Through a red mist, Louisa saw a myriad of monstrous shapes encroach, dissassemble, and disintegrate as she flowed with heavy momentum through the cycle of shove, cleave, shove, cleave that characterised the rhythm of her frontline strategy. Her enemies blended into a homogenous swarming mass, simple and animalistic in its fixation on her - an object in its path that dominated its limited zombified attention with its unusual refusal to die. In the gaps between the bestial and monstrous forms of the horde, she tried to ignore the twisted masks of human faces, clawing with uncannily familiar limbs, staring with eyes that remained frighteningly human in spite of their hollow absence. They were animals too. They were just as monstrous. Still... she wished the echidna parasite wasn't so cruel as to leave those last haunting vestiges of their humanity on show.
She felt the assault dwindling, and with a triumphant flair she threw her glaive with tremendous force into the hardened carapace of a heavier Warped lifeform, recalled it to her hand in a spray of ichor, and then leaped forward to decapitate the creature with a spinning arc of her blade. As it collapsed to the floor, her comms lit up with Teodora's warning. Feeling tremors in the ground, she snapped her vision upwards just in time to see the hulking shape of the Komainu warped hurtling towards her.
With little time to react, she made a short evasive hop backwards at the last moment, but was struck by a glancing blow from the impact and flew backwards, her body smashing through a crumbling barricade before crashing into the hood of a troop transport and coming to rest. She felt the reactive shock-plating in Grendel relax, leaving her with bruises where a regular human would be left with 206 broken bones. She stubbornly pulled herself out of the twisted and crumpled metal, as Seraphima announced the plan.
"Copy, KOI! Concentrating the dog -- something tells me I don't have a choice!"
The Komainu warped closed in, with Seraphima's aerobatic combat in the area giving Louisa enough space to gain a footing. Parrying a swipe of a massive paw and barely holding her footing, she bounded back with a heavy leap and hurled her glaive at the flank of the Komainu in an effort to harpoon its vitals. But missing its mark, it glanced off and Louisa recalled it to her hand with a frustrated grunt.
Already concerned about the course of the battle, her heart sank as Teodora and Seraphima turned their attention towards the new threat.
"Alright, Supplice, good spot! But can someone engage the thing that's visibly about to kill me?!"