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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @JDubs @ERode @Laduguer @Medili @Mole

"..." Pyralis kept her blue eyes peeled as she kept a firm grip over her lance while it was still belching the fiery beam, surely no one wanted for her to slip and accidentally scorch a Japanese soldier or two, right? With her ADS protecting her from stray projectiles being lobbed her way, she could focus on angling the draconic beam so the Avian Warped would be caught in it. Auspiciously, Hinotori's 'rider kick' - its power compounded by the combination of her boosters and natural gravity - managed to literally blow a gaping hole through its right wing, crippling its ability to fly as it fell through the sky-...

…-straight into a waiting stream of dragonfire just below. Like an insect to a venus flytrap, it was caught between the metaphorical dragon's jaws as the mutated creature came under fire, literally. While conventional flames would've done only minor damage to Warped hide and flesh, Infernus was created from their kind, engineered specifically to purge the unclean; as such, what was left after Pyralis' Infernal Buster petered out barely resembled the original creature; its right wing a mere cauterized stump, and its whole body blackened with lethal infernus-degree burns. It fell unceremoniously to the concrete below, a pathetic remnant of the once terrible bird. At this point, it'd actually be crueler to not finish it off, but Hoshiko took care of that by stomping its head, a mercy kill all things considered.

Meanwhile, Pyralis breathed out as the two diagonally-angled tube-shaped protrusions on the sides of her lance's head slid open, spewing excess flames and heat in a safe and controlled manner, like a car's twin exhausts; a standard procedure of the Chi-Mechframe each time its pilot used one of the big charged attacks as twas' difficult to calculate exactly how much power was needed to obliterate a foe, like sometimes the target might already be vanquished before Infernus finished releasing all of that destructive energy. Furthermore, rare as it might be, there's always a non-zero chance that an incident might occur where the attack must be canceled after it was charged, and having a specific mechanism to safely do that was a no-brainer.

With their immediate high priority threat dealt with, Infernus quickly surveyed the battlefield. It seemed there were only Onis left in this area, but she's generally aware that the other teams were facing Apex Warped of their own based on their comms. The Human Centipede, the Flaming Komainu, and the... - for a lack of better words - Invisible Stalker. With that context, Pyralis spoke into the comms, addressing every member of the team.

"Infernus here, do any of you need assistance? Over."

If none replied with an affirmative, she'd assume that they got things under control over there and would proceed to continue what she did before the Bird Apex showed up, which was cleaning up the area of mutants together with Hinotori.

--Approaching the Overcast Overseer--

@Sonnambula @Ponn @Villamvihar

As the quartet soared up to cull the skybound Pageless before it could wreak havoc on the ground, Lumiere had no illusion that it would just sit there and let them invade its personal space. Thus, when the golden eyes flickered, the white-clad seraph instinctively willed her wings to form two barriers, each composed of four obelisks, but the attack was so swift that while the divine shields could already protect herself, their mistress didn't manage to move them in time to guard her comrades. As a result, a telekinetic force slammed against Goodhope and Lake Lady, causing both of them to lose their grip on their respective method of aerial transport.

"..." Lumiere's reaction to it was… uncannily calm all things considered, perhaps too calm from what a layman would expect from a "15 year old", magically powered or not, it was as if... she had been in this situation before. Even as Goodhope screamed in fear, Rose shouting in slight panic, and Lake Lady's fingers slipped from her broom, Lumiere simply watched with her glowing white pupils, expression locked into the stoic neutrality that's so commonly seen on her visage. If Camelot was here, she expected the paladin to chastise her for being so 'cruelly callous', yes she would say that, for the blonde placed too little faith on her peers' ability to take care of themselves.

Why should Lumiere be concerned? In fact, this was a good lesson to learn, always be aware of your surroundings, especially when in the obvious presence of a Pageless, disregard this and one shall suffer the consequences. Even if Xolys didn't catch Goodhope in time, or the winds didn't slow down her fall, even if Lady Lake didn't conjure her cushioning water bed, even if none of those happened and the two magical girls fell to the ground, they would live; not only that, they would still be able to get back up and continue without extensive healing. Ordinary humans had survived a fall from this height, let alone their grimoire-blessed bodies; unless a magical girl was particularly cursed with an exceedingly poor constitution, a simple fall from terminal velocity was well within the realms of survivable injuries.

Lumiere went out of her way to protect Wilhelmina a couple years back and Nessie a few days ago with the nuance that they were still ordinary humans, now was no longer the case and they needed not to be watched over like fragile flowers anymore, sheltered from even the slightest of harm. Camelot would do this... and carry everything on her shoulders, a naively idealistic dream of a storybook hero.

To further drive that point home, as it turned out, the two falling girls had powers enabling them to cushion their fall; they would be safe by themselves even without outside intervention, though unlike Nessie, Wilhelmina still couldn't fly on her own so Xolys made the right call to catch her.

