Avatar of Innue
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.36 / day)
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    1. Innue 11 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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@Innue Debate? More like an unpleasant conversation. Like concluding the tournament? There still isn't a decisive end to it.

Another tournament has started in the time that yours should have ended, and this tournament is nearly over and yours is still technically running.

IN and Melon both seemed to have conflicts. I indicated I would have liked to have seen the conclusion of it, but they had not done their match. If they so choose to do it, I will honor the victor in some fashion. I cannot force them to fight each other.

Life happens, both for the people participating and the people running it. I was not planning on family being told they had little time left to live. I was not planning on having to return back home to help when another family member injured themselves in a welding accident.
@Innue Don't blame me, Melon brought it up.

Your post was reminiscent of the one on NoW that I politely asked you to edit. Melon's was not. It doesn't matter, but I'd prefer not to start up another debate about stuff that doesn't need to be done.
@MelonHead "Arguing." Nah man, I pointed out a blatant discrepancy that other people were pointing out. I'm just less polite than everyone else. And they kicked me out, despite the discrepancy being hugely unfair to the other competitors.

I would appreciate this not getting brought back up again in the same manner it was a week ago.
Kyokujitsugakure is just neutral towards everyone else. They have no issues with any of the other nations. Ayameko seeks to create a peaceful environment so she tends to try to foster positive relations and assist other nations.

Despite their central location, they stayed as much out of the war as possible and only commit any people to it when their lands were threatened as they were dealing with a large number of smaller civil wars which were a potential spark to the larger conflict between the nations. Kyokujitsugakure's commitment to focusing on internal affairs during the war is a diplomatic aid to Ayameko now, both in the strength of her nation and in the limit of long term hostilities from a large conflict with other nations.
Fallen is judging.
With a flash of light, Shio's longtime companion, her Ohitsuji took his place beside her.

"The metaphorical island may remain yours, but I will not let this one go," Shio replied, despite the fact there was no island even remotely near them, unless you considered the entirety of the continent they were on an island. In which, then yes, they could be having a battle over an island, but that would probably be a stretch. For now, they were about to do battle in the boughs of a massive cherry tree.

Shio was a bit disappointed this challenge had restricted her use of her families special brand of magic, as well as her throwing knives. This restricted her a bit more than she liked, but it was the case for this battle. She would have to put more faith in the teamwork of her Ohitsuji.

However, the large arena gave her some options. Starting far back in the Arena, Shio had a reserved position. The approach of Mythrael's shadow was a serious consideration for Shio's position. Immediately she took off at a brisk pace along a left circle of the Arena. Shio needed to see Kiyo's tactics in action before she responded. Ohitsuji opted to take to the air, following along within ten feet of Shio, wary of the approach of the Mythrael's shadow.

[Sowing Seeds 7, Patience 2]
Shio with Ohitsuji.

Spell Schools:
- Phytomancy, Rank VII
- Cryomancy, Rank V
- Geomancy, Rank V
- Restoration, Rank V
- Rank VII in one school of magic, Rank V in 3 others
- One creature with maximum level of 40
- No weapons
- Standard projectile limits for universe.

- Sakura Arena. Circular platform within the boughs of a massive cherry tree that is about 100 feet across. The floor of the platform is comprised of a dense earth and stone mixture. The branches above the platform are shaped to provide an aerial space appropriate for a sphere that is 100 feet across.
@Innue Well the match started and was probably winding down to the final acts, but I have not heard back from my opponent in quite some time.

This is the match.

In that instance I would have to give you the victory given the lack of posting for 2 months and the fact actual combat has taken place.
<Snipped quote by Dazsos>

Dammit, this is why I wanted to use my own assassins.

But nooo...

@Rilla Question for you, if I'm in a ranked match and my opponent never posts what do I do?

If you haven't done any combat, then the match would be void. If it is in progress we will need to make a determination whether or not enough actual combat has taken place to call it an actual match.
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