Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 1 mo ago

oh boy

i do hope Tuujaimaa has the rationale to not respond to Leeroy's post and keep this somewhat quiet. shitstorms aren't pretty, and damn those who're brewing one up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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@Vordak Let a shitstorm brew, nobody with any shred of dignity comes into someone else's thread and straight up insults them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

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This is Skallagrim's tournament. The peanut gallery should politely (and I stress this) sit on the sidelines and await his decision on the matter. There is no need for unsolicited feedback or commentary. In the event that Skallagrim's return is delayed further and there is a pressing need to get this addressed I'm sure Rilla or myself can come up with something if that is needed in a last resort.

There have been a lot of posts that have been a bit more than sassy that should have probably been more carefully considered or kept to private conversation.

Any insults should be kept off the forums @Leeroy, I think we can definitely agree there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

What in the fuck happened here?

To be fair you're right Khan, I do have trouble resolving things like this without arguing, but in any circumstance (and I think up until this point we were doing a pretty good job) I would just talk it out with you. However, this specific move is pretty much fundamental, because if it's ruled that your character can't dissipate the magic circle its effects are either going to badly wound your character or outright kill your character. There isn't really a middle ground for this attack. The flip side of course is that if the circle is destroyed, Metz is going to die, so it's essentially a situation where death or severe wounding and therefore the outcome of the entire match hangs on a single decision.

So surely you can kinda see why I'd want it judged.

Also, I have no idea why LeeRoy and Tuuj are here, I think it would be best if we just forget the last page happened.

Skallagrim is incredibly busy at the moment which is pretty unlucky, but this is the final round so I doubt it would matter if it drags on a bit, especially as I predict this could be the closing moments of the fight. If Skallagrim is too busy to make a ruling hopefully he'll have time to read what's going on and let Rilla or Innue or someone else make a ruling.

I'd recommend Vordak actually, he was a good judge in the sword-clash and seems pretty level-headed in general from what I've seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Anyway not reading half the comments on here because they seem to be trying to start nonsense. I don't think I can even change my post without hearing from Skalla since Melon already posted a ruling.

Which puts us in a dangerous position of waiting for someone who definitely has better things to think about than a childern's card game. Unless maybe Melon is fine with me editing my post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Anyway not reading half the comments on here because they seem to be trying to start nonsense. I don't think I can even change my post without hearing from Skalla since Melon already posted a ruling.

Which puts us in a dangerous position of waiting for someone who differently has better things to think about than a childern's card game. Unless maybe Melon is fine with me editing my post.

Unless you're going to change your post to Khazna gets crushed and impaled by the giant stone pillar it might be worth waiting for the ruling, as the way I see it the only way your character can survive walking into that circle was if his magic sword had already de-activated it. You're just going to post with your character somehow dodging the rock and that's going to make me sad and I'll ask for a ruling again because I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and arguing is rarely constructive in Arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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<Snipped quote by GreivousKhan>

Unless you're going to change your post to Khazna gets crushed and impaled by the giant stone pillar it might be worth waiting for the ruling, as the way I see it the only way your character can survive walking into that circle was if his magic sword had already de-activated it. You're just going to post with your character somehow dodging the rock and that's going to make me sad and I'll ask for a ruling again because I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and arguing is rarely constructive in Arena.

Don't be ridiculous, I don't have to dodge anything. I'm simply going to edit in cutting into the stone to cease the magic construct. Which would leave him trapped in the stone pillar but otherwise unharmed.

A earlier ruling by skalla grim already stated he can cut them magic in the stone but the stone would remain. I can't see him ruling differently.

Or we can wait for a new judge I suppose.

Ruling- The rock is natural and not magic. Magic manipulates a natural substance. Since cutting things magic or otherwise from existence can be abused. You by virtue of your explanation cannot cut a natural substance, only the magic that manipulates it. As such it falls under a targeted hit and all rules pertaining to it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Skallagrim said 'The rock is natural and not magic. Magic manipulates a natural substance. Since cutting things magic or otherwise from existence can be abused. You by virtue of your explanation cannot cut a natural substance, only the magic that manipulates it. As such it falls under a targeted hit and all rules pertaining to it.'

In reality it would come down to where the magic is coming from, and the answer is the circle on the ground. Cutting the rock would have no effect on the magic because it's only active at the bottom of the pillar. Also, that circle is pretty much the definition of prepped, so to escape unharmed with an unprepared defence would be a little dubious.

There are a number of technicalities in this scenario which is why it would be best to have it judged, I don't want to interpret Skallagrim's words for him, and regardless of his personal situation at the moment which I completely understand is more important than this I still feel like he'd be a little irritated if we don't let him rule on what could be the most important moment in his entire tournament.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Skallagrim said 'The rock is natural and not magic. Magic manipulates a natural substance. Since cutting things magic or otherwise from existence can be abused. You by virtue of your explanation cannot cut a natural substance, only the magic that manipulates it. As such it falls under a targeted hit and all rules pertaining to it.'

In reality it would come down to where the magic is coming from, and the answer is the circle on the ground. Cutting the rock would have no effect on the magic because it's only active at the bottom of the pillar. Also, that circle is pretty much the definition of prepped, so to escape unharmed with an unprepared defence would be a little dubious.

There are a number of technicalities in this scenario which is why it would be best to have it judged, I don't want to interpret Skallagrim's words for him, and regardless of his personal situation at the moment which I completely understand is more important than this I still feel like he'd be a little irritated if we don't let him rule on what could be the most important moment in his entire tournament.

