Avatar of Innue
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.36 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Innue 11 yrs ago
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Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
8 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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8 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
8 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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Orchid (Lin) | Vermilion (Qiao)

Qiao's eyes narrowed intensely as Willis began to utter the question Lin always fielded. While she knew that Lin was not one to be concerned by such things, Qiao also knew that her charge sometime was not good at standing her ground, at least for her own benefit. However, Qiao had no issue fulfilling that role. She would of course keep silent on the matter, but if he did not get the message solely based on her body language, then he was denser than she already assumed he was. Lin politely listened to the other trainers that had made their way over to their little haven. She could instantly pick up the accents from both of them, as well as Willis now that he had said a few words to her. Viridian, Fuschia, and one Pallet native.

Lin introduced herself between Willis introductions to the consistently growing group of trainers, making sure to also introduce Qiao and her Eevee. Unlike some of the other trainers, she had not chosen to nickname her companion, but it was tradition in the household to wait until her Eevee evolved into an Espeon before learning her companion's name. Psychic type Pokemon could communicate in far more profound of ways with their trainer compared to most other types of Pokemon and the exceptionally strong bond between an Espeon and their trainer was even more intense than most psychic types. It was rumored, and not far from the truth, that the strength of the Espeon was from the desire to protect its trainer. Lin had experienced a small portion of that with her parents' Espeons as she grew up, the psychic creatures having helped her masquerade as normal for an extra year, something she was forever grateful for. The other tradition for the Songs was to only let the Espeon share the name with you. Bei was her father's Espeon - Fon, her mother's.

Lin's bond with her Eevee was also quite strong, but it was not experienced enough to make the next step in the evolutionary process. It was from a litter of Eevee Bei and Fon had produced. Lin's Eevee stood out to her the moment she saw it. She carried herself differently than the other Eevee, with a thoughtfulness and awareness of her impact. She spent time herding her litter mates out of trouble, but still taking an independent stand. In all honesty, Lin knew it was not her parents that she was most concerned about disappointing, but her Eevee. Her blindness was a limiter on her ability to develop an even deeper trust crucial to a powerful Espeon.

Before anyone could comment, she added to answer Willis's question, as well as head off any others, "Blind, yes." She smiled at the question. She knew that Qiao would be glaring at him intensely - one of the few things she could still recall every detail of.

"So one Viridian, one Fuschia, and one Pallet representative," Lin spoke, deciding to try to avoid a lull in the conversation, especially given the now 15 minute period of time they had to kill, as well as demonstrate her ability to pick up on some of the regional speech behaviors. Something that had become a talent out of necessity.

"I got Saffron covered. I'm pleased to meet each of you and your Pokemon." Eevee tapped her leg twice with her tail, indicating the presence of Opora and Perna, "And, if you two others would not mind introducing yourself, I'd appreciate it as I have no idea where you are." This was partially true. Even with the noise of the crowd, she had been able to listen enough to know the general vicinity of those staying outside the central mass of people. Lin had no qualms making commentary about her blindness, partially because it functioned well as a way to force people to speak with her, either out of guilt or necessity. It would be cruel for them not to respond as silence was essentially blindness on two fronts for her - although the din of the crowd of trainers would make sure silence was not a concern. Lin was also a realist and knew that the more contacts you had on the road, the less dangerous it became.
I should have a post done by tonight.
Yaaaay. Then I can also get a post up most switfly.
Ah yes, the first character. I remember it well. Iyo was mine and his first instance of use was in Yahoo chat rooms. Honestly wasn't a terrible character, but the refinement over the years has really helped make him better.

Initially he could use his magic to manipulate solids. Backstory was that he was the son of a noble family who had lost their status. His mother had been forced into a marriage (after their biological father passed) with a member of one of the other families. If I recall, his mother eventually cursed herself in order to waste away to avoid giving his step father access to some magical item/spell.

Still use him from time to time. The character is now an adult, got married (and divorced), and has a kid.
tl;dr: Critics should be humble as fuck.

Much agreed. Politeness and intent also matters significantly.


I also think @pugbutter also is correct with offering praise alongside. Very rarely have I strayed from offering some form of praise along with it, but those were bios that were just so generic and thrown together that I couldn't really praise anything. But that was also when I was a GM and the bio just wasn't meeting standards.

