Avatar of Iseabail Sky
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    1. Iseabail Sky 7 yrs ago


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Long ago in a world similar to ours there lived a gifted hero whose only goal in life was to help others who couldn’t help themselves. The world was peaceful and prosperous for there hadn't been conflict in many years, but this peace also made them weak . One day an old man came up to this hero and offered him a box promising him eternal power in exchange for opening it. The hero refused stating that as long as he had the will and heart he could overcome any obstacle, the old man smiled and disappeared.

Little by little the hero’s world crumbled, the village and people that the hero fought to protect slowly fell into despair, while the world around him flourished. The hero’s heart of gold became black with envy and zealous, the hero called for the old man who appeared again offering the box. This time the hero gladly took it but upon opening it not only did he gain eternal power but released all the sorrows upon this peaceful world. But with all the sorrows comes something even more powerful hope and with hope the people sought a way to defeat this so called hero and banish his armies.

Magic representatives from all seven kingdoms came together to find a way to solve this problem. The best solution was to freeze the villain and his armies for one thousand years, but in doing so they will share the same fate as him. So to ensure their magic wouldn’t die they cast a spell on a ruby red necklace and sent it through a portal, whoever found the necklace would have the responsibility of saving them and their realm willing or not.
@Nallore Thank you I'll do that
Thanks so how do you start writing?
Hello everyone, I'm new to rp and I'm wondering if any one can help me get started.
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