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Yep. It is Rin's confusion. :) But thank you.
Rin really did try to understand John, but had no idea half of the words that came out of his mouth. Chinaman? What about birds? Something blue? Giraffes?

"Sir, I have no idea what you just said," Rin responded calmly, stopping about thirty feed from John when he made a motion for his pouch. Rin responded by placing his right hand on the hilt of his sword and drawing the blade quickly. "But I'm going to assume you aren't going to pay the fines based on your reply."

Rin's sword, which had been named Carried by the Wind, was visibly unusual. As soon as Rin had started to pull the blade from the sheath, the blade itself would disappear, converting into a viciously cutting wind in the same shape as the weapon's blade. Once he held it still in front of him, to show John he was taking this seriously, it would reform into the traditional metal blade.

Of course, he would get someone like John who not only sputtered nonsense, which irritated Rin as he found that not speaking clearly and concisely was a waste of time. He didn't like others wasting his time. Coupled with the fact John seemed to have no interest in getting this matter resolved promptly, which not only involved effort, and potential flying, on Rin's part, but also wasted his time further.

"I'd really like to get back to my wife-to-be," Rin added, "So if you could reconsider your response, I'd appreciate moving things along."
I don't mean a matured ability, but matured in the context as it's used to describe preps. A prep starts in one post, and then fully 'matures' to a +1 in the players following post.

I know. That was more for Dazsos's reference than yours to try to clarify with him since some of his abilities have native restrictions (if I recall the bio) in that they wouldn't necessarily gain the + even if they take time to form.
T1 Eden is fine.

I'm open to judge suggestions if you think we need it, but generally I think despite our occasionally heated debates, we are capable of resolving most issues that crop up.
We can discuss how it worked, and history, in the chat thread and let these two sort out what precisely is being prepped and how they wish for me to enforce it. :)

Based on the discussion between them a determination of whether or not it stays ranked can follow. And honestly, there still seems some confusion from Dazsos in the application of preps in Eden Era. You two can outline which spell are currently in process for me and, for Dazsos, which ones are being prepped. Maturation of an ability isn't necessarily a prep either.

Many of the ranked fights don't go into great detail on the specifics and leave much to the judge to apply the rulings. They asked me to judge prior to the fight starting via PM so I assumed they had decided anything not specifically outlined would be left to my judgment. This isn't uncommon on here for a number of the fights which don't specifically outline any of the rulesets being used or any more detail than what they did.

They both read each others bios, so I assumed they were aware of any vagueness and were fine with it. Some people like to fight with high adaptability and who am I to stop them?

EDIT: It all depended on who you fought Divinity, which is also why I don't go with assuming rules anywhere ever. I did a lot of room wandering. I initially started with T2 since that is what my friend who got me started did but I was like the worst speed poster ever. I then switch to T1 and wandered rooms a fair amount. The only consistent group I did was one of the super competitive deathmatch circles (which I don't recall anything else name wise) and one of the groups with a fellow named Val (I could never spell the entirety of his name correctly so I shortened it and have since forgotten the remaining letters in it) who did a lot with characters that applied aspects of the Many Worlds Intepretation.

It's been many years since I did Yahoo and many of who had notoriety at the time shifted a bit. I do remember those names, but I don't think I specifically fought either of them. I promptly got my ass kicked in my first combat there and sort of learned to restrain myself after that knowing I had to learn a lot more before I continued. I transitioned out of Yahoo in the mid 2000s and went exclusively to forum for roleplaying and only popped in occasionally after that.
They need to sort it out.

1. Until that is stated officially on the Rank Headquarters, that cannot be applied.

2. No ruling was made using specifically that basis. I'm the official judge.

3. It provides no advantage to Dazsos since it would also equally apply to Corban who would also potentially be capable of doing this, especially if I correctly recall his sword being sentient (in conjunction with other things).

It is not a fallacy that many of the higher tiers in the late mid to late 90s allowed exceptions to the singular prep. Those that participated in the competitive deathmatches (the ones where if you lost you were not supposed to use that character again anywhere or get shunned), often understood this even under the application of the original rules (many of those participating were people that had helped develop the original rules in various fashions). Again, you may not have seen this due to a different experience, but I have, and frequently.

@Dazsos You still aren't describing preps though really as applied to Eden Era. As Divinity correctly said those are still just quick casted spells. Preps are very specifically spells/abilities that you intentionally spend extra time powering them up. Even just inscribing a rune and leaving it in wait isn't necessarily a prep either. You actively have to be giving it increasing power and it is usually used to logically expand the bounds of what the spell normally behaves at without it.
Your first post about it was definitely phrased an absolute Divinity, but you probably didn't intend it that way and probably intended more nuance.

