Nara Shiō

Full Name】
Nara Shiō【
Kage Gekai【
Head of Medical Corps (Iryō-tai), Head of Senkensha (Sensory Division)【
Birth Country】
Land of Fire【
Current Village】
Shinobi Rank】
Shiō is intelligent, but often blames herself for things outside of her control. She does not accept failure well and will obsess over the failure until she reaches the conclusion that it was outside of her control - she still reviews two of her cases on a regular basis in order to figure out what she did wrong. She keeps meticulous records, having patient files far more expansive than many of her colleagues. She enjoys learning and wants to expand her knowledge into other realms of medicine.
Shiō's loyalty is to life and her village.【
Shio knew what her goal in life was at the early age of 5, deciding then she would be a doctor.
With unwavering dedication, she pursued her interest in the medical field. With her sharp mind, she was able to accelerate much of her training and gain special privilege to work directly under Sankage Ayameko by the age of 14.
Shio's primary focus is neurology, with a secondary specialty in surgery. Her steady hands and fine chakra control lead her to develop a series of techniques that increased the survival rate of all surgical procedures across the board by 35%, all by the age of 18. This is her source of her nickname as the Shadow Surgeon, given her preference to work in pitch dark.
It was at the age of 18 she would meet Kinuko, who she would eventually marry after a month. The two had determined that they would be appropriately compatible companions for a long term and that to delay any longer would only delay the necessary step of creating an offspring to carry on their skills. As such, within another month they had worked with Ayameko to develop a technique to allow the two women to have a child. Of course, neither wanted to bear the pregnancy so that service was outsourced to one of Shiō's cousins. The child, a son they named Tokiko, would be born still before Shiō's 19th birthday. Once born, the child was primarily in the care of Shiō's grandparents who adored the child.
However, believing the child was being spoiled too much and was lacking life experience at the age of 6 months, they gave the child to a wandering monk with a sheep they had just met the day before to allow him to have real life experience. They keep in contact with the child via letters which they expect responses from, but are yet to receive, straining the relationship they have with their son.
Shiō would take over the Medical Division at the age of 21 and continues in that role.
Chakra Nature(s)】
Abilities and Special Traits】
Shiō is a woman of many abilities. Exceptionally intelligent, with impeccable chakra control, Shiō's potential for growth is significant. She has a particular skill with Ninjutsu and exceptional sensory capabilities. While she does not currently practice the art of Genjutsu, she is capable of learning and preforming it well. She's necessarily agile, making her a difficult target, but lacks the raw speed of many of her Jounin counterparts. Additionally, she lacks any physical strength, making her entirely reliant on her other skills.
Shiō's knowledge of the human body, especially its nervous system, is immense. He teacher, Ayameko, was extremely skilled with genetics and herbalism, of which she has a fair amount of knowledge herself, with an expansive library of books on the subjects.
Shiō (and Kinuko) have received multiple awards for their parenting and are considered prime examples of great parents by the rest of the village - an often repeated phrase from people they interact with.
Weapons, Tools and Equipment】
Shiō utilizes many standard items for a member of her clan, as well as a traditional shinobi. Her only unique weapons are the set of 10 Senbon that are capable of pinning a persons's shadow using Shadow Imitation Shuriken. She has a larger number of normal Senbon that are often utilized the poison an enemy if needed. Another unique item that she carries are small tubes of explosive powder.
Shiō also has a field medic kit. Additionally, she has a number of various herbal remedies, including some quick acting drugs to sedate a patient (or potentially an enemy), as well as some psychotropic drugs and paralytic toxins. Her most noted use of equipment is the generic weapon seal she placed on the back of her throat, which is capable of producing three things: short range cloud of poison that produces a fairly quick acting paralytic toxin. In small doses this will merely limited response times, but taking a breath in the cloud would result in paralysis after a few minutes, a series of poisoned senbon, and a smoke bomb like cloud to obscure an opponent's vision.
She also carries many standard shinobi supplies, such as explosive tags, flash and smoke bombs, wire, shuriken, and kunai.

【Kekkei Genkai】
Name of Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Clan: N/A
Description: N/A
Canon Jutsu】
Shadow ImitationShadow Imitation Shuriken*
Shadow SewingShadow GatheringChakra SensingChakra SuppressionChakura no MesuMystical Palm TechniqueRanshinshoDelicate Illness ExtractionYin Healing Wound DestructionHealing Resuscitation RegenerationKage BunshinGeneric Sealing Technique【
Custom Jutsu】
Name of Technique: Kage Yochi (Shadow Prediction)
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu (Hiden)
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: N/A
Description: Kage Yochi was an unnamed technique developed by Shiō to allow her to see in the dark as if it were normally lit. Many operations were done at night, making medical triage in darkness a necessity. The technique was given the name by a patient who woke up startled after medical procedure and lunged at her with a kunai, which she subsequently avoided, even while tending to his leg wounds. Surprised she avoided the attack, he asked if she could see the future. She merely explained to him that she was trained not to get hit and that she could see in the pitch black.
