Well, if you can cram a bunch of matches in it could matter, but I'll consider it, that is all I can say.
Me and another did this match a while ago.
It has not been finished, though I am certainly well within my rights to do so. My opponent is a good friend of mine, so I know he isn't coming back.
If I simply finish it will it count towards my record at all?
You bring up some good points Innue.
I also know that what I want isn't exactly feasible since the foundation of the Arena is to allow people to play the characters they've made without too much trouble. Perhaps what I suggest would best fit in a seperate thread, seperate from the arena.
An alternate area for tournaments and combat that follows a different rule-set.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
You'd be fine if i have only the powers down for now? If so, i think i can get it done in an hour or two.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
Alright. I've got a few other characters if you'll still be interested in a fight, so it's no big problem.
<Snipped quote by Innue>
ah, ok. what exact kind of info should i provide? i could give some quick answers, or just finish my own sheet, whichever suits you.