Ami no Jussaku
Land of Wind - Fishing Village
Land of Wind - Fishing Village
On a day that had once been thought peaceful, within a building at the outskirts of a small fishing village on the Land of Wind's coast,
one member of the Ami no Jussaku puppet awakened from its dormant state. Within the small concealed building stood what the puppet identified as a human shinobi. Quickly the construct ran through its database of knowledge, locating the chakra signature and cross referencing it. It identified the man as a member of the Land of Wind's naval fleet protection.
Straightening, the wooden marionette-like puppet lifted its head at an angle that would be painful for a human so as to notify the being it was aware of its presence.
The man began speaking quickly, but only did so for a few moments before falling silent. The puppet, known by the name Chiten(地点 'Point') as all of the individual members of the Ami no Jussaku were, processed the information over the course of several seconds, and then nodded. Hobbling towards the man, its arm shot up through the air with unnatural quickness and then ejected off of its form, sailing through the air and then suddenly stopped right in front of the man's chest. Between the small stub still connected to the shoulder, and the arm were a system of complexly arranged wires all glowing a faint blue. The man's eyes widened before the palm of the puppet's hand opened and it made contact with his body, causing him to gasp and then go completely limp.
Immediately, the Chiten channeled the necessary chakra to mark the man, then retracted its arm, locking it back into place, before taking off through the tunnels of the underground warehouse. It would eventually arise from the sands of the Land of Wind's great desert, and enter the village. It began marking civilians, staying in the shadows, or becoming entirely invisible or undetectable periodically to avoid the greedy eyes of the marauding pirates.
However, it wasn't the puppet which threatened the activities of the pirates, no, it was its master that they ought to worry about. The same master who had been aware of the puppet's reactivation and acitivities immediately upon their occurrence.
The towns people needed only survive for several minutes.
Reinforcements would be arriving in record time.
Uranaisha, Syu-lerne – The Sand's Appirition

Located in one of his smaller labs, this one being located within the village, the man that was perhaps the world's most ingenius puppeteer was making modifications to one of his many many puppets, when he was notified of a Chiten's reactivation via the Ami no Jussaku(網の術策 'Network of Intrigue'). Eyes widening as the information was received, Syu-lerne smiled as he received a form of visual feed from the puppet for a minute or so, before the look faded.
Swiftly, Syu-lerne donned his mask and robe and preformed several handseals to activate three other Chiten of the Ami no Jussaku, which were located within village limits. Sending them out, the puppets would notify the three divisions of Yoru to prepare for combat, primarily focusing on the Tactical and Medical divisions.
There were likely to be casualties, or at least a good many injured when their forces arrived so both would be quite necessary.
Preforming several more handseals, Syu-lerne clapped his hands together and then laid one against the wall, the other falling to his side. In a flash, the masked man vanished only to reappear outside of the Kazekage's office door. He had, in his hurry, forgotten to check her whereabouts and so noticed that she was not there. Scowling behind his mask, Syu-lerne turned around, having a member of the Ami no Jussaku collective locate her, even as he headed out of the building.
Ironically, there was no need, as she was at the front door as he opened it to exit. It appeared she had been heading back.
"Greetings Rei-sama," stated the puppeteer. Meanwhile his puppets had notified the leaders of each division. "While I am happy to see you pleased, I have some bad news,” he didn't even stop to let her speak, such was the importance of the news, "It appears one of the fishing villages on the coast of our lands is under attack. Pirates I believe. Though...” he paused for a moment as if checking something, then continued, " appears they are not from Kirigakure, to my surprise. I strongly advice we head out immediately so as to mitigate damage and assist the wounded. I've already dispatched some of my puppets to notify Yoru's division leaders. I hope It was not presumptious of me to think you would take action, Kazekage-sama. After all, it is ultimately your decision as to whether or not we spend the resources to go.”
He bowed his head slightly to her, before raising it again so she could see the one eye of his that could be glimpsed through his mask. There was respect about him despite his quick response, but there was also a certain passion. For while Syu-lerne had his...darker moments, he was truly passionate about keeping the people of Wind safe and well off, just as she was, though for different reasons.
