Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
Okay, I will need to ponder a character for Ijok. The character I had been intending to use would likely struggle against them, so I'll either need to modify a bit or use a different character.
Natrelmon: Champions is a unique tournament set in a custom universe. Each contestant will be able to select up to 4 creatures to join them in combat in addition to distributing points through an expansive spell list. Items will also be available for other.
The structure of the tournament will be dependent on the number of interested parties. If there is enough interest and an odd number of players, we will do a preliminary group stage and take the top performers from each group. Matches will be one creature and trainer pair versus another. Swapping will be prohibited.
Rules Global Rules: - Pending
Tournament Specific Rules: - Pending
Each spell school as a theme, as a quick guide: - Abjuration, School of Defense - Defense/Counter - Invocation, School of Deceit - Avoidance/Deception - Hydromancy, School of Water - Avoidance/Counter - Electromancy, School of Lightning - Offense/Manipulation - Kazemancy, School of Winds - Avoidance/Offense - Pyromancy, School of Flames - Offense/Aggressive - Geomancy, School of Earth - Defense/Patience - Cryomancy, School of Ice - Pending - Restoration, School of Respite - Counter/Control - Gishiki, School of Spirits - Buff/Debuff - Nyxomancy, School of Shadows - Control/Debuff
Each individual will have points to distribute for magic up until a certain rank in a school. Each rank in a spell school will correspond to the number of points needing to be committed. For example, if you wanted Rank V Restoration, you would need to commit 5 of your spell points into Restoration. This should allow for flexibility by acquiring bits in a variety of schools or by focusing in a particular few.
Creatures selection will require the selection of a creature from the starting creature list. The creatures selected on top of that will be determined closer to the launch of the first round.
Creature Database can be found here. Yes, this does link off site, but there are too many creatures to move.
Creating a Character Characters should be posted on the OOC before posted into the bin. This will ensure all rules are adhered to. Edits will not be allowed to characters in the bin without my express permission.
To create a character, please provide the following:
+ Bio Format + Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Picture or description is fine. Hometown: Map pending below. Personality: Can be relatively brief. Relic Description Relics store creatures within them. They can vary from person to person and typically have inscriptions on them which glow when the creature is summoned. Starting Natrelmon: You will select four creatures. One from the starting list, the others from the full list. Rules governing this to be determined. Starting Spell Schools: Determine based on starting point distributions. History: This doesn't need to be thorough for a tournament. Noteworthy Skills: Examples of this would be having some kind of survival training, skill with computers, etc.
The spell schools are broken down as follows:
Note: Abjuration spells require a physical motion to guide the wall's magic. The spells are not purely mental. All barriers, including Abjuration spells, must be cast closer to the user's Natrelmon than to the enemy's Natrelmon.
Innate Ability: Resilience
Whenever an enemy casts a spell or uses an offensive move within 200 feet of the Abjurer, the Abjurer gains a stack of Protection. For each exchange that the Abjurer's barriers remain intact the Abjurer gains a stack of Protection.
Stacks of Protection can be consumed to restore uses of Feeble Wall, Wall, and Greater Wall at a rate of 5, 10, and 15 stacks respectively.
Rank I - Feeble Wall [3]
A pathetic wall that can take only one hit. It can be any size up to 3 x 3 feet.
Rank II - Counterspell [2]
A spell that counters an enemy spellcast. Their use of the spell is used up, but the spell has no effect. All motions and actions associated with the spell take place, but the spell itself ceases. Counterspell does not affect Abjuration spells.
Rank III - Wall [3]
A medium strength wall that can take two hits. It can be any size up to 5 x 5 feet.
Rank IV - Greater Wall [2]
A strong wall that can take five hits. It can be any size up to 7 x 7 feet.
Rank V - Pure Soul [1]
Once per battle, one of the user's walls may become reflective to all attacks. This counts as the wall being hit, but the attack never reaches it. It is instead reflected back at its user like a "homing missile" at 0.5x strength.
Rank VI - Abjurer's Absorption [2]
The user causes one wall to "absorb" an attack. This attack is then stored within the trainer, allowing them to relaunch it from their palm whenever they choose.
Rank VII - Suzaku's Fortitude [-]
The Abjurer can now channel to take control of one of their walls, allowing them to freely move it around.
Rank VIII - Encompassing Wall [2]
The user creates a dome/sphere (dome will contain a 'floor' of energy) of powerful energy around themselves or their Natrelmon. This wall can take 6 hits from any attack before shattering. Constant attacks, such as a stream, will allow the wall to last seconds instead of hits. e.g., channeling a stream at the wall for 4 seconds will use 4 hits.
Rank IX - Shield of Faith [-]
The user's spiritual energy is infused into their barriers, making them immune to magical attacks. The absorption of enemy magic grants the user the ability to use one more Feeble Wall for every spell absorbed. Spells absorbed from Feeble Wall do not trigger Shield of Faith.
Rank X - Aegis of the Queen [-]
The Abjurer can sacrifice two stacks of Protection in order to block any attack that comes within fifteen feet of the Abjurer, or any ally within fifteen feet of the Abjurer by summoning a Wall in its path.
All of the Abjurer's Feeble Walls gain the strength of Walls.
