Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Alright, I've decided on the list of characters I'm adding to begin with-...

Looking like we'll have a somewhat unbalanced gender ratio pretty much regardless of which sheets I pick, though, so this may end up going the reverse harem route if a lot of people decide to pursue romance angles. Gonna be a wild ride. XD

Niiice, Julian has all the choices there from all kinds of bishonens, and even a yuri and a pseudo-yuri route, the former with an actual girl and the latter with a boy soul in the body of a girl.

This is about half my planned post, but I don't have the energy to finish it tonight.

Oh? Will this mean there’ll be another back-to-back Lilac post? Pog!
This is the 3rd time over the last few months that I’ve seen a PC using Thorns as a faceclaim, and the previous two all died, hopefully Zenshin will be The Boy Who Lived.
@BrokenPromise @ERode

Improving Valkyrie's Genre from Bronze -> Silver.

P.S: Moved "Nibelung Valesti" to Genre's Special, while replacing Instrument's Special with "Gungnir".

--Scheisse Morgen--

"...?!" Like a spooked kitten, Lucretia slumped form jolted the moment Valeriya touched her, no need for the Russian Engineer to shake her roommate awake there for sure. A few seconds of deliriousness later, memories of what transpired last night came in waves; the Man-Bat Egoist individual must have carried her here, and since the entrances and windows were locked, he simply did the next best thing he could that didn't involve property damage. The white-haired Polymath hissed between clenched teeth, feeling aching pain all over her body, as if her muscles were on fire.

Due to her current condition, she welcomed Valeriya's offer to help, even if it was something as simple as drying her mist-soaked body up and then preparing a fresh set of clothes while the younger girl showered to scrub off all of the salt, dirt, and grime away. Moments later, Lucy was all cleaned up, ready to begin her day. She still felt rather shitty, but the noblewoman was nothing but diligently ambitious and the myriad of events leading up to now merely burned her desire to get to the bottom of all this; she now had no doubts why Pax Occidenta sent her here, the academy was merely sugarcoating something sinister, something wrong with this island, and she'd be damned if she didn’t uncover the truth.

After having a proper breakfast, tinkered Schwarzritter, and finally dropping off the reprogrammed floating drone to be sent to Sukuro Jinga, she moved on with her day. First order of business? Find Herr Steiner and make him see reason, also inquiring him if he knew anything about whatever went on during the night, the source of that fog, and who in the name of Paracelsus was that bat Egoist?! So many questions needed answering and woe to those who'd deny Lucretia von Konigsmahne the answers she deserved.
@Izurich Have you never played Sonic Unleashed?!

Seriously though, here is link with some information:


My last Sonic Game was Sonic Adventure 2 (the one Shadow first appeared in) when I was in middle school.

Oh, whaaaaaaat? So the “hog” stands for Hedgehog, not Boar/Tusked Pig? Okay, curiosity satisfied, thank you, Jones.

--Shattered Ringu--

@VitaVitaAR @Medili @Mole

The One Born in Fire inquired and so her comrades-in-arms answered, the current situation assessed, Titania and Selene could handle the Human Centipede just fine while the defense team could use a bit of assistance to handle one of the two Apex Warped assailing them.

"Affirmative, defense team. Infernus moving to assist K-01 and Supplice, stand by for air support, over."

Boot-wings of fire blazed a fiery trail as she disengaged from the frontlines, confident that Hinotori already received the memo and was fully aware that she'd be going solo for the short future. Accessing the real-time data network shared by all of the deployed Chi-Mechframes, Infernus quickly triangulated the exact coordinates of this Skulker Warped thing, a creature that was similar to how Deathstalker would operate. From what she understood, that meant it should be moving erratically and difficult to lock down, and yet... it was staying still.

"All yours, Infernus! Light 'em up!"

Supplice's notification combined with a screen displaying both her and K-01's frame's perspective was all the confirmation she needed; there was no need for Infernus to make direct visual contact, the artillery had received its coordinates and it would do its job. "All Japanese Infantry, clear the immediate area around the long-haired gangly Warped ASAP!" Pyralis enunciated one last time to really make sure that even the most absent-minded of soldiers would haul ass from there, then with that last warning, Infernus simply pointed forward with her free right hand.

"Agni Enfilade!"

Without delay, all of the flaming spheres orbiting her frame launched off simultaneously, soaring in a wide arc, perfectly calculated to shell their assigned coordinates.


A short moment later, Supplice, K-01, Gangly Crab Warped, and most importantly, the JSDF infantry could see a meteor shower heading straight for the mutant monster's location. It didn't take long for the multiple fireballs to home on it, but not all of the spheres landed exactly on top of it, a few were deliberately targeting the ground around it in a circular pattern; it seemed like the one responsible intended to cut off its means of escape as even if it managed to leap away from its current spot, it'd only jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. The ensuing explosions occured nigh-simultaneously, making them sound as if it was one big bomb instead. Its fate was surely sealed...

...and even if it somehow survived, like the Hawk from earlier, her allies already stood ready to deliver the Coup de Grace.
Expressing my continued interest
I thought about posting a sort of resume but that'd be stupid

You know… we are applying for an elite military academy…
And posted. In which Tomoe Gozen is triggered by betrayal and Roma considers drowning a monkey personally.

Lumiere would be like, “It is true that I’m but an imitation of an angel, no more real than Camelot is King Arthur, Dynasty Queen is Monkey King, and Ozma is the Wizard of Oz.”

Merlin might be so far the only profiled character who’s the actual central figure of her grimoire, she is herself.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>
Despite her attachment to Wilhelmina, this is definitely the trade Camelot would suggest if one occurred. After all, given how irrational she considers Tesni to be, she'd be genuinely worried for Olivia if the latter was on the same team as the former, given this whole Tsubasa thing.

Niiice, that means I’m getting better at getting into Chinami’s headspace.
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