Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
Sorry for not getting to looking over that fight yet. I apparently have a form of pneumonia that started kicking my ass again last afternoon. I've been running on 2 hours of sleep from coughing the entire night for the last few days.
I am around to judge, but I'm not consistent with checking on here. Be sure to harass Dazsos or Yosh if you need me for judging. Unfortunately, I can't update standings or anything. I'll make a note of ones that need to be updated next time Rilla can get to it.
If I was the kage of an opposing country, you'd be able to swindle me out of my pants and half the country before facerolling me in straight combat. :P
I was mostly thinking about making a crew of small time pirates threatening shores far from the villages, and having a small scale enough crew that they'd be a good challenge for some starting genin in a nice "we can't wreck continents yet" level fight. And then seeing where I want to go from there.
But, if the main threats/actions to occur are not going to be the countries fighting each other, but rather some external/internal/other threat they collaborate (as well as can be expected of course) against, I don't think I'd mind whipping up an aging kage who is waning in power.
The countries aren't really opposed at this time, but you can do that as an option, it just may not have as much involvement as you want.
Sankage: Shikata Kibō - Hokage Shikata Ayameko - Former Leader of the Land of Rivers
History: Despite how young the nation is compared to many of the other global powers, Kyokujitsu no Tochi has a rich history that intertwines a variety of cultures. The Land of Fire was established well before the first Shinobi war and only fell due to destruction from the bijuu which claimed the lives of many people across many of the territories that comprise the nation as a whole. Because of that destruction, Ayameko was able to establish a new nation that banded together those struggling and remade the lands into a nation of surprising prosperity.
Much of the history of the nation is due to the efforts of the Sankage who developed the idea of the national structure and executed it by significant diplomatic efforts. Despite being selected as the leader of the Land of Fire as a non-native, a nation that still had significant power after the destructive forces of the bijuu, she was able to guide its people to accept that not only would they be stronger if they worked together, but they could maintain their national pride.
Kyokujitsu no Tochi is over 30 years old.
Geography: Kyokujitsu no Tochi is one of the most diverse geographical landscapes, spanning from the cold northern territories to the tropical southern lands. Largely flat, Kyokujitsu no Tochi only has incredible terrain changes in the west and north, where it runs into the mountains dividing them from the Lands of Earth and Wind in the west, and the Land of Lightning in the North. It does, however, have a small section of mountains in its most northern most territory.
Plantlife is abundant in Kyokujitsu no Tochi, with a wide range of crops. The open plains scattered throughout are often utilized for agriculture
Specifically around Kyokujistugakure, however, the terrain is arrange very specifically. A network of small rivers filled with floating lilies creates a natural looking moat miles away from the outskirts of the walls. From the air, these are obscured by the thick forest of trees planted specifically by the village. Further out from that, there are a series of mountains on the western side, which span from the Land of Iron to just above the southern coast. These mountains run along the border of the original Land of Fire.
Map of Kyokujitsugakure and Surrounding Area
- Yellow gold - Farmland - Grey - Walls - Dark Brown - Mountain - Dark Green - Trees (Largest is Yggdrasil) - Light Green - Grassland - Purple Squares - Important Buildings - Light Purple Square - Transport - Black Squares - Homes and trade buildings - Orange Squares - Houses/Clan compounds - Light Blue Square - Temple of Fuujin - Red Square - Temple of Fire - Tan - Roads - Blue - Water
Notes: - The distance between the trees closest to the wall is actually larger than it appears. - There are actually inner walls between the rings of buildings. - There are trees and other plants within the walls of the village scattered about. - The number of buildings within the walls is greater than it appears (it'd just get super cluttered that way)
Religion: Kyokujitsu no Tochi is actually a highly spiritual nation. Temples of various beliefs can be found within the city with major shrines scattered throughout the lands. Very notably are the Temples of Fuujin and the Temple of Fire. With the influx of a few members from Tsukigakure, even more religions are mixing into the diverse beliefs of the people of Kyokujitsugakure.
Politics: Kyokujitsugakure is run predominantly by the Sankage who is selected by the tree Yggdrasil. However, each original territory within the confines of Kyokujistu no Tochi (Tea, Noodles, Rivers, Grass, Iron, Rice, Hot Springs, and Wave) has representation on the Council. While each territory is overseen by the Sankage, they do allow significant flexibility in the self-governing of many of the local functions of the territory. In fact, the only time the Sankage would step in would be when the rights of the citizens overall were being affected.
The selection of the Sankage is a surprisingly simple process. At the passing of current Sankage, or when they opt to retire, candidates selected by each territory are brought to the tree and among them the tree selects those that it deems most worthy to lead the nation.
