Revamping my old ideas. Might post something up soon in casual interest check.
5 mos ago
Ready to cook up some RP with people.
6 mos ago
Imagination is not a want, it's a necessity.
6 mos ago
I'm amazed at how much RP stuff I still had hidden away saved despite losing two big roleplay sites in a row about 10 years ago.
Salutations everyone who reads this. Just call me Ivar. I've always had an active imagination since I was 4 years old and grew up playing old computer games that expanded my mind's awe and wonder at what could be. It wasn't until I was 12 that I really started to begin roleplaying with other people. Gradually I became more proficient and started diving deep into world crafting.
I love all things fiction, but my first love will always be fantasy first and foremost.
I found my old files that I did near 10 years ago - Just to give you an idea of the stuff I used to do.
Fyn Makdavi Vail. Is the second son to Her Majesty Vail the II. Considering the bloody events of the recent civil war and the killing of the nobility, the daughter of the deceased Emperor Vail gathered support from the rising merchant class in return for greater rights and freedoms. She arrived as a third force and quickly swallowed up her sister and brother who had expended the bulk of their strength against each other. Subjugating the religious officials and extinguishing the nobility, Her Majesty rapidly consolidated her power and played the merchants against each other. While they stood divided over different issues she worked to undermine the new political system and restore her absolute monarchy.
Queen Vail eventually succeeded, but not before some of the outlying territories succeeded under the influence of the surviving nobility and disillusioned merchant families. The once vast kingdom of Faolain stands divided now between Old Faolain and the smaller Clarmort Provinces. Neither side having the strength to continue the conflict created an unsettling peace between them. Hostilities are still strong and trade between the two nations is all but forgotten.
The Queen has three children by her late husband. The eldest, and heir to the throne as stated by her rewriting of the law, is her daughter Elizabeth. Who prefers to take on the role of a warrior to the traditional traits of ladyship. She is very much her father’s daughter, born to grasp things beyond her station. Elizabeth has dedicated herself to the honor code of knighthood. Her skill with the blade and understanding of war is unmatched.
Her middle child is Emeil. He is of a noble and peaceful character, born to be the diplomat and mediator. His disposition for fairness and charity has made him a favorite among the masses. He is intelligent and thoughtful. He is not as brash as his older sister and prefers to take an indirect approach when confronting conflict. His quick wit and clever political maneuvers made him a natural follower of his mother.
Her youngest is Fyn. Fyn Makdavi Vail to be precise. He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his naturally pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. Fyn got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life, and being out shown by his older siblings, he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy, that loneliness afforded him, allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn understands well the hunger that resides in every fellow coveting heart.
Name: Fyn Makdavi Vail Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: (The closest I could find.) Personal History: He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his natural pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. He got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life and being out shown by his older siblings he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy that it afforded him allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes, and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn now truly understands the hunger that resides in every coveting heart. Position and standing: Son of Her Majesty Queen Vail the II, third in line for the throne of Faolain.
((This isn't quite advanced Sci Fi but close so that means some plot and not just characterization will be happening.))
The Dinyara are an intelligent predatory species that view all non-Dinyara as enemies. They are dark gray in color with hardened skin and rigid spiked bodies. Their males are larger and bulkier typically about six to seven feet in height. The females are smaller in height and size, but more deadly with sharpened spikes on their hands that are poisoned. Matriarchal in society the females are the center of authority and the males are often used for grunt work and open warfare. It is not uncommon however to find a female at times on the front lines.
The Manarith are a highly advanced race of diminutive stature standing only three feet in height. The have dark fur and rounded eyes. Asexual they reproduce by fertilizing each other’s eggs at hatching time. They prowl the galaxy in their ships looking to improve themselves and establish an “orderly” galaxy. They see the universe as dangerous place that must be controlled or kept at bay. They are quite skittish in nature.
The Harazin are a proud race of reptiles that view mammalians as lesser life forms. They and the Dinyara have been in conflict for generations now, but ever since the Harazin’s first attempt to enslave them there has been a constant cold war going on between them. Frequent border skirmishes keep entering their space dangerous.
The Humans are relatively new to space travel but have more than made up for it in that short time. Establishing many outlying colonies and outposts. Their relatively quick progress so soon after learning how to effectively travel through space has placed a great deal of either cautious interest or dangerous attention on them.
The Verania are a spider like race. One of the few that are not in some humanoid form, they are not really trusted by anyone. Most often they are of black appearance with powerful legs and poisonous fangs. Like most arachnids it is the females that are the larger more dangerous sex, often times reaching the size of a human in body alone they prefer to reside on their intricate webs. Their ships designed mostly though their enzymes, they are as much organic as they are technology. They are skilled in the art of hiding and masking their presence on the ground and in space.
The Alahem are a furry humanoid race that follow carefully a path to peace. They are a very religious race that always dress in simple robes, and never make aggressive moves. They seem quite content to leave others alone. They are experts in shield technology and their strategies revolve around disabling or misleading an enemy. Their wayward brothers however are a different story.
The Zig-Non are the Alahem’s distant cousins. Their culture is devoted to “the kill.” Like their brothers they dress also in the plainest of robes however underneath instead of parchment and holy texts, you will find an assassin’s array. They have little in the way of territory like their cousins the Alahem. They are however in no danger of attack, because their counters are so swift. Their ships are coated with a precious allow that helps to hide them from normal scans. And where as the Alahem are all defense, the Zig-Non believe in absolute offence. Sacrificing defense for speed. A common tactic for large enemy ships is to drive themselves through it with their smaller Kazi craft. Their life is not as important to them as is their honor of the kill. Speed and stealth are their best friends. They train their whole lives to achieve those ends.
Ever since the incident at Delta V with the Dinyara freighter hostilities have risen significantly between the Humans and the Dinyara. The discovery by a Human exploratory vessel of a mineral rich planet near the border of Dinyara Space has sparked increasing threats and fleet posturing by the Dinyara. Star, the current name of the human defense force, has not been taking the threats seriously believing that the Dinyara have too much to worry about from their cold war with the Harazin. But as a show of support to the colonies and mining worlds bordering the Dinyara Star has increased its patrols along the rim and authorized increased security on merchant and cargo ships.
The Ship
The Navi is a military surplus ship converted for exploration by a privateering Captain. Designed for deep-space missions it can comfortably accommodate a crew of ninety-five. Currently charting the Magdolan Expanse, a dense region of cloud that masks sensors readings and is dangerous to navigate at high speeds. The pay for completion of the job is poor for the risks however by Star law anything of value found belongs to the crew that discovered it and a finder’s fee would be paid for it. Greed can be a powerful motivator for progress, however as this is a military commission a token force of Star personnel are required to accompany.
Your character options
You can be Star personnel or members of the Navi’s crew or families for the roleplay. Secondary characters can be other races or if you have an idea of how to explain the presence of an alien crewmember or Star personnel then please talk to me about it privately. Most likely I will accept it.
Standard rules apply for this Roleplay. I’ve created and own this universe it belongs to me. Respect other players. No God-moding. No violating any of the site’s rules.
Character Template
Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: Personal History: Specialization: Combat experience: Position and standing: Beliefs and moral standing: Personality: Interests and hobbies: Fears:
Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Though I had originally intended only for humans, I’ll open this up in case someone wishes for more options or a second character.) Appearance: (Either a picture or description.) Personal History: (Family and past events worth noting.) Specialization: (What does your character excel at or concentrate on?) Combat experience: (This can be zero if your character’s green.) Position and standing: (Where are you stationed and what is your rank? In regards to rank nothing to high.) Beliefs and moral standing: (This is just here to add some depth to your character.) Personality: Interests and hobbies: Fears:
Name: Zeck Philip Moriarty Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: His dirty blonde hair is kept fairly short and his eyes are a light blue of the cool sort. He’s built a medium 5’11 in size. He dresses often in form fitting black, sometimes with magazine clips strapped around his shoulder, and also a pair of comfortable slacks. Two guns are always hustled on his thighs, and his daily routines help keep his reflexes sharp and muscles strong from the hours of work.
Personal History: Born on the outer rim of a young colony he grew up with his large extended family on a farm. It was boring work being among the first to settle the planet. And he resented the fact that he was so removed from the big cities. Though life was boring it was peaceful it wasn’t until the incident with the Dinyara freighter that he felt compelled to leave his home and join the Star defense fleet. The incident with the Dinyara freighter left some deep scars on his mind which he has to combat at times if only for the sake of others.
Specialization: Weapon specialist. He prefers to tinker and design his own weapons. Two pistols he always carries one is a modified ray gun designed to penetrate a Dinyara’s thick hide. The other is a standard 9mm Beretta Seven Strom pistol with a magazine of seventeen.