Even in cases like above, I often like to point it out as opportunities to enhance the character, rather than outright criticism. It tends to work fairly well and most people I've done that with have been excited to do just that. Most of the people I've roleplayed want to do well, so I just try to empower them to do just that. The person from that scenario actually made a pretty good bio in the end - it is just sometimes, which I think also holds true for posts - people can get lost in their own thoughts, either from pressure of writing something they feel is sufficient, pressure from getting a post out quick enough, or just overeagerness. All things that can be easily guided in the instances it happens.

Ultimately, it is a GMs responsibility to be providing commentary as they are the ones whose standards matter in the thread. You can offer advice as a player, but it generally should be advice someone solicited. If it isn't, you better be prepared to have it interpreted poorly unless you are some kind of criticism savant.
@Sisyphus Just FYI Qiao is a woman.
Bitching at myself: When I have a vague idea of the over-arching plot of an RP but I have a hard time sprinkling clues/allusions to it throughout the course of the RP without feeling like I am being either overly obvious, overly cliche', or too vague.

Which brings up a question, is there a good spot on this forum for brainstorming with others about things like plot for those of us who are struggling? Or is someone interested in chatting with me to be another brain for me to bounce some ideas off of so I can avoid a writer's block situation?

You are welcome to PM me or message me/guild-at-large on Discord.
Orchid (Lin) | Vermilion (Qiao)

The first difference Song Lin had noticed when she had first arrived in Pallet town was the air. It had a fresher scent to it, despite the fact the air quality in Saffron was more than fine. Qiao had told her that the city was much smaller than Saffron, which allowed the breeze to more freely pass, which is likely what attributed to such a difference. Lin had opted to put her Eevee on a leash to provide some guidance as she navigated Pallet with an influx of people it was not the best equipped to handle.

Qiao had insisted that she dress up in her most formal silk dress for the event; a borderline ostentatious crimson-purple dress. Of course, Qiao also insisted on pairing that with a silver, asymmetric necklace with her family's crest. It didn't help that the dress itself had strands of silver woven into floral patterns on the front, running up to waistline on the opposite side of her necklace, ending just before it met a sash that Qiao had also insisted as being necessary. At least in this outfit she knew Qiao would have to carry her gear, as she knew Qiao would dress practically, as she always did. Which, of course, is precisely what was the case, Qiao opting for a pair of dark pants, black ankle high boots that disappeared under the bottom of her pants, and a nicer than usual crimson shirt and dark jacket, which fell just below her hips, to conceal some of her weapons.

Lin disagreed, pointing out her standard outfits would likely be sufficiently fine and that she could not even see what she was wearing, so it really did not matter. But Lin relented to avoid an extended discussion on the topic, which is what brought an overdressed Lin to the Pallet Cobblestone Amphitheater with an Eevee on a leash, looking rather ridiculous.

"Qiao," Lin commented, "I get the sense people are looking at me."

"They are," she responded, noting many of the eyes now trained on Lin as she passed through the crowd of trainers, "I may have been incorrect in my assessment of your required attire for this ceremony. But I was able to get some of my knives through security with all of the attention your outfit drew."

"At least the ceremony shall be visibly memorable for some," she retorted, adding a rare touch of sarcasm, something she only dare do really with Qiao given they were essentially sisters, "However, let us save our surprise for a little later and find somewhere away from some of the bustle. I would prefer not to draw too much excess attention."

With that Qiao and her Eevee guided Lin to a pillar near where Willis was. Qiao nodded to the young man politely, keeping a close watch on Lin. She could tell he was involved with the Kantonese military in some fashion, both from just the way he was composing himself as well as a quick glance at his attire. Qiao was familiar herself, having had a father in the Katonese National Military and the Kanto Secret Service.

Qiao thought about diverting Lin to a different location because of him, but that would raise unnecessary questions from her ward and was not worth an extended conversation about Qiao's paranoia. Once situated, Qiao took a stance in front of Lin, between her and the bulk of the rest of the trainers, with a slight tilt to keep an eye on Willis. While she noted the injury that likely had ruined his chances in the military, Qiao was not one to underestimate people with disabilities - clearly demonstrated by the way she treated Lin when she was not guarding her in public.