Current Council Representation by Territory: - Land of Iron - Masazane Io - Land of Fire - Yuki Shiori - Land of Rivers - Shikata Ayameko, Current Sankage - Tea - ??? - Noodles - ??? - Grass - ??? - Rice - ??? - Hot Springs - ??? - Wave - ???
Clan List:
Masazane The Masazane clan is a historical staple in the Land of Iron. Noted for their manipulation of metal, they have served the village as smiths of unique and powerful weapons. Many have immigrated from their historical homeland into the capital.
Yuki The Yuki clan is charged with keeping records for the Land of Fire. They run the Omoide no Kinko-shitsu, the library for Kyokujitsu no Tochi. They posses incredible memories and information retrieval within the library.
Uchiha Wielders of the Sharingan, the Uchiha provide Kyokjitsu no Tochi with the bulk of its Intel forces and military police.
Hyuuga The Hyuuga is the second oldest clan in Kyokujitsu no Tochi and its members have access to the Byakugan. Many members of the Hyuuga clan join the Senkensha, a sensory division for Kyokujitsu no Tochi.
Senju The clan of the Shodai Hokage, noted for its ability to utilize the Mokuton nature, given to it by the tree Yggdrasil. They are the oldest clan in Kyokujitsu no Tochi and have exceptional reverence for Yggdrasil. The largest percentage of Kages for the Land of Fire have come from this clan. There are only a few members of this clan still around.
Nara The Nara clan is well known throughout Kyokujitsu no Tochi. Keepers of the Hiden that allows the manipulation of Shadows, Nara clan members work in a variety of roles throughout the village. Noted for their cleverness and ingenuity, they are well respected.
Focus: As diverse as their geography, Kyokujitsu has numerous strengths because of that diversity. A wide range of exports are available for the nation allowing them to trade away many of their excess goods while requiring few themselves. As such, much of the economy within the nation is home produced goods. The large amount of land available for agriculture, with high quality soil and diverse climates, gives them the framework to support a large population. Significant resource of the nation are put into research.
Places of Note:
Kokumin Toshokan [National Library] - A part of the Yuki clan compound and residing close to the center of the capital, quite close to Yggdrasil as well as the Sankage's compound. As such, it is along the ornate gardens that are especially common at the city center.
Hansha no Genkan [Halls of Reflection] - A specialized building that serves multiple purposes. One of the most beautiful buildings in the capital, it is a single story rectangular building. Aside from the very center, which is a square, the building has open air covered walkways and floats on top of a large pond filled with lily flowers. What makes the building unique and important are the specialized mirrors within the center hall. These mirrors allow an individual to see their reflection as if they had a doujutsu similar to the Byakugan. This building serves both the Medical Corps, as well as the Research Division. It also serves as an advanced training building for many.
Temples of Fuujin and Fire - While these can be found throughout the nation. The main temple sits outside the capital walls between the mountain range on the west. The Temple of Fuujin, as well as the Temple of Fire share the solitary mountain separated from the range that lies between the cities. The Temple of Fire looks east, while the Temple of Fuujin looks west. Both have smaller shrines scattered as well as major temples with the capital itself. These serve as training facility for many specialized disciplines.
Research Compound - There is a large research compound near the Sankage's facility. This building is actually directly connected and spans multiple stories both above and beneath the ground. Many people who serve as advisors to the Sankage work directly within this building or the compound.
Boughs and Roots of Yggdrasil - There is, in fact, two additional 'places' of note within the capital city. At the center of Yggdrasil there is a place where the roots have specifically grown in a way to allow a flat surface within the branches of the tree. Few people are allowed to access this area and it is restricted mostly to the Sankage or those with specially permission from Ayameko herself.
The Roots of Yggdrasil are another location and connect directly to the Research Compound and consists of multiple rooms. This, as well, is a highly restricted location used for advanced research in conjunction as serving as a safe room for the villagers in times of great peril. Tokumei's specialized facility is actually within the Roots of Yggdrasil.
While many activities are directed by the Sankage herself, or the Council, much of general management of various shinobi is done directly by their division leaders, who either report to the head of another division or to the Sankage or Council. Should the Sankage and Council be killed, leadership then falls to the had of Senjutsu-tekina [Tactical Division]. In the event that is not possible, the leadership follows the following chain: Medical Corps, ANBU, Eternal Watch, Sensory Division, Research Division, and Barrier Division.
Iryō-tai [Medical Corps] Lead by: Nara Shiō - Trains and dispatches medical shinobi within the nation as well as abroad in times of great need by allies.
ANBU [Military Intelligence] Lead by: --- - Formerly run by Touzoku, the daughter of Ayameko, ANBU serves as a specialized organization within the village designed for missions. Reports to Tactical Division.