Additionally, if the Abjurer is surrounded by an Encompassing Wall, their Channeling cannot be interrupted.
Innate Ability: Illusory Power
Whenever a Mirror Image is summoned or is destroyed, or an enemy is hit by an illusory attack, the Invocation Mage gains a stack of Illusory Power.
The Invocation Mage can sacrifice up to 5 stacks of Illusory Power. For the next 2 exchanges, all spells of the rank equal to the sacrificed stacks do not consume uses. For the duration of this effect, all of the spells of the chosen Rank have a one exchange cooldown.
The Invocation Mage's spells of Rank VI or above do not consume uses for as long as the Invocation Mage has 10 or more stacks of Illusory Power (this effect has a cooldown of 5 exchanges).
Innate Ability: Heightened Awareness
The user is able to conjure minor illusions that can only be used out of combat (unless used on yourself or your Natrelmon). The user passively uses this for Natrelmon and Magic training, gaining 1.1x increased experience for battles and training.
Rank I - Deceptive Bolt [10]
The Invocation Mage fires a bolt of arcane energy that has the power to take on the appearance of any other spell that the Invocation Mage can cast, provided that it is of similar size to the Deceptive Bolt. (No AoE spells, etc.).
At Rank VII, the Invocation Mage can sacrifice a use of Mirror Image in order to turn the illusory Deceptive Bolt into a real spell that deals 50% damage.
Rank II - Aspect of Mirrors [2]
Active: The Invocation Mage becomes invisible for one second, then appears in a target location within five feet of their current location. If the Invocation Mage is within eight feet of an enemy human, the Invisibility will break. The Invocation Mage can sacrifice a stack of Illusory Power to summon a Mirror Image at their original location, but this Mirror Image does not grant stacks of Illusory Power.
Passive: The Invocation Mage gains an additional stack of Illusory Power whenever an illusory attack hits an enemy.
Rank III - Mirror Image [3]
The Invocation Mage creates an illusion of themselves that is identical to them in every way. The illusion moves and casts spells independently of the Invocation Mage, but none of the spells it casts deal any damage. The illusion can cast the user's spells up to a maximum of [Rank - 2] spells. The illusion will disperse after taking [Rank/2] hits, rounded down.
If the illusion lasts for five exchanges before it dissipates, upon its dissipation a use of Mirror Image is restored.
Rank IV - Spellfeint [-]
Mirror Images now have the ability to channel, causing them to increase their caster's spell power by 50%, stacking additively.
Invocation spells can be cast from any illusion.
Rank V - Locus of Power [2]
The Invocation Mage or one of their Mirror Images channels for one exchange, creating a locus of arcane energy at their location. The locus can be destroyed by hitting it with three Natrelmon attacks or two non-Invocation spells. Illusions that travel through the locus become Invisible for two exchanges. This effect has a 6 exchange cooldown.
Whenever the Invocation Mage or a Mirror Image is within 5 feet of a Locus, they can immediately swap positions with any of their illusions or the Invocation Mage. This effect has a 3 exchange cooldown.
Rank VI - Spellshatter [3]
The Invocation Mage overwhelms the essence of an enemy's spell, countering it and preventing the caster from casting that spell for [Rank] exchanges. For the next [Rank/2] exchanges, the Invocation mage may cast that spell, except it is an illusion.
Rank VII - Prismatic Seal [3]
The Invocation Mage places a seal on the ground that becomes invisible after three seconds. If an enemy moves within three feet of the seal, it triggers, binding them in place with illusory chains for three seconds.
If the Prismatic Seal is within the range of a Locus of Power, it will instead chain all enemies within [Rank*1.5] feet of the Prismatic Seal, and can be detonated at will rather than automatically detonating.
Rank VIII - Power Overwhelming [1]
Active: The Invocation Mage infuses themselves with arcane power for three exchanges. At the beginning of each exchange, the Invocation Mage doubles the number of stacks of all buffs that they currently have, and their spells are 25% more potent for the next three exchanges. Power Overwhelming cannot have free uses.
Passive: The Invocation Mage can sacrifice ten stacks of Illusory Power to make any given illusion real. This effect has a 10 exchange cooldown.
Rank IX - Into the Aether [2]
The Invocation Mage becomes invisible and invulnerable for three exchanges, restoring a use of Mirror Image for each exchange that they are invulnerable. For the duration of Into the Ether, they cannot use harmful spells, cannot perform harmful actions, and cannot give their Natrelmon verbal instructions.
Into the Aether disperses as soon as the Invocation Mage has no Mirror Images.
Rank X - Unleashed Potential [1]
The Invocation Mage creates a Locus of Power, and then creates a zone fifteen feet in radius from each active Locus of Power.
For the next two exchanges, all actions that take place within the range of a Locus of Power occur along a separate timeline for as long as they remain in the Locus of Power's range. The Invocation Mage returns to their original location in time and space after the effect ends, but all uses of spells and damage received in the alternate timeline cease to be as Unleashed Potential ends.
Unleashed Potential cannot have free uses.
Innate Ability: Veil of Mists [-]
The user creates a [10 + Rank*2] feet diameter cylinder of mist around them (8 feet high). This ability has a four exchange cooldown.
