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<Snipped quote by Interface>

My child is not you mode of transportation. And you will not bother me
*my eyes flash with a small red light that glares and I am staring at you*
Cause you will be no where near me or my family, Midnight included.

Hey chill! You don't need to get all angry like that. Well since you asked so nicely, i'm off to haunt the in betweens without giving you any rewards for setting me free to do my own thing. And you should probably check how much confidence you have in your own mind if you want to keep your sanity, the more you want to really look at me, the more i'll show just what i trully am... ask Phoebe... she saw... but i didn't really do much then so yeah...
<Snipped quote by Interface>

I warned you stranger. You are not welcome here.

Don't need to get yourself all spiky with me! I'm not going to bother you... probably... you can keep your pocket world, i'm just going to drift about in between the worlds for a while. I just wanted to thank the girls for their kind taxi service though...
@memory @Legend Begins @Stratocracy @Spiritblitz

For those concerned about the leakege from Axis 98 Mwehwehwehwe!

Theme -->

@Stratocracy@Legend Begins@Blabbo@Spiritblitz

*You all suddenly hear a chilling reverberating and slightly offputting voice in all your heads*

Hmhmhmhmhhm... quaint little pocket world you got going for you here little world travellers mind for a neighbour parking his luggage in a nearby world of his own?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I think I've had my fill of exploration for a while...


*Off in the jungle you suddenly see a nearly humanoid lizard jaguar-like creature hiss at us*

<Snipped quote by Interface>

*stands still for a moment reading the area*

*Still nothing... just your house with the front door wide open... doesn't feel like anything is about to happen any time soon*

*Everything seems to return to normal as whatever that was doesn't seem to be here anymore*
@Blabbo *A shade walks by you and opens the front door wide as it walks out and disappears completely*
@Stratocracy@Blabbo *You both sense a chill down your spine that can't quite be categorised which only makes it worst*
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