss in my duties because you feel uncomfortable that I have the capacity to know a great many things that you would rather keep hidden. I am not here under your employ, as we have established, and I do not submit to your authority, as we have established... But consider the logic behind this: What reason do I have to sell any of your secrets? What can they offer me that you cannot?" He asked, standing up to look directly at Yuzuki.

"Would they offer me gold for your secrets? I assure you that money is no object to the Immortal Scions. Would they offer me power for your secrets? What power do they have that I do not already possess? I have no possible reason to divulge anything that I learn to anybody but Kinjiro - and you knew this when you accepted my assistance, did you not?"

Yuzuki let him speak and listened respectfully to his words. While true to some extent, there was still a bit of unease with the whole thing. It was perhaps that unease that she needed to set aside. Looking at him, she studied his face for a long moment after he finished speaking. He seemed to be telling the truth. Nodding, she would say "It is precisely the fact that I don't know the answers to your questions that makes me uneasy." Closing her eyes, she would cross her arms and sigh. "There is no guarantee what the other nations may have to offer. And there is no guarentee that the village will always be able to provide what it is you seek." She paused and smiled then. "Though if there is anything I have already gathered about you, it is that you seem to be honest. With a written contract I can allow you to do what you please in regards to gathering information."

For a moment in her head, she thought of what he said about spies being in every nation, and how true those words were. Truly spies were an annoying bunch. With a swipe to her forehead with the back of her hand, she would stand.

"Come, let us talk more on the roof. It's far too hot in here." she said, moving from around her desk to make her way to the door.

"What I am about to tell you next requires an element of privacy that will not be afforded to us in the open." Yūhi dryly noted, motioning for Yuzuki to sit, causing her to pout and walk back to her seat. He focused his will on the cube before him once more, but the glow from it was significantly more intense this time - even those who were not adept as sensing chakra would be able to plainly see the sigils darting in and out of existence across the faces of the cube, before myriad sigils covered the walls and door of the office. If Yuzuki looked carefully, she would notice words such as "Silent" and "Trespass", but the majority of the symbols would likely be unknown to her.

The seals offered a level of security, ensuring that no outside parties were listening in to the conversation that was about to take place and that any other seals in the room could be properly disabled for the duration of the conversation. Yūhi did not take chances with the power he was about to share with the Kazekage.

"I asked you about the origins of the Kuchiyose no Jutsu because it is something easily exploited. Contracts that are written to allow one individual to pull another through space are inherently powerful and dangerous, but they are even more dangerous when individuals such as myself are able to alter these contracts just enough to allow multiple people to be considered bound by covenant at once, and temporarily so. I could create for you a network of summoning contracts able to move any number of people from one pre-marked location to another, and ensure that only those with the correct key would be able to access it. No other village has - or is likely to receive - this technology, so possessing it would grant you a considerable tactical advantage, yes?"

As Yuzuki listened, she eyed curiously the various sigils she didn't recognize, a bit of a surprised expression on her face. She had been curious about the cube that floated near the man, and wondered what other kinds of hidden tricks the object possessed.

As Yūhi explained some things about the Kuchiyose no Jutsu, she focused more of her attention on him, as what he was saying was of great interest to her. The idea that multiple persons could be summoned at once by a powerful jutsu like that was something she's never heard of before. It was quite exciting to say the least.

"I can already think of many ways that would be helpful, even in non combat applications. Though... I wonder how such a thing is even possible. Not saying that I don't believe you, but it seems a bit farfetched and highly complex."

"The ancient Jikangai discovered ways to build their seals into architecture, that buildings might serve as casing and form both for the effects they provided. It is possible, with plans I can provide, to create a series of buildings that are intrinsically linked to one another and will allow individuals with the correct primer seal - a key, if you will - to move between them at will. This is something a village recovering from the war could use, yes?"

Yuzuki nodded. "That would give me the kind of connection I need between the different towns that are under Sunagakure's protection. But, tell me. These 'keys' require a specific type of building, or can they be applied to ones that are already built?" she asked him. Though it wasn't too much of an importance to her, it would be less of a hassle if she didn't have to set up another construction project.

"I am afraid that creating architecture to house the seals is necessary - the existing buildings simply do not have the level of structure that is necessary for the mathematics to adequately work out. That said, the cost you will pay up front will be overshadowed by the immense benefit, yes?"

Nodding, Yuzuki thought as much. "I assume you'll be overlooking these projects then? Just let me know what kind of resources are needed and I'll have them arranged at whatever locations you feel are best." she told him.

"It shall be done, Kazekage. I will send the details to your office when I have worked them out. Is there anything else?"

"I believe that is all Yūhi. Thank you for your time." she said, giving him a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryuunosuke Hikari-
The Crimson Phoenix of the Hidden Cloud

Ryuunosuke didn't chuckle, he full-out laughed as Genmyou asked his opinion on an alliance with the Hidden Sand. He followed in good humor down the cave system.

He kept his thoughts to himself for a few minutes, merely looking amused, and laughing occasionally to himself.

"I like it. It's only been 10 years, we didn't do too badly last time around, maybe we'll do better this time around.

He didn't elaborate any further on it, but 'the joke' was somewhere in there, as his face recollected itself afterwards.

"I do like it, only a madman would propose it though, with not two, but 3 nations blocking off contact. I don't care what they say, there's no clarity to the Shade I know. I do have advise though about it, it is in my job description, and you haven't fired me yet.

First, however you go about proposing this to the Hidden Sand, do not, if you value me as your adviser, meet them in the Land of Wind to negotiate this. Have them come here, or a neutral country. Also, scratch the Land of Earth, Water, and Rivers off of neutral countries. Make this alliance as badly kept secret as you can.

Also, I'd increase security in the borders of the Land of Lightning. Little things like kidnappers laughing at us makes me think we've got a bit to go.

Lastly, start thinking of the trade route. Don't think what's possible, think what you want. You seem to do that anyways.

That's my advise to you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
Avatar of Ganryu

Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mitsunari Takeda-
Sealed Sword Takeda of the Hidden Mist

Walking down an ally of the Mist, Mitsunari had his perpetual grin on his face, the only thing really visible under his hood and cape, the rest of his covered, making him seem like a grinning ghost.


Opening a door, he entered a building as if he didn't have a care in the world.

He was a stark contrast to the scene around him. Bodies and debris littered the street, a battle had happened between the 7 swordsman, and the rest of the Mist. It was bloody to say the least.

His apathy to it didn't preclude him from it though, and a kunai was put to his throat.

"What are you doing here, coward? Aren't you with the Mizukage?"

Mitsunari's grin didn't fade. His robes shuffled, but that was it, he didn't look to trouble, which made the man press the kunai harder. Mitsunari's voice became pressed.

"Coward? Come on, I'm a Takeda. You've got me all wrong."

The kunai's press was lessened, and the man looked troubled.

"Have I got you all wrong...? What are you here for, for the Mizukage, or for the 7 swordsman?"

"I'm here for myself. I just want to talk to your little rebel group."

"What would 'just talking' solve. We are going to return the Hidden Mist to its rich roots. It's too soft, if a war broke out, we'd be killed. You aren't going to stop that just by talking."

"Oh, by all means, let it. I just want to see them. You do want that. I'm a mighty Takeda, I'm inspiring, maybe you'll inspire me to join you."

"I do want that. Maybe you could help us out. Once you see us, you're bound to agree with us."

The man relented his grip, allowing Mitsunari to get his first real look at the man. An older man, missing an eye. His remaining eye was harsh and stern. A small pony tail in back, and small beard around his face. He pointed toward deeper into the ruins of the battle, and headed off towards it.

Mitsunari's smile faded for a second, his hands left their robes, revealing themselves in a handsign, which he had held the entire time he had talked to the man. He pressed his fingers to the small cut across his neck. It wasn't deep, but it reminded him to be more careful, he did not want to get hurt. It'd be embarrassing for the Takeda clan.

As he approached a group of the rebels, they angrily shouted at the man, drawing their weapons, and his cape rustled again as he made the handsigns.

"Ieyasu! The hell do you think you're doing, bringing a loyalist here."

Mitsunari kept his hands inside his cape, even as they draw their weapons.

"I'm a friend, and who doesn't want a Takeda for a friend!? I just wanted to talk for a minute, and you all want that."

The men didn't change their stance, but didn't come any closer. Mitsunari clicked his tongue. The entire crowd seemed memorized for a minute.

Takeda Style: Devil's Temptation.

"You fight for the right reasons, fight harder, but the 7 swordsman are just like the Mizukage. Kill them all."

With that, he clicked his tongue again, and suddenly they left the trance, and moved again, their weapons moving towards him. Mitsunari's smile widened, letting go of a handsign.

"No match for the Takeda clan!"

Like that, he ran like a bitch, as fast as he could, swirving behind a building. The crowd turned their weapons at him, raining kunai after him. He screamed like a girl as one his him in the left shoulder. In the end, they gave up chasing him.

One of the rebels turned to the other as they gave up chasing him.

"Hey, Hanbei. I was thinking, we're fighting for the right reasons, I say we keep giving the Mizukage hell... but I ain't so sure about our leaders. What makes them different than the Mizukage?"

In the far distance, Mitsunari stumbled forward, his grin back.

"Let's make this more interesting. Mindless idiots like that'll share their 'brilliant idea' with the rest. Hardest thing to kill isn't a person, it's a 'brilliant idea'. The Takeda clan can then win everything. For the Takeda! Hehehe. Ow, that smarts. I hate getting hurt. It gives a bad image to the clan."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Akaritori and Kei - Office of the Judge-Magister - Kyokujitsugakure

Kei's afternoons were ones of strict routine, but not by choice. At 3 pm every day, she brought paperwork to Akaritori who handled the law enforcement for the village - of course, with a leash from Ayameko to make sure she didn't take justice too far. It was a strict schedule due to Akaritori. The Judge-Magister had a very strict schedule and even Ayameko stressed the importance of not antagonizing her. It just saved time and effort to follow Akaritori's schedule in the afternoons.

Knocking lightly on Akaritori's door before she entered, Kei stepped forward, but much of her body was obscured by the stack of papers that she had been asked to deliver. The new, enhanced forms that Akaritori had requested, as, of course, the previous forms had not had adequate detailing. So, after talking to Yui who managed the village's Grand Library, they had produced new forms that provided greater detailing. Yui had been forced to staff three extra people to handle the extra workload. It was, like Ayameko said, best not to antagonize Akaritori.

