@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @JDubs @ERode @Laduguer @Medili @Mole
"..." Pyralis kept her blue eyes peeled as she kept a firm grip over her lance while it was still belching the fiery beam, surely no one wanted for her to slip and accidentally scorch a Japanese soldier or two, right? With her ADS protecting her from stray projectiles being lobbed her way, she could focus on angling the draconic beam so the Avian Warped would be caught in it. Auspiciously, Hinotori's 'rider kick' - its power compounded by the combination of her boosters and natural gravity - managed to literally blow a gaping hole through its right wing, crippling its ability to fly as it fell through the sky-...
…-straight into a waiting stream of dragonfire just below. Like an insect to a venus flytrap, it was caught between the metaphorical dragon's jaws as the mutated creature came under fire, literally. While conventional flames would've done only minor damage to Warped hide and flesh, Infernus was created from their kind, engineered specifically to purge the unclean; as such, what was left after Pyralis' Infernal Buster petered out barely resembled the original creature; its right wing a mere cauterized stump, and its whole body blackened with lethal infernus-degree burns. It fell unceremoniously to the concrete below, a pathetic remnant of the once terrible bird. At this point, it'd actually be crueler to not finish it off, but Hoshiko took care of that by stomping its head, a mercy kill all things considered.
Meanwhile, Pyralis breathed out as the two diagonally-angled tube-shaped protrusions on the sides of her lance's head slid open, spewing excess flames and heat in a safe and controlled manner, like a car's twin exhausts; a standard procedure of the Chi-Mechframe each time its pilot used one of the big charged attacks as twas' difficult to calculate exactly how much power was needed to obliterate a foe, like sometimes the target might already be vanquished before Infernus finished releasing all of that destructive energy. Furthermore, rare as it might be, there's always a non-zero chance that an incident might occur where the attack must be canceled after it was charged, and having a specific mechanism to safely do that was a no-brainer.
With their immediate high priority threat dealt with, Infernus quickly surveyed the battlefield. It seemed there were only Onis left in this area, but she's generally aware that the other teams were facing Apex Warped of their own based on their comms. The Human Centipede, the Flaming Komainu, and the... - for a lack of better words - Invisible Stalker. With that context, Pyralis spoke into the comms, addressing every member of the team.
"Infernus here, do any of you need assistance? Over."
If none replied with an affirmative, she'd assume that they got things under control over there and would proceed to continue what she did before the Bird Apex showed up, which was cleaning up the area of mutants together with Hinotori.