For each Rank of Rank III and above, the user gets an additional use of Hazeborn Tears. The Hydromancer is able to see through the mist, and through the mist of other Hydromancers.
Mist moves at a rate of 0.25 feet per second.
If the Hydromancer moves out of their Veil of Mists it will dissipate over the course of [[Rank] - 1] exchanges.
Innate Ability: One with the Mist
For as long as the Hydromancer is stood still within the mist, they cannot be sensed (including by enemy Hydromancers).
Rank I - Hazeborn Tears [4]
The user fires a spherical globule of water with 1 foot diameter from their palm. This explodes into a sphere of mist equal to [Rank*4] feet in diameter. Hazeborn Tears deals strong Water-type damage if it directly hits a target.
Rank II - Mistwalker [3]
Allows the Hydromancer to transport themselves to anywhere within their mist (cannot be within disconnected patches of Mist). When the user arrives, Veil of Mists immediately creates new mist. At Rank VII Hydromancy, the Hydromancer can use Mistwalker to transport to disconnected patches of mist.
Rank III - Mist Reader [-]
Allows the user to sense all within the mists, much like a Psychic within their aura. Additionally, if the user wills it, the mist will match the user's speed instead of being left behind.
Rank IV - Break One's Word [4]
Counters an enemy spellcast that starts within the mist. Includes Blood Magic. While the caster of the countered spell remains within the mist, they cannot cast that spell again.
Rank V - Saturation [-]
Enemies within the Mist are slowed by 50%.
The mist now dampens Pyromancy spells and Fire type moves, completely negating any projectile that enters the mist, and any persistent effect that remains in the mist for two exchanges. The Hydromancer's mist also removes Charred Earth after two exchanges of being within the bounds of the mist. Enemy Pyromancers cannot charge while within the mist.
Rank VI - Body of Mists [3]
Converts the entire Hydromancer's body into mist, allowing them to negate any attack that is not Ice in nature. The Hydromancer reforms at the beginning of the next exchange, and can move while dispersed. While the Hydromancer is dispersed, they benefit from One with the Mist. Has a five exchange cooldown.
Rank VII - Mist of Many Secrets [3]
For the next three exchanges: While within the Mist, all enemy casters are unable to cast non-Hydromancy spells and the user's spellcasts cannot be countered while they are in Mist. Mist of Many Secrets has a six exchange cooldown. Mist of Many Secrets cannot be countered.
Additionally, whenever the Hydromancer uses Hazeborn Tears, a patch of mist will form to connect the mist surrounding the Hydromancer with the disconnected patch. This effect can only occur once every ten exchanges.
Rank VIII - Flow with the Mist [2]
The user's mist becomes receptive to energies, allowing the user to redirect any energy-based attacks within it. When the Hydromancer casts Flow with the Mist, they may proc One with the Mist while moving for the next two exchanges. Eight exchange cooldown.
Rank IX - Well of Eternal Mists [-]
The user summons the Well of Eternal Mists within [Rank] feet of themselves. This Well is 15 feet in diameter, and uses Veil of Mists each post. This Veil of Mists can be at any location within fifteen feet of currently active Mist, the Hydromancer, or the Well, but cannot be made if it would be created around an enemy.
Additionally, the Hydromancer's mist is now twice as high.
Rank X - Essence of Eternal Mist [-]
The Hydromancer has now gained a deep connection to the Well of Eternal Mists. By diving into it, they are able to teleport to any Water source they have already visited. The user may also summon a mist clone of themselves to cast spells while they become the Well. In addition, all Hydromancy moves have unlimited uses permanently.
Innate Ability: Electra Heart
The Electromancer has the ability to Overload Electromancy spells that they can cast, granting them additional effects but leaving them unable to use Electromancy spells of that Rank for a period of time.
Whenever a spell is Overloaded, the Electromancer gains the debuff "Overloaded: Rank X", where X is the rank of the Overloaded Spell, for [Rank + 2] exchanges.
In addition, the Electromancer is able to cast spells of ranks they have not achieved once every [20 / [Rank]] exchanges, up to two ranks higher than their current Rank. The spell they cast must be Overloaded.
Rank I – Crackle [10]
The Electromancer creates a small but potent bolt of lightning that travels at 20 fps. The bolt deals strong damage, and has a 10 + [[Rank] * 2.5]% chance to Paralyse any targets hit for the next exchange.
Overload: Power Surge - The Electromancer can change the bolt's trajectory up to [Rank] times, up to a maximum of a 90 degree shift per change.
Rank II - Superconductor [-]
Whenever the Electromancer hits an opponent with an Electromancy spell, they launch X copies of that spell, where X is the number of times that the opponent has been hit by that spell this battle.
Overload: The Electromancer casts [Rank] Overloaded Crackles. (Superconductor's passive effect goes on cooldown, and the Electromancer casts [Rank] Crackles.)
Rank III - Stormflash [5]
The Electromancer marks [Rank] areas on the ground, two feet in diameter, that briefly flash with bright light. After two seconds, bolts of electricity strike the marked areas.
Overloaded: The Electromancer creates a Storm Cloud above an area, [[Rank] * 5] feet in diameter, that persists for five exchanges. At the beginning of each exchange, the Storm Cloud casts [Rank] Stormflashes.