Of course, Kei's mere presence was antagonizing to the Judge-Magister. Kei was essentially the exact opposite of the Justice of Kyokujitsugakure. Bright, cheerful, if not a bit naive about the world, Kei had the incredible skill to irritate Akaritori without having to do anything but be in her sensory range, which given Akaritori's skill as a shinobi, meant Akaritori was irritated any time Kei wasn't on a mission outside the village's barrier.

Kei followed the routine and placed the paperwork squarely on the left corner of the desk, making sure the stack was as neat as possible.

"Good afternoon Akaritori, more paperwork for you to sign off on. It should be all of the reports on the incidences for the last two weeks. As always, the minor crimes are on top. I believe your first case is the 30 page report on the 4 year old that walked out of the market with an apple."

The Judge-Magister had even less time than usual for the shenanigans and malarkey that followed her naive counterpart around, having been working on the case of "Litre Boxer" the Apple Thief for most of the morning. Given the locations of several people, the exact apple having been stolen, and the brazen and nonchalant way in which the apple had been taken (she had almost managed to make it look like an accident), Akaritori was convinced that there was a deeper meaning to the seemingly innocent and petty crime and had ordered a full investigation of the child, her family, and her acquaintances. She had also detained the child's neighbours and had them interrogated for good measure in case they were also a part of the devious plot.

Of course, Kei did not believe that the child could possibly have been part of an international smuggling ring and had attributed it to "being forgetful" and "being a child". Of course, Kei's childlike mind immediately jumped to those conclusions - Akaritori could almost smell the black magic wafting off of the little creature as she had brought them in for questioning. Unfortunately, she had not been able to extract much information as the child had started crying after the first question and Kei had gone to fetch the child some apple juice to calm them down. It was almost shocking to think that such an obvious ploy would work - only Kei would be fooled by such a ridiculous notion.

"You know full well that that devil child is hiding something from us and I will get to the bottom of it!" Akaritori replied, almost shouting as she stood up from her desk and snatched the massive file away.

"You had to give her some apple juice to "calm her nerves", didn't you?! That was what she wanted, for you to sympathise with her and believe her story!"

"Lady Ayameko was present at the child's birth. We even had Touzoku and Tokumei check for any jutsu that could have slipped through our defense network. I think we probably could have used the original forms for her case, rather than the enhanced ones," Kei responded to Akaritori. "Did you release her yet from custody?"

"No. She is going to stay in the dungeons until I find out a way to either remove the advanced transformation technique she is using or she confesses her guilt. I am yet to offer her the trial by combat, though... Maybe I should go down and visit her after the forms have been completed. I'm not sure who designed this system, but I should really be allowed to offer a trial by combat before the third set of forms have been processed."

"Ayameko did think you were going to say that so she had me bring this..." Kei said, pulling a scroll out of the pocket of her jacket. "It is a release order for the girl so she can return to her parents." Kei put it on the top of the forms that she had just placed onto the desk for Akaritori to take. The area for the forms were like a feeding tray for a dangerous beast that pevented you from getting bisected by the 'claws or fangs'.

"Please make sure she is released by 3:30." Of course, the girl had already been released. But as Ayameko said it was best not to antagonize Akaritori. The leadership of Kyokujitsgakure had conspired to actually replace the girl with a clone under a very advanced transformation technique, so, in essence, Akaritori was right, there was a conspiracy and an advanced transformation technique - just not executed by an international fruit smuggling ring bent on the destruction of the produce exports for Kyokujitsgakure.

The look of hatred that Akaritori projected at Kei could make even the most keen sensor nin wonder why Akaritori did not possess the Killing Intent technique, and it took every force of will she possessed not to outright attack the girl in the office. Of course, that very same thing had happened multiple times and her skill with barriers made her the perfect foil to Akaritori's swift and brutal kenjutsu. She almost considered attacking Kei for the fun of it, but decided instead to focus on the paperwork that she had been given before finding and attempting to bisect her. After all, a tray full of paperwork was even more infuriating than having the mastermind of an international fruit smuggling ring taken away from you beneath your nose.

"I am sure that you have already released her and made a mockery of my system, so you might as well just do whatever it is you were going to do with the girl on your own. I have paperwork to complete. Also, please note that the mat outside of the door is for wiping your feet on and not leaving dust marks on my pristine floors. Also, could you fetch me some coffee, please? I would get it myself but you have presented me with enough paperwork to keep me busy for half an hour and I could not possibly bring myself to get up and do it myself."

Kei performed a Forced Contract Summoning with a cup of coffee, having already prepared for such a situation.

"Let me know if I need to summon cream and sugar," Kei asked, holding the steaming cup in her hands. Like before, she would place it in the 'feeding tray'.

"I take my coffee like I hunt my magic.


Kei walked out of the office, smiling to herself as she did so. She always loved spending time with Akaritori in the afternoon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
Avatar of Ganryu

Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Introducing The Free Spirit of the Desert: Mochizuki Tonbo!

The Hidden Sand - Kazekage's Office - Late Afternoon

A collaboration Between Gan and Neyu

Mochizuki was in particularly high spirits that day, she had managed to sneak out of her house unsupervised that morning, having the whole day to herself, and she was about to meet with the Kazekage. She was hoping for a mission.... and not that the Kazekage had caught wind of any of her.... adventures. Besides, it was only in an attempt to get better missions.

She leaped from roof top to rooftop of the adobe like structures towards the office. She paused for a minute as she came to a leap too far. It didn't look like she was going to make it. Mochizuki then stepped back, and bullrushed the gap, her wings reaching out, not that they would help her any.


Flailing her arms, she managed to grab a windowsil (will spll right in a minute) barely with one hand. She glanced down only for a minute.

"That's a long ways...."

Grabbing with her other hand, she lifted herself through the window into the Kazekage's office. Rather than act as if it was anything out of the ordinary, she bowed.

"Good afternoon, Kazekage-sama, Mochizuki reporting for duty."

Yuzuki, sitting at her desk with her elbows resting on its surface, had her chin in one open palm and her eyes closed. On her face was a calm expression, with a light smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She heard the girl approaching from a ways away, the excited "Wahoo!" having hit her ears only moments before. Just as a light wind blew into the room, she heard the sound of someone coming in from the open window behind her.

When she was greeted by the familiar cheerful voice of Mochizuki, she would open her eyes and look at the girl. "Sometimes you make me wonder why I even have a door in my office. The window is obviously more practical. You've all but convinced me of that." the woman said, trying to sound stern but failing. It was always a pleasure seeing the hyperactive girl. "That aside, can you guess why I've called for you?" she asked, thinking of sitting up straighter, but decided to stick with comfort at the moment.

"That's good."

Somehow, the thought of the Kazekage doing what she just did didn't seem to phase Mochizuki in the slightest.

As for the next part, a myriad of reasons went through Mochizuki's mind. She did look a bit guilty for a minute as she thought about a couple of the worse ones....from that morning. Mochizuki didn't go out of her way to break rules, but she didn't go out of her way to follow them either, a free spirit. She decided to be optimistic.

"You have a mission for me?"

Yuzuki watched with amusement at the nervous emotions displayed on the face of the girl. She thought it was adorable, but didn't want to allow her to stress out too much. Nodding at her question, the Kazekage would sit up a bit and reach into a drawer in her desk. "I was looking over the missions that are availible to be taken at this moment, and among some others, you seem to be free at the moment, correct?" she said. Continuing right along, she pulled out a small book and flipped through a few pages. "As I was deciding who to assign a mission, I noticed you're the only one who is not Genin level. So quite frankly, these would be a bit too easy for you." she added, glancing up at th girl before lifting the book slightly so she could read from it.

"Let's see... There is one here for a delicate package delivery and another for helping out in the village Greenhouse..." she started, pausing to flip through some more pages. "Request for help with construction and movement of materials... Do any of these interest you?" she asked the girl, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Mochizuki's hopes rose as the Kazekage mentioned a new mission, and the Kazekage mentioning they looked too easy. It was like watching a wave as it waxed at a new mission, then fell as the Kazekage listed off missions that were all boring. Mochizuki sighed at the end.

"They're all in the village, and way too boring. I want to see somewhere new, do something exciting. Is there anything I can to do to be helpful to the Sand AND do one of those? I feel stifled. I'm sure you like hard missions, otherwise you wouldn't be the Kazekage."

Closing and lowering the book to the desk, Yuzuki would cross her arms. "I figured you wouldn't be interested in any of those. I would bet you've done far too many missions that don't allow you to showcase your skills. That's something I can't allow anymore. So... I had an idea." she said, smiling mischeivously at the girl. "But I wonder if you're up to it..." she trailed off and rose a hand to her chin, faking the appearance to be in deep thought.

Mochizuki's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Done, no take backs. Indecision's bad, right?"

A light snort and then a bit of laughter escaped the woman at the girl's enthusiasm. "Alright then, I'll send you." she managed to say between chuckles. When she calmed down, she sighed and leaned back into her chair, suddenly tired. "Well, the mission is considered A-rank, as it is an escort of a very important individual. You'll be going along with Momo Sakurai, who was previously assigned to do it on her own. I suppose it won't make much difference if one more person tagged along just to be sure. I'll send word to her that you'll be joining on this mission." she said, scratching the back of her head, she reached with her other hand towards the book again and flipped through, looking for the details of the mission she had written down.

"This is an escort mission. The woman is Sakuya Nyoto, a resident of the Land of Fire who has been staying with us for quite a while doing some close work with me personally. Due to the fact bandits are still roaming about at the border, its not been to safe to return her to her home country. However, recently our scouts discovered a pattern and the best possible path to take to get through to the safe house. Originally I told Momo this was to be just a one man mission, due to moving a large group of people wouldn't be the best. You'll need to be stealthy on this mission, and even then there is a high chance you may encounter some enemies along the way." she gazed over the page once more before closing the book and looking back at Mochizuki, a serious look on her face now.

"This mission might seem simple, but I cannot stress enough to be in your toes. Sakuya aside, I am more worried about you and Momo, considering these bandits are eager to get their hands on any Sand shinobi they can. If you're captured, they will torture you and possibly kill you or even send demands our way. I will not, however, be negotiating with them at all, under any circumstances. You must be at your best if you want to survive. Getting across the border and back wont be easy." she finished, waiting for a response or any questions the girl may have.

Mochizuki's christmas tree face shrunk back more into a plain smile.

"So it's in the Land of Fire. Huh. That means it has lots, and lots of trees. Anyways, I'm probably not the most quiet ninja, but my dojutsu and blowgun are pretty good at keeping me out of trouble....Mom and Dad made sure of that one.... I wonder what a forest is like. I hear some of the trees are as tall of mountains! Alright! Help Sakuya Nyoto across the border, teammates with Momo, don't get caught by bandits. Anything else I need to take or do? Do I need a passport or anything?"