Well considering a prep is lost when you take damage, according to T1 he had have already lost that prepped ability from the hits and damage he has taken so far. (we can be generous and say he only took two damaging hits and one block)

I suppose we can wait for a judge to show up.

In the mean time we can play charades.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

Well consider a prep is lost when you take damage, according to T1 he had have already lost that prepped ability from the hits and damage he has taken so far.

I suppose we can't wait for a judge to show up.

In the mean time we can play charades.

One of the many issues with T1 is that it doesn't cover a pre-prepared attack, it must be frustrating for rune users and other magical trap users that the prep system makes very little sense to them in its current format. Metz obviously having prepared the circle earlier and placed it before he took any hits, therefore being hit would make absolutely no difference to his circle.

I'm guessing first if we play charades.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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<Snipped quote by GreivousKhan>

One of the many issues with T1 is that it doesn't cover a pre-prepared attack, it must be frustrating for rune users and other magical trap users that the prep system makes very little sense to them in its current format. Metz obviously having prepared the circle earlier and placed it before he took any hits, therefore being hit would make absolutely no difference to his circle.

I'm guessing first if we play charades.

Sounds like a nice way to avoid losing preps.

Every character should take up rune casting. Hmmm...

In any case Tablurath has lost none of his preps either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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<Snipped quote by GreivousKhan>

One of the many issues with T1 is that it doesn't cover a pre-prepared attack, it must be frustrating for rune users and other magical trap users that the prep system makes very little sense to them in its current format. Metz obviously having prepared the circle earlier and placed it before he took any hits, therefore being hit would make absolutely no difference to his circle.

I'm guessing first if we play charades.

That is actually my understanding of T1. You only lose the prep you are working on, so if Kei'taro was currently prepping Thunderbird, he'd lose the third prep, but each subsequent hit, imo, wouldn't take away the second and first. And if he'd stop charging Thunderbird before the hit, it would be safe from losing a prep from being hit, but whatever else he was prepping in the post just before getting hit wouldn't be.

Question, how many preps did the circle have vs how many the time-weaving(which is actually a name for one of the many no-nos in combat RP) sword has?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

That is actually my understanding of T1. You only lose the prep you are working on, so if Kei'taro was currently prepping Thunderbird, he'd lose the third prep, but each subsequent hit, imo, wouldn't take away the second and first. And if he'd stop charging Thunderbird before the hit, it would be safe from losing a prep from being hit, but whatever else he was prepping in the post just before getting hit wouldn't be.

Question, how many preps did the circle have vs how many the time-weaving(which is actually a name for one of the many no-nos in combat RP) sword has?

Is that last question a serious one?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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No, I asked it for the lolz. And for the fact I haven't read much, if any of the fight, because it ain't my business. Are you gonna answer it, or should I wait the arguing british?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

That is actually my understanding of T1. You only lose the prep you are working on, so if Kei'taro was currently prepping Thunderbird, he'd lose the third prep, but each subsequent hit, imo, wouldn't take away the second and first. And if he'd stop charging Thunderbird before the hit, it would be safe from losing a prep from being hit, but whatever else he was prepping in the post just before getting hit wouldn't be.

Question, how many preps did the circle have vs how many the time-weaving(which is actually a name for one of the many no-nos in combat RP) sword has?

Well, in that hypothetical it wouldn't have any, where-as the circle would have one prep I suppose, which is one of the reasons I felt short-changed by what happened originally, because without any prior mention of the circle at all the sword had de-activated it.

I think the idea of losing preps does make sense, it gives the advantage to the attacker essentially and allows physical characters without access to those new-fangled magics to otherwise avoid their opponent charging up and blasting them to pieces. Prepping magic in general isn't necessarily all that well explained in T1 though. It makes sense in the example they give, but that doesn't translate very well to all issues. It's like when a maths book uses the easiest damn calculation for the example and then the questions are like ten times harder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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No, I asked it for the lolz. And for the fact I haven't read much, if any of the fight, because it ain't my business. Are you gonna answer it, or should I wait the arguing british?

Well He's found three focal points of magic so far (which are threads which magic travels through in the air). Though technically only two were specifically targeting the circle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

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Generally, you just have to adapt it. That's what I do. I take the basics and apply them. Which is why, I suppose, T1 is easier for me to get.

Losing preps is fine, I have no issue with losing them if you catch me prepping with an attack, but if I successfully make it, oh well. But that's just something people have to agree on. Do you lose a prep per hit, no matter how far back, or just whatever one you were working on in the post prior.

Hypothetically then, deactivation wouldn't work. To me, he doesn't have to specifically mention the sword's target being the magic circle, but it would make better sense too - unless in his universe all magic pulls from the same thing, so fire magic and water magic(as an example), are really just the same force being manipulated differently and his sword cuts literally at the base compounds of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Really I never even tried to go into the science of how it works, since we're dealing with magic. Some one can argue that magic that summons fire would be immune since the fire is not magic, same with lightening or any spell really that involves conjuration or evocation. Same thing happened last match involving that whole heat sun thing, since magic did not sustain it but did summon it. So it was magic but not magic, so at that point you probably need to agree or a ruling.

So no on the charades?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

This can be rectified for future fights by you, if you haven't already, explaining what is affected.

Things magically summoned? Anything manipulated by magic(sans PCs)?

Things like that. Otherwise, it'll always be up for interpretation what can be and what can't be. And then, it'll come down to you having to decide right then and whatnot.

IN your example that fire would be magic, for sake of being magically summoned. But if the fire were already there, then it wouldn't be magic fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Also the more general that power is the more overpowered it is, ultimately.

I'm still up for charades.
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