Rank IV - Volatile Energy [-]
Whenever an enemy comes within ten feet of the Electromancer, a Crackle is launched at them.
Overload: For the next two exchanges, instead of firing 2 Crackles at the enemy, uses of are Crackle are gained.
Rank V - Conductivity [-]
The Electromancer's Crackles start at [Rank/2] feet away from them if they so choose.
Overload: The Electromancer's Crackles start at [Rank] feet away from them for the next two exchanges.
Rank VI - Thunderclap [-]
Whenever the Electromancer Overloads a spell, if they already have two or more Overloaded debuffs, they gain a use of Crackle.
Overload: The Electromancer gains two uses of Crackle.
Rank VII - Static Field [2]
The Electromancer creates a spherical field of static electricity, [[Rank]*1.5]] feet in radius, that Silences all enemies within it for two exchanges.
Overloaded: When Static Field expires, it releases a massive explosion of electricity, dealing moderate Electric-type damage to all enemies within range.
Rank VIII - Lightning Unleashed [1]
The Electromancer channels to unleash a stream of pure electricity in a direction. The beam cuts off at [Rank*5] feet away from the Electromancer. Enemies hit by the beam suffer moderate Electric-type damage, and have a [Rank*5]% chance to be Paralysed for one exchange. If Lightning Unleashed hits a Paralysed target more than three times, it ends.
Overload: While Lightning Unleashed is active, Crackles are launched from the beam of electricity every two seconds. These Crackles can only travel for a maximum of ten feet before dissipating.
Rank IX - Perpetuity [3]
Active: The Electromancer charges themselves with energy, causing the next three Electromancy spells that they cast to be cast [11 - [Rank of Spell]] additional times. Perpetuity has a cooldown of five exchanges, and Perpetuity cannot duplicate itself.
Passive: The Electromancer can use Electra Heart to cast spells of higher ranks in other schools, but doing so doubles the duration of all "Overloaded" debuffs.
Overload: The spells cast by Perpetuity are Overloaded.
Rank X - Storm's Fury [-]
The Electromancer can cast their Electromancy spells from any point within a fifteen foot radius sphere of themselves, from any Electric-type move, and from any Electromancy spell.
Innate Ability: Windborne
The user can now fly at an AS of [Rank]. This movement is extremely rudimentary, and only consists of basic movement in linear directions. If at any point you have 0 AS, you cease being able to fly.
Rank I - Windborn Weapon [Rank + 5]
The user condenses wind into a projectile weapon and launches it at the opponent. One of the more powerful Rank I Spells. The maximum speed a Windborn Weapon can achieve is 12+[Rank] feet per second.
Rank II - Terminal Velocity [-] A Kazemancer travelling at their maximum speed gains the ability to have their offensive Wind Spells deal AoE damage equal to [Rank/2] at the point of impact. AoE damage from Terminal Velocity deals 'cutting' type damage.
Rank III - Slashdance [-] The user sacrifices a point(s) in their AS and charges for an exchange to create a blade(s) of wind about a foot in height. This launches out at an enemy in a line. Slashdance travels at a rate of 10+[Rank] per second. The movespeed will restore over the course of 5 exchanges.
Rank IV - Wind's Majesty [-]
The user channels, imbuing one of their Natrelmon with the ability to fly at speed equal to their ground speed plus + for as long as the user remains in their meditative trance. Should they be interrupted, the Natrelmon will take 10% of the normal damage they would from falling to the ground.
Rank V - Acceleration [3]
The user bathes either themselves or their Natrelmon in wind energy, reducing friction and increasing their aerodynamics, granting them [Rank/3] in all speed stats. Can also be laced into an offensive wind spell and used as a reverse effect on the enemy Natrelmon at a lesser effectiveness (25% slow). Lasts for 10 seconds.
Rank VI - Windwalker's Finesse [-]
The user may now fly as if they were a Wind-type Natrelmon with wings. This ability gives them incredible manual dexterity, allowing them to perform great feats of acrobatics.
Kazemancers can now arc their wind based projectiles.
Kazemancers now passively channel Wind's Majesty.
Rank VII - Wrath of the Windborne [1]
The Kazemancer enters a state, sheathing themselves in a blue-white aura, increasing their AS two fold, lasting for the next 3 exchanges. Any Wind Spells launched in this time are stored and launched again one exchange after the state ends - at direction of the Kazemancer. All sacrifices to AS during this time are restored to normal values one exchange later.
Passively, AS sacrificed for Slashdance grants 2 blades per AS sacrificed.
Rank VIII - Byakko's Claws [-]
The Kazemancer can, at any point, split any offensive Wind spell into three parallel blades, resetting their arcs, each retaining a third of spells original power. Should all three hit the opponent, the Kazemancer gains Byakko's Wrath, granting them 5 AS. AS gained through Byakko's Wrath can stack beyond the maximum of the Kazemancer's Windborne and will last until consumed (these must be consumed first). Bonus AS stacks from Byakko's claws will create three copies of Windborn Weapon or Slashdance per cast. Neither consumed stacks, nor split spells can be laced with Voidzone or benefit from Terminal Velocity.
