--The Godhand of Nippon--
@Kumbaris @ERode
If there was one thing undeniable about Germany, it's the empire's culture of unyielding focus, patience, and perseverance, its tenets of glorifying hard work and the quality of one's craftsmanship. Lucretia certainly possessed these stereotypical traits, then took it to a whole new level, as expected from a savant. She didn't give a single toss to whatever these students thought about her during the search, only whether they had the information she needed or not. The answers they gave were varied and sometimes contradictory, but she would scour every inch of this artificial island if needed be.
Even after her short legs started to tremble, her mind didn't relent as she simply ordered Schwarzritter to unfurl and carry her in its left arm in lieu of a lack of dedicated public transports. After all, this was one of the drone's functions, as her personal chaperon. For better or worse, the strangers Lucy asked after that point would not only find a petite German girl accosting them, but a petite German girl riding on a metal golem's arm instead. One could theorize that Schwarzritter's presence might be the hidden key to the duo's eventual success as the construct's presence subconsciously intimidated her quarries to reveal more information than they would otherwise.
Soon enough, the pair of German Technologist and Nusantaran Egoist arrived at Bermuda's greenhouse, a transparent structure filled with exotic vegetation from all over the world, their lives sustained by the artificially-controlled climate. It even had small critters to complete the biosphere too, an impressive achievement of structural engineering for sure, but Lucy wasn't here for admiration as deep inside this man-made imitation of a jungle was her target.
Finally, the elusive prodigy was here, right before her very eyes. The rotting smell of the largest flower in the world held no sway over Lucy as she commanded Schwarzritter to float through any stray leaves that might be in its way, cradling its mistress until it was a few meters behind the painting young man. It was at this point that Lucy dismounted and made a beeline toward the so-called Godhand.
"Sukoro Jinga," It wasn't a question, a statement instead, Lucretia von Konigsmahne was demanding the older prodigy's attention, "I was on the cusp of success of deciphering the Starsteel Formula, but the formulization was deactivated mere seconds later." Her green eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she remembered that moment in the early morning, the moment that angered her so, "I wish for an object, such a chest, locked with Starsteel so I may continue my efforts. Name your price." No one would take this achievement away from her. No. One.