Yuzuki couldn't help her smile. "As long as you know what you're getting into, I trust you'll do just fine." she said, proud that the dangers didn't seem to phase the girl in the slightest. That was good, she needed ninja who were confident and sure of their skills. "You don't need anything to cross the border. There will be a 'safe house' set up just across it where you will drop off Sakuya and come back. Though that's when it may be most dangerous. The shinobi in the Land of Fire are under no orders to help you two with the bandits, since they are our problem. That said, make sure you don't pay too much attention to those big trees, alright?" she told the girl, crossing her arms and standing up from her chair. It was about time she left the office to check on some things and head home. With a bit of chakra, she willed a gust of wind to close the open window behind her.

Mochizuki bowed, her wings buzzing excitedly as she did.

"Thanks, I'll do my best, and bye. Also, sorry about that ANBU this morning, I didn't see him infront of that target."

Before she could explain, she left the room, and found the nearest window in the adjacent room, heading off as fast as she could.

Yuzuki stood there in her office, a bit surprised at the girl's parting words. Slowly her eyes closed and she frowned before facepalming.

"I hope she'll be alright." she thought aloud, before also exiting the room by vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden Sand Village - Late at Night

Even with the growing number of residents in the village, at night, the Hidden Sand carried no noise louder than a whisper. As workers far and wide ended their days and journeyed home, the only sounds were of light laughter and praise of a job well done. The sun had fallen long ago and the moon was high, framed all around by the blanket of stars that seemed to cover the village. The strong day winds had calmed to a gentle breeze and the air was cool. Despite this, few people stayed out to roam the streets, save for the merchants who seemed too content with sitting and gazing at the sky. Many people returned to their homes, and one such person being Momo Sakurai, who carried her baby sister on her shoulders as she walked out from the center of town.

Her pace was slow and she had her eyes lowered to the ground as she listened to the curious squealing of little Ayama. Her expression was neutral, her breathing even, but despite all appearances, Momo was feeling a deep sadness at some things. Some unknown things she would never care to share with anyone. And so, with her sister's cries of joy filling her ears, she looked up to the sky and lost herself in the starry expanse. By the time they reached their home, one of the few buildings yet to have construction done, Ayama was squealing for a different reason. One that Momo knew all too well. They were light cries of hunger. An alert that she had very little time before hell would break lose, and the peace in the night would be lost to the little girl's cries.

Kicking off her shoes at the door and using her bare feet to kick it shut, Momo entered the cool house and immediately went towards the kitchen. She lifted the small girl from her shoulders and placed her on the fllor, watching as the little demon sped off at a speed crawl towards her toys in the living room. Thankfully it was where Momo could watch her while she made something for them all to eat.

She began going through the motions she's seen her mother do many times. She gathered all the supplies she thought she needed and placed them on the counter in front of her. First she took some berries and prepared them, adding honey and other things to make them taste good before sticking them aside. She would prepare the fruit tarts to start, since those took the longest to make. She had to make a quick dough, checking a written recipie in a book that sat on the counter. When she looked through it, the familiar script of her mother brought a sad smile to her face.

Momo followed the recepie as best as she could, though when she was done, it just looked sloppy. Despite this, she grinned, probably for the first time all day. She felt oddly accomplished. She put the tray of fruit tarts in the oven to cook and moved on to the main meal.

Glancing over at her baby sister from time to time as she would squeal, Momo thought about what she could make that would be easy for the young child to eat. Frowning, she thought back to the times when she'd visited the Suna Day Care and asked about what she should feed Ayama. Considering she was nearly eight months old, that meant she could eat small solid things that were soft. Looking around, Momo grabbed first the rice as well as some veggies, tofu, and pork. She could make Sukiyaki, a dish they'd had many of times due to it being something she was good at making. Ayama could eat the rice as well as some tofu and veggies. She set a small portion of this aside for the girl to cook seperately, to make sure it wouldn't be spicy for her.

It was just when she was finished preparing everything and set it to cook, that Ayama suddenly squealed and started to cry. Momo rushed over quickly, scooping the girl up from the floor and holding her out at arms length. She inspected the crying, wiggling girl for a moment, frowning as she brought the baby up to her face and sniffed.

Smelled like new baby.

Momo pouted as she realized Ayama was likely just hungry. She took the squaling girl with her to the couch and sat down, plopping the girl between her legs. Reaching up, she untied the ribbon that held her haid back from her face, her auburn locks falling down her back as she did so. She handed Ayama the ribbon, knowing she liiked them, and it caused her to quiet down.

Sighing, Momo relaxed into the seat, her head falling back and a yawn escaping her mouth. Looking around boredly, her eyes stopped on a picture of her mother and reached for it. It was a beautiful picture of their mother. It was from when she was stil pregnant with Ayama. Before she got sick. Before she started to lose her glow... Just looking at it closely brought tears to Momo's eyes, which she quickly wiped away.

Reaching in front of her, she handed the picture to Ayama, wondering if she could get any kind of reaction from the girl. Ayama just stared at the picture for a long moment before bringing it to her mouth to chew on it. Momo chuckled and pulled it away, wiping off the drool and placing it back on the table.

A long moment of silence passed, where the only faint sound was of the bubbling away of dinner. Closing her eyes, Momo thought of a song she could sing to Ayama. A few came to mind, but she didn't feel like any of those were good. And so, with only the words on her heart to guide her, she parted her lips and started to sing.

"That was beautiful." said a deep voice from next to her. Momo's eyes flew open and she was startled for a moment before realizing who it was.

"Dad? What the hell...?" she sighed. "Don't scare me like that." she said, pouting and standing up from the couch, lifting Ayama with her. "How long were you there?" she asked him.

"Just a little while." he had said, turning and placing his Jonin vest on the wall hook. "But more importantly, what's that burning smell?" he asked.

Momo gasped and dumped Ayama into her father's arms, dashing to the kitchen to pull the fruit tarts from the oven. She looked at them, burned around the edges and sighed, placing them on the stovetop. She turned off the bubbling dinner then and started to set the table while her father and Ayama were catching up in the other room.

At the dinner table, Momo ate quietly while her dad helped Ayama to eat some things. After a while, he asked her about how she was. She knew what he meant, but Momo avoided the question entirely. "I'm going away on a mission tomorrow in the morning. I'm pretty excited about it actually." she said, though she didn't sound excited at all. Thankfully, he got the hint and just nodded.

They sat the rest of the meal in silence once again.

The Hidden Sand - After Midnight

Yuzuki had gotten home late yet again. She wandered around the village, using a bit of her wind chakra to float around easily and with little effort. She was going to the various construction sites around the village, as she did every night, and checking to make sure no one was still out doing work. It was far past the time for people to stop their work and return home to their families, and Yuzuki knew there would be a few of those who would want to continue. She would go to these places and greet the people who strayed behind, urging them to go home and rest before their work resumed in the morning. As she made her way around, checking literally every street corner and back alley to make sure no one was working too hard.

The occasional dozing street merchant, she didn't bother since they didn't seem to be doing anything extra. Her priority were the few who wanted to work more than their bodies could handle, and while she was grateful to them, she was going to have none of that. And so by the time she managed to find all the over-achievers and get back home, she was feeling more tired than usual. She quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, a sudden wave of heat sending a flush over her body. Yuzuki absently wondered why she was feeling this way, but at soon as her body hit the bed, she was out like a light, her mind forgetting any kind of worry she may have been feeling.

The room was cold, dark, and it was quiet enough for Yuzuki to hear the pounding of her heart in her chest. It seemed to be going abnormally fast, and as her blue-green eyes dashed around in the darkness, she had the feeling she wasn't alone. More importantly, she was unsure where she was. The soft pillows of her bed were no longer pressed into her back, rather she felt nothing beneath her. It was like she was floating in the darkness, unable to move or see anything.

Her mind raced with thoughts. Had she been kidnapped? Placed in a genjutsu? She was unsure, but knew she had to escape somehow. There was something there in the space with her that felt wrong. It felt evil. As she tried to will her arms to move, a sudden weight came down upon her chest like a ton of bricks. The breath was knocked out of her and she gasped, unable to get any air into her lungs. Her vision became clouded with some kind of unknown mist, and she thought that perhaps it was some poison cloud or something of the like. Her eyes closed from the stinging and the gas filled her lungs and seemed to cut off her flow of air at the same time. The sensation of something being wrapped around her neck caused her throat to close up, where she was no longer gasping, but thrashing about with her mouth open and no sound coming out.

What she was feeling could only be described as horrifying. She was sure she was going to die. She could feel it... her life slowly slipping away.

And then she was falling.

Yuzuki awoke with a jolt and sat up, clutching her chest. The sudden motion of her trying to get up caused her to tumble onto the floor, her legs too weak to support her. She had broken out in a cold sweat but the room seemed warm enough. Her skin was damp, her hands were clammy, and her face was pale, drained of color. As she curled up into a ball on the floor, she erupted into a coughing fit as she tried to get air into her lungs.

She didn't try to stop the tears as they fell, as she was much more focused on not dying at the moment. Her body trembled as she slowly started to calm down, taking a dozen or so deep, wheezing breaths of air. Yuzuki sat up, extending her arms and pushing herself up off the floor. When she looked around her, her expression was one that was full of terror. What had just happened to her, she couldn't explain or even begin to wrap her head around it. She was no longer in the dark room, but in her own bedroom, still half naked, but still feeling the same emotions she was before. Perhaps it was a nightmare. That's what it had seemed like, but she had never expirenced something like that before. It was as if her body had stopped breathing on its own, and thus translated into her dreams as a nightmare.

Leaning back against her bed, she was still panting heavily as she reached up to pull a sheet that had all but fallen off. She wrapped herself in the thin fabric, her body not ceasing in its trembling. There was no way she was going to get any sleep tonight. Not after something like that. Her chest felt like it was on fire, and she clutched it as her heart seemed to throb painfully. The bangs of her hair stuck to her forhead as if she had just gotten out of the shower. Yuzuki was too weak to care though, too tired, and too shaken to think about that.

It was at times like these where she wished she had someone to comfort her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dazsos


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Locke Wind

They say badasses don't look directly at explosions, they're often depicted walking away from the scene of one with unflinching determination. A pyromaniac would bask in the glow of a burning town however long it lasted. In Locke's case, the fishing village's carnage was a beautiful sight to behold. To the distance, with his good eye, the pirate captain noticed something of intrigue; a few of his crewbies had been slacking off, and were left behind. He'd chuckle at first, assuming he'd get to watch them all take a swim back, but before he could cough another laugh, he'd witness the gruesome slaughtering of them all. A feigned smile curved the captain's lips at this sight, and his laugh turned to a slightly darker, and almost maniacal note. To be fair, he didn't remember any of their names, and rations were running low for the crew, they wouldn't be missed. Regardless, some form of retaliation was exactly what Locke wanted.