You two need to establish the terms before this continues, but I'm glad we were able to clarify our agreement that after many posts of discussion that it is not an absolute rule and that it is dependent on the characters. As such, what determination needs to be made is whether or not these characters fall into that exception, and if so, by how much.
I have fought many places that used the Eden ruleset, spanning from Yahoo Chat, to Roleplaygateway, and I specifically recall a single prep a turn being the accepted norm.

I am not arguing that dazsos' actions are multi-prepped anymore, as I have said already. I am arguing allowing multiple preps being allowed for the rest of the matches duration in a single post.

I figured it was safe to adopt the standard ruleset here, since in my experience default ruleset are there specifically for scenarios like these, in which the combatants have agreed upon no specific ruleset prior. I thought that would hold up here, rather than assuming the fight starts with literally no rules.

Accepted norms are not applicable in every case.

Yahoo chat is where I originated and at higher tier combat there were obvious exceptions to the multiple preps rule as application is highly dependent on the characters involved, especially when you get into characters with fully developed reality shaping abilities or even characters in tiers lower than that power with multiple consciousnesses (or something similar). This is why I am saying you are wrong on that front. You both may choose to consider how much you potentially fall into this category, if at all.

You two have to agree how you want me to apply them and I suggest you outline anything else before either of you makes an another post. While I may not have been clear initially, I would disagree with the strict enforcement at this tier and would expect you and Daz to make concessions if you disagreed on what is being applied and how. You are the combatants and need to establish the parameters or you just have to trust my judgment.

However, there are literally no rules because neither of you two established them. Much of the modern deviations from Eden Era are extrapolations of the rules and common sense on how they are applicable. In the event of no stated rules you'd rely on the expectation those in the officiating position to enforce what is not described equally. Yes, the basis for these generally accepted practices is Eden Era as it is the general basis for most combat.

If I have come across as harsh, I apologize, but I absolutely hate recitations of Eden Era rules with seeming absolutes.
Then why raise the big fuss about the rules?

You are wrong that there is no deviation in the multiple preps, even in the original rules. That was generally applicable standard for most characters (again, especially at lower tiers which this battle is not). HOWEVER, this has not applied to this battle, nor has Dazsos seemed to do multiple preparations. If you care to show where he has, I will gladly read it through closely and determine if it is a violation of the rules. You and Daz can opt to do a strict interpretation of the rules if you agree to not do multiple preps, but I do advise you tread exceptionally cautiously with that option.

Never assume a default ruleset, especially since everyone has a different background in combat.
So what I'm understanding is that there are little to no rules actually being enforced here? I naturally assumed T1 Eden was the default ruleset, which is why I Continually quoted it since we hadn't established one of our own. Merely stating other places interpreted the rules in different ways doesn't strike me as a really convincing defense for not having any way of restricting actions. You say his actions don't 'neccessarily' constitute preps, but I can't find any conceivable reason why not if we are following the 'prep as many things as you want' logic. Do preps also not take a turn to mature, too? I have no way of knowing until it comes up.

If T1 Eden wasn't at all factored in your decision from earlier, then I am very boggled by whatever system is actually in place for yor judging.

I'm not really sure how I feel about continuing on a basis that allows for simultaneous prepping with little to no recourse. I have not been abiding by whatever system you two clearly have worked out, and to be honest, it is leading to a serious case of combat apathy.

If we are supposed to be continuing under incredibly nebulous, vague rules (or lack thereof), then I will be backing out of this fight. I will post an 'exit post' for Crystal/Corban, since I hate leaving fights as voids.

Edit: Regardless of what happens, I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the hiccups!

It is on you two for establishing incredibly poor fight parameters when you started, and frankly, if we wanted to be super strict about everything, a lot of stuff both of you had done probably wouldn't have flown under original Eden Era rules (I'd have to honestly reread in close detail). Additionally, even they did not necessarily discount the possibility of multiple preps depending on the character (it was the generally accepted principle for most characters, especially at lower tiers). It was done both with the original Eden Era rulests on both the forums they originated on AND on the chat rooms that had a lot do with shaping them.

I'm not even saying we need to deviate from those rules, I'm just saying a super strict interpretation of them isn't acceptable. Seriously, chill. Everyone's been treated equally and there hasn't really been any major violations that hadn't been in scope of the fight FROM BOTH OF YOUR CHARACTERS.

I'm also not saying you can prep as much as you like (FYI lines like this kind of irk me). What Daz was describing was spells that were basically 'instant cast' which BOTH OF YOU HAVE DONE.

And actually, you worked out the damage from earlier with Melon using them. I just agreed from a strictly logical standpoint, independent of the Eden Era rules, you would have taken damage.
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