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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

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--The Godhand of Nippon--

@Kumbaris @ERode

If there was one thing undeniable about Germany, it's the empire's culture of unyielding focus, patience, and perseverance, its tenets of glorifying hard work and the quality of one's craftsmanship. Lucretia certainly possessed these stereotypical traits, then took it to a whole new level, as expected from a savant. She didn't give a single toss to whatever these students thought about her during the search, only whether they had the information she needed or not. The answers they gave were varied and sometimes contradictory, but she would scour every inch of this artificial island if needed be.

Even after her short legs started to tremble, her mind didn't relent as she simply ordered Schwarzritter to unfurl and carry her in its left arm in lieu of a lack of dedicated public transports. After all, this was one of the drone's functions, as her personal chaperon. For better or worse, the strangers Lucy asked after that point would not only find a petite German girl accosting them, but a petite German girl riding on a metal golem's arm instead. One could theorize that Schwarzritter's presence might be the hidden key to the duo's eventual success as the construct's presence subconsciously intimidated her quarries to reveal more information than they would otherwise.

Soon enough, the pair of German Technologist and Nusantaran Egoist arrived at Bermuda's greenhouse, a transparent structure filled with exotic vegetation from all over the world, their lives sustained by the artificially-controlled climate. It even had small critters to complete the biosphere too, an impressive achievement of structural engineering for sure, but Lucy wasn't here for admiration as deep inside this man-made imitation of a jungle was her target.

Finally, the elusive prodigy was here, right before her very eyes. The rotting smell of the largest flower in the world held no sway over Lucy as she commanded Schwarzritter to float through any stray leaves that might be in its way, cradling its mistress until it was a few meters behind the painting young man. It was at this point that Lucy dismounted and made a beeline toward the so-called Godhand.

"Sukoro Jinga," It wasn't a question, a statement instead, Lucretia von Konigsmahne was demanding the older prodigy's attention, "I was on the cusp of success of deciphering the Starsteel Formula, but the formulization was deactivated mere seconds later." Her green eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she remembered that moment in the early morning, the moment that angered her so, "I wish for an object, such a chest, locked with Starsteel so I may continue my efforts. Name your price." No one would take this achievement away from her. No. One.
<Snipped quote by Lonewolf685>

Pretty much my exact thought process (aside from not knowing the flower trivia). Practically did a spit-take when Lumiere did that.

That's the beauty of not metagaming~

I know that Nessie is a grumpy bitch, but Lumi doesn't.
Reading our Seraph’s post reminds me the national flower of Scotland is a thistle. This may not be a flower that handles being Princess carried and having their hand held by an authority figure trying to drag her off to English boarding school while treating everyone like children.

I’m going to relish Nessie’s post.

Zoomers smh.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Nice post. I see the IC misinterpretations continue both ways. Fun stuff.
After all, it's worth noting that this is the first time Camelot's Round Table feast has ever been targeted by Pageless... in all of the 1 year+ that she's been actually doing it on a pretty much daily basis at sunrise and sunset. That isn't to say that Lumiere isn't correct about the danger... just not for the reasons she thinks.
If it weren't for Camelot starting the feast later than normal (thus it being so far past sundown and during prime Pageless hunting time) and the increased aggression of the Pageless as a whole as of late, this may have never come up.

I still think Lumiere is right in the reason she thinks tho~ In a “it’s only a matter of time until she slips” kind of way.

But I understand your perspective and it’s valid too.

And a post has been made.

--Ness' Deluge--

"It is done..." From the moment Nessie unleashed the veritable tsunami onto the damage Pageless' direction, its fate had been sealed. Waves upon waves of magical water crashed upon its bulk, tearing it asunder and completely ripping it apart even before the torrent had finished. This was the moment that Lumiere was specifically looking for, the moment where their kin could sample a taste of her newfound powers, the baby bird's first flight to join her brethren in the skies. It'd have been less than ideal for a would-be Chosen to find their grimoire in a secure environment, things could go on for days, months, or even years before the magical girl realized what their grimoire could do. Ascending right in the presence of the Pageless and then immediately destroying those Pageless, that's the best case scenario in the long run.