Combat experience: Other than training as a fighter pilot and in ground combat, was the time he fought in the thrown together militia against a downed Dinyara freighter’s crew on his planet.
Position and standing: Acting Warrant Officer and Private First Class Beliefs and moral standing: Rather ridged in regards to regulations but couldn’t care less when off duty.
Personality: He can put up a good face for the sake of social grace. Cold in combat he is straight and to the point and is somewhat serious in nature. In the mess hall through he is pleasant enough. And his smile is fairly warm when seen. Has a sense of humor but doesn’t show it too often.
Interests and hobbies: He sketches things and people of interest when he has the time. Fears: Has strong fear of heights.
*A note about Ray and Blaster guns… They may be powerful but they are expensive and inefficient for humans at their current tech level. They take time to recharge and sometimes burnout four for a pistol to twelve for a Blaster rifle is all the human versions can currently shoot.*
A Labyrinth of Wrong is a fantasy roleplay where there is no picture perfect answer to the problems. This is not a world of black and white moralities but a place filled with shades of grays. A world where prejudice is the norm and power is ever changing. Who you are and where you come from define you. Will you join with the rising power of the King of Nevithal, or do your allegiances lay with The Circle that rules from the shadows? Are you loyal to the Kingdom of Nevithal, or do you seek to further the influence of the Matriarchy? Will you support your own race above all others, or are you one of the half breeds that the Matriarchy favors? Come and play in this world of choices, see where your exploring will take you in the Labyrinth of Wrong.
1. Magic - There will be three kinds. Divine, Arcane, and Tribal. Divine of course will the related to the Gods and Goddesses being worshiped. The Matriarchy will rely on divine magic the most. Arcane the study of how the world works and of manipulating magical energies from the other realm, will fall mostly under the strict supervision of the Circle. Tribal is magic that will be derived mostly by the non human races, often very nature driven with sparks of divinity from their various Gods. Anyone can wield magic, but only the most practiced, dedicated, and focused (or devoted) can use it safely. Some do however seem more able to use it then others. Often following bloodlines. It also taxes the body and is very dangerous. Studying the bodies of dead magic users, there is a remarkably different pattern to their brains then other normal people.
2. The Circle - The ruling body of the human kingdom run, in theory, by the most powerful families. In practicality only the heads of the families or exceptionally powerful individuals have any real say in what happens. They are divided between the four, currently ruling families, each of whom serves a different God or Goddess of the four.
3. The King - Who originally was little more than a glorified general and figurehead, has become increasingly critical of The Circle. He is steadily eroding away at their authority, placing his own trusted allies and even non-humans into positions of power. Seeing as the Kingdom can't continue indefinitely as it now stands so divided, he is actively trying to integrate the various races together into a more stable unified kingdom.
4. The Priestess Caste - The ruling class that controls virtually all of the Matriarchy. Spiritually, Economically, and Politically they rule under the guidance of their beloved Goddess. Who gives her word to a presiding Matron, generally the most powerful practitioner of divine magic at the time, who then hands down the directives from the Goddess.
5. The Son - The King, who's Queen is barren, had an illegitimate son from a priestess of the rival kingdom. And that son, knowing who he is, decides to seek his fortune as a knight under his father's command. (Their relationship would have to be secret) His mother and the other priestesses are hoping to use this as leverage to gain control over the kingdom gradually, while the Circle seeks to solidify its power by removing the King all together. As for the son himself well, he has his own ambitions.
6. The Plot - A power struggle between the King, the Circle, and the Priestess Caste, with the son merely turning to his own advantage what is happening around him. Everyone else is affected because they are tools or allies to be used for one cause or another.
7. The Orcs - The Orcs are soldiers born. Strong and brave, but also heavily disciplined. When the commander speaks, a god may as well have descended from heaven and given the order himself. They have few interests of their own, though, and are loyal to whoever can offer them the best life. At the moment, that's the Humans and the Circle. They were originally created by the Elves through alchemy for use in their war against the humans long ago. Gray skinned. They clearly come from Elvish physiology, totally hairless, even the tops of their heads, but they are also about a foot taller in general and broader. Very muscular and strong jawed. Their culture is aggressively deferential. There is always a hierarchy in place; matters between two equals can come to a stalemate because neither one will ever defer to the other until someone of superior standing steps in. One's rank is earned by deeds, but must be given by a leader. Because of this the Orcish hierarchy, which was once self-governing, is now at the whim of the Circle.
8. The Gnolls - The hyena folk have been greatly reduced in number and oppressed by the Orcs who now occupy the majority of their ancestral lands. Because of the Circle's support and recognition of the Orcs' right to the Gnolls’ lands. The tribal Gnolls have been forced to remote inhospitable places, and the captive Gnolls as little more than a labor force for the Orcs. The Gnolls also claim that they were here long before any other race came to this continent.
9. The Elves - The Elves, while being long lived by any other race's standard do die. They occupy the Northern tip of the continent in a rather arid climate. The Elves were originally from the same plain as the Gods but crossed over into this mortal world. Theologians of different schools of divinity debate as to if this crossing was intentional, or rather forced by the Gods. The Elves cannot reproduce with each other, at least in the traditional sense, and their inability to do so eventually compelled them to be at war with the Humans and their Circle. A long-lived race whose means of immortality is akin to that of the Phoenix. The Elves, through use of their magic, have discovered a way to be reborn, retaining some of their memories and experience from their past lives. While not true immortality, it does make them extremely apprehensive about engaging in war. The Orcs were created to be their front-line soldiers against the increasing threat of the humans. When they were forced to surrender, due to too many Elven deaths, they handed over control of the Orcs to the Circle. While pure elves cannot mate with each other, they can mate with other races. These half breeds are then mated again to Elves to create 3/4's elves who are deemed worthy enough to join elven society. Only the pureblooded Elves however can be reincarnated. As a result, most of the Elves seen by others are not pure despite appearing so. And while still fairly long lived, are not immortal in any sense of the word but can reproduce. And so Elven society is divided into tiers based on how pure the elven blood is. As a result, half-breeds and lower are not very welcome.
10. The Matriarchy, is however quite welcoming to half-breeds. Because of their unique belief in one Goddess, any mixing of the blood is thought to be in tune with divine will. (Everything is one after all.) Controlled by the Priestess Caste, they are a highly religious and female dominated society. Often at odds with the Kingdom, they call anyone who does not worship their Goddess a heathen. The Priestess Caste performs a function similar to the circle. Under the direct command of the Goddess the Matron gives those commandments to the Priestess to carry out and enforce.
11. The Kingdom - Human dominated. Under the leadership of the Circle the human race has risen to be the most powerful on the continent. The King functions as a military general and figure head for the nation, answerable to the ruling body of Circle. Because of the vast territory and diverse subjugated tribes and non-human races living within the kingdom. The risk of uprising is ever present and is usually crushed by the King's army aided by the heavy infantry Orc horde that answer directly to the Circle. Recognizing that all empires fall, the King rather then waiting for internal pressures collapse the land from within, has begun to undermine the Circle's authority. Consolidating power by placing his allies in key position, he has also begun to allow non-humans chances to advance within the Kingdom. The Circle because of dealing with infighting and keeping tabs on the other nations activities, of which the Matriarchy is of chief concern, has been unable to contain this latest threat to its authority. Political intrigue and plots continue to grow, leaving the future of the continent hanging in the balance.
12. The Amphibians - The newest race to arrive on the continent, they have taken up residence on the island in the middle of the Grand Lake. Independent through still subject to most of the Kingdom's demands, they tend to keep to themselves, and lend support the Kingdom's naval forces at sea. They are not particularly fond of humans seeing as for a while their eggs were considered a delicacy by the wealthy. In return for their new home at the Grand Lake where no natural predators lurk, they supply the Kingdom with generous amounts of fish and treasures from the sea.
13. Religion and Gods - There are many tribal Gods and Goddesses about. But the most important are the Four that the Kingdom recognizes, and the One Goddess that the Matriarchy worships. In the Kingdom the Fire God is the God of war and destruction. The Water God is the God of Justice and Law. The Earth Goddess is the Goddess of nature, seasons, the natural order of the world. The Air Goddess is the one in charge of the ethereal and the afterlife. The One Goddess is the Goddess of everything that is worshiped by the Matriarchy.
And below is the map. Shown as a whole and from each corner. I ended up adding quite a bit extra to the southeast part of the continent for the Matriarchy. But otherwise, the Old-World Map is unchanged.
Red = The Kingdom, Orange = The Matriarchy, Green = Gnolls, Blue = Orcs, Purple = Amphibian Race, and Dark Brown = The Elves.