Weakness: Offers nothing other than seeing in the dark. Drains chakra when activated.
Name of Technique: Jiko Yokusei (Self Restraint)
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Requires successful Shadow Imitation
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: 10
Description: Jiko Yokusei was developed by Shiō as an alternative to taking lethal force (slitting an opponent's throat after successful imitaiton) or significant mutilation (slicing off limbs) to restrain an enemy. By shaping the opponent's shadow into a seal, the technique creates a self perpetuated paralysis.
Weakness: Shaping the shadow into a seal takes time and precision, making it near impossible in combat with more than a singular individual. Additionally, the seal will fade the moment there is no chakra to maintain it or in instances of lighting shifts that would eliminate the original shadow (even if it would create a new one).
Name of Technique: Geka Shokuin (Surgical Staff)
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu (Hiden)
Rank: A
Range: Same as Shadow Sewing
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: N/A
Description: An advanced application of her clan's technique which allows her to use tendrils created by her Hiden as conduits for her medical techniques, such as chakra scalpels on the ends of them.
Weakness: Increased chakra cost for both aspects of the Hiden and medical techniques.
Name of Technique: Shimikomaseru (Instill)
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu (Hiden)
Rank: A
Range: Variable
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: N/A
Description: After inscribing the seal onto an object, the bearer can infuse the seal with their chakra, allowing them to utilize the seal as a gateway for their shadows, or in cases of extreme infusion of chakra, utilize the shadow of the inscribed object for Nara clan techniques. The usage of the technique is wide, but primarily utilized as a defensive procedure to ensure that the Nara clan member is in a position to defend his or her location by having extra shadows to utilize or less obvious angles of assault with their own shadow. These types of symbols are common within a Nara clan member's home, as well as the trees on the compound in Konoha.
Weakness: Requires significant planning and forethought to utilize. Useless from significant ranges without some kind of vision on a target.
Name of Technique: Chokkan (Intuition)
Type of Jutsu: Fuuinjutsu/Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: 5 miles for activation, sensory range after limited to capabilities of the individual
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: N/A
Description: After creating a seal onto an object, the user can create a visual link between the symbol and their minds. Visual and sensory capabilities can be utilized through the seal, making them more than a visual technique. However, only one seal can be utilized at a time, without losing complete vision in the near area. Additionally, as a passive, the seal will trigger when a chakra source comes within 200 feet of it, identifying the presence to the person that created the seal.
Weakness: Extremely high chakra cost to set up, requiring significant preparation beforehand.
Name of Technique: Saibō Sōzō (Cell Creation)
Type of Jutsu: Medical Ninjutsu (Hiden)
Rank: S
Range: Short
Nature Type: N/A
Handsigns: 2
Description: An extremely advanced application of the Mystical Palm developed over the years of research by Ayameko and Shiō, essentially allowing a well-trained medical shinobi the ability to create stem cells in varying quantities. An example application would be a severely damaged eye, allowing the cells to replace the damaged portion, restoring full sight. However, in the case of the eye, some portion of either eye would have to be intact, or a partial transplant received in order to regrow a patient's eye. In technical theory, it is possible for this technique to be utilize to regrow an organ or body part without a base sample, but would require laboratory testing and genetic sampling to ensure the organ is created properly - things that are impractical in combat triage situations. This technique can be applied to the regrowth of limbs or other such appendages as well, but require an even greater amount of time to be fully functional.
Weakness: Requires not only massive chakra from the medic-nin, but also constant chakra to sustain the cells as they transition to their new roll. In the cases of large cell creations, it can be weeks before a body part is considered fully functional.
Name of Technique: Shinkeishi
Type of Jutsu: Medical Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Touch.
Nature Type: N/A
Description: Once contact is made, a burst of chakra will be inserted into the body. This will damage the nerve path ways along the strike's point. For example, if someone was struck with a Shinkeishi kick or punch, the point of striking will damage the nerves. One strike will make it harder for that part of the body to move for a bit (15 seconds or so), but if contact lasts for more than a ‘moment’, then the nerves can face more serious damage that would require a healer to be seen. Additionally, this is often used for medical procedures to numb pain.
Weakness: N/A
Name of Technique: Shukketsu (Bleeding)
Type of Jutsu: Iryō Kenjutsu (Medical Kenjutsu)
Rank: B
Range: Melee
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: It is a simple, yet highly dangerous technique that can even be applied to basic shinobi tools (tools naturally designed to contain chakra are more potent). Essentially, the technique prevents blood from coagulating along the lines of any stab or cut an opponent receives from the enhanced without finding aid of a medical shinobi. The technique also can work in reverse at short contact range, coagulating a wound within seconds. At increased chakra cost to both techniques, this can also be applied to chakra scalpels.
Weakness: Short range for more common uses can make it difficult to utilize. Circulation can be cut off at the higher parts of the wound, should it be lower on an appendage to prevent too rapid of bloodloss from the technique.