"Aii, hoist tha'..." Locke turned back, in his drunken haze he'd have forgotten that his crew had already departed, and he was sailing upon his treasure chest. A growl escaped his mouth, before he'd grasp the side handle of his chest and take matters back in to his own hands. The soles of his boots would find footing atop the ocean's surface, and he'd speedily tread it back to the ship, before a strong jump landed him beside the coxswain. "Ah, cap'n, I was just-" The mate spoke up, but the sudden gun pointed at his chin shut him up quaintly. "Yap yap yap, shaddap! Ye' blimey useless shit! Ya' forgot a few crew ashore, n'now guess what... we've got company. Go ready tha' cannon hull fer' battle, else I'll have yer head swingin' across tha mast!" Locke spoke and spat at the same time, baring his gnarly teeth, whilst his gun pointed straight for the kill. His lackeys quickly got back to work, and control over his vessel returned to him. The battle was not yet over, for Locke enjoyed leaving parting gifts for his enemies.

Deft steering halted the Cruel Knave at first, before pivoting it atop the ocean blue. No longer would its rear face the shore, but instead the broadside of the ship. Not a minute would pass, before the firing squad got to work. A cherry for the top of the cake, the good old 'rub it in' tactic. Perhaps ignorant, however not incapable was the pirate crew in combat. Whatever survived the initial lightning raid wouldn't endure the cannon barrage to come. Pirate tactics were more cunning and ruthless than they were truly tactical, and only ten flaming cannonballs were all it'd take to express that fact. The very second those iron balls struck the dirt, the entire village lit aflame. How? The landscape had been drenched in alcohol, it was bound to spread from the burning houses eventually. This trick was meant to lure in any so called 'heroes,' the quickest to respond, and light them up in a blaze of glory. Shame all of this was wasted on a single metal creature. Maybe some stragglers would feel the fire, but either way, in the end the ship would flee the scene of a truly vulgar event. If the dune hunter was not either pummeled by shrapnel, or melted in the fiery wake of the pirates, it'd have a chance to complete its mission.

Cries for mercy could be heard echoing from the lower decks, as the pirates had their way with their captives. A few broads brought cheer back to any miscreants face, and a few young boys would make excellent row fodder. As much infamy as he'd earn, Locke knew this raid was an absolute success, and with that came insight. People were after him, as always, and now he needed a battle plan. Like hell he'd just find some hole to hide in till things blew over, and signing any papers with his newly designated enemies was unwise. He needed to know more about these 'Sand Ninja,' and what better a way, than through the mouths of their own captured? The kunoichi held captive would much rather talk with Locke, than deal with the needs of his simple-minded lackeys, that's for sure. Locke nodded over his quartermaster once more, the only man he still trusted, and with a few simple gestures with his chin and pistol, the man knew exactly where to sail. Old captain Locke would visit his new swabbies now.

The lower deck was an absolute mess. Several bodies were piled up already, a few shinobi, and a few pirates both from the fight prior. Among them, a few seemed dead, but were simply pissed drunk. Two female ninja, each with a headband hailing the sand nation's symbol, both looked over to the captain as he entered. One was gagged and bound up tight with electric rope, disabling her nervous system, and thus rendering her unable to perform jutsu. The other could be seen in the shadow of the room, where one pirate was attempting to fondle her in the petty state she found herself in. Unlike his crew, Locke cared not for desires of the flesh, and only pitied his crew for being so simple and barbaric. "Ho thar, this pretty little lass here? Aye... she's mine, ya hear?" His raspy voice chilled the crew stiff, and immediately the pirates dispersed from their other captive, who gave the captain a vile leer, like a captive wolf might. Locke laughed at her discipline, and dragged her by her long hair back in to his cabin - she made not a single peep from the pain she was in. Much of what could be heard from the cabin was nothing but the loud and obnoxious threatening of Locke Wind, whilst the afflicted shinobi's voice went completely unheard. Moments passed, and Locke's voice repeated itself many times, until the sound of gunfire finally summoned voice out of the shinobi girl, screams, and nothing coherent after that. The door would creak open, and Locke dragged the ninja back out of his cabin. Blood pooled from her shin, where a bullethole was visible. "Patch tha' wench up, ya hear?! If she dies, well so do ye! She ain't gettin' anywhere, any time soon. Have yer grubby way with her, maybe it'll loosen up that knotted tongue o' hers." Locke growled these words, before tossing the girl to the feet of his crew. Her loyalty would keep any secret information safe, but at what cost? Sure, she might have been prepared for ninja interrogation tactics, but a pirate's were much more... unorthodox.

Whilst returning to the ship's wheel, Locke made sure to scout his surroundings with such care; his paranoia saw everything aloof. The monster from earlier might pay them a visit, after all. After seeing it, Locke made his rounds with utmost care. His ship could only travel so far, so if the creature could chase them out here, so be it. Positioning himself beside the ninja gave him a possible hostage, yet the creature wasn't as punctual as expected. Locke's eyes glanced from side to side, sizing the waters, and scouting for a trace of malice in the air. Perhaps the creature couldn't swim, or it was melted as planned, either way left room to worry. An aura of unease stirred the ship, as they traveled along the shoreline. At any moment, a raiding party could attack, or they might find new prey, the war was never-ending.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
Avatar of MonkeyBusiness


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ren Matsuoko - The Immovable Tsuchikage

The Tsuchikage stood at the bottom of a canyon looking at the three floating rocks in front of him at varying distances and heights. Between his hands rested a glowing sphere of light with a bright core that slowly grew until it rested easily in his two hands. All of a sudden, he held both hands forward palms out sending the orb of light forward aiming for the farthest rock in the trio. When the sphere made contact it expanded to envelope the large boulder destroying the object on the cellular level and reducing it to dust.

Ren launched another two spheres at the remaining rocks reducing both of them to nothing before making a few quick hand seals and slowly rising into the air. As he rose out of the canyon, he checked the position of the sun to see that it was direction above his location meaning that it was near midday now and he should probably be getting back to the village. The Tsuchikage pulled his Kage hat from its spot hanging from his back and placed it securely on his head to block out the glare of the sun as he slowly floated through the air back to Iwagakure.

It took a half hour to make it back to the village from his own personal training ground and was instantly greeting with a mountain of paperwork as he entered his office. This paperwork had been the reason why Ren had left in the first place to try and escape it but that didn’t seem to have fixed the problem. It took a large amount of self control to not just destroy the papers in the first place, but he calmed himself down with the mantra that it was for the good of Iwagakure. He repeated that phrase continuously as he sat down at his desk to look over the work that needed to be done.

It was a busy week for the village as just five days away was the celebration for the founding of Iwagakure. This was a bright time as everyone was in a pleasant mood with each passing day leading up to a large festival that invited all the small villages in the Land of Earth to come and enjoy a good time. Even the Daimyo made an appearance every few years.

Ren ran his hands over his face and through his hair as the weight of his position was hitting him. Why did he even accept the spot of Kage if he felt he couldn’t handle the position. Than he remembered why he had taken up the mantel. He owed Iwagakure and the former Tsuchikage for everything he had and he felt that he needed to everything in his power to protect the village as a thank you for what he had. He enjoyed Iwagakure’s habit of isolation from the other villages, but also felt that it may be time to make some changes in some of their policies for the better. He had already instituted the system of a Shinobi Academy to train the younger generations instead of just allowing anyone with promise to become a genin.

That was when an interesting thought popped into the Kage’s head. Perhaps he should extend an invitation to the other villages to come enjoy the festival. Though he would have to limit the amount that would be allowed to attend as well as heighten the security more so than he already did during the festival. With this thought in mind he proceeded to start writing up official invitations to each village starting the limit of attendees to five per village.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Masshiro, Kenomo (畜生 真白 )
~}|Burning Memories|{~

Date- 5/1/1925, Location- Kumogakure, Time- Morning

Sweat rolled off Masshiro’s pale skin. His body was drenched to the bone and movements staining the futon’s surface, creating darken spots, as his eyes closed tightly to push away the trespassing dreams. The images were etching into his frightened mind with each passing moment. Every few seconds he would immediately toss and turn before fingers clawed into the covers. The short nails dug harshly in, the fabric slowly tearing with a loud rip, sending wool and cotton everywhere when he jerked his figure back to the opposite edge. His body trembled terribly. Under his breath, small and pitiful whimpers were escaping through pressed lips during his restless sleep. The teenager growled in both fear and resistance, his lips curled back to reveal two sharp canines underneath.

The noise sounded more like a low, wild and almost feral sound. One a scared animal would give to warn away an invisible predator. His mind lost in the realm of nightmares.


Chaos in the form of smoke and fire hunted Masshiro, his hand held his neck where the flames burnt into it. The fumes threatened to smother his lungs as air no longer reached him. That other hand reached out to guide him through the growing haze as the weight of exhausting was piling up on his fragile, four year old body. Feet stumbling across the wood floor while voices were consumed by the crackling deafening his ears, casting his once clean face into contrasting shadows.

"Mommy!!!" He screamed out loud. His shrieks were all in vain, tears streaming down his white face and quickly evaporated. He was grimy, his cheeks had become painful enough that it threatened to blister from the dry heat in the air.

It was the only word that came into his childish mind, she was the only one he needed or wanted. An individual who could make sense of why their home, his stuff, and everything was burning around him into ashes. He wailed again and again, still crying for mercy. His body stepped around hot boards crashing down from above, landing in his way while he navigated his best around them. All the time, flames were blocking his path and sight in their need to consume everything within their path. Masshiro’s heart raced in his chest and the sleepy, heavy sensation grew in his head. The want to lay down and sleep was becoming too hard to resist, his eyes panning the scene of fire spreading its death.

His voice grew quieter, his throat too raw to yell now. Finally his eyes spied his once favorite hiding spot: the living room table. In a want to just lay down, he dropped to all fours and crawled underneath. The air didn’t hurt his chest as badly when he flattened himself down and shortly felt his eyelids start to sag. Masshiro was still whimpering and crying quietly when he heard someone screaming his name, his vision blacking out slowly. His last image before the darkness swallowed was Hanawa-chan drawing close to his hiding place.