Things can be edited and names altered. However, as it is fantasy, we can have strange names for places, and it will fit in naturally. Let me know what you think.
Character creation is open OCC! The World's name is Tavolis.
And here is the whole world's map except that the main continent is larger then on this one. (See previous maps.)…
Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: Personal History: Specialization: Position and Standing: Beliefs and Moral Standing: Personality: Interests and Hobbies: Fears:
Name: Ravin Haboth Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human
Appearance: A young face framed with dirty blond hair cut short for easier helmet wear. Average build and height there is nothing the would make him stand out in a crowd. Neither handsome nor homely, the one trait that might have set him apart was the wide-eyed wonder with which he often viewed the world around him. His guard dress made of cheap iron worn and battered. The breastplate refitted from an older knight that had fallen in ambush near the Matriarchy. His two-edged long sword was similarly well used and had been sharpened down to near its core. He had a motley appearance for one of the palace's guards, but until his father could afford to buy fresh fitting armor, he would have to bare with it.
Personal History: He was born from the love of a poor nobleman's daughter and his magically gifted commoner father. Because of a friendship between his Majesty and his father Venron. Despite the likelihood that Ravin might be one of the few to have the bloodline of a Mage from his father, Venron insisted that his son would not be learning magic. With the King's protection the Circle, already upset to have a mage of Venron's power outside of their influence, was unable to get their hands on Ravin. Raised up in relative poverty, and alienated from higher society, Ravin had to fight for whatever knowledge and training he could find. Having grown up with tales from his mother about noble knights, and great leaders, as well as hearing about the King's vision for the future of the kingdom. Ravin has strove to serve in any way he can. Though it took long years of study and practice he has finally achieved recognition from the captain of his majesty's guard. For the moment he is only a lowly guard, but the day will come when his father will have enough money for a proper suit of armor and weapon.
Specialization: He is no wonder with the sword, but he has a drive and will that few his age have. Willpower born not of ambition, but of sincere desire to do what he believes is right.
Position and standing: Knight Guard under his Majesty's command.
Beliefs and moral standing: Has full confidence in his Majesty and his father's vision for a new future. A devote believer in the Four Gods, he does not however pay much attention to the priests who are under control of the Circle.
Personality: Eager and incorrigibly trusting of others, he has developed a strong sense of loyalty and honor from a very young age. Perhaps a bit naive.
Interests and hobbies: His one pleasure outside of fanciful stories lays in the playing of the wooden flauto. A gift to him at age six from his mother he studied music with her throughout childhood. It is one talent he regularly finds time to cultivate outside of swordplay.
Fears: He fears dishonor. Or to be more accurate, he is afraid of disappointing his family or King to the point of phobia. Perhaps another reason he is so driven to prove himself.
Name: Garrite Mardoval (The Son) Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: 3/4 Human 1/4 Elf
Appearance: Tall, imposing built, and touched with the sun. He cuts a striking figure with his dark hair and sharp grey eyes. There is little evidence of his Elven ancestry in his ears but despite his powerful form has an aura aerial of grace about him. Dressed in a hybrid armor of the Kingdom's full plate and the Matriarchy's turban chainmail, he is impossible to miss on the battlefield.
Personal History: Garrite Mardoval is the Son of his Majesty King of Nevithal, and the half elf priestess Velaria of the Matriarchy. Conceived when Velaria visited the Capital city of Nevithal, she kept his true birth a secret for the majority of his life. Garrite, who's name roughly means sacred tool, was trained from birth to be the best warrior and strategist he could be. Taught by the priestesses to be the perfect instrument of Jumala's glory, he was indoctrinated and shaped only because of who is father is. Yet even his royal bloodline and his priestess mother could not hide him from the fact that he was born a man and thus a lesser being in the eyes of the Goddess. Even the lowest priestess could order him around if they wanted to, and his vast education on Nevithal's inner workings and culture introduced to him the idea that it was men who were born to take charge. Learning whose son he really is he was told that he was to go to the Kingdom and infiltrate it's highest levels of nobility. The recent power struggle between the King and the Circle, was thought to be the perfect opportunity to introduce the heir to the throne to his father. With orders to gain trust in the kingdom and bring glory to Jumala he headed towards his new home.
Specialization: Trained as a highly skilled combatant and general.
Position and standing: The bastard son of the King. Agent of Jumala's glory, and rightful heir to the throne of Nevithal.
Beliefs and moral standing: Trained his whole life to serve Jumala and the priestesses, he has come to see things in a different light from his extensive education about other God's and cultures that hold men in higher regard then women. Ultimately where he stands is between worlds, and where his loyalties lay even he might not know.
Personality: He is confident, and indirect. A bit brash with a strong sense of pride.
Interests and hobbies: He has developed a unhealthy interesting in mixing divine magic. Something that no priest, priestess, or shaman would ever allow. Garrite nevertheless has become increasingly obsessed with the possibilities that would open up from this blasphemy.
Fears: Losing control. The thought of being trapped or forced by circumstance or fate is something he refuses to believe. Despite both Nevithal and Matriarchy's theological claims that one's fate is ultimately sealed by the Gods/Goddess.
Salutations everyone who reads this. Just call me Ivar. I've always had an active imagination since I was 4 years old and grew up playing old computer games that expanded my mind's awe and wonder at what could be. It wasn't until I was 12 that I really started to begin roleplaying with other people. Gradually I became more proficient and started diving deep into world crafting.
I love all things fiction, but my first love will always be fantasy first and foremost.
I found my old files that I did near 10 years ago - Just to give you an idea of the stuff I used to do.
[hider=My last 1x1 romance "The Mire of Love and Veils"]Fyn Makdavi Vail. Is the second son to Her Majesty Vail the II. Considering the bloody events of the recent civil war and the killing of the nobility, the daughter of the deceased Emperor Vail gathered support from the rising merchant class in return for greater rights and freedoms. She arrived as a third force and quickly swallowed up her sister and brother who had expended the bulk of their strength against each other. Subjugating the religious officials and extinguishing the nobility, Her Majesty rapidly consolidated her power and played the merchants against each other. While they stood divided over different issues she worked to undermine the new political system and restore her absolute monarchy.
Queen Vail eventually succeeded, but not before some of the outlying territories succeeded under the influence of the surviving nobility and disillusioned merchant families. The once vast kingdom of Faolain stands divided now between Old Faolain and the smaller Clarmort Provinces. Neither side having the strength to continue the conflict created an unsettling peace between them. Hostilities are still strong and trade between the two nations is all but forgotten.
The Queen has three children by her late husband. The eldest, and heir to the throne as stated by her rewriting of the law, is her daughter Elizabeth. Who prefers to take on the role of a warrior to the traditional traits of ladyship. She is very much her father’s daughter, born to grasp things beyond her station. Elizabeth has dedicated herself to the honor code of knighthood. Her skill with the blade and understanding of war is unmatched.
Her middle child is Emeil. He is of a noble and peaceful character, born to be the diplomat and mediator. His disposition for fairness and charity has made him a favorite among the masses. He is intelligent and thoughtful. He is not as brash as his older sister and prefers to take an indirect approach when confronting conflict. His quick wit and clever political maneuvers made him a natural follower of his mother.
Her youngest is Fyn. Fyn Makdavi Vail to be precise. He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his naturally pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. Fyn got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life, and being out shown by his older siblings, he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy, that loneliness afforded him, allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn understands well the hunger that resides in every fellow coveting heart.
Name: Fyn Makdavi Vail
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: (The closest I could find.)
Personal History: He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his natural pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. He got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life and being out shown by his older siblings he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy that it afforded him allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes, and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn now truly understands the hunger that resides in every coveting heart.
Position and standing: Son of Her Majesty Queen Vail the II, third in line for the throne of Faolain.
Elizabeth’s appearance:
Emeil’s appearance:
[hider=Sci-fi Group RP "The Dinyara War"] ((This isn't quite advanced Sci Fi but close so that means some plot and not just characterization will be happening.))
The Dinyara are an intelligent predatory species that view all non-Dinyara as enemies. They are dark gray in color with hardened skin and rigid spiked bodies. Their males are larger and bulkier typically about six to seven feet in height. The females are smaller in height and size, but more deadly with sharpened spikes on their hands that are poisoned. Matriarchal in society the females are the center of authority and the males are often used for grunt work and open warfare. It is not uncommon however to find a female at times on the front lines.
The Manarith are a highly advanced race of diminutive stature standing only three feet in height. The have dark fur and rounded eyes. Asexual they reproduce by fertilizing each other’s eggs at hatching time. They prowl the galaxy in their ships looking to improve themselves and establish an “orderly” galaxy. They see the universe as dangerous place that must be controlled or kept at bay. They are quite skittish in nature.