To him it was personal. He entirely intended to brutally kill the man who was hurting these innocent people. Perhaps use him as a test subject.
That would be awfully fitting, he concluded internally.
Meanwhile, he awaited the Kazekage's response. He hoped it would be swift.
Genmyou – The Shade of Clarity
Having left his office upon the departure of the two, Genmyou returned to his look out, which those who knew of had taken to calling “The Raikage's Perch.” He found it rather amusing that it had gained a colloquiallism among the people. It was rather funny really.
His mind having turned to other issues, Genmyou did not immediately notice his adviser's presence as he approached however, this was not to say that he was surprised either when the man managed to get behind him.
"I was talking to Ms. Mochizuki. You know how she is. Better late than never though. What did you want me for?"
Genmyou, behind his mask, smiled slightly, but did not turn to his friend, Ryuunosuke. They had once been comrades in arms, but that was many years ago now—in the past. However, it was upon their prior interactions that their current relationship had been built and if it had not been for the war, the two would perhaps never have found a friend in one another.
"Ah, well it is good that you took your time then," the kage responded before he briefly worked to recall what he had wanted of his adviser. The thought swiftly came to him and so he continued, "I am curious what you think of these kidnappings," he stated succinctly. He wondered what Ryuu's outlook on the strange occurences would be as due to having been so busy with his research lately, he had not found the time to ask him.
Now was clearly an opportune time to do so. Perhaps he could shed light on the situation that his own mind had not. It was always good to have more than one perspective after all.
This was, of course, the exact reason he had advisers to begin with. He hoped the two would continue to prove his decision a wise one.
Zume Tatasuko – Suiteiru Meian
Smiling down at her as she pressed to him, the Tatasuko let his arms drape around her waist even as he kissed her head. Then came her words, just as enchanting to him as her presence was, and so his smile grew. Then, making his decision he bent down slightly, his arms slipping beneath her knees and back as he lifted her up and carried her back to her bath. Grinning, his hazel eyes flickering and vanishing, their color replaced by the same deep endless black that was in his lover's eyes, he let her down before the basin and laughed. "Yes, love I do think I'll join you. Though...we have some things to attend to after that, I do believe.” His smile didn't falter for a moment as he began to disrobe so he could enter the bath with her. There was no shame nor shyness in his actions just as there were no scars on his body, both being a result of many lifetimes of skill and refinement of his form both in combat and out.
Finishing the removal of his clothes, he stepped into the pleasantly hot water, lowering himself into the basin before her, then raising his hand to help her in. He planned to enjoy the little bath before they'd need to do some more...serious work. The two would need to discover the cause of the world's shifting cycles, and from there understand how the ripples would spread throughout.
Then it would be time to prepare and the fun would be over. He sighed internally at the thought. The next few years were going to be interesting and had he been mortal he would have known it a curse to live in interesting times.
It was a good thing he was not. Not technically anyways.
Tsuki-sha, Kyūsai - The Ashen Harlequin
Exiting the informant's office, Kyūsai's expression was one of annoyance. The lead had been miniscule yet again, but at least now he had an idea of where the man was. Apparently hidden away in a small settlement called Onteimura. It was in the southern mountains...between two small countries, which took advantage of the border between the Lands of Stone and Wind respectively.
However, to his greater annoyance as he exited the building, he noticed the towns people rushing away from the forest, and several houses, which had caught on fire. Gritting his teeth slightly, Kyūsai hopped onto a roof and traveled that way, running towards their meeting point. When he got there, a minute later and found them missing, he immediately knew who had caused the fire. Sighing, he jumped from the roof and slowly walked against the press of people, the current of bodies parting around him unconsciously as he did so.
They had gotten themselves into trouble and he'd not even been gone that long. Oh well, he'd take his time getting there, the two could handle themselves most times and if they had gotten themselves into it, then they deserved what they got.
If he got there in time, he would help, but if not, they would suffer whatever fate The Thief decided for them.
That ought to teach them a lesson. Plus, it would be interesting to see the infamous man's work when he arrived.
'Interesting...' he felt his parasite shift at the thought.
Not a good sign. He'd need to feed it soon.