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@Spiritblitz *Out the corner of your eyes, in your room while you're alone, you see an all too familiar figure standing there, watching you silently, but if you were to turn at him, he is not there, not even a trace left. Yet that doesn't let you feel all to calm about it either...*

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Theme -->

*As you say that, you suddenly feel your heart jolt the wrong way... and a vison floods your mind threatening to tear whatever sanity you cling to, and it would have if @Interface 2 Alioth wouldn't be there to empower you by his mere presence*

@Threads of Fate @RoadkilBanana @Memory

Start evaluating your strengths and your weaknesses gentlemen! And make due with whatever advantage you can get from the environment you find yourselves in, even if it might be alive, it is still a pseudo-world like environment! Don't loose your heads! *Speaks with authoritative military tone through the comms*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Tinkering with the rift stabilizer* Then we ought to prepare some soul crystals because i hardly think they still possess physical bodies, though i certainly pray they do...


So Professor... *I state plainly* Anything i can do over here to help or should i go in with these prophets?

@Memory @RoadkilBanana
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Er, yes, I'm more than familiar. Not my favorite pastime though.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Phewh!... Here i thought we were going to have to show you a playstation model 701 Theta...

*Chuckles lightly at the moment* Well, i presume that must be a gaming console type thingy in your world? WHat was your name? @The Odeoron
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Hm, perhaps it is. Let me try this, then.
*Reverses time around myself alone*

Since this is the first time i met you, i definitely was impressed by the style you just changed *She pouts flustered*
<Snipped quote by Interface>


*With a hint of pride in my voice, i nod.* I call it the Auric Disruptor. It harnesses the power of concentrated ethereal energy, channeled through these runes and amplified by the mechanical components...

*Kyleen Chirped* The runes seem to be based on ancient sigils used to manipulate the flow of Undian waves. However, they have been enhanced with a really fancy technological twist!
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Ah, wow, how does it operate?

<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*I rub my eyes at seeing it* This is definitely a good looking weapon Professor!

*Kayleen, a tech-savvy member of the army, leaned in for a closer look, her fingers tracing the glowing runes etched into the device's golden casing.*

This is a fascinating piece of engineering, *she remarked, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.* It appears to be a fusion of magical and technological principles.
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Ah, I see... I think.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Is there any way we can defeat those creatures?

*A grizzled soldier, his face etched with the marks of countless battles, approaches us with two alchemists holding a strange contraption.*

I believe we can use this...

*he said, pointing to a series of intricate gears and glowing runes,*

to disrupt the creature's auric field... It is an invention our good professor Alexander here worked on a while back
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Pattern? What kind of pattern did you find?

@Alex McClain

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*I dust off my coat with barely suppressed energy.* I propose a multi-pronged assault. We cannot rely solely on brute force against this abomination. What do you think Cyrus and Delta?
@RoadkilBanana Because i don't think it will stay in that tunnel forever... and even if it does, there are far more of them where it came from...


*The camp hummed with a mix of apprehension and determination. Soldiers, mages, and celestial beings alike gathered in small groups, their voices a symphony of speculation and strategic planning.*
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