--Where I Stand--
Ah Faen... but at the very least she already expected the bullets to not work judging by how a rocket-propelled grenade simply phased through the ghost, well now she regretted wasting so much of her mana to try murdering that fake nun, but there was no use crying over spilled milk. That wink though... Lenore did it too, must be something that Justin told his henchmen to do, huh?
That maneuver failed, Valkyrie opted to join what most of the espers here were doing, smashing the furniture so these poltergeist caspers would have nothing to possess and attack with, although the nature of her weapon - and lack of mana - made the endeavor quite difficult, a warhammer like Leroux's would be so much better suited in this situation. Still, doing
something was better than nothing - looking at
you, John "Silhouette" Cena - so Silmeria simply used her rifle as an improvised blunt instrument, smashing and smacking with its barrel and butt. The combined efforts of GEMINI, Mavericks, and Freelancers made short work of Justin's luxury furnishings, rendering the 'wall esper' essentially harmless. Then, the return of the B&B intimidated the ethereal asshat enough to turn tail and run. Good riddance, no more of that bullshit...
...which also meant no more mutual enemy for the opposing espers to focus upon. Valkyrie sighed with closed eyes as she felt the tension returning once more, the very same tension as when Binky talked Billy before the whole altercation began. Speaking of the Double Bs, only Billy returned and he looked worse for the wear, what happened to Binky? Did they get Justin? Oh, right, there she was, all bruised and battered. Well, both of them were still alive so... either mission accomplished or Justin somehow escaped really.
Whatever presumption the two groups decided to lean upon, it would be rendered obsolete as Doctor Veronica herself arrived, confirming that the oh-so-powerful vampire also pulled a Gunther, whimpering away with his tail between the legs.
"Tch..." Goddammit, so despite what his extravagance would suggest, Dis-Count Dracula was more pragmatic than arrogant, huh? This certainly complicated things. Again, this just meant more missions to this grand operation of vampire hunting; Justin, Sofron, Lenore, Gunther, and whoever the fuck Betty was, Valkyrie's hunting list as far as this coven was concerned. Between them, Tony the Tiger, Viper, and the Mavericks, the sniper certainly had her work cut out for her.
Nonetheless, right here, right now, the immediate concern was these subhuman terrorists and their hired goons. She had half the mind to quip that Fritzi was wasting her time and energy trying to lecture the Freelancers, but decided against it for two important reasons: One was not wanting to jeopardize her employment more than she already did after the Tiger Tony backup fiasco, two was that there was a kid among the Freelancers here; if
at least he could be convinced to stand down and peacefully leave, it'd be worth it. As for the Mavericks, well, what surprise was there? Both Billy and Justin were monsters leading other monsters and monster cock-sucking humans, only a simpleton would believe that Billy's main motive was altruistic; he wanted to have this whole place to himself, the big bastard.
After her little lecture, the purple-haired scientist-director proceeded to give the henchmen an ultimatum, one that was already generous considering the circumstances. So far, this resulted in the emo child and the faceless douchebag retreating, good for them, there was no reason for any more children to get hurt, even if this one was an esper.
For her part, Valkyrie gave a brief subtle begging look toward Protector, hoping the nursery teacher inside could see reason and just... return to her children, a night and day difference when she turned at Klava, though her expression remained outwardly neutral, her right index finger twitched once, hoping,
craving for the Ice Bitch to stand with Billy, give her a legal reason to return the favor of that little dagger-to-neck stunt she pulled earlier. Frost Fucker didn't decide to finish the job, just as Lenore didn't, and that was a mistake she was going to pay dearly.
But for the moment, until each of the Freelancers made their decision, the sniper esper could only do one thing.
"..." Overwatches
21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)
DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500
PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 16