One per battle, should the Kazemancer fall to 0 AS, it is instantly restored, but they cannot cast any wind spells for 2 exchanges.
Rank IX - Voidzone [2]
Imbues an offensive Wind Spell with the ability to completely halt all movement in a 10 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot cube at the point of impact. This is achieved by raising wind resistance to the point that even normal movement is impossible. Lasts for twelve seconds.
Rank X - Fragment of the Zephyr [-]
Kazemancers always fly at an AS of 10, even if they have sacrificed their AS to other moves. Kazemancers below 10 AS are locked from the Kazemancy school.
Additionally, the Kazemancer passively generates an additional AS every 5 exchanges, capping at 15.
Innate Ability: Burning Concentration
The Pyromancer is able to charge two Pyromancy spells at once. Whenever a Pyromancy spell is launched, if the Pyromancer was charging an additional spell, the released spell will have an additional effect. Whenever the Pyromancer is charging Pyromancy spells, they may only cast two additional spells from other schools while they are charging. Whenever the user stops charging they gain "Burned Out!", reducing all fire damage dealt by 50% for three exchanges. Pyromancy spells have a cooldown of one exchange.
Rank I - Lesser Fireball [6]
The Pyromancer charges for up to two exchanges, then unleashes a [[Rank] | [Rank*1.5] | [Rank*2]] foot wide fireball in a linear line. The Fireball will explode in a radius equal to half that of the Fireball’s. The Fireball travels at 10 fps.
Charging Bonus: The Fireball sets all targets hit alight, dealing 100% additional damage over two exchanges.
Rank II - Cinders of Kyokujitsu [4]
The user charges for one exchange, then creates a ball of white flame which erupts forwards as a cone (10 feet in diameter, 20 feet in length) of 100 white petals. These petals will not 'burn' whatever they come into contact with, rather they will stick to the victim and dissolve over time. When all petals on the user dissolve (approx. 3 exchanges) the victim explodes in a ball of white flame proportionate to the amount of petals that were on them. At Rank VI, Cinders of Kyokujitsu’s damage is doubled and its radius and length are doubled.
Charging Bonus: The petals erupt immediately.
Rank III - Pyroclastic Torrent [3]
The Pyromancer charges for up to three exchanges, marking an area, then unleashes a vertical torrent of hot ash from the ground after a delay of [Three | Two | One | One] exchange(s). The torrent of flame deals [50% | 75% | 100% | 150%] damage and has a radius and height of [[Rank/2] | [Rank] | [Rank*1.5] | [Rank*2]] feet. Targets hit by the torrent are burned for an additional [0% | 15% | 35% | 50%] of the damage dealt over 5 exchanges.
Charging Bonus: The Torrent blinds all targets for two exchanges and leaves behind a cloud of ash in the area for [1 | 2 | 3 | 4] exchanges which acts like a Dust Bowl and deals constant Fire damage to anything within.
Rank IV - Recurring Inferno [-]
The Pyromancer gains a stack of Recurring Flame each time they land a damaging Pyromancy spell or their Natrelmon lands a Fire-type move (stacks are gained if the spell/move hits a barrier or modified earth). The Pyromancer’s melee and thrown (Weapons) attacks deal strong Fire-type damage and give the user a stack of Recurring Flame. The Pyromancer may consume three stacks of Recurring Flame to either: Make the next Pyromancy spell free; Restore one use of a Pyromancy spell; Gain a buff that causes the next Pyromancy spell to gain its Charging bonus regardless of whether or not the user was Charging.
Rank V - River of Napalm [3]
The Pyromancer charges for up to two exchanges, marking a [Rank] feet diameter circle on the ground within 15 feet of them as they start. After one exchange the circle erupts into a sticky, burning napalm that deals constant but minor Fire-type damage to anything that stands within it. The Napalm slows by [10% | 40% | 60%] and increases all Fire damage taken by [10% | 20% | 30%]. Lasts for [2 | 3 | 4] exchanges.
Charging Bonus: The Napalm will spread out in four rivers after one exchange, and will deal considerable constant damage instead of minor damage.
Rank VI - Empowering Blaze [2]
The Pyromancer charges for up to 4 exchanges. Whenever a spell successfully hits an opponent while Empowering Blaze is charging, the Pyromancer casts Empowering Blaze, empowering the spell that hit the opponent, and immediately charging another Rank V or lower spell in place of it. The Pyromancer may, in addition, consume up to seven stacks of Recurring Flame to empower the spell with additional effects. Each effect may only be added to a given spell once.
The spell will deal 25% additional damage.
1: The spell will slow its target by 10%, increasing by 10% each exchange for the next two exchanges.
3: The spell will produce a pool of flame beneath the target, [Rank] feet in diameter, that deals constant Fire damage to all unfriendly targets standing upon it. The pool lasts for three exchanges, and will become a River of Napalm if it comes into contact with a River of Napalm.
5: The spell will knock its target back [Rank] feet. If this value exceeds 8 feet, the target takes 10% increased Fire damage for the remainder of the battle.
7: The spell is duplicated and immediately fired again. If the spell hits the target, all stacks of Recurring Flame are refunded.