At the end of the nightmare, Masshiro’s body jerked with fisted hand then smacked it right into the wall. The wood made a loud thump and his knuckle ached, not splitting the skin thanks to the power he lacked in the punch. His eyes went wide at his violent reaction as he gingerly pulled it away, cradling the stinging and possibly broken knuckles in his other hand. He spent a moment or two examining it for permanent damage. Several other mild indentations were easily seen beside his newly made one, all shouting back at Masshiro how bad these nightmares had started to become. Half the time, the teenage grudgingly thought, he couldn’t recall them at all. His head glanced to the side before absorbing the mess that was now his mattress. Stuffing was tossed about, some even still clinging to him, as he made efforts to get out of bed. Hand ruffled through his short hair, brushing away the wool caught in it.

Ignoring his own stupidity and sour mood, the pale haired boy gently twisted about and pressed his feet flat upon the floor. He braced against the added weight gradually building when he stood upright and stretched his legs, the dull tiredness fading with the prickling sensation. His eye corner brushed over the other beds lined up on the opposite wall. All six were completely empty which meant he was the last to get up and the other boys were outside playing. Each, like his own, had their own compact dresser sitting beside it. It held almost all their belongings and prevented their cherished possessions from becoming lost in the shared items.

The room was an utter mess. A fact expected from a house full of boys and girls, the Negishi household often taking in orphaned children and creating a family like environment. Each one was cared for, taught and well loved causing Masshiro to momentarily reflect on his luck. He inhaled when his knuckles flared with new pain. It was the reminder of his earlier outburst that caused him to finally padded over to his dresser, mindful of the childish mine field between it and himself. Small, wooden toys were scattered from one end of the room to the other, making it a slight challenge to navigate his way over the floor. At least without breaking the skin of his soles by treading over wooden kunai, shuriken or even crumbled up handmade ‘explosion’ tags. Being a nin was an important dream to them as it was to him, through unlike them, he managed to pave his path toward it.

Upon reaching an empty patch, Masshiro causally walked the rest of his way to his dresser. He popped open the top drawer, his body clothed in nothing but simple boxers, then one handedly shoved aside the contents. While he reached into it and started to pull out the basic first aid kit, his ears caught the loud racket of his siblings’ laughter. Their happiness was filling house and soon, proved it was infectious as he caught himself making a small smile at the sounds leaking into his room. With the first-aid in his hand, Masshiro smacked the drawer shut with his elbow then turned about to return to his bed again. Along the way to sit down, he spied his knuckles to note they had began to turn purplish around the bone. That concerned him inside through his face barely showed it with a neutral expression fixed in place. It was a permanent mask he usually worn over his face for protection and defense, keeping himself at a distance from everyone around him.

A cold, heartless wall he noted in some bitterness. One that made him feel alone sometimes because he couldn’t risk taking it down. His body flopped down on the mattress, the wool and cotton bits flaking off the edge and onto the floor. It was making a bigger mess for him to clean up now. Masshiro sighed softly. “Damn it…” Masshiro uttered under his breath at the sight, his tongue rolled under his lower lip in frustration.

Ignoring it for now, he laid the kit on the bed. It was a small, jewelry box sized container with a simple twist latch. His thumb and forefinger gripped the mechanism gently then unlatched it, propping the lid open to get to the supplies inside. The scent of wild herbs having been dried and stuffed in now overwhelmed his nose causing him to almost react. He managed to just crinkle his nose instead of clasping his hands over his face, his fingers tightening into a fist to resist the impulse. A moment passed before he breathed then reached for the herbs to take the swelling down. Hanawa-chan was going to kill him when she learned he might’ve busted a knuckle or two. He secretly prayed he could hide it from him while they healed.

Depression settled in his heart like a rock, threatening to sink him, but he held it at bay. He bite his tongue when he started to hiss, a natural reaction to the pain, still keeping up his application of the herbs then followed up with the balm to seal any possible splits he missed in his skin. Finally he bandaged them up tightly in a thick wrap which protected it from infection in the air.

Now done with the wound, he leaned back to survey the damage done to his bed. Wool and cotton were scattered everywhere on the surface, peering out of the tears of the cover, their bits mingling with the sheets and worse. He just stared because he knew he possibility of getting it all was very slim and mending it was pretty much impossible. Everything was currently in strips which wouldn’t hold if he tried to sew them back together.

He raised his uninjured left hand to scratch his head as he acknowledged the trouble this would bring. Getting a new bed was a must and that meant money he didn’t have currently. He knew asking for some from his parents would mean questions then admitting he had another nightmare, his conscious knew deep down he couldn’t stand having them stare at him in pity. He exhaled a breath then snapped the kit close. Setting it on the ground, he nudged it under the bed’s low space beneath and rose upright. He quickly snatched all the ratted wool, cotton and sheet he could into his hands and started to stuff it back into the futon. Masshiro smoothed over the surface best he could through the top layer was just as torn as the mat causing him to creep over to the next bed and snag another, not ripped sheet from it. He flipped it over and let it settle before he tucked it in. With careful and devil ate care to detail, he tried his best to make it look like a proper bed. He made a mental note to ask Hanawa-chan if he could stay a few nights with her while this blew over.

Masshiro had managed to kick the last of the missed stuffing out of sight just when he heard the room door slid open. Masshiro’s head snapped to stare at the wall immediately, briefly seeing his mother edging in with her warm brown eyes panning the room. They swayed from one end to the other, stopping only to rest on him when she saw him awake. It was then Masshiro became abruptly aware he was still in his boxer. On that note he tried not to let the red blush fill his face and show through his pale skin, struggling not to shift his eyes to look his mother in the eyes. Instead he turned slightly and focused on a spot on her neck.

He was very much aware of her noting his hand at his side however, his bandaged hand carefully shifted to hide it behind his back and body positioned to block the sight of the new dent. More of a habit than actually expecting to succeed, Masshiro stood quietly in place to heard his mother speak.

Negishi-san was a woman well in her late thirties, with a plump and motherly figure. To most the village, she gave off a loving aura to all her children and knew many individuals within Kumogakure. Her dark hair was tied in a messy bun, pierced by the metal needle in its center. She was dressed in a casual yet flowery dress which helped tame her curved shape. Gently, she was wiping her hands on a towel after drying the dishes. Masshiro could feel his mother smile at him, happy to see him up and about. She spoke in her soften tones when she started to address him. “Sleep well?”

Masshiro nodded his head, shrugging his shoulders at the question.

“Good, now that you’re awake. Hurry up. Stop playing already and get that tush into gear.” With those last words, she popped back out then started to yell at some of his siblings with a demand to cease running in the house.

Masshiro relaxed at the thought of being alone again, his fingers ruffled his hand to rid himself of the anxiety. Not wasting more time, he stepped to getting dressing in his usual outfit. His arms were pulling the pants, shirt, and other needed things from the various drawers when the reality of the situation started to slap him in the face.

He was actually a Genin. After all those years struggling in class and pushing himself, his dreams were starting to finally take wing to the road’s end. For several moments he let his shock settle over his mind. When the sensation of a small, wet tear dripped down his cheek, Masshiro’s finger lifted up to calmly brush it away. It might’ve not seem like much, that little tear, but to Masshiro, it was merely an trickle of what he was feeling inside and had allowed to surface. Inside, if he could describe the joy and relief, it would’ve been like a vermillion bird rising from the ashes. Jarring himself from his inner thoughts, the boy quickly wrapped up his task before shipping out to the kitchen.

Children, all shapes, ages and sizes, were scrambling in and out of the house’s front door. Their faces filled with cheer and happiness while Masshiro carefully kept his eyes downward. His taller and lankier body easily parted his younger siblings and quickly took a seat at the low table, his legs folded underneath him. The first thing his mother brought out was the green tea, setting the large, white and blue pattern pot on the center alongside his squarish cup. After pouring his tea, he watched her walk back into the kitchen for his meal which turned out be one of his favorites: Oyakodon with a fried egg on top, and miso soup on the side. Upon setting them down, she herself took a seat and waited until he actually started to dig into the meal to discuss an unwanted topic.

“So… mind telling me what happened to your bed, Masshiro?”

The white haired boy nearly choked on his food, biting into a egg piece, chicken, beans, and rice collected into his mouth. He coughed hard, his teeth sank into the wooden chopsticks, and he tried to swallow the lodge food in his throat down. Keeping his chopstick in his mouth, his hand fisted then smacked his chest a few times. However, his mother seemed unfazed by the sight as her head resting in her head, studying his reaction in mild amusement.

"So, ya going to answer me or do I tell your father? Or worse, inform Hanawa?"

When Masshiro could breath again, his body tensed at the mention of his father. His head jerked to his mom's direction, careful not to look in her eyes, when he lied.

"I... What do you mean what happened to my bed? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Ummm..." The woman said thoughtfully, her finger rises to press tightly to her frowning lips. "Masshiro, look at me. And say that to me again."

The boy stilled. His head pulled down and narrowed on the table surface before him, his meal forgotten for the moment. It was by choice he let his body language seep through when around those he loved so he knew his mom knew he was lying. Even if it was continually monitored, he had a feeling her instincts would've screamed his guilty anyway. "I'll replace it, I swear."

"Not the point, Hun. This isn't normal and it seems you've been having them an awful lot lately. Is something bothering you?"
In a motherly impulse, her hand gently feathered away his bangs pulls over his eye. "If you need to talk, you I'll listen."

"I know. I'll have Hanawa-chan look at my hand as well, then maybe see what he suggests. I think I'm just restless is all, I hope." Masshiro admitted, his hand already raised to remove the chopsticks dangling from his mouth. He lifted his eyes to meet hers as he spoke, letting her see the sincerity in his words. She visibly tensed at the energy and emotion, her breath paused for a moment into unexpected action. Shortly his mother regained her composure since having become use to it over the years. "I'm still your mother in the end, and I have a right to know. You're my child after all. Now, finish your breakfast and get to the academy. They will likely give you your first assignment as a Genin and don't want to be late for that." Negishi-San added then sat upright when she noted the only set of twin boys out of the family, Kohei and Kokan, heading out the door.

Both of them were trailing out of the house with water balloons sacked in their thin arms, their actions seemed almost purely criminal while they tried to avoid being seen on the way. Masshiro watched his mother scowl as she got to her feet and moved to to stop the twins, her body placed between them and the door. She followed it up with a shout on approaching them. "For Genmyou's sake, you two! Kohei and Kokan, will you put those balloons back, now!"

Masshiro chuckled softly when the two boys darted for the back door, startled by their mother's reprimand and forcing her to rush after them. Taking the opportunity, he returned to his breakfast while his mind pondered how the rest of the day would go.