The Harazin are a proud race of reptiles that view mammalians as lesser life forms. They and the Dinyara have been in conflict for generations now, but ever since the Harazin’s first attempt to enslave them there has been a constant cold war going on between them. Frequent border skirmishes keep entering their space dangerous.
The Humans are relatively new to space travel but have more than made up for it in that short time. Establishing many outlying colonies and outposts. Their relatively quick progress so soon after learning how to effectively travel through space has placed a great deal of either cautious interest or dangerous attention on them.
The Verania are a spider like race. One of the few that are not in some humanoid form, they are not really trusted by anyone. Most often they are of black appearance with powerful legs and poisonous fangs. Like most arachnids it is the females that are the larger more dangerous sex, often times reaching the size of a human in body alone they prefer to reside on their intricate webs. Their ships designed mostly though their enzymes, they are as much organic as they are technology. They are skilled in the art of hiding and masking their presence on the ground and in space.
The Alahem are a furry humanoid race that follow carefully a path to peace. They are a very religious race that always dress in simple robes, and never make aggressive moves. They seem quite content to leave others alone. They are experts in shield technology and their strategies revolve around disabling or misleading an enemy. Their wayward brothers however are a different story.
The Zig-Non are the Alahem’s distant cousins. Their culture is devoted to “the kill.” Like their brothers they dress also in the plainest of robes however underneath instead of parchment and holy texts, you will find an assassin’s array. They have little in the way of territory like their cousins the Alahem. They are however in no danger of attack, because their counters are so swift. Their ships are coated with a precious allow that helps to hide them from normal scans. And where as the Alahem are all defense, the Zig-Non believe in absolute offence. Sacrificing defense for speed. A common tactic for large enemy ships is to drive themselves through it with their smaller Kazi craft. Their life is not as important to them as is their honor of the kill. Speed and stealth are their best friends. They train their whole lives to achieve those ends.
Ever since the incident at Delta V with the Dinyara freighter hostilities have risen significantly between the Humans and the Dinyara. The discovery by a Human exploratory vessel of a mineral rich planet near the border of Dinyara Space has sparked increasing threats and fleet posturing by the Dinyara. Star, the current name of the human defense force, has not been taking the threats seriously believing that the Dinyara have too much to worry about from their cold war with the Harazin. But as a show of support to the colonies and mining worlds bordering the Dinyara Star has increased its patrols along the rim and authorized increased security on merchant and cargo ships.
The Ship
The Navi is a military surplus ship converted for exploration by a privateering Captain. Designed for deep-space missions it can comfortably accommodate a crew of ninety-five. Currently charting the Magdolan Expanse, a dense region of cloud that masks sensors readings and is dangerous to navigate at high speeds. The pay for completion of the job is poor for the risks however by Star law anything of value found belongs to the crew that discovered it and a finder’s fee would be paid for it. Greed can be a powerful motivator for progress, however as this is a military commission a token force of Star personnel are required to accompany.
Your character options
You can be Star personnel or members of the Navi’s crew or families for the roleplay. Secondary characters can be other races or if you have an idea of how to explain the presence of an alien crewmember or Star personnel then please talk to me about it privately. Most likely I will accept it.
Standard rules apply for this Roleplay.
I’ve created and own this universe it belongs to me.
Respect other players.
No God-moding.
No violating any of the site’s rules.
Character Template
Personal History:
Combat experience:
Position and standing:
Beliefs and moral standing:
Interests and hobbies:
Race: (Though I had originally intended only for humans, I’ll open this up in case someone wishes for more options or a second character.)
Appearance: (Either a picture or description.)
Personal History: (Family and past events worth noting.)
Specialization: (What does your character excel at or concentrate on?)
Combat experience: (This can be zero if your character’s green.)
Position and standing: (Where are you stationed and what is your rank? In regards to rank nothing to high.)
Beliefs and moral standing: (This is just here to add some depth to your character.)
Interests and hobbies:
Name: Zeck Philip Moriarty
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: His dirty blonde hair is kept fairly short and his eyes are a light blue of the cool sort. He’s built a medium 5’11 in size. He dresses often in form fitting black, sometimes with magazine clips strapped around his shoulder, and also a pair of comfortable slacks. Two guns are always hustled on his thighs, and his daily routines help keep his reflexes sharp and muscles strong from the hours of work.
Personal History: Born on the outer rim of a young colony he grew up with his large extended family on a farm. It was boring work being among the first to settle the planet. And he resented the fact that he was so removed from the big cities. Though life was boring it was peaceful it wasn’t until the incident with the Dinyara freighter that he felt compelled to leave his home and join the Star defense fleet.
The incident with the Dinyara freighter left some deep scars on his mind which he has to combat at times if only for the sake of others.
Specialization: Weapon specialist. He prefers to tinker and design his own weapons. Two pistols he always carries one is a modified ray gun designed to penetrate a Dinyara’s thick hide. The other is a standard 9mm Beretta Seven Strom pistol with a magazine of seventeen.
Combat experience: Other than training as a fighter pilot and in ground combat, was the time he fought in the thrown together militia against a downed Dinyara freighter’s crew on his planet.
Position and standing: Acting Warrant Officer and Private First Class
Beliefs and moral standing: Rather ridged in regards to regulations but couldn’t care less when off duty.
Personality: He can put up a good face for the sake of social grace. Cold in combat he is straight and to the point and is somewhat serious in nature. In the mess hall through he is pleasant enough. And his smile is fairly warm when seen. Has a sense of humor but doesn’t show it too often.
Interests and hobbies: He sketches things and people of interest when he has the time.
Fears: Has strong fear of heights.
*A note about Ray and Blaster guns… They may be powerful but they are expensive and inefficient for humans at their current tech level. They take time to recharge and sometimes burnout four for a pistol to twelve for a Blaster rifle is all the human versions can currently shoot.*
[hider=A Labyrinth of Wrong]
A Labyrinth of Wrong is a fantasy roleplay where there is no picture perfect answer to the problems. This is not a world of black and white moralities but a place filled with shades of grays. A world where prejudice is the norm and power is ever changing. Who you are and where you come from define you. Will you join with the rising power of the King of Nevithal, or do your allegiances lay with The Circle that rules from the shadows? Are you loyal to the Kingdom of Nevithal, or do you seek to further the influence of the Matriarchy? Will you support your own race above all others, or are you one of the half breeds that the Matriarchy favors? Come and play in this world of choices, see where your exploring will take you in the Labyrinth of Wrong.
1. Magic - There will be three kinds. Divine, Arcane, and Tribal. Divine of course will the related to the Gods and Goddesses being worshiped. The Matriarchy will rely on divine magic the most. Arcane the study of how the world works and of manipulating magical energies from the other realm, will fall mostly under the strict supervision of the Circle. Tribal is magic that will be derived mostly by the non human races, often very nature driven with sparks of divinity from their various Gods. Anyone can wield magic, but only the most practiced, dedicated, and focused (or devoted) can use it safely. Some do however seem more able to use it then others. Often following bloodlines. It also taxes the body and is very dangerous. Studying the bodies of dead magic users, there is a remarkably different pattern to their brains then other normal people.
2. The Circle - The ruling body of the human kingdom run, in theory, by the most powerful families. In practicality only the heads of the families or exceptionally powerful individuals have any real say in what happens. They are divided between the four, currently ruling families, each of whom serves a different God or Goddess of the four.
3. The King - Who originally was little more than a glorified general and figurehead, has become increasingly critical of The Circle. He is steadily eroding away at their authority, placing his own trusted allies and even non-humans into positions of power. Seeing as the Kingdom can't continue indefinitely as it now stands so divided, he is actively trying to integrate the various races together into a more stable unified kingdom.
4. The Priestess Caste - The ruling class that controls virtually all of the Matriarchy. Spiritually, Economically, and Politically they rule under the guidance of their beloved Goddess. Who gives her word to a presiding Matron, generally the most powerful practitioner of divine magic at the time, who then hands down the directives from the Goddess.
5. The Son - The King, who's Queen is barren, had an illegitimate son from a priestess of the rival kingdom. And that son, knowing who he is, decides to seek his fortune as a knight under his father's command. (Their relationship would have to be secret) His mother and the other priestesses are hoping to use this as leverage to gain control over the kingdom gradually, while the Circle seeks to solidify its power by removing the King all together. As for the son himself well, he has his own ambitions.
6. The Plot - A power struggle between the King, the Circle, and the Priestess Caste, with the son merely turning to his own advantage what is happening around him. Everyone else is affected because they are tools or allies to be used for one cause or another.