Rank VII - Greater Fireball [4]
The Pyromancer charges for up to two exchanges, then unleashes a [[Rank*1.5] | [Rank*2] | [Rank*3]] foot wide fireball in a linear line. The Fireball will explode in a radius equal to that of the Fireball’s. If the flames from Greater Fireball hit a River of Napalm or the ash from Pyroclastic Torrent, the duration of the effects of those spells is increased by two exchanges.
Charging Bonus: Greater Fireball deals 100% additional damage and will explode again after three exchanges in the same place it originally exploded at.
Rank VIII - Ashbringer [3]
The Pyromancer charges for up to three exchanges, marking a [Rank*3] diameter circle on the ground as they do so. One exchange after casting the spell, black ash rains from the sky. For each exchange an unfriendly target is within the ash, the Pyromancer gains a stack of Recurring Flame. Unfriendly targets within Ashbringer gain a stack of "Ignition" for each exchange they spend in Ashbringer. For each stack of "Ignition" a target has, the next spell the Pyromancer lands on that target will give them stacks of Recurring Flame equal to the number of stacks of "Ignition". "Ignition" is not consumed upon being hit by Pyromancy spells, but will dissipate after three exchanges of not being within Ashbringer. Ashbringer lasts for [4 | 5 | 6] exchanges.
Charging Bonus: Ashbringer deals 1% of the target's maximum health in damage each exchange for each stack of Recurring Flame the Pyromancer has. Caps at 20%.
Rank IX - Searing Wall [2]
The Pyromancer charges for up to two exchanges. Creates a wall of fire equal to [Rank] feet wide that nullifies any magic projectile passing through it by igniting the flames within five feet of the Pyromancer. Flames from Searing Wall do no damage to Natrelmon or trainers. Searing Wall lasts for [[Rank] | [Rank*1.5] | [Rank*2] seconds.
Searing Wall may be swapped at any time with any other charging Pyromancer Spell at cost of the move, but retains the number of posts charged.
Charging Bonus: If fully charged, Searing Wall becomes Searing Vortex, surrounding the Pyromancer in mystical white hot flames. Searing Wall nullifies all projectile magic cast at the Pyromancer and persists for [Rank*0.5] seconds before becoming a normal Searing Wall for the remaining duration of the third charge ([Rank*2]-[Rank*0.5]). While Searing Vortex, all enemies within the confines of Searing Vortex will be dealt moderate fire damage. Searing Vortex moves with the caster.
Rank X - World in Flames [1]
The Pyromancer charges for one exchange, then unleashes a fireball practically identical to Lesser Fireball. The Fireball explodes in a 20 foot diameter blast at the Pyromancer's whim, giving the Pyromancer "World in Flames!" if it hits a target.
"World in Flames!" causes the user to generate three stacks of Recurring Flame every time they hit an opponent with any attack (melee or spell) for the next four exchanges.
If the user has "World in Flames!" and has successfully procced two Charging Bonuses in succession, World in Flames becomes Worldfire:
Rank X - Worldfire [1]
The Pyromancer charges for one exchange, then unleashes Worldfire. Over the course of three exchanges, an immense fireball plummets from the sky to a target location, dealing immense damage in a 100 foot radius area to all unfriendly targets. The area where the fireball will hit is marked, and over the course of the fireball's descent, all enemies inside the area get a stack of Heat Exhaustion every exchange they remain in the area. Each stack of Heat Exhaustion reduces damage dealt and increases damage taken by 33% for the next three exchanges.
Innate Ability: Patience
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Geomancer has cast no spells since the last exchange, they gain two stacks of “Patient”.
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Geomancer has cast non-Geomancy spells, they gain one stack of “Patient”.
Geomancy spells can only be cast using the Natrelmon as a focus if the use is defensive.
Geomancy spells do not consume a use for as long as the cast spell blocked an attack. This effect has a [10 - [Rank]] cooldown.
Innate Ability: Tectonic Sense
The Geomancer is able to sense all things touching the ground within [Patience * 5] feet of themselves in any given direction. If this range reaches 100 feet, it remains at 100 feet for the remainder of the battle regardless of Patience.
Rank I - Earthen Wall [3]
The Geomancer raises a wall of earth from the ground, up to [5 + [Rank]] feet by [5 + [Rank]] feet. The walls must be quadrilateral, must remain connected to the ground, and can only be cast within [Rank*10] feet of the Geomancer, and [Rank*2.5] feet of their Natrelmon.
The Geomancer can manipulate an additional wall for every two stacks of Patient that the Geomancer has. This effect consumes all of the Geomancer's Patience.
Rank II - Eruption [5]
The Geomancer raises a spike of earth from the ground within [Rank*5] feet of themselves, up to [2 + [Rank]] feet high. Eruption consumes all Patience upon being cast, creating an additional spike per stack of Patience.
Rank III - Unyielding Defence [-]
Once every six exchanges, the next attack that gets within five feet of the Geomancer will instantly be met with a wall of earth that can take [Rank] hits before crumbling. The wall will persist for [Rank/2] exchanges, rounded down. The wall created by Unyielding Defence can only be created perpendicular to the earth, and cannot defend from aerial attacks.
Rank IV - React In Kind [-]
If the Geomancer has 10 or more Patience when they cast Earth Wall or Eruption, its use is refunded. This effect has a [10 - [Rank]] exchange cooldown.