~}Half an hour later|{~

It had taken nearly half an hour but he managed to avoid his other siblings, finally escaping the house and was now strolling through the stone streets of Kumogakure. Being on a mountain had its perks as the air was usually clean and fresh, absent the usual taints experienced in the valley areas. After all, only a few places could grow the needed herbs native to their region which made it necessary to take side trips down from their mountain home. He wasn't the first, or last, stupid child to brazenly push the boundaries of their village. Most would’ve seen this as an act that was risking war among their neighbor. Others the playful antics of immature children.

Unlike many of his follow students, at least he could count the times he did it on one hand.

His hand clasped his coat front tightly while he scaled the wounding paths leading from one spiral peak to another. The whole time Masshiro's eyes were shifted downward and carefully he avoided looking into someone's face, his figure easily dodging narrow brushing his shoulder against any casual walker’s. The last thing he wanted was to piss off a hot head itching for a fight. At that thought, Masshiro's mind flashed with the image of Jaakuna and shuddered. He had seen the sadistic bastard engage in enough random and unprovoked fights to be certain he should avoid crossing paths with the nin. There was only one way that situation was going to end. With a death, likely his or both of them, and the idea it was because of some lunatic’s gruff inability to control his temper. It was the fear of that outcome which had made Masshiro determined to give Jaakuna a wide berth. He didn’t need to go interacting with someone that easily set off after all.

A small yawn edged into Masshiro's features causing his hand to stifle it. The mountain's cold air breezed into his bones and kept him walking just to stay warm. Ahead, there was sounds of giggling and laughter causing his pace to slow, prodding his curiosity to seek out the source. He came around the corner of a building just in time to see the scene unfolding in the academy grounds. His feet paused in his stroll, abruptly standing there, and observing the game being played. He knew it well, recalling the fact he use to play with Hanawa-chan in their youth. In this instance, however, instead of the seeker being Hanawa-chan it was another girl. One he knew only at a distance. He recalled her name being Manami-san.

From what Masshiro had seen of her, she was an accomplished Jōnin nicknamed the ‘Spider of the Lightning’ but beyond that fact and her appearance, he knew nothing else about her. Immediately the academy children took off into different directions when she started to count. Each one seeking a place to stow way beyond their older playmate's gaze, giggling and hushing in their efforts to outwit the older woman. It was odd to Masshiro to see a Jōnin, out of the academy and already aiding the village, spending her time with those younger than herself. It made him slightly miss the enjoyment his sister and him use to have as children. That thought made his feet stir once more to move to the academy stairs. Life was simple back then but now, it just got more complicated. The sudden realizing the future he was about to face was hard to predict, made him ease as old worries resurfaced from his past.

Only time would tell what happened next and he became a bit bitter at the thought he couldn’t control it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiroshi Wakahisi – Hiroshi of the Invisible Hand

Hiroshi had barely come through the door to the Kazekage’s office before Syu-lerne stepped up to him and dragged him back out of the room. He was used to his master’s strange happens and this was no exception as he was lead back out of the building he had just entered moments before. The student listened intently to the words that were exchanged and remembered all the important information that was fed to him.

Pirates weren’t anything unusual to happen to a coastal town but these pirates didn’t seem to be from the area or from any known group that roamed the coast of the Land of Wind. There was also the matter of the man with the strange chakra that needed to be dwelt with and that would not be an easy task for anyone.

Finally the moment came when he was going to be teleported to the scene of the battle and he readied himself by placing his left hand on the scroll hanging from his right shoulder ready to draw it once he was summoned. “Don’t worry Syu-lerne. I won’t fail you on this mission.” And with that final comment he placed his hand over the puppet’s palm and was teleported instantly to the fishing village.

Hiroshi appeared in a puff of smoke and was quickly greeted with the light of the sun as he saw that he had been summoned into an alleyway. He pulled the scroll over his shoulder and unrolled it in front of him to reveal it contained the kanji for Katana. He made a single handed seal to release the puppet that was contained within the scroll itself. The puppet looked like a replica of the typical Suna shinobi complete with a flak jacket and long black hooded robe with two large katanas hanging from its hips.

The puppet user rolled the scroll up and placed it back in it’s holster as he connected chakra strings to the puppet to give it life. Katana rattled to life as it drew the swords from their sheathes and dropped into a low stance ready to be given the order to attack. Just as Hiroshi was ready to start Shiso appeared a few building up the road and stated what he had already noticed to his disappointment.

“Well, I think you’re right. We need to get moving before they get away. Race you there.” Hiroshi said before dashing ahead of his fellow shinobi with his puppet in tow still connected by the threads that snaked out of his long sleeves. He didn’t have time to check to see if Shiso was following him as he leap out over the water and formed a layer of chakra over his feet so that he was able to run atop the water’s surface. Suddenly there was a loud bang as if several explosives were being set off all at once and Hiroshi saw large iron balls fly over his head in the direction of the fishing village causing the houses to go up in a large blaze. The young shinobi’s eyes widened as he saw the entire village become engulfed in flames and hoped that the other shinobi that had been summoned had made it out alright.

Hiroshi made a hand seal with his obsured hands and Katana disappeared in a puff of smoke back to the scroll it had been sealed in. He had decided to make an on the spot call to trail the ship from a distance and wait for Shiso to catch up with him if she had made it out of the village in time so that he did not have to engage by himself. The issue with going in alone would be that he is mainly plays a supportive role instead of being a frontal assault. The Suna shinobi sank halfway into the water as he maintained a layer of chakra to give him some water resistance so that he could keep some speed while out of his element.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hyakune su Jikangai, Kyoko; Akaritori; Shikata, Ayameko

Mizukage's Office - Kirigakure - Land of Water; Early Afternoon

Using the constructed transport network from the capital to the eastern shorts of the Land of Fire, Ayameko and Akaritori had cut significant time off of their journey to the Land of Water. Having corresponded with a number within positions of leadership, she had been informed of great strife within the islandic nation. After discussing the matter with the Council and the leaders of the various divisions of Kyokujitsu no Tochi, Ayameko departed to assist in mediating the disputes between the various factions vying for control within the nation.

It had not been a difficult decision for Ayameko. Many years ago, her own nation had been troubled with similar problems. She was not eager to see this dispute cascade out of control and cause another shinobi war, like many attributed to causing the First Shinobi War. By engaging the factions in the Land of Water, she hoped to prevent just that as well as provide a stabilizing influence to the nation. Her land, after settling their differences through talks of peace a second time, had greatly prospered. She would listen to the demands of the people and do what she could to help.

Because of the danger currently within the Land of Water, Akaritori had insisted she accompany the Sankage. It was not unwelcome, or terribly surprising. Now on the shores of the main island of Kirigakure, Ayameko and Akaritori looked to meet with a member of the nation named Kyoko.

The troubles that were plaguing the ailing Land of Water were only the beginning, Kyoko feared, as she walked through the halls that were once home to the now-deceased Mizukage. Various factions had arisen after his death seeking to gain control of the village, and Kyoko had intervened on behalf of the nation to ensure that it did not fall apart in the interim. Kirigakure had historically been home to many secrets, and for that reason it had always held a certain allure to the Genjutsu Mistress who roamed the land in search of old knowledge and secrets kept from prying eyes.

The penchant for secrets in a position of power was both enviable and deplorable - it could grant great strength if one had the acumen necessary to utilise the trait and handle the information adequately - but if it was handled poorly (as had been the case in Kirigakure) it could lead a village to ruin in the event of untimely demise. Kyoko had sensed opportunity and duty both within the village - she could plunder its lost secrets and its deepest archives, and in return she would ensure stability until such a time as a new Mizukage could be fairly elected. The fact that she could ensure the next Mizukage was not as prone to untimely death as the last one was an added bonus.

To that end, she had invited the leader of the nearby Kyokujitsu no Tochi to potentially aid in the problem of rebellion and perhaps shape the future of the Land of Water in one fell swoop. Kyoko was no combatant on the level of many of the Kage, preferring to take a less direct approach in her methods of dealing with people, and she could not use a display of force nor fend off entire armies like some of the rulers of the land. For that reason, Lady Ayameko's assistance was much appreciated.

Ayameko and Akaritori headed towards the Mizukage's office immediately after stepping off the boat. One could tell just from a glance that the Land of Water was facing trouble. Her commitment to assisting the nation was only bolstered by the sights on their walk to the office. Ayameko was escorted by one of the remaining members of the staff to a large room used for meetings with important dignitaries. Opening the door for Akaritori and Ayameko, the two were greeted by the presence of Kyoko.

Bowing lightly, Ayameko paid respect to one of the leaders of Kirigakure.

"Miss Kyoko, I see your situation is very serious. We should discuss immediately what we can do to help stabalize your nation," Ayameko spoke, with the tone of a practiced diplomat.

"Thank you for coming, Lady Ayameko, Lady Akaritori." Kyoko began, immediately being met with a scoff and stern glare from Akaritori. Kyoko returned the bow to both Ayameko and Akaritori, before inviting them to take seats at a large table in the centre of the room.

"Obviously Kirigakure is undergoing strain regarding the issue of succession. There are many legitimate candidates for the position of Mizukage, but none will trust another with any real power until a claim can be made and solidified. As someone who is not a native and has no interest in the position of Mizukage, I have temporarily taken control of the land until these disputes have settled." Kyoko started, before taking a stack of papers and pushing them across the table, where they were promptly taken by Akaritori and skimmed over, who then handed them to Ayameko.

"The papers detail problematic areas and the best ways to aid the nation. I will file them in the Yotogi no Eien's archives and assign squadrons best suited to dealing with the problems of particular areas if that pleases you, Sankage?" Akaritori spoke, turning to Ayameko with papers in hand.

"That would be a good first step," Ayameko agreed, "Is there a list of these potential candidates for Mizukage? That will be a crucial step in determining how to organize these talks. The alternative, and maybe the best option for long term prosperity, would be to reach out directly to the people of the nation. Their selection for the seat of Mizukage may be much different than those currently vying for the position think."

Ayameko paused for a moment before continuing, "If need be, we can dispatch a group to join the members of the Kirigakure government interested in solving this peacefully. A joint task force should be able to reduce a significant amount of the violence this power vacuum has created."

"My only fear," Ayameko stated, "Is we may lack enough support from the people to stabilize the nation. You know your people better than I do, could support be gathered for a selection of Mizukage by the people?"

"I'm afraid they are not my people, Lady Ayameko. I am standing in as an outsider and my knowledge of the general opinions of the public is limited to the whispers of my informants. I cannot leave Kirigakure to visit the outlying villages and towns in order to ask, and the land is too war-torn for a poll or anything of its like. Even my position here is tenuous at best, Lady Ayameko, and I can only hold it by virtue of the fact the nation respects a mediator as a necessary evil – for now." Kyoko replied.