7. The Orcs - The Orcs are soldiers born. Strong and brave, but also heavily disciplined. When the commander speaks, a god may as well have descended from heaven and given the order himself. They have few interests of their own, though, and are loyal to whoever can offer them the best life. At the moment, that's the Humans and the Circle. They were originally created by the Elves through alchemy for use in their war against the humans long ago. Gray skinned. They clearly come from Elvish physiology, totally hairless, even the tops of their heads, but they are also about a foot taller in general and broader. Very muscular and strong jawed. Their culture is aggressively deferential. There is always a hierarchy in place; matters between two equals can come to a stalemate because neither one will ever defer to the other until someone of superior standing steps in. One's rank is earned by deeds, but must be given by a leader. Because of this the Orcish hierarchy, which was once self-governing, is now at the whim of the Circle.
8. The Gnolls - The hyena folk have been greatly reduced in number and oppressed by the Orcs who now occupy the majority of their ancestral lands. Because of the Circle's support and recognition of the Orcs' right to the Gnolls’ lands. The tribal Gnolls have been forced to remote inhospitable places, and the captive Gnolls as little more than a labor force for the Orcs. The Gnolls also claim that they were here long before any other race came to this continent.
9. The Elves - The Elves, while being long lived by any other race's standard do die. They occupy the Northern tip of the continent in a rather arid climate. The Elves were originally from the same plain as the Gods but crossed over into this mortal world. Theologians of different schools of divinity debate as to if this crossing was intentional, or rather forced by the Gods. The Elves cannot reproduce with each other, at least in the traditional sense, and their inability to do so eventually compelled them to be at war with the Humans and their Circle. A long-lived race whose means of immortality is akin to that of the Phoenix. The Elves, through use of their magic, have discovered a way to be reborn, retaining some of their memories and experience from their past lives. While not true immortality, it does make them extremely apprehensive about engaging in war. The Orcs were created to be their front-line soldiers against the increasing threat of the humans. When they were forced to surrender, due to too many Elven deaths, they handed over control of the Orcs to the Circle. While pure elves cannot mate with each other, they can mate with other races. These half breeds are then mated again to Elves to create 3/4's elves who are deemed worthy enough to join elven society. Only the pureblooded Elves however can be reincarnated. As a result, most of the Elves seen by others are not pure despite appearing so. And while still fairly long lived, are not immortal in any sense of the word but can reproduce. And so Elven society is divided into tiers based on how pure the elven blood is. As a result, half-breeds and lower are not very welcome.
10. The Matriarchy, is however quite welcoming to half-breeds. Because of their unique belief in one Goddess, any mixing of the blood is thought to be in tune with divine will. (Everything is one after all.) Controlled by the Priestess Caste, they are a highly religious and female dominated society. Often at odds with the Kingdom, they call anyone who does not worship their Goddess a heathen. The Priestess Caste performs a function similar to the circle. Under the direct command of the Goddess the Matron gives those commandments to the Priestess to carry out and enforce.
11. The Kingdom - Human dominated. Under the leadership of the Circle the human race has risen to be the most powerful on the continent. The King functions as a military general and figure head for the nation, answerable to the ruling body of Circle. Because of the vast territory and diverse subjugated tribes and non-human races living within the kingdom. The risk of uprising is ever present and is usually crushed by the King's army aided by the heavy infantry Orc horde that answer directly to the Circle. Recognizing that all empires fall, the King rather then waiting for internal pressures collapse the land from within, has begun to undermine the Circle's authority. Consolidating power by placing his allies in key position, he has also begun to allow non-humans chances to advance within the Kingdom. The Circle because of dealing with infighting and keeping tabs on the other nations activities, of which the Matriarchy is of chief concern, has been unable to contain this latest threat to its authority. Political intrigue and plots continue to grow, leaving the future of the continent hanging in the balance.
12. The Amphibians - The newest race to arrive on the continent, they have taken up residence on the island in the middle of the Grand Lake. Independent through still subject to most of the Kingdom's demands, they tend to keep to themselves, and lend support the Kingdom's naval forces at sea. They are not particularly fond of humans seeing as for a while their eggs were considered a delicacy by the wealthy. In return for their new home at the Grand Lake where no natural predators lurk, they supply the Kingdom with generous amounts of fish and treasures from the sea.
13. Religion and Gods - There are many tribal Gods and Goddesses about. But the most important are the Four that the Kingdom recognizes, and the One Goddess that the Matriarchy worships. In the Kingdom the Fire God is the God of war and destruction. The Water God is the God of Justice and Law. The Earth Goddess is the Goddess of nature, seasons, the natural order of the world. The Air Goddess is the one in charge of the ethereal and the afterlife. The One Goddess is the Goddess of everything that is worshiped by the Matriarchy.
And below is the map. Shown as a whole and from each corner. I ended up adding quite a bit extra to the southeast part of the continent for the Matriarchy. But otherwise, the Old-World Map is unchanged.
Red = The Kingdom, Orange = The Matriarchy, Green = Gnolls, Blue = Orcs, Purple = Amphibian Race, and Dark Brown = The Elves.
Things can be edited and names altered. However, as it is fantasy, we can have strange names for places, and it will fit in naturally. Let me know what you think.
Character creation is open OCC!
The World's name is Tavolis.
And here is the whole world's map except that the main continent is larger then on this one. (See previous maps.)
And here is the nation map to get a better sense where the counties and groups are on the main continent.
God's Names
Goddess's name
(Character Format and my own two characters.)
Personal History:
Position and Standing:
Beliefs and Moral Standing:
Interests and Hobbies:
Name: Ravin Haboth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: A young face framed with dirty blond hair cut short for easier helmet wear. Average build and height there is nothing the would make him stand out in a crowd. Neither handsome nor homely, the one trait that might have set him apart was the wide-eyed wonder with which he often viewed the world around him. His guard dress made of cheap iron worn and battered. The breastplate refitted from an older knight that had fallen in ambush near the Matriarchy. His two-edged long sword was similarly well used and had been sharpened down to near its core. He had a motley appearance for one of the palace's guards, but until his father could afford to buy fresh fitting armor, he would have to bare with it.
Personal History: He was born from the love of a poor nobleman's daughter and his magically gifted commoner father. Because of a friendship between his Majesty and his father Venron. Despite the likelihood that Ravin might be one of the few to have the bloodline of a Mage from his father, Venron insisted that his son would not be learning magic. With the King's protection the Circle, already upset to have a mage of Venron's power outside of their influence, was unable to get their hands on Ravin. Raised up in relative poverty, and alienated from higher society, Ravin had to fight for whatever knowledge and training he could find. Having grown up with tales from his mother about noble knights, and great leaders, as well as hearing about the King's vision for the future of the kingdom. Ravin has strove to serve in any way he can. Though it took long years of study and practice he has finally achieved recognition from the captain of his majesty's guard. For the moment he is only a lowly guard, but the day will come when his father will have enough money for a proper suit of armor and weapon.
Specialization: He is no wonder with the sword, but he has a drive and will that few his age have. Willpower born not of ambition, but of sincere desire to do what he believes is right.
Position and standing: Knight Guard under his Majesty's command.
Beliefs and moral standing: Has full confidence in his Majesty and his father's vision for a new future. A devote believer in the Four Gods, he does not however pay much attention to the priests who are under control of the Circle.
Personality: Eager and incorrigibly trusting of others, he has developed a strong sense of loyalty and honor from a very young age. Perhaps a bit naive.
Interests and hobbies: His one pleasure outside of fanciful stories lays in the playing of the wooden flauto. A gift to him at age six from his mother he studied music with her throughout childhood. It is one talent he regularly finds time to cultivate outside of swordplay.
Fears: He fears dishonor. Or to be more accurate, he is afraid of disappointing his family or King to the point of phobia. Perhaps another reason he is so driven to prove himself.
Name: Garrite Mardoval (The Son)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: 3/4 Human 1/4 Elf
Appearance: Tall, imposing built, and touched with the sun. He cuts a striking figure with his dark hair and sharp grey eyes. There is little evidence of his Elven ancestry in his ears but despite his powerful form has an aura aerial of grace about him. Dressed in a hybrid armor of the Kingdom's full plate and the Matriarchy's turban chainmail, he is impossible to miss on the battlefield.
Personal History: Garrite Mardoval is the Son of his Majesty King of Nevithal, and the half elf priestess Velaria of the Matriarchy. Conceived when Velaria visited the Capital city of Nevithal, she kept his true birth a secret for the majority of his life. Garrite, who's name roughly means sacred tool, was trained from birth to be the best warrior and strategist he could be. Taught by the priestesses to be the perfect instrument of Jumala's glory, he was indoctrinated and shaped only because of who is father is. Yet even his royal bloodline and his priestess mother could not hide him from the fact that he was born a man and thus a lesser being in the eyes of the Goddess. Even the lowest priestess could order him around if they wanted to, and his vast education on Nevithal's inner workings and culture introduced to him the idea that it was men who were born to take charge. Learning whose son he really is he was told that he was to go to the Kingdom and infiltrate it's highest levels of nobility. The recent power struggle between the King and the Circle, was thought to be the perfect opportunity to introduce the heir to the throne to his father. With orders to gain trust in the kingdom and bring glory to Jumala he headed towards his new home.