Root [Research Division] Lead by: Nara Shiō - Preforms research into new techniques with a strong focus in defensive and medical techniques.
Senkensha [Sensory Division] Lead by: Nara Shiō - Maintains any large scale sensory techniques as well as responds to requests from other divisions in dispatching shinobi within this division.
Senjutsu-tekina [Tactical Division] Lead by: Nara Kakugyō- Serves as the military as strategists for single operations to full scale wars and sieges.
Kekkaisetsu [Barrier Division] Lead by: Yūdai Kei - Establishes many of the rules governing access to the capital as well as maintaining and establishing barrier techniques in times of war. Reports to Tactical Division.
Yusōsetsu [Transport Division] Lead by: --- - Maintains and supplies chakra to the transport system for Kyokujitsu no Tochi. Those within this division generally have high chakra pools and exceptional control. Many lacking in practical combat abilities serve the nation within this division. Reports to Tactical Division.
Yotogi no Eien [Eternal Watch] Lead by: Akaritori - Maintains order within the various cities o Kyokujitsu no Tochi with their center operating within the capital. They work closely with the various other military branches in times of crisis. Reports to Tactical Division during times of crisis.
Country of Origin: Land of Iron Hierarchy and Focus: The Masazane clan hierarchy is determined through a yearly test of skill and overall commerce. Heralded as some of the best smiths in the world, the Masazane clan has a gift with the shaping of metal.
Clan leadership is determined by whichever members of the clan has the most verified sales of weapons or by any individual who has completed a work of superb caliber. After those members are identified, they are faced with forging a sword for a champion of their choice in a contest known as the Tetsu no Shōtotsu [Clash of Iron]. The winner, by either through defeating an opponent or by breaking the sword of the opposing champion, becomes leader of the clan. Lethal attacks are considered a violation of the rules of the current Tetsu no Shōtotsu, but this is has only been the rules for the last few years. History: The Masazane clan are a small, yet widespread clan that is noted for their ability to produce weapons.
Originally from the Land of Iron, the Masazane are an old clan and have forged weapons for the samurai from the land for their entire existence. Smithwork in the Land of Iron was considered exceptionally noble, and much like nobles trade marry off children to other royals, the early smiths of the Masazane clan used their children to form connections with other smiths.
One smith, whose original name was long forgotten, was said to have had so many sons and to have made the most legendary weapons, that he was only referred to by his surname. Owning a weapon of the smith Masazane, or being married into his family (to be able to put the Masazane stamp on their productions), was considered an badge of honor. After awhile, all of the smith families within the Land of Iron were related.
Once the original Masazane died, leadership of the family fell into chaos. It was proposed by Masazane's third son that they determine who is to lead the clan through the Tetsu no Shōtotsu. It was not unheard of in the early days for this to be a bloody affair with assassinations of smiths and champions alike. After the first Tetsu no Shōtotsu, leadership of the clan fell to Masazane's fifth son, Ito, who was considered to be almost as skilled as his father.
Ito would run the Masazane in the longest reign of the clan for over 63 years. It was during Ito's reign that the Sage changed the world. With the heavy relation to a singular bloodline, many of the Masazane developed the ability to manipulate steel through a kekkei genkai known as Kōton, using a mixture of the fire and earth elements. It was also not unheard of for members to develop Jiton either in addition to Kōton or as a solitary alternative.
After the reign of Masazane Ito, leadership of the clan fell once again into disarray with leadership cycling repeatedly through a series of smiths that were closely matched between each other. Each year, the one currently in power would lose to one of the smiths he had defeated the year before.
It would not be for over a hundred years before the leadership would yet again stabilize. However, this stabilization of leadership would continue to the reign of Masazane Io, who has lead the clan for the last 62 years. Io is often considered the reincarnation of the original founder of their clan with near unrivaled skill in the forging of weapons and the manifestation of both Jiton and Kōton at a high level. This is often considered because of Io's great number of male heirs.
With the creation of Kyokujitsu no Tochi, many members of the clan have spread themselves out to other territories within their nation. Smiths who stay in the Land of Iron often look down on these members are trying to escape the significant competition within their historical homeland for the Tetsu no Shōtotsu and qualify through sales in another land where the smiths are less skilled. The clan itself, despite its age, is relatively small. Misc: While rare, some Masazane do forge weapons for themselves for the Tetsu no Shōtotsu. Most members of the clan fall under competent or skilled with a weapon. For the Tetsu no Shōtotsu most form relationships with kenjutsu masters.
It is said some still participate in an underground version of the Tetsu no Shōtotsu known as the Ketsueki no Shōtotsu [Clash of Blood] as a form of gambling or a way to display power between Tetsu no Shōtotsu.