To the wide-eyed idealists, such principle might be seen as harshly cruel, but rest assured, as "cruel" as this method was, it couldn't hold a candle to what the Pageless would do to people who fell to them, mundane folks and magical girls included. This path wasn't for the faint of heart and the sooner these girls harden their hearts and minds, the better it is for everyone involved, most importantly themselves.

The exhausted Seraph scanned her surroundings once more to both detect any lingering Pageless (there shouldn't be any but one couldn't too careful) and check on the people. The civilians would be fine, no physical harm came to them and they would recover from their drunken-like afflictions in a matter of hours, it'd be like as if nothing happened at all and they could continue on with their lives. The girls were also fine, everyone were accounted for and the worst of the bunch only suffered exhaustion much like herself, no one was in critical condition let alone perished, good.

However, she did notice a new arrival on the scene, well technically not new as she had made her presence known by throwing her signature sword at the now-vaporized Pageless. Camelot, the magical girl who possessed the Grimoire so closely related to Merlin's own. Lumiere might be aloof, but it shouldn't be mistaken for blissful ignorance like a certain tabby cat, those seemingly expressionless blue eyes possessed a sharp focus for discerning details that only life experience could bring.

Camelot's momentary glare at her didn't go unnoticed, nor did the implication of her words. The Seraph floated closer to the silver-clad paladin in order to lower her voice as to not make a scene, "Stragglers... you used the Round Table to gather a crowd again, didn't you?" She didn't need an answer, twas' a rhetorical question, "Those Pageless weren't stragglers, they were lured there by the scent of your blatant use of magic, the fact that you gathered innocents while doing it certainly doesn't help your case. Do you realize that you've done the Pageless' job for them?" Lumiere jabbed as an arm gestured to the civilians that the vanquished Pageless gathered here, "Let's hope that no more of those 'stragglers' arrived after you left..." or else, the innocents' blood would be on Camelot's gauntlets.

"Good intentions do not always lead to good results, and it will be to the benefit of everyone if you realize this sooner than later." With that stern advice, Lumiere shifted her attention to the hanging Nessie as she floated up to help the newborn witch while Camelot was busy with the strange gold coin stuck to her scabbard.

"You're one of us now, child." The almost-a-century old magical girl gently cradled Nessie's form in a princess carry, allowing her to hold her broom normally before descending down to place the redhead's feet firmly back on the ground, "We will have much to speak about, you're owed explanations and we will provide them, but for now however..." The white-clad magical girl raised her gaze at her brethren, "We should not linger here, everyone," Lumiere addressed them, all of whom were literal teenagers unlike herself, "Please save any pleasantries once we've returned to Marrywell."

With that, Lumiere disengaged Sefirot, her form shifting into that of Lucette once more, mundane clothes of cotton fabric instead of a white-gold bridal gown, crown, and obelisk wings, pupils a normal black dot instead of glowing white orbs. Without further ado, she would hold Nessie's hand - or not if the Scot didn't wish to - and guide her toward the direction of Marrywell Academy.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I mean, I'd assumed this scene would go slightly longer than that, but it makes sense to clear out quickly from the site of such a big conflict. Long as someone handles Nessie getting down safe (or she does it herself), Camelot will be right along with her.

Yeah, like, it really doesn’t make IC sense to hang around there for tea and biscuits LOL!
Hmmmmm... I think my next post will involve Lumiere guiding the girls home to Marrywell Academy (for those who chooses to follow, it's not an order).
Funny that Ozma and Nessie seem to be the only ones that use broomsticks, heh. That's all I'll add to fuel the fire. Maybe it's just a coincidence though, who knows...

Both redheads too.

@Lewascan2 Heeey, great post!

Just wanna make sure that you OOCly know that Lumi has spent like 90% of her mana holding back the giant construct, so she’s as exhausted as Goodhope is.

If you already know that and it’s just Camelot making an IC error of judgment, then all’s good~
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