Specialization: Trained as a highly skilled combatant and general.
Position and standing: The bastard son of the King. Agent of Jumala's glory, and rightful heir to the throne of Nevithal.
Beliefs and moral standing: Trained his whole life to serve Jumala and the priestesses, he has come to see things in a different light from his extensive education about other God's and cultures that hold men in higher regard then women. Ultimately where he stands is between worlds, and where his loyalties lay even he might not know.
Personality: He is confident, and indirect. A bit brash with a strong sense of pride.
Interests and hobbies: He has developed a unhealthy interesting in mixing divine magic. Something that no priest, priestess, or shaman would ever allow. Garrite nevertheless has become increasingly obsessed with the possibilities that would open up from this blasphemy.
Fears: Losing control. The thought of being trapped or forced by circumstance or fate is something he refuses to believe. Despite both Nevithal and Matriarchy's theological claims that one's fate is ultimately sealed by the Gods/Goddess.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Salutations everyone who reads this. Just call me Ivar. I've always had an active imagination since I was 4 years old and grew up playing old computer games that expanded my mind's awe and wonder at what could be. It wasn't until I was 12 that I really started to begin roleplaying with other people. Gradually I became more proficient and started diving deep into world crafting.<br><br>I love all things fiction, but my first love will always be fantasy first and foremost.<br><br>I found my old files that I did near 10 years ago - Just to give you an idea of the stuff I used to do.<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="My last 1x1 romance "The Mire of Love and Veils"">My last 1x1 romance "The Mire of Love and Veils" [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">Fyn Makdavi Vail. Is the second son to Her Majesty Vail the II. Considering the bloody events of the recent civil war and the killing of the nobility, the daughter of the deceased Emperor Vail gathered support from the rising merchant class in return for greater rights and freedoms. She arrived as a third force and quickly swallowed up her sister and brother who had expended the bulk of their strength against each other. Subjugating the religious officials and extinguishing the nobility, Her Majesty rapidly consolidated her power and played the merchants against each other. While they stood divided over different issues she worked to undermine the new political system and restore her absolute monarchy.<br><br>Queen Vail eventually succeeded, but not before some of the outlying territories succeeded under the influence of the surviving nobility and disillusioned merchant families. The once vast kingdom of Faolain stands divided now between Old Faolain and the smaller Clarmort Provinces. Neither side having the strength to continue the conflict created an unsettling peace between them. Hostilities are still strong and trade between the two nations is all but forgotten.<br><br>The Queen has three children by her late husband. The eldest, and heir to the throne as stated by her rewriting of the law, is her daughter Elizabeth. Who prefers to take on the role of a warrior to the traditional traits of ladyship. She is very much her father’s daughter, born to grasp things beyond her station. Elizabeth has dedicated herself to the honor code of knighthood. Her skill with the blade and understanding of war is unmatched.<br><br>Her middle child is Emeil. He is of a noble and peaceful character, born to be the diplomat and mediator. His disposition for fairness and charity has made him a favorite among the masses. He is intelligent and thoughtful. He is not as brash as his older sister and prefers to take an indirect approach when confronting conflict. His quick wit and clever political maneuvers made him a natural follower of his mother.<br><br>Her youngest is Fyn. Fyn Makdavi Vail to be precise. He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his naturally pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. Fyn got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life, and being out shown by his older siblings, he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy, that loneliness afforded him, allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn understands well the hunger that resides in every fellow coveting heart.<br><br>Character.<br><br>Name: Fyn Makdavi Vail<br>Age: 19<br>Gender: Male<br>Appearance: (The closest I could find.) <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><br>Personal History: He grew up in the shadow of his brother and sister. While Elizabeth took after her father in the ways of combat, his brother Emeil was praised for his natural pleasing demeanor and rapid understanding of his lessons from tutors. He got to enjoy the hidden state of being unimportant. With all the events going on around his young life and being out shown by his older siblings he faded somewhat into an after thought. It was in that loneliness that he learned the value of being overshadowed. The secrecy that it afforded him allowed him to learn about the things that happened behind the scenes, and about the darker things in the human heart. He learned of the dissent that rested over the two kingdoms. And Fyn now truly understands the hunger that resides in every coveting heart.<br>Position and standing: Son of Her Majesty Queen Vail the II, third in line for the throne of Faolain.<br><br>Elizabeth’s appearance: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Emeil’s appearance: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Sci-fi Group RP "The Dinyara War"">Sci-fi Group RP "The Dinyara War" [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">((This isn't quite advanced Sci Fi but close so that means some plot and not just characterization will be happening.))<br><br>The Dinyara are an intelligent predatory species that view all non-Dinyara as enemies. They are dark gray in color with hardened skin and rigid spiked bodies. Their males are larger and bulkier typically about six to seven feet in height. The females are smaller in height and size, but more deadly with sharpened spikes on their hands that are poisoned. Matriarchal in society the females are the center of authority and the males are often used for grunt work and open warfare. It is not uncommon however to find a female at times on the front lines.<br><br>The Manarith are a highly advanced race of diminutive stature standing only three feet in height. The have dark fur and rounded eyes. Asexual they reproduce by fertilizing each other’s eggs at hatching time. They prowl the galaxy in their ships looking to improve themselves and establish an “orderly” galaxy. They see the universe as dangerous place that must be controlled or kept at bay. They are quite skittish in nature.<br><br>The Harazin are a proud race of reptiles that view mammalians as lesser life forms. They and the Dinyara have been in conflict for generations now, but ever since the Harazin’s first attempt to enslave them there has been a constant cold war going on between them. Frequent border skirmishes keep entering their space dangerous.<br><br>The Humans are relatively new to space travel but have more than made up for it in that short time. Establishing many outlying colonies and outposts. Their relatively quick progress so soon after learning how to effectively travel through space has placed a great deal of either cautious interest or dangerous attention on them.<br><br>The Verania are a spider like race. One of the few that are not in some humanoid form, they are not really trusted by anyone. Most often they are of black appearance with powerful legs and poisonous fangs. Like most arachnids it is the females that are the larger more dangerous sex, often times reaching the size of a human in body alone they prefer to reside on their intricate webs. Their ships designed mostly though their enzymes, they are as much organic as they are technology. They are skilled in the art of hiding and masking their presence on the ground and in space.<br><br>The Alahem are a furry humanoid race that follow carefully a path to peace. They are a very religious race that always dress in simple robes, and never make aggressive moves. They seem quite content to leave others alone. They are experts in shield technology and their strategies revolve around disabling or misleading an enemy. Their wayward brothers however are a different story.<br><br>The Zig-Non are the Alahem’s distant cousins. Their culture is devoted to “the kill.” Like their brothers they dress also in the plainest of robes however underneath instead of parchment and holy texts, you will find an assassin’s array. They have little in the way of territory like their cousins the Alahem. They are however in no danger of attack, because their counters are so swift. Their ships are coated with a precious allow that helps to hide them from normal scans. And where as the Alahem are all defense, the Zig-Non believe in absolute offence. Sacrificing defense for speed. A common tactic for large enemy ships is to drive themselves through it with their smaller Kazi craft. Their life is not as important to them as is their honor of the kill. Speed and stealth are their best friends. They train their whole lives to achieve those ends.<br><br>Situation<br><br>Ever since the incident at Delta V with the Dinyara freighter hostilities have risen significantly between the Humans and the Dinyara. The discovery by a Human exploratory vessel of a mineral rich planet near the border of Dinyara Space has sparked increasing threats and fleet posturing by the Dinyara. Star, the current name of the human defense force, has not been taking the threats seriously believing that the Dinyara have too much to worry about from their cold war with the Harazin. But as a show of support to the colonies and mining worlds bordering the Dinyara Star has increased its patrols along the rim and authorized increased security on merchant and cargo ships.<br><br>The Ship<br><br>The Navi is a military surplus ship converted for exploration by a privateering Captain. Designed for deep-space missions it can comfortably accommodate a crew of ninety-five. Currently charting the Magdolan Expanse, a dense region of cloud that masks sensors readings and is dangerous to navigate at high speeds. The pay for completion of the job is poor for the risks however by Star law anything of value found belongs to the crew that discovered it and a finder’s fee would be paid for it. Greed can be a powerful motivator for progress, however as this is a military commission a token force of Star personnel are required to accompany.