"Brace yourself, girls," The seraph spoke calmly once everyone had regrouped, "It is obvious, but the assault will only get more intense as we close the distance. It's clear that the Pageless sees us as a threat." With that word of warning, she then turned at the pair of eldritch lovers, "With a Pageless like this, it matters not even if it doesn't target Ethereal Rose directly, the wide area covered by its attacks will inevitably catch Olivia as a form of collateral damage." It would be foolish to think that her pacification aura meant she's completely immune from harm's way, but Lumiere figured the two already knew this. Next, she addressed the only ginger of the team, "The same as what transpired in the construction site, Lady Nessie, Pageless - hostiles - attempting to neutralize us." Finally, Lumiere deliberately didn't address Goodhope's stuttering panic, there wasn't anything she could do to make her feel better as her primary concern was Xolys instead of the Pageless, it's a fear that she must conquer herself.

"Agreed, Pageless first. Keep your senses focused and preemptively prepare defensive countermeasures for the inevitable." With a firm nod, she began soaring up again, keeping her wings in their twin barrier formation, orbiting around her like a pair of moons, each of them poised to react in a split-second should Lumiere detected an attack or two.
Oh daaaaaamn, the interest blew up alright, an overabundance of players, aaah... both a blessing and a curse.

On a PC note, here is Liese's faceclaim in a dress.

A nice what-if thing coz' ICly, the only way you can get Liese to wear a dress is you'd need to kill them and dress their cold dead body in one. Still, they don't look half bad I'd say, but don't let Liese hear anyone saying that tho.
<Snipped quote by Murphys Law>

No one knows. Any new changes can't be rolled out until Mahz shows up as he alone has access to the back door of the site. But no one knows where he is, not even the mods.

He’s somewhere in Mexico cause he works there and prefers to stay there while he does because constantly crossing the borders back and forth is a pain.
...Which is actually pretty bad, now that I think about it, since we have no light users! :thonk:

Eeeeey, c’mon, we all know it’s Prince Rossweine. He’s the only one directly related to the King!

If anyone screams “Spoilers!”, I will refer to you to an ophthalmologist for being so blindly oblivious. :P
@Feyblue Aaaaah, that’s a relief then, no ‘rona, nice.

when one character has all the elements.


You should be glad that I don’t make Liese have Light and Darkness too for the ultimate Powerplay.
Will just drop a small warning here, but I've come down with a pretty nasty... something, over the past day. Might be flu, might be COVID. So while I'm probably gonna have lots of free time to look over people's sheets, I'll also likely not be too super active because I just feel kinda bleh right now. Doesn't seem too serious, and I'm keeping an eye on it, so don't worry just yet -- just figured I'd let y'all know what's going on.

Damn, the damned ‘rona? Get well soon, Fey!
@IzurichAh, yeah, this is also true. Julian is very smol. Prolly like 5 foot 2 or something. Still has a little room to grow but she's probably gonna stay a bratty half pint compared to everybody else, particularly Liese.

Also, in another amusing inversion... Liese is a girl's name, but identifies as male. Julian is still very much a girl, but goes by a boy's name and... honestly might keep doing it even once her true identity is uncovered? Like, I feel like she'd just be used to being called Julian at that point. Might change it to Julie or Julia or Juliet or something, I guess, but I dunno.

I'd say keep Julian, for the reason you've mentioned. :P Liese ICly keeps his name because he feels it's not a big enough deal to bother, certainly nowhere as much as his female body.

I know I've been a bit quiet, working things out in the background. Honestly, think my character design I've sort of settled into is a good rival/foil for a few of the designs posted so far. Military prodigy, sort of "sport friend" type. A good rival to Liese, probably someone designed to sort of keep up with them in terms of skill and ambition, but Wants to drag everyone up to their potential not through inspiring leadership but tactical suggestions.

Basically, that one friend who is talented not because he's super magical, but because he can just think his way through a fight. Read moves, anticipate, find a counter. So nerdy in a fight? Still working out the kinks.

Ooooh! I like what I read so far~ Yes, yes, the blue oni to his red oni kind of dynamic.

Just poke me if there's anything I can help with that, if not, great! Looking forward to their interactions, with each other and all of the PCs.
@ERode: If I didn't feel like I wrote male characters pretty badly that might be an option. ^^;

But I'm also little worried about having a ton of princely types I guess? I'm trying to figure out something that plays well off the rest of the cast we have so far at least.

Make another blonde blue-eyed bifauxnen so we'll have triplets.
I think it'd be funny if, after he spends enough time around both of them, Kai becomes one of the few who can regularly tell them apart because he does it solely by scent, and then is always confused when other people can't. XD

Oooh, good point, I didn't think of that at all. Nice.

Which reminds me of a related note, Liese is two years older and on the taller side of things (for a girl her age in medieval/renaissance era standards), while Julian is younger and on the shorter side of things, so height is a visually reliable discerning trait.
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