Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@ShadowSunRisen When it comes to shaping buildings, how big can the building can be when constructed within seconds?

Since the CS mentioned Valeria being able to construct buildings within seconds. Can she like pop up an empire state building in a few seconds?
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Lol, guess we were looking in different places. I was actively searching for a Magical Girl one and only happened across this one by luck and a lot of digging honestly.

I think it’s because I also counted those that have already started and also RPs that are not exactly Magical Girl, but close enough like this Mecha (Magical) Girl RP I’m in.
@ShadowSunRisen Well, to be fair, we did lose 2 players a while back, so I could see you getting in. Wishing you luck!
I definitely empathize with just making a CS anyway after being hit with the inspiration stick, and there really are seemingly too few good Magical Girl RPs on here.

Funnily, I have the exact opposite mindset, I think there are a bit too many magical girl (and isekai) rps on here.

I mean, I love mahou shoujo, but not everyone is me, more variety is always healthier for the site as a whole.
Very nice opening posts, GM. I’m an addict for reading and writing longass novel posts so keep ‘em coming!

Stoked my muse real hard, gonna write once I arrive home tonight.

You're also in two RPs that I GM for, soooooo.

Psssh mere child’s play compared to Zombehs.
Zombehs (and Izu, but he's irrelevant) is the one person here who've I've RPed with too much. I'd personally prefer not being stuck with him here too.

Don’t even dishonor me with that notion, I’ve only been RPing with you again for the last 6 months. >:(

Zombehs has been with you consistently for like a decade plus. :)
Hmm... So with that taken into account, it looks like our pairs would be...

1: Nathaniel and Julian

2: Liese and Dot

3: Kai and Zen

4: Rossweine and Signar

Is that okay with everyone, or would anyone want to be switched around on that list?

Looks good to me!

--Operation Status: Success--

"Infernus, confirming that Skulker Warped has been neutralized, over."

With all four Apex Warped slain, it looked like the hardest part of this operation was over, sure it would be folly to underestimate an enemy as unpredictable as the Warped, but Pyra would be lying if she didn't welcome the deescalating biomass assault; the exertion against her Chi-Mechframe and body was getting harder to ignore now, but it was still within tolerable levels. She could reliably keep going, especially if it's just mopping up the small fries; exhaling once, she swiveled around in the air and flew her way back to regroup with Hoshiko.


Later that night, being one of the flight-capable Frame Pilots, Pyra consciously decided to fly back to Horizon by herself instead of boarding the helicopter, for the specific reason to allow the vehicle more room for those who needed the ride, including but not limited to Frame Pilots and other types of personnel. Landing back at one of the hangar bays, she touched-down before the wings of her boots extinguished themselves.

"Infernus, disengage."

With the command, her biomechanical armored dress and lance seemingly burned up into nothing in quick sputters of reddish-orange tongues, leaving the brunette clad only in her dark leotard undersuit as Infernus had compacted into its bracelet form. "Nnnmgh..." She stretched her limbs for a moment, sighed in that "runner's high" style, and sauntered her way into the engineering bay, time to return the Chi-Mechframe to Mr. Igor for maintenance and storage.

A quick shower and change of clothes later, the off-duty pilot could be found in her casual apparel, relaxing in the mess hall with a glass of multi-flavored parfait in front of her. Her left hand meticulously scooped the sugar-laden comfort food into her mouth while blue eyes focused on the augmented reality UI projected by her red-rimmed glasses, browsing the internet for various stuff; watching relaxing videos, scrolling through funny memes, etc.

--Mission Report: Inconclusive--

Phew... Much to her genuine relief, Protector could indeed see reason and decided that the children were worth her life more than Billy's lofty ambitions, what with the Freelancers' original goal of slaying Justin and rescuing this Betty no longer an option. As things stood, it was just the White WBitch left and though it had just been an inkling before, the brunette's confidence that Maiden was both freelancer and Maverick terrorist was growing stronger by the second. This... bloodthirsty need for vengeance, she couldn't deny it, a primal part of her urged her to tie up loose ends, one by one; Viper, Lenore, Maiden... all must die.

Thus, it came as a bit confusing when Dr. Fritzi - who had transformed into Vermilion Veronica - gave a direct order to the sniper to... hold her fire out of all things. Valkyrie blinked once, and considering her habit of not doing that at all whenever she's in esper form, the seemingly minor gesture spoke a thousand words. Every inch of her except her vocal cords were screaming in barely-restrained protest, the faux stoic look of an internally screaming woman. However, in the end, the incentives of her employment won out against her desire to murder Klava. And besides, just to make herself feel better about it, she entertained the thought that Lady Vermillion had something sneaky up her frilly sleeves. That wink again... what is it with these people and winks? Silmeria mused as impassive orange stared against dimly-glowing red.

Thus, when Faceless Douchebag's arcane light went out, Valkyrie stood still even as Leroux warned her that an enemy was nearby, index finger engaging trigger discipline. She trusted her two melee-focused comrades to intercept the escaping terrorists - White Bitch included - and just watched the show as Orion's beam magnum shattered said Frost Fuck's sorry excuse of modern art (Still better than Justin's boar bestiality sculpture though). She exhaled a slow heavy sigh, regretting the fact that she could've shot Maiden's literal ass during that generous window of light provided by the Knight of Tomorrow's Melody. Hey, those motherfuckers were running in a straight line with their backs turned to a railgun sniper after all, but orders were orders. After the tangoes were out of sight, Valkyrie just waited with the rest of the team while Veronica, Leroux, and Wukong gave chase.

A few moments later, the pursuers returned... but without Billy in their hands, although they did nab someone else, Jezebel by the looks of things, one of Maverick's officers. Well, she wasn't Billy, yes, but each neutralized or captured traitor of humanity was a win for all civilized folks. Flightless Angel, what an apt name, they certainly wouldn't be flying once their wings are clipped, hopefully she'd get the electric chair after GEMINI extracted all the information they could to hunt down the rest of her kind. That look, that delicious glaring look, yes, she loved an enemy who made it all the easier to dehumanize them.

"I'm sure this won't be the last time we'll see Justin's coven and the Mavericks," The sniper esper raised a little shrug, "I can vouch for Protector at least, I believe she truly only wanted to save the innocent, same with that steampunk kid. However, I believe it's obvious by now that the ice bitch is a Maverick... subhuman scum just like Viper and Lenore." Her calm voice was practically bubbling with vengeful fury just underneath the surface before it relaxed back to neutral stoicism without much fanfare, "Affirmative, Doctor."

Intent on following the order, Valkyrie disengaged esper form, her signature electromagnetic railgun and plain brown jacket vanishing into orange sparks. Then she simply departed from the mission area, preferably with the rest of the team, she could use some coffee and ice cream, yeah, coffee-flavored ice cream maybe? Yeah that'd be nice.

Although it looked like Silhouette would need to be spoonfed...

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 16
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