<br><br>Your character options<br><br>You can be Star personnel or members of the Navi’s crew or families for the roleplay. Secondary characters can be other races or if you have an idea of how to explain the presence of an alien crewmember or Star personnel then please talk to me about it privately. Most likely I will accept it.<br><br>Standard rules apply for this Roleplay.<br>I’ve created and own this universe it belongs to me.<br>Respect other players.<br>No God-moding.<br>No violating any of the site’s rules.<br><br>Character Template<br><br>Name:<br>Age:<br>Gender:<br>Race:<br>Appearance:<br>Personal History:<br>Specialization:<br>Combat experience:<br>Position and standing:<br>Beliefs and moral standing:<br>Personality:<br>Interests and hobbies:<br>Fears:<br><br>Name:<br>Age:<br>Gender:<br>Race: (Though I had originally intended only for humans, I’ll open this up in case someone wishes for more options or a second character.)<br>Appearance: (Either a picture or description.)<br>Personal History: (Family and past events worth noting.)<br>Specialization: (What does your character excel at or concentrate on?)<br>Combat experience: (This can be zero if your character’s green.)<br>Position and standing: (Where are you stationed and what is your rank? In regards to rank nothing to high.)<br>Beliefs and moral standing: (This is just here to add some depth to your character.)<br>Personality:<br>Interests and hobbies:<br>Fears:<br><br>Name: Zeck Philip Moriarty<br>Age: 23<br>Gender: Male<br>Race: Human<br>Appearance: His dirty blonde hair is kept fairly short and his eyes are a light blue of the cool sort. He’s built a medium 5’11 in size. He dresses often in form fitting black, sometimes with magazine clips strapped around his shoulder, and also a pair of comfortable slacks. Two guns are always hustled on his thighs, and his daily routines help keep his reflexes sharp and muscles strong from the hours of work.<br><br>Personal History: Born on the outer rim of a young colony he grew up with his large extended family on a farm. It was boring work being among the first to settle the planet. And he resented the fact that he was so removed from the big cities. Though life was boring it was peaceful it wasn’t until the incident with the Dinyara freighter that he felt compelled to leave his home and join the Star defense fleet.<br>The incident with the Dinyara freighter left some deep scars on his mind which he has to combat at times if only for the sake of others.<br><br>Specialization: Weapon specialist. He prefers to tinker and design his own weapons. Two pistols he always carries one is a modified ray gun designed to penetrate a Dinyara’s thick hide. The other is a standard 9mm Beretta Seven Strom pistol with a magazine of seventeen.<br><br>Combat experience: Other than training as a fighter pilot and in ground combat, was the time he fought in the thrown together militia against a downed Dinyara freighter’s crew on his planet.<br><br>Position and standing: Acting Warrant Officer and Private First Class<br>Beliefs and moral standing: Rather ridged in regards to regulations but couldn’t care less when off duty.<br><br>Personality: He can put up a good face for the sake of social grace. Cold in combat he is straight and to the point and is somewhat serious in nature. In the mess hall through he is pleasant enough. And his smile is fairly warm when seen. Has a sense of humor but doesn’t show it too often.<br><br>Interests and hobbies: He sketches things and people of interest when he has the time.<br>Fears: Has strong fear of heights.<br><br>*A note about Ray and Blaster guns… They may be powerful but they are expensive and inefficient for humans at their current tech level. They take time to recharge and sometimes burnout four for a pistol to twelve for a Blaster rifle is all the human versions can currently shoot.*</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="A Labyrinth of Wrong">A Labyrinth of Wrong [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">A Labyrinth of Wrong is a fantasy roleplay where there is no picture perfect answer to the problems. This is not a world of black and white moralities but a place filled with shades of grays. A world where prejudice is the norm and power is ever changing. Who you are and where you come from define you. Will you join with the rising power of the King of Nevithal, or do your allegiances lay with The Circle that rules from the shadows? Are you loyal to the Kingdom of Nevithal, or do you seek to further the influence of the Matriarchy? Will you support your own race above all others, or are you one of the half breeds that the Matriarchy favors? Come and play in this world of choices, see where your exploring will take you in the Labyrinth of Wrong.<br><br>1. Magic - There will be three kinds. Divine, Arcane, and Tribal. Divine of course will the related to the Gods and Goddesses being worshiped. The Matriarchy will rely on divine magic the most. Arcane the study of how the world works and of manipulating magical energies from the other realm, will fall mostly under the strict supervision of the Circle. Tribal is magic that will be derived mostly by the non human races, often very nature driven with sparks of divinity from their various Gods. Anyone can wield magic, but only the most practiced, dedicated, and focused (or devoted) can use it safely. Some do however seem more able to use it then others. Often following bloodlines. It also taxes the body and is very dangerous. Studying the bodies of dead magic users, there is a remarkably different pattern to their brains then other normal people.<br><br>2. The Circle - The ruling body of the human kingdom run, in theory, by the most powerful families. In practicality only the heads of the families or exceptionally powerful individuals have any real say in what happens. They are divided between the four, currently ruling families, each of whom serves a different God or Goddess of the four.<br><br>3. The King - Who originally was little more than a glorified general and figurehead, has become increasingly critical of The Circle. He is steadily eroding away at their authority, placing his own trusted allies and even non-humans into positions of power. Seeing as the Kingdom can't continue indefinitely as it now stands so divided, he is actively trying to integrate the various races together into a more stable unified kingdom.<br><br>4. The Priestess Caste - The ruling class that controls virtually all of the Matriarchy. Spiritually, Economically, and Politically they rule under the guidance of their beloved Goddess. Who gives her word to a presiding Matron, generally the most powerful practitioner of divine magic at the time, who then hands down the directives from the Goddess.<br><br>5. The Son - The King, who's Queen is barren, had an illegitimate son from a priestess of the rival kingdom. And that son, knowing who he is, decides to seek his fortune as a knight under his father's command. (Their relationship would have to be secret) His mother and the other priestesses are hoping to use this as leverage to gain control over the kingdom gradually, while the Circle seeks to solidify its power by removing the King all together. As for the son himself well, he has his own ambitions.<br><br>6. The Plot - A power struggle between the King, the Circle, and the Priestess Caste, with the son merely turning to his own advantage what is happening around him. Everyone else is affected because they are tools or allies to be used for one cause or another.<br><br>7. The Orcs - The Orcs are soldiers born. Strong and brave, but also heavily disciplined. When the commander speaks, a god may as well have descended from heaven and given the order himself. They have few interests of their own, though, and are loyal to whoever can offer them the best life. At the moment, that's the Humans and the Circle. They were originally created by the Elves through alchemy for use in their war against the humans long ago. Gray skinned. They clearly come from Elvish physiology, totally hairless, even the tops of their heads, but they are also about a foot taller in general and broader. Very muscular and strong jawed. Their culture is aggressively deferential. There is always a hierarchy in place; matters between two equals can come to a stalemate because neither one will ever defer to the other until someone of superior standing steps in. One's rank is earned by deeds, but must be given by a leader. Because of this the Orcish hierarchy, which was once self-governing, is now at the whim of the Circle.<br><br>8. The Gnolls - The hyena folk have been greatly reduced in number and oppressed by the Orcs who now occupy the majority of their ancestral lands. Because of the Circle's support and recognition of the Orcs' right to the Gnolls’ lands. The tribal Gnolls have been forced to remote inhospitable places, and the captive Gnolls as little more than a labor force for the Orcs. The Gnolls also claim that they were here long before any other race came to this continent.<br><br>9. The Elves - The Elves, while being long lived by any other race's standard do die. They occupy the Northern tip of the continent in a rather arid climate. The Elves were originally from the same plain as the Gods but crossed over into this mortal world. Theologians of different schools of divinity debate as to if this crossing was intentional, or rather forced by the Gods. The Elves cannot reproduce with each other, at least in the traditional sense, and their inability to do so eventually compelled them to be at war with the Humans and their Circle. A long-lived race whose means of immortality is akin to that of the Phoenix. The Elves, through use of their magic, have discovered a way to be reborn, retaining some of their memories and experience from their past lives. While not true immortality, it does make them extremely apprehensive about engaging in war. The Orcs were created to be their front-line soldiers against the increasing threat of the humans. When they were forced to surrender, due to too many Elven deaths, they handed over control of the Orcs to the Circle. While pure elves cannot mate with each other, they can mate with other races. These half breeds are then mated again to Elves to create 3/4's elves who are deemed worthy enough to join elven society. Only the pureblooded Elves however can be reincarnated. As a result, most of the Elves seen by others are not pure despite appearing so. And while still fairly long lived, are not immortal in any sense of the word but can reproduce. And so Elven society is divided into tiers based on how pure the elven blood is. As a result, half-breeds and lower are not very welcome.