"From what I know, there is one promising candidate, but beyond that the whispers of the people do not speak of any one individual legitimately qualified to become the next Mizukage. There are individuals that I suspect will be better suited to the tolls of power than other, but truthfully, I see no worthy candidates in the Land of Water. They are all too concerned with power at the expense of their people." Kyoko opined, letting out a sigh after she finished speaking. It was obvious that Kirigakure was ailing, and she had half a mind to offer the lands to Kyokujitsu no Tochi as individuals that legitimately cared for those under her rule. She had neither the power nor the credence to back such a decision, even if it was what she thought best for the land at that moment in time.

"That will make solving this issue all the more problematic," Ayameko stated, "It may be that there is no alternative but to dispatch a peacekeeping force to ensure that the violence does not get out of hand," Ayameko replied before turning to Akaritori, "Do you have recommendations on shinobi we could dispatch to help keep the peace?"

"Yes, Sankage. Rin and Roku are both competent operatives that have the determination and power necessary to succeed in this operation. You may also consider dispatching Kisaki, though I doubt she would be nearly so willing to accept the mission as Rin and Roku. I am confident that the pair will be able to keep the peace, though I am also willing to stay as an additional measure of security if it pleases you." Akaritori replied without hesitation. The question was always going to be asked, of course, and she had had much time to think about the answer. It was unlikely she would get to stay and purge the land of the banditry and other wrongdoers, but her righteous retribution would have to be focused on apple thieves in the market instead.

"If you happen to have the blood of those you wish to summon on hand, I will be able to summon them here for you now?" Kyoko offered with a chuckle, not expecting any results, before Akaritori reached into a scroll on her back and touched two sigils with Rin and Roku's names. In a puff of smoke, vials of blood as well as files of information regarding the two ninja appeared on the table, to the shock of Kyoko, and Akaritori passed the vials to Kyoko.

"I am always prepared to aid trackers or medical ninja in the event one of my valued lieutenants is in danger." Akaritori replied, her face and voice both equally deadpan.

"Akaritori," Ayameko stated sternly, "While I appreciate the intention, I would be cautious about providing such materials to a person we have only just begun conversation with." It would be a point of discussion for when the two returned to Kyokujitsu no Tochi, as she suspected there was not necessarily consent in this matter, especially in the case of Rin who was associated with the Windspeakers rather than the law and order arm of Kyokujitsugakure. Even more, she did not necessarily want to reveal Yggdrasil's powers unnecessarily, as such a summon would only be able to be performed by the Sankage herself.

"No offense," she said directly to Kyoko, opening her palm to take back the vials, "But I suspect you understand why we must be careful with such items."

"Of course. I genuinely did not expect your companion to be so... Uh... Prepared." Kyoko laughed, pushing the vials back towards Ayameko.

"I appreciate the intention, Akaritori, but you should perhaps be less trusting of foreign dignitaries. I am aware of Kyokujitsu no Tochi's... Safeguards, to an extent, and I am sure such a thing would not be possible without direct interference from Lady Ayameko. I have desire to require the Lady Sankage make herself uncomfortable - I am here to ask for your help, after all. I will instruct the border guards to allow those with a writ from yourselves through to my building whenever you are ready to assist, and I sincerely thank the both of you from the bottom of my heart. I am not sure that Kirigakure could survive without outside assistance, as the issues with the rebels grow worse daily."

Ayameko placed the vials within a small pouch at her waist, nodding in response to Kyoko, "I will have them dispatched immediately." Tokumei, who had been present through the marked Ayameko disconnected before immediately contacting both Rin and Roku to depart immediately. With approval from his authority, Rin and Roku were quickly transported to the eastern short of the Land of Fire. They were directed to cross the water by the fastest means possible - Rin's flight. Once Rin was in the air just above the ground, Roku leapt upwards, onto his back and brought her arms around his body. Once she was secured with a solid lock, he moved forwards, as low the ground as possible - on their way to the Land of Water. Tokumei was instructed to main connection to both operatives as they travelled to ensure he could relay to Ayameko that they got there safely.

"I will be in touch through my agents," Ayameko stated to Kyoko, bowing to the woman, "If you can organize a meeting of the people of the Land of Water or a meeting between the Mizukage candidates, please let me know. I will return immediately to assist in talks amongst those parties. I believe we have a chance to ensure that this is negotiated out peacefully."

"I pray for your swift return. I will gather as many candidates as I can that are worthy to lead the village, but I fear that Kirigakure will want for a more permanent leader soon. I am not sure that what little hold I have over the people will last without a contingent of shinobi loyal to me to enforce this temporary peace, and even then they will clamour for a true leader - something I am not able to provide. If it comes down to it and no other successors can be found, Lady Ayameko, I would have you install a leader in Kirigakure and integrate the lands into your own. If that is not an option, then... I fear for what will happen to these lands."

"Let us not concern ourselves with that extreme of a measure quite yet. There are still many options to explore and that should only be a last ditch measure with the approval of the people. The Land of Water is one of the great shinobi nations and that tradition should be preserved."

Ayameko was quite sincere. The Land of Water was not like her negotiations with many of the smaller nations who were vulnerable to some of the larger nations' power struggles. The Land of Water was one of the 5 great nations. While they were still all young nations, by consideration of all things, it was a historical world power and that should not be so easily left to waste away.

"Banditry is already common, Lady Ayameko. The outlying villages' supplies will not last for much longer, I fear, and it is becoming painfully clear that the previous Mizukage was quite literally the only factor holding this nation together - after some inquisitions into the previous leaders' actions, I discovered much corruption within the ranks. Paperwork does not add up, gold was extorted, and the people suffered before she could stamp it out. Now that she is gone, it is painfully obvious that the entire system of government will need to be reworked... If we somehow find a native to the village that can accomplish all of this, even with our help, how long will it be before the corruption is too thick? How long will the people suffer before we ourselves can stamp it out? The average person has no interest in politics or the avarice of their superiors - they wish to thrive and live out their lives. The more we focus on these politics in order to alleviate these issues, the more they will suffer. I fear drastic action may need to be taken in the immediate future if our efforts to preserve peace are seen as a play for leadership by any of the other remaining factions."

"We will provide supplies to alleviate the problem of banditry, as well as attempt to stop that matter altogether. However, we should not push for drastic action quite yet," Ayameko reiterated. While she would welcome the Land of Water with open arms, it was something she would prefer to avoid having to do and let the nation prosper on its own strength once they were able to get past this period of strife. Otherwise, the move could look like a power grab to some of the other leaders. "I do sympathize with the people and understand their plight. It was not long ago that we too faced difficulties in our nation. However, we did get through it. I hope with our support that it will not take long for this nation to once again be strong."

The problem of corruption was indeed serious and would have to be executed carefully. Those in power would not be keen to lose it - much like her old council before she ousted them. A move that had made her a number of enemies.

"If I may, Sankage, I would stay with Miss Kyoko to provide a more tangible display of power. Her grip on the land is clearly tenuous at best, and I will be able to solidify her authority more keenly than any of the other members of our village. It will also be more convenient for me to command the squadrons if I remain with Miss Kyoko directly." Akaritori offered. While she did not understand the seriousness of Ayameko earlier, she figured that staying out of her way for a couple of days would likely be for the best until she had calmed down. Given the way that Kyoko had explained the situation, it looked like Ayameko would have to work tirelessly to help preserve what little authority was left within the Hidden Mist.

"If you will allow it, Lady Ayameko, I would be happy to have Akaritori act as my police force for the time being. She is evidently formidable on the field of battle, and I am sure we can find some way to stay in constant contact if such a thing is necessary?" Kyoko added, standing and bowing to both of the parties. She could begin working on solidifying the peace with Kyokujitsu no Tochi's assistance and though it would likely be some time before a suitable replacement for the previous Mizukage showed up, if one ever did, she would do what she could in the interim.

"That is fine. Rin and Roku will collaborate with Akaritori to establish a communication channel to allow us to be in easy contact," she responded to Kyoko before turning to her Honor Guard, "Akaritori, please act cautiously with your blade, as we are guests within this country."

Ayameko turned again to Kyoko, "While I have it in my mind, I have two promising shinobi in my village that would benefit from a higher level of training in Genjutsu. Would you consider working with these students? It may provide a good way to provide additional support to the peacekeeping forces as well as a way to engage the people."

"I... Do not typically offer my services as a trainer as my Genjutsu prowess is both innate and heavily dependent on the Kekkei Genkai of my clan - it can be challenging for people who have not refined their ability to control their chakra as finely as the Hyakune are innately able to... That said, if these promising shinobi have already mastered the basics of the art, I will be happy to train them in return for your aiding the Land of Water. Odd, that I am offering my services in exchange for something that does not benefit me in the slightest as I am not a citizen of the Land of Water, but I imagine that you know better than anyone that we are sometimes bound to duties we could never have imagined ourselves in." Kyoko replied, before taking a Kunai from her kimono and offering it to the Lady Sankage.

"This Kunai is marked with a seal that will allow you to summon me at your convenience. I will also give Akaritori one such Kunai that she may summon me back to the Land of Water. As the co-ordinator rather than the fighter, I would welcome any opportunity to be useful - something that I will not be able to consistently do if I am trapped in the Land of Water."

"I do understand being bound by duty and respect you greatly for your dedication to the betterment of the Land of Water, especially in these circumstances. As for the students, I suspect you will find one exceptionally adept at being able to learn from you. In fact, from what reports we have on your prestigious skill, it is actually quite reminiscent stylistically. As for the other, while she has a grasp on the basics, she will likely need more work."

Ayameko handed the kunai back. "This isn't needed. We can summon you to Kyokujitsugakure with our methods. However, we welcome your visit anytime. I would just be cautious within the confines of the capital with your abilities. Akaritori, you have my authority to connect to the transport network with a temporary seal once Rin and Roku arrive. I will inform the Transport Division of this so they can accommodate extra staff required."

"Noted, Sankage. I will connect as soon as they have arrived and file twice-daily reports. Should I send them to Kei, Sankage?" Akaritori asked, before standing up and beginning to look around the room in search of paper and writing tools. After finding none she turned to Kyoko, who immediately pulled a scroll out of her robe and handed it to the swordswoman.