Rank V - Indomitable Will [2]
For the next two exchanges, the Geomancer can now apply Patience to Unyielding Defence, allowing them to create additional walls, and Unyielding Defence has no cooldown as long as the user has 10 or more Patience.
Rank VI - Peace through War [-]
Whenever the Geomancer makes physical contact with a spike created by Eruption, they can transform the spike into a melee weapon which they can wield. Whenever the Geomancer is wielding a weapon through the use of Peace through War, they gain an Earth Wall that can move through the ground that can be freely manipulated within ten feet of themselves.
Rank VII - Enlightenment [-]
Once every ten exchanges, the Geomancer can place Unyielding Defence on cooldown (provided it is available for use) in order to restore all Patience that their last spell consumed.
Rank VIII - Intense Meditation [1]
The Geomancer Silences themselves for two exchanges, gaining Patience equal to the Patience they gained over the last three exchanges.
Rank IX - Takamagahara [1]
The Geomancer raises an area of earth from the ground, 15 x 15 feet, and can float up to [Rank*10] feet in the air on the platform. While the Geomancer is maintaining the platform’s flight, they can only cast Geomancy spells. The platform moves at an AS of +++++ [5] and is indestructible for as long as the Geomancer casts no other spells. The platform is tethered to the ground by a line of energy which transmits the Tectonic Sense passive. If the Geomancer has no Patience, the platform gains a circular wall around its edge that is indestructible for as long as the Geomancer casts no other spells.
Rank X - Wisdom of the Ages [-]
The Geomancer's Patience gain is doubled. Whenever the Geomancer procs Unyielding Defence, they gain five stacks of Patience. The Geomancer can move through their own Geomancy spells and their Natrelmon's Earth-type moves as if they were Intangible.
Innate Ability: Gathering Light
Whenever the Restoration Mage casts a Word of Conviction spell, they gain a stack of “Inspiration”. Whenever the Restoration Mage casts a Word of Inspiration spell, they may consume all stacks of "Inspiration" to make their next spell more powerful.
Whenever the Restoration Mage casts a Word of Inspiration spell, they gain a stack of “Conviction”. Whenever the Restoration Mage casts a Word of Conviction spell, they may consume all stacks of "Conviction" to make their next spell more powerful.
The Restoration Mage can only have a maximum of three stacks of either Inspired or Conviction.
The Restoration Mage can channel to gain stacks of Inspiration or Conviction at a rate of one stack every two exchanges.
Rank I - Word of Inspiration: Soothe | Word of Conviction: Blind [Rank + 2] | [3]
Word of Inspiration: Soothe heals a target of the Restoration Mage’s choice by [10 | 15 | 30]% of their maximum health. Word of Inspiration: Soothe is 50% less effective each time it is consecutively used on the same target. If the target is at full health, they will be healed for 10% of their maximum health the next time they take damage.
Word of Conviction: Blind creates an extremely intense burst of light within 10 feet of the Restoration Mage or their Natrelmon. The burst is [5 | 10 | 20] feet in radius, interrupts all channelling, and blinds all enemies hit for [1 | 1.5 | 3] seconds.
Rank II - Word of Inspiration: Mend [3]
The Restoration Mage places a Healing over Time effect on a target, healing them for [5 | 10 | 20]% of their maximum health every exchange for three exchanges. If three stacks of Conviction are consumed, each time the target is healed they may restore one use of a spell/move, but can only restore one use per move/spell per battle.
Rank III - Word of Conviction: Barrier [3]
The Restoration Mage creates a circle of light, up to ten feet in radius, within ten feet of themselves or their Natrelmon. For the next [1 | 2 | 4] exchanges, no physical body may pass through the ring of light, including non-energy based spells and Natrelmon moves. The ring takes one exchange to form unless one or more stacks of Conviction were used to cast it.
Rank IV - In the Presence of the Light [-]
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Restoration Mage has no stacks of Inspiration, they gain a stack of Inspiration.
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Restoration Mage has no stacks of Conviction, they gain a stack of Conviction.
Rank V - Word of Inspiration: Suppression [2]
The Restoration Mage instantly purges all pain from a target's body and heals them for [25 | 40 | 75]% of their missing health. If the target's bones are broken or they have internal haemorrhaging, these injuries are also healed.
Rank VI - Word of Conviction: Binding [2]
The Restoration Mage unleashes a tempest of light within a [10 | 20 | 40] feet diameter circle within ten feet of themselves or their Natrelmon. Enemies hit by the tempest get the "Ardent Conviction" debuff for the remainder of the battle, causing all Word of Conviction spells to grant an additional stack of Inspiration when they are hit. Enemies hit by the tempest are rooted for [2 | 3 | 6] exchanges. The root will break if the target is hit by an offensive move or spell, except Word of Conviction spells.
Rank VII - Infusion of the Light [-]
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Restoration Mage has three stacks of Conviction, they gain a stack of "Devotion".
At the beginning of each exchange, if the Restoration Mage has three stacks of Inspired, they gain a stack of "Devotion".
The Restoration Mage can consume four stacks of "Devotion" to cast their next spell for free.