<br><br>10. The Matriarchy, is however quite welcoming to half-breeds. Because of their unique belief in one Goddess, any mixing of the blood is thought to be in tune with divine will. (Everything is one after all.) Controlled by the Priestess Caste, they are a highly religious and female dominated society. Often at odds with the Kingdom, they call anyone who does not worship their Goddess a heathen. The Priestess Caste performs a function similar to the circle. Under the direct command of the Goddess the Matron gives those commandments to the Priestess to carry out and enforce.<br><br>11. The Kingdom - Human dominated. Under the leadership of the Circle the human race has risen to be the most powerful on the continent. The King functions as a military general and figure head for the nation, answerable to the ruling body of Circle. Because of the vast territory and diverse subjugated tribes and non-human races living within the kingdom. The risk of uprising is ever present and is usually crushed by the King's army aided by the heavy infantry Orc horde that answer directly to the Circle. Recognizing that all empires fall, the King rather then waiting for internal pressures collapse the land from within, has begun to undermine the Circle's authority. Consolidating power by placing his allies in key position, he has also begun to allow non-humans chances to advance within the Kingdom. The Circle because of dealing with infighting and keeping tabs on the other nations activities, of which the Matriarchy is of chief concern, has been unable to contain this latest threat to its authority. Political intrigue and plots continue to grow, leaving the future of the continent hanging in the balance.<br><br>12. The Amphibians - The newest race to arrive on the continent, they have taken up residence on the island in the middle of the Grand Lake. Independent through still subject to most of the Kingdom's demands, they tend to keep to themselves, and lend support the Kingdom's naval forces at sea. They are not particularly fond of humans seeing as for a while their eggs were considered a delicacy by the wealthy. In return for their new home at the Grand Lake where no natural predators lurk, they supply the Kingdom with generous amounts of fish and treasures from the sea.<br><br>13. Religion and Gods - There are many tribal Gods and Goddesses about. But the most important are the Four that the Kingdom recognizes, and the One Goddess that the Matriarchy worships. In the Kingdom the Fire God is the God of war and destruction. The Water God is the God of Justice and Law. The Earth Goddess is the Goddess of nature, seasons, the natural order of the world. The Air Goddess is the one in charge of the ethereal and the afterlife. The One Goddess is the Goddess of everything that is worshiped by the Matriarchy.<br><br>And below is the map. Shown as a whole and from each corner. I ended up adding quite a bit extra to the southeast part of the continent for the Matriarchy. But otherwise, the Old-World Map is unchanged.<br><br>Red = The Kingdom, Orange = The Matriarchy, Green = Gnolls, Blue = Orcs, Purple = Amphibian Race, and Dark Brown = The Elves.<br><br>Things can be edited and names altered. However, as it is fantasy, we can have strange names for places, and it will fit in naturally. Let me know what you think.<br><br>Character creation is open OCC!<br>The World's name is Tavolis.<br><br>And here is the whole world's map except that the main continent is larger then on this one. (See previous maps.)<br><a href="" title="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">…</a><br><br>And here is the nation map to get a better sense where the counties and groups are on the main continent.<br><a href="" title="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">…</a><br><br>God's Names<br>Fire-Palo<br>Water-Vesi<br>Earth-Maa<br>Air-Ilma<br><br>Goddess's name<br>Jumala<br><br>(Character Format and my own two characters.)<br><br>Name:<br>Age:<br>Gender:<br>Race:<br>Appearance:<br>Personal History:<br>Specialization:<br>Position and Standing:<br>Beliefs and Moral Standing:<br>Personality:<br>Interests and Hobbies:<br>Fears:<br><br>Name: Ravin Haboth<br>Age: 19<br>Gender: Male<br>Race: Human<br><br>Appearance: A young face framed with dirty blond hair cut short for easier helmet wear. Average build and height there is nothing the would make him stand out in a crowd. Neither handsome nor homely, the one trait that might have set him apart was the wide-eyed wonder with which he often viewed the world around him. His guard dress made of cheap iron worn and battered. The breastplate refitted from an older knight that had fallen in ambush near the Matriarchy. His two-edged long sword was similarly well used and had been sharpened down to near its core. He had a motley appearance for one of the palace's guards, but until his father could afford to buy fresh fitting armor, he would have to bare with it.<br><br>Personal History: He was born from the love of a poor nobleman's daughter and his magically gifted commoner father. Because of a friendship between his Majesty and his father Venron. Despite the likelihood that Ravin might be one of the few to have the bloodline of a Mage from his father, Venron insisted that his son would not be learning magic. With the King's protection the Circle, already upset to have a mage of Venron's power outside of their influence, was unable to get their hands on Ravin. Raised up in relative poverty, and alienated from higher society, Ravin had to fight for whatever knowledge and training he could find. Having grown up with tales from his mother about noble knights, and great leaders, as well as hearing about the King's vision for the future of the kingdom. Ravin has strove to serve in any way he can. Though it took long years of study and practice he has finally achieved recognition from the captain of his majesty's guard. For the moment he is only a lowly guard, but the day will come when his father will have enough money for a proper suit of armor and weapon.<br><br>Specialization: He is no wonder with the sword, but he has a drive and will that few his age have. Willpower born not of ambition, but of sincere desire to do what he believes is right.<br><br>Position and standing: Knight Guard under his Majesty's command.<br><br>Beliefs and moral standing: Has full confidence in his Majesty and his father's vision for a new future. A devote believer in the Four Gods, he does not however pay much attention to the priests who are under control of the Circle.<br><br>Personality: Eager and incorrigibly trusting of others, he has developed a strong sense of loyalty and honor from a very young age. Perhaps a bit naive.<br><br>Interests and hobbies: His one pleasure outside of fanciful stories lays in the playing of the wooden flauto. A gift to him at age six from his mother he studied music with her throughout childhood. It is one talent he regularly finds time to cultivate outside of swordplay.<br><br>Fears: He fears dishonor. Or to be more accurate, he is afraid of disappointing his family or King to the point of phobia. Perhaps another reason he is so driven to prove himself.<br><br>Name: Garrite Mardoval (The Son)<br>Age: 24<br>Gender: Male<br>Race: 3/4 Human 1/4 Elf<br><br>Appearance: Tall, imposing built, and touched with the sun. He cuts a striking figure with his dark hair and sharp grey eyes. There is little evidence of his Elven ancestry in his ears but despite his powerful form has an aura aerial of grace about him. Dressed in a hybrid armor of the Kingdom's full plate and the Matriarchy's turban chainmail, he is impossible to miss on the battlefield.<br><br>Personal History: Garrite Mardoval is the Son of his Majesty King of Nevithal, and the half elf priestess Velaria of the Matriarchy. Conceived when Velaria visited the Capital city of Nevithal, she kept his true birth a secret for the majority of his life. Garrite, who's name roughly means sacred tool, was trained from birth to be the best warrior and strategist he could be. Taught by the priestesses to be the perfect instrument of Jumala's glory, he was indoctrinated and shaped only because of who is father is. Yet even his royal bloodline and his priestess mother could not hide him from the fact that he was born a man and thus a lesser being in the eyes of the Goddess. Even the lowest priestess could order him around if they wanted to, and his vast education on Nevithal's inner workings and culture introduced to him the idea that it was men who were born to take charge. Learning whose son he really is he was told that he was to go to the Kingdom and infiltrate it's highest levels of nobility. The recent power struggle between the King and the Circle, was thought to be the perfect opportunity to introduce the heir to the throne to his father. With orders to gain trust in the kingdom and bring glory to Jumala he headed towards his new home.<br><br>Specialization: Trained as a highly skilled combatant and general.<br><br>Position and standing: The bastard son of the King. Agent of Jumala's glory, and rightful heir to the throne of Nevithal.<br><br>Beliefs and moral standing: Trained his whole life to serve Jumala and the priestesses, he has come to see things in a different light from his extensive education about other God's and cultures that hold men in higher regard then women. Ultimately where he stands is between worlds, and where his loyalties lay even he might not know.<br><br>Personality: He is confident, and indirect. A bit brash with a strong sense of pride.<br><br>Interests and hobbies: He has developed a unhealthy interesting in mixing divine magic. Something that no priest, priestess, or shaman would ever allow. Garrite nevertheless has become increasingly obsessed with the possibilities that would open up from this blasphemy.<br><br>Fears: Losing control. The thought of being trapped or forced by circumstance or fate is something he refuses to believe. Despite both Nevithal and Matriarchy's theological claims that one's fate is ultimately sealed by the Gods/Goddess.</div></div><br></div>