Avatar of Innue
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Innue 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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Most Recent Posts

Okay, I will need to ponder a character for Ijok. The character I had been intending to use would likely struggle against them, so I'll either need to modify a bit or use a different character.
I do agree with Shiden though it is above street level (especially the Absolute Zero part), but I can do a character at that level.
I can have characters that operate at that level Vordak. Do you have an example char?
I may take you up on that Fallen. :) Thank you for the offer.
Slow posting is fine with me.
I am also free.

Natrelmon: Champions is a unique tournament set in a custom universe. Each contestant will be able to select up to 4 creatures to join them in combat in addition to distributing points through an expansive spell list. Items will also be available for other.

The structure of the tournament will be dependent on the number of interested parties. If there is enough interest and an odd number of players, we will do a preliminary group stage and take the top performers from each group. Matches will be one creature and trainer pair versus another. Swapping will be prohibited.

Global Rules:
- Pending

Tournament Specific Rules:
- Pending


Each spell school as a theme, as a quick guide:
- Abjuration, School of Defense - Defense/Counter
- Invocation, School of Deceit - Avoidance/Deception
- Hydromancy, School of Water - Avoidance/Counter
- Electromancy, School of Lightning - Offense/Manipulation
- Kazemancy, School of Winds - Avoidance/Offense
- Pyromancy, School of Flames - Offense/Aggressive
- Geomancy, School of Earth - Defense/Patience
- Cryomancy, School of Ice - Pending
- Restoration, School of Respite - Counter/Control
- Gishiki, School of Spirits - Buff/Debuff
- Nyxomancy, School of Shadows - Control/Debuff

Each individual will have points to distribute for magic up until a certain rank in a school. Each rank in a spell school will correspond to the number of points needing to be committed. For example, if you wanted Rank V Restoration, you would need to commit 5 of your spell points into Restoration. This should allow for flexibility by acquiring bits in a variety of schools or by focusing in a particular few.


Creatures selection will require the selection of a creature from the starting creature list. The creatures selected on top of that will be determined closer to the launch of the first round.

Creature Database can be found here. Yes, this does link off site, but there are too many creatures to move.

Creating a Character
Characters should be posted on the OOC before posted into the bin. This will ensure all rules are adhered to. Edits will not be allowed to characters in the bin without my express permission.

To create a character, please provide the following:

+ Bio Format +
Appearance: Picture or description is fine.
Hometown: Map pending below.
Personality: Can be relatively brief.
Relic Description Relics store creatures within them. They can vary from person to person and typically have inscriptions on them which glow when the creature is summoned.
Starting Natrelmon: You will select four creatures. One from the starting list, the others from the full list. Rules governing this to be determined.
Starting Spell Schools: Determine based on starting point distributions.
History: This doesn't need to be thorough for a tournament.
Noteworthy Skills: Examples of this would be having some kind of survival training, skill with computers, etc.

The spell schools are broken down as follows:

Can confirm that Yahoo Groups was using it in the 90s.
Uchiha Touzoku


Touzoku nodded in response to his answers, absorbing what he was saying.

"It is good you were able to give me an honest answer in regards to weaknesses. You'd be surprised how hard that is for people to admit," Touzoku responded, truly pleased that he hadn't pretended to be some prodigy in every area. "Knowing both your strengths and weaknesses is the most important part of being not only a shinobi, but an individual. Even I am not skilled in certain areas." She hoped that realization would set in. He should realize that he could spend the rest of his life expanding his skill set and still not be considered a master.

"My skills would be primarily in a specialized style of kenjutsu, medical arts, and genjutsu. Primarily, my skills lean toward assassination," she noted to him, "My weakest point is my ninjutsu. I have a limited repertoire of techniques in that area."

"Our other genin that will join our team will be my son, Kiken," she continued, "He graduated a bit before you. We will arrange a time for us to meet as a group soon. I'll be talking to the Sankage about getting a few missions for you two as well."

"But, I should explain why knowing your strengths and weaknesses are important," Touzoku added, back to her original lesson, "There will be times in your life that you will not have the skills to conquer the challenges ahead of you. There will then be times that the skills of your team are not adequate. It is when you realize and are able to recognize these situations you can avoid a loss of life, not only your own, but people around you."

Touzoku had learned early on in her career that this was one of the most important things people could learn. She had seen many missions fail solely because of a person unwilling to admit they did not have the required skills. Often times, that failure was deadly, resulting in lives being lost. Touzoku had stressed this to those within ANBU during her tenure as leader. It had drastically improved the survival rate of those under her charge and many of the other divisions had started to stress it as well.

"So Akira, what your aspirations as a shinobi?"
Uchiha Touzoku


Touzoku nodded in response to his question, moving away from the tree she was leaning against to walk around Akira.

"I've been given leadership of this genin squad," Touzoku responded to the clearly nervous genin, "Since I'm not necessarily familiar with your abilities, I figured it'd be good for us to meet and learn about each other. It will be important when we are tackling harder missions that I know precisely what you are capable of in terms of weaknesses and strengths so we can work together better as a squad. We will all have talents to bring to the table and things we can learn from each other."

"As for me, I was formerly the head of ANBU and what you probably know me for mostly is being daughter of Sankage Ayameko,"Touzoku responded, not really as a way to act superior, but more of a matter of fact. Despite her tenure with ANBU, she had intentionally kept as low of a profile as she could. It was the best way for her to conduct business, despite the fact she'd likely go down as one of the most effective leaders of the group in the history of the village by virtue of her unique derivative of the Sharingan.

"Since you are an Uchiha, I suppose you have already manifested your Sharingan at this stage," Touzoku added, now in front of Akira, "How far have you progressed with it? One, two, or three tomoe?" It wasn't necessarily something that really mattered to her, the Sharingan was only an aid, but should the situation require it, it was good information to know, "Also, what you would you describe as your strengths and weaknesses?"

She put her hands on her hips as she awaited the genins answer. Despite the posture being something seemingly that could come across as aggressive, Touzoku made it feel more motherly than anything, as if she was genuinely interesting in learning about him but giving him that look that it was important that he be honest with her. It was, in fact, true, as Touzoku did care - as she cared about all members of her village. And, on top of that, Akira was sort of family. While she was only the daughter of an Uchiha, her mother's first husband who was long deceased, she did not interact much with the clan. She had married outside of the clan, which wasn't an issue, but meant that she spent more time with her husband's family up until she had divorced. She had opted to stay in her own home after separating, rather than returning to the clan compound despite being more than welcome. She hadn't grown up with them, as her mother's status as Sankage had allowed her to spend her youth outside of that group.
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