Rank VIII - Word of Inspiration: Reversal | Word of Conviction: Guardian [2 | 1]
Word of Inspiration: Reversal is a healing over time effect that lasts for [2 | 3 | 5] exchanges. Each exchange that Reversal ticks, it heals for the amount of damage that the target took last exchange. A target can only gain Reversal once every ten exchanges.
Word of Conviction: Guardian creates a pair of angelic wings on a target, allowing them to fly up to ten feet off the ground with an air speed of +++ [3]. If the target would take a lethal blow while Guardian is active, they instead are brought to [50 | 60 | 100]% of their maximum health.
Rank IX - Word of Inspiration: Intervention | Word of Conviction: Flare [2 | 2]
Word of Inspiration: Intervention gives a target of the Restoration Mage’s choice a circular shield of golden light that prevents all damage they would take for [1 | 2 | 5] seconds. After Word of Inspiration: Intervention fades, the target is healed for 10% of their maximum health.
Word of Conviction: Flare marks an area, five feet in radius. At the beginning of the next exchange, the marked area is hit by a pillar of light that stuns all enemies within for [1 | 2 | 5] seconds.
Rank X - Vessel of the Spirit
Vessel of the Spirit is more of a state than a spell granting the user immortality from death by natural causes. The Vessel can also fuse any two Word spells into a single spell and get the maximum effects of each once every five exchanges.
The Restoration Mage gains a stack of Conviction or Inspiration every exchange, based on which has fewer stacks. If the Restoration Mage has less stacks of Conviction than Inspiration, they gain a stack of Conviction and vice versa.
In addition, resurrection can now be performed by the Vessel once every three months at cost of their immortality for the next three months.
Touzoku nodded in response to his answers, absorbing what he was saying.
"It is good you were able to give me an honest answer in regards to weaknesses. You'd be surprised how hard that is for people to admit," Touzoku responded, truly pleased that he hadn't pretended to be some prodigy in every area. "Knowing both your strengths and weaknesses is the most important part of being not only a shinobi, but an individual. Even I am not skilled in certain areas." She hoped that realization would set in. He should realize that he could spend the rest of his life expanding his skill set and still not be considered a master.
"My skills would be primarily in a specialized style of kenjutsu, medical arts, and genjutsu. Primarily, my skills lean toward assassination," she noted to him, "My weakest point is my ninjutsu. I have a limited repertoire of techniques in that area."
"Our other genin that will join our team will be my son, Kiken," she continued, "He graduated a bit before you. We will arrange a time for us to meet as a group soon. I'll be talking to the Sankage about getting a few missions for you two as well."
"But, I should explain why knowing your strengths and weaknesses are important," Touzoku added, back to her original lesson, "There will be times in your life that you will not have the skills to conquer the challenges ahead of you. There will then be times that the skills of your team are not adequate. It is when you realize and are able to recognize these situations you can avoid a loss of life, not only your own, but people around you."
Touzoku had learned early on in her career that this was one of the most important things people could learn. She had seen many missions fail solely because of a person unwilling to admit they did not have the required skills. Often times, that failure was deadly, resulting in lives being lost. Touzoku had stressed this to those within ANBU during her tenure as leader. It had drastically improved the survival rate of those under her charge and many of the other divisions had started to stress it as well.
@Keyblade87 Touzoku nodded in response to his question, moving away from the tree she was leaning against to walk around Akira.
"I've been given leadership of this genin squad," Touzoku responded to the clearly nervous genin, "Since I'm not necessarily familiar with your abilities, I figured it'd be good for us to meet and learn about each other. It will be important when we are tackling harder missions that I know precisely what you are capable of in terms of weaknesses and strengths so we can work together better as a squad. We will all have talents to bring to the table and things we can learn from each other."
"As for me, I was formerly the head of ANBU and what you probably know me for mostly is being daughter of Sankage Ayameko,"Touzoku responded, not really as a way to act superior, but more of a matter of fact. Despite her tenure with ANBU, she had intentionally kept as low of a profile as she could. It was the best way for her to conduct business, despite the fact she'd likely go down as one of the most effective leaders of the group in the history of the village by virtue of her unique derivative of the Sharingan.
"Since you are an Uchiha, I suppose you have already manifested your Sharingan at this stage," Touzoku added, now in front of Akira, "How far have you progressed with it? One, two, or three tomoe?" It wasn't necessarily something that really mattered to her, the Sharingan was only an aid, but should the situation require it, it was good information to know, "Also, what you would you describe as your strengths and weaknesses?"
She put her hands on her hips as she awaited the genins answer. Despite the posture being something seemingly that could come across as aggressive, Touzoku made it feel more motherly than anything, as if she was genuinely interesting in learning about him but giving him that look that it was important that he be honest with her. It was, in fact, true, as Touzoku did care - as she cared about all members of her village. And, on top of that, Akira was sort of family. While she was only the daughter of an Uchiha, her mother's first husband who was long deceased, she did not interact much with the clan. She had married outside of the clan, which wasn't an issue, but meant that she spent more time with her husband's family up until she had divorced. She had opted to stay in her own home after separating, rather than returning to the clan compound despite being more than welcome. She hadn't grown up with them, as her mother's status as Sankage had allowed her to spend her youth outside of that group.