"There should be enough in there for you to write with, Akaritori." Kyoko laughed, shooting Ayameko a knowing glance as she did so. Akaritori may have been... Far too serious and far too focused, but she was a legitimately dedicated and competent woman - that much was obvious, and though it likely frustrated Ayameko to work with her sometimes, Kyoko doubted that she would ever find an honour-guard more lethal or more dedicated than Akaritori.

"I will send the first report after I have Rin fly me around the villages to get a better idea of what we are up against. Permission to have him fly high enough to not be spotted by enemy forces, Sankage?"

"I think we can abstain from formal reports until you return from your duties here in the Land of Water. I want all energy focused in assisting them with their steps towards peace - we can forgo the bureaucracy for now. As for flying, I think that is better taken up with Rin. He is not particularly fond of flying outside extreme situations. I do not think that is a requirement for completing this mission."

"If that is all," Ayameko stated, bowing once again, "I shall take my leave."

"Thank you for your assistance, Lady Ayameko. I hope that the next time we meet it will be in more peaceful times than these. I will receive your students when the network has been set up." Kyoko replied.

"Would you like me to escort you out? I believe Akaritori wishes to begin formatting her reports..." Kyoko added, pointing to the large table where Akaritori had set up several stations for the swift creation of reports, as well as primitive "in" and "out" trays from clumsy origami.

"I appreciate the offer, but I believe your energy should be reserved to tackling the problems here rather than any diplomatic formalities. We will be in touch." With that, the Sankage exited the office leaving her subordinate with Kyoko. She hoped her bargain with Kyoko wouldn't be too hard on Yui and Morainaki.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Uranaisha, Syu-lerneThe Sand's Appirition

Noting the fireballs, the puppet notified the other shinobi in an announcement. Swiftly the puppet moved in its frightening manner, zipping across wide areas of space and through small spaces with extreme ease. It managed to rescue a good amount even as the ship finished turning its broadside towards them, and then even more. Syu-lerne then noticed, through one of the Chiten's eyes, that there was oil on the ground. A message swiftly went out for the shinobi to finish up quickly, broadcasted by some of the other Chiten puppets.

This wasn't going to be pretty.
Sakyū ryōshi

Noticing the first volley of cannon fire, the puppet easily predicted their trajectories and moved aside, dashing to the water and then diving in to submerge itself completely. The Hunter quickly dove further down and began swimming towards the ship from below. Any cannonballs that found their way into the sea were swiftly turn into pieces as they tried to strike the puppet, or were simply dodged. The creature didn't slow in the slightest, it was headed for the Cruel Knave.
Shiso AmaguyaThe Swimming Feline

Nodding with a small smile forming on her face, Shiso took off after Hiroshi, easily catching up. As she followed just behind him, Shiso weaved handseals readyign one of her techniques. “Muryō no Ryūsui(無料の流水 'Free Flowing Water'),” she stated preemptively, though nothing happened. Instead she mirrored Hiroshi, landing on the surface of the water with the water walking technique. She ran alongside him, her lighter form allowing her greater speed. She accelerated past him, shooting him a grin and sticking out her tongue playfully as she fully passed him up.

Then came the cannon volleys. At this Shiso frowned, then focused in, going full tilt towards the ship. She could sense one of Syu-lerne's puppets doing the same. This was going to get messy fast.
GenmyouThe Shade of Clarity

Raising an eyebrow beneath his mask, the Shade wondered why Ryuu had laughed at his proposition. It wasn't the worst sign, but it was certainly a strange reaction. Luckily, the man eventually calmed himself and spoke again. His eyebrow didn't however relax till his advisor spoke up and proved that he was worthy of his position. "Hmm, I believe hosting it in Onteimura would be most prudent. They are neutral to all parties...additionally, an old friend of mine happens to live there." There was a conspiratorial air about him as he thought aloud, then with another thought he sent a message to the Antare to strengthen the country's defenses, but not to raise any alarm.

"As usual your council has been invaluable Ryuunosuke," the kage said, the smile still in his voice as they entered the portion of the caves that was dedicated to Genmyou's research. It also connected to one of the tunnels, which led to the Antare's cave complex, which ran throughout the mountain and out of sight. Should Ryuu wish to depart his company he could, but if he did not, Genmyou would show him the project that he and the Antare had been working on recently. Given his suggestion to increase the village's defenses, it might interest him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sankage Ayameko, Yūdai Family, & the Wandering Monk

Despite the crisis in Kirigakure, the Sankage had made a point to ensure she would have time to visit the Land of Earth. The steps the new Tsuchikage was taking to come out of their isolation were quite bold and it was her duty to support the other leaders in their endeavors. Positive relationships with the other nations were the best way to avoid a repeat of the war that felt not that long ago. Accompanying her, she had brought her assistant Kei, as well as the Yūdai family that was currently dispatched with other missions. Of course, they were technically her guard while visiting Iwagakure, but it was intended to be a break for them as well. She had known the family for years. In fact, her assistant was in a relationship with her grandson, who unfortunately, had been too busy to attend the function.

Shadan had spent most of the time talking Ayameko's ears off in his loud, boisterous tone earning him sharp looks from his wife for irritating the Sankage. Kei, Kisaki, and Tokumei had joined in on the family vacation. Kei had, of course, encouraged her father's behavior, while Kisaki merely walked in silence the entire way. Tokumei had also been silent, seemingly occupied with a significant amount of analysis as he walked - a feat that impressed the Sankage.

Ayameko had left the village in the hands of Kakugyō, her head of military, and was intending to meet Tensai, her newly established Ambassador to the Land of Earth for the festival as well. It was a new position she had created, specifically for the Land of Earth. It was sort of a litmus test to see if it was worth establishing for the Land of Wind as well, another nation she did not necessarily have a strong relationship with. Kumogakure was one of the nations they traded the most with, given their proximity to the smiths in the Land of Iron and their long rapport with each other.

Of course, the selection of Tensai as the Ambassador was mostly because the man was at the stage of his life where he wanted quiet and refused to accept any other position of authority in the village. An ambassador position allowed him to serve his nation, and by virtue of that, assist in ensuring the prosperity of his family, while staying in what she hoped would be a position that would not cause him undue stress. It was an important position, but suited Tensai's nature quite well. She had nothing but confidence in him - one of the few people she classified as a dear friend.

Ayameko was arrive the day before the festival to ensure she did not miss any of the festivities as well as with the intention of sitting down with the Tsuchikage and Tensai beforehand to discuss the future of their nations together. That would also make the situation less stressful for her travelling companions who were either taking their job too seriously or already on vacation. Ayameko had always been amused by the drastic personality differences in that family and amazed just how strong their family bonds remained.

Despite the great journey, Ayameko now stood outside the southern gate of Iwagakure.

"I am Sankage Ayameko and I am here at invite of the Tsuchikage. I have brought my travelling companions along with me," Ayameko called, waiting patiently outside the gate to be escorted inside, and ideally, to the Tsuchikage himself. She gestured politely to the Yūdai clan that had accompanied her to the festival. Shadan waved energetically while the others remained more serious, making his response look even more unusual.

Chiyoko, Hitsujiki, and Tokiko had been travelling from the east of the Land of Earth towards the capital. Chiyoko had intended to visit the Land of Iron first to find out any more information on any of the relics she was hunting down, but word of a festival had changed her mind. Hitsujiki had refused to travel anywhere but Iwagakure upon hearing about the festival, pitting the sheep in a battle of wills against the monk. Ultimately, Hitsujiki had won out, partially because Chiyoko did not know the landscape well enough to bypass her need for the sheep as a vehicle.

Chiyoko suspected Hitsujiki was mostly refusing to go to the Land of Iron because of Tokiko, who he had taken a special liking too back in Kyokujitsugakure. Strangely enough, the couple that were the parents of the child had no issue giving their child up to the sheep, citing that, "It would provide him with real world experience." Hitsujiki had been thrilled and the child seemed to have no issue travelling. He spent most of his time riding on Hitsujiki as the sheep hovered of the ground beside Chiyoko, when she felt like walking, or in front of Chiyoko when she was riding on Hitsujiki as well.

Chiyoko hoped that it would not prove problematic to get within the city for the festival. Some places were less accommodating to outsiders, especially ones that didn't necessarily have money. While she did have a few bits of various currency, and items to trade, she knew she probably wouldn't have much for anything extravagant. She also expected prices to be high for any sort of food or lodging given the likely demand generated by the festival and that was coupled with her need to keep those items to trade with people for information on the items she was trying to track down from the ancient scrolls her clan had written long ago.

Chiyoko noticed another party at the gates of Iwagakure far off in the distance, noticing that much of the city was well secured. While she could use Hitsujiki to fly over most of the physical obstructions, not knowing what defenses they had, and not wanting to seem antagonistic, she deemed it was best to also attempt to enter through the southern gate.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jikangai, Tensai - Iwagakure - Late Afternoon

Tensai's stay in Iwagakure had been surprisingly pleasant so far. The stoic nature of the people had largely left him to his own devices, and he had written several books to keep himself busy and enjoy his last few decades. He often took long walks around the village, shuffling along with his staff, and hitting people (especially guards) who insisted that he stay within the ambassadorial compound - they quickly learned to let Tensai do his own thing and stayed out of his way. He would often spectate classes at the academy, purposefully making it more difficult for the Genin there to mould chakra and teaching them how to work around the mysterious blockages that they faced. It gave the old man joy to see the young shinobi of the future press past the barriers he put up and succeed, and each time he did he resolved to sneak home and meet with his family once more.

It was fortunate that visitors from his homeland were coming to the festival, but unfortunate that neither Yui nor Shiori were able to make it. Still, it would be nice to see Ayameko and whoever else she decided to bring along to the festival. Given that they were due to arrive any moment, Tensai had begun his long pilgrimage down to the gates of the village in the South, and his heart was warmed when he heard Ayameko's voice calling out to the guards on the towers. Many Iwagakure ninja were still wary of outsiders of any variety and were much like the stone - slow to act. As the gatekeepers bickered over something trivial, Tensai rose his staff into the air and slammed it into the ground, causing the immense gates to slowly begin to creak open.

"You should be ashamed, making a Kage wait! Lord Tsuchikage even gave you the orders to let them in immediately, what were you waiting for?!" Tensai yelled to the guards as he rose his palm to the slowly opening gates and then pulled it backwards, slamming them open immediately as he did so. The old man's face was nothing but smiles and beard as he looked upon his fellows from the Kyokujitsu no Tochi and he rushed towards them with surprising agility for a supposedly frail old man, immediately running into Shadan and embracing him in an enormous hug. Shadan would, of course, reciprocate - such was his nature - and Tensai wished to get all of his excitement out of the way before he greeted Ayameko.

"It's been too long, my friends. Far too long."
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