Kneeling, Lin put her hand on her Eevee, running her hand through her longtime companion's soft fur. It was familiar to her and she appreciated that given all of the new things she was experiencing. However, Lin could feel in the air another familiarity. Many of the same feelings she had felt herself as she had lost her vision.

"I still sometimes get flashes where I think I can see," she commented, just loud enough for Willis to hear, turning toward shim slightly. She was kind of guessing he suffered in some fashion himself. "Song Lin," she added quickly, bowing slight, introducing herself to as not seem rude, "And Song Qiao, and my Eevee." She had made sure to introduce her companions as well.
Chuunin Exams Island

"Hey!" Norio cried, even though the arrow was stopped, "I don't need anymore wounds." Although, Norio was nearly finished by the first responders of Kyokujitsugakure's Medical Corps, one who flashed their badge at Kyoko before beginning to do a medical exam on Norio, which gave him authority to pause her authority until after the medical exam was completed, followed shortly by the rest of the Corp and Shiō, who quickly began organizing into teams to begin treating the wounded. Shiō pulled the arm of her young medical shinobi off of Norio, indicating that others needed his attention more.

"I know you are arresting me, but maybe do that afterwards? I can help look for survivors." he asked, indicating to Kyoko he understood the urgency of her request but pointing out that there may be other items required more pressing attention. "I'll willingly submit to whatever you want, I have nothing to hide." Norio had the sense Kyoko was not a woman to say nothing but the truth too and attempts to charm her would only result in something he dare not even attempt to imagine.

"Enough of that," Shiō chastised Kyūryū, addressing one problem at a time. "Your Kage needs medical attention by experts to survive. Let us do our jobs." She whistled one of the squads of her medical shinobi over to begin treating the Tsuchikage. However, based on her quick visual diagnostics, the prognosis wasn't good. Even if she could stabilize the Tsuchikage, it was likely there would be permanent health issues. The Tsuchikage had essentially been hit by a direct blast and the fact that even all of her limbs were still on her was a miracle in itself.

What worried Shiō was the status of the Sankage - at a time they could use her more than ever. However, not even their best sensors could sense Ayameko within the rubble. While Shiō was a gifted medical shinobi, the lack of her access to Yggdrasil, in a situation that needed the access to those powers more than ever, would force her to make some difficult decisions.

Shiō was at least grateful that Shien and Kyoko were able to manage much of the chaos, leaving her to focus on her job of dealing with the wounded.

It was then Shien, as well as some of the upper leadership of Kyokuitsugakure, would be reached out to by Yggdrassil. But if anyone had been observing the faces of the members, it would not be a message of hope. It was clear, despite the lack of words, that Ayameko could not even be found by Yggdrassil, despite the once thought boundless connection Ayameko and the tree had. However, there was at least some hope - if Ayameko was dead, her spirit would have gone to rest within the confines of the tree like all of the other Kage before her.

Shio kept her mouth shut about it, but she could tell instantly who knew what. Shiori seemed deep in thought and had begun scribbling away on a tome, likely to inform many of the Yuki clan what was going on and likely to relay a message to Tokumei. Shiori's position gave her that authority, as well as the Vows that many of the Yuki clan subscribed too which meant that the secret would be closely guarded within the clan's ranks.

Io opted to make an approach directly to Shien, a sour look on his face, "I insist that we have a council meeting immediately upon returning to Kyokujitsugakure. If Yggdrassil is unable to make a selection of Sankage, then we will return to the old methods and vote on leadership of the nation. We need one voice of leadership now more than ever."

Shiori shot Shiō a look of 'well the cat is out of the bag now'. Normally Shiō would be involved in this type of discussion, but she had to tend to the wounded and only had time to reply with a nod.

Chiyoko meanwhile was on the scene with Tokiko and Hitsujiki, having been summoned directly to the shrine. While usually expressionless, Chiyoko seemed confused.

"The seal is still functioning," Chiyoko said, "But it seems as if it was temporarily weakened enough to allow a bijuu to break out before it snapped back to normal." She wasn't really talking to anyone in particular, but she was aware that she had an audience of those who had arranged her summon. "I may have to go to the Pure World," she mused, taking a cross legged position as she thought about the problem, occasionally consulting with Hitsujiki on key spiritual matters, while still making sure Tokiko did not pick at any plants of flowers in the area with her puppet strings.
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