Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Yes, you got the joke for once.


That is unironically a compliment considering it's me.
Probably also a matter of what education they’d receive before getting in. You have people like Julian who basically start out like those starter units in Fire Emblem that are massively over leveled and there to carry you through the first couple of chapters…and they’re like this before even applying to join the Knights.

Meanwhile you have commoners who were probably taught how to do their parents’ jobs.

I like how you already mistook Liese for Julian even before the RP starts.

Very nice. 8D Yes, yes, let the "twins" flow through you.
Posting again so the mention goes out properly, but...

@Izurich It just occurred to me. Since Liese's birth was recorded as the only child and heir apparent by default the family, then does that mean that the identity of "Liese" the knight candidate isn't a secret? I mean, just by being a rare genius in the form of an Absolute, the knights probably wouldn't risk losing that kind of talent by saying "no," but it would definitely cause some controversy and a lot of people assuming that it's just the childish whims of a spoiled girl and "she'll give up soon enough." Could be a good reason, too, why your chara ends up sorted into the misfit squad with our gang of doofuses -- it's just another way of quietly encouraging "her" to give up and go study under the royal magicians for the good of the country rather than chasing weird dreams of knighthood, or something.

Also also, I actually REALLY like the cosmic coincidence of the Null and the Absolute who might be a reincarnation of Alexander himself looking like they're twins. Makes for some fun plot and themes and stuff. :3

Hmmmmm… that’s another good point, and I like it, yes, both OOCly interesting to distinguish the two bifauxnens (aka: “Reverse-Traps”) further and ICly logical. It’ll be hilarious for the more feminine of the two to be the one actually disguised as a boy while the other’s physical gender is a public secret.

Let’s implement the idea!
@Feyblue Hmmm... you brought up good points, thus, I've decided to follow your advice and just go forward with my original concept!

And so, my CS is up for review!

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

This does sound like a fun ride, and I could definitely see Julian getting that sort of inferiority complex in that kind of situation, but unfortunately I'm not sure if I can make it work with Julian's whole secret backstory and reason for becoming a knight. I've got some secret family drama for her down the line and other stuff I'm sitting on, which would make her having a twin kind of difficult to pull off.

Though, I do very much like the idea of having an Absolute character to serve as a foil to miss magic-less over here, so... hmm. Honestly, we could maybe just have them coincidentally be lookalikes and try to take advantage of it by claiming to be family? Not sure...

On another humorous note, I also just realized that even our profile pictures look similar -- straight bangs, long silver hair, yellow eyes. Talk about a wacky coincidence. XD

I expected this issue too, stemmed from the secret backstory part of the CS. Therefore I actually have a "Plan B" in hand. What if we pull the good ol' "Twins separated at birth" trope? So they're physically identical by virtue of actually being related, but shared no backstory (beyond the first few minutes of their lives as newborns).

Oh, that'd be a nice dose of cosmic coincidence, but too bad that my profile picture has red eyes, she's Elysion from Sound Horizon.


You know, after a workout session and a good refreshing shower, one of those "so crazy, it just might work" ideas came to me.

What about we double down on this cosmic coincidence and make our PCs actually twins? They both agreed that gender roles are a whole load of BS and pulled this scheme together to attend the academy as the "Baker Twins".

To add spice to the formula, I think my PC will be an Absolute, so they might be physically identical, but their magical affinities are direct opposites. I think based on what I've read about Julian, we can have sort of a "sibling jealousy" dynamic with Julian seeing [Insert Twin Name] as basically herself, but better in every way (which is not true, of course, but teenage drama and all that).

I'm just spitballing wild ideas here, none of these is set in stone, let me know what you think.
Reality in a JPRG Fantasy universe? We're here to escape reality, damn it.

On related note regarding said GMPC, by some pure cosmic coincidence and/or perhaps Lady Fate had a twisted sense of humor, Julian Baker's concept and looks are pretty much identical to the PC I'm working on.

You see this and try telling to my face that they don't look identical, sans clothes sure, but people have more than one clothes.

And I'm certainly not going to spoil Fey's fun by applying an identical twin from another mother, so unless I come up with something new, take my current stance as amicably withdrawing my interest. I will inform you should my muse take me somewhere, but don't hold your breath for me.

Don't worry, I'm not even mad, it's an amazing freak coincidence.

--The Manbat Rises--


--Who You Gonna Call?--

@BrokenPromise @SilverPaw @FamishedPants @Crusader Lord @Ponn @Majoras End @ERode @OwO @Mantou

Focused on eliminating her target of a card-carrying jester, Valkyrie's mind pretty much drowned out all voices that she didn't recognize as her allies’; this meant that as far as she was concerned, the faceless chiseled douchebag was nothing more than some lunatic ranting off about something in the middle of a firefight. It didn't matter what he said, what mattered was the results of her shots. It was a bit difficult to observe with clarity, but she was confident that at least one of her sabots homed into that clown-bitch's body. To make matters even better, there was a lot more where that came from.

However, before she could serve Tetrad her second dose of piercing bullets, some Kabuki cosplayer went up all to her face. Silmeria's eyes and hands moved faster than her mind as she was already aiming the barrel right at Maiden's chest before she registered that she was asking a question. She'd have pulled the trigger too if not for the magical flashbang erupting nearby, blanketing the room with blinding light. "...!" Valkyrie was forced to look away and for the sole reason that she might commit friendly fire like this, she erred away from shooting Klava.

Then, much to her surprise, Breacher decided to stand down and talk instead, the very same person who decided to engage hostilities mere moments ago, Valkyrie wasn't sure that she approved of this two-faced approach to the situation. Make up your goddamn mind, you horny bitch... But of course, she kept it all in her head, no need to further overcomplicate the situation.

Really, when it came down to it, the only non-agent here that she'd proactively hunt down was Tetrad, the terrorist that she was; the Freelancers were in the wrong too, yes, but not as much, Valkyrie could understand the allure of monetary compensation. Hell, she first accepted this job because the pay was good, and it only became personal once she realized that she had the power to make a difference, avenge her sister's death and prevent anyone else from suffering the same fate.

The sniper kept overwatch while the two conversed, raising her gun at the three stooges that recently arrived. "..." One of them was Protector, there was only one esper around who looked like that. A heavy sigh left her lips, physical this time, regretting the fact that she had allowed herself to form some kind of personal connection with Aria. In the end, she was a freelancer and her allegiance was as fickle as the hands of fate. Well, Aria was an adult, she knew the risks of working for an enemy of the state. It was nothing personal...

Although by the looks of things, they weren't going to fight anymore and it seemed the only identifiable Maverick member in this room remained just Tetrad, the rest of these idiots were freelancers, including the young boy clearly waaay over his head. Well, whatever, orders were orders.

When Gunther reared his ugly mug, "Is that the ‘wall esper’ over there?" Silmeria inquired with all the deadpan tone that only someone who had worked in the service industry could pull off. Another sigh, time to get back to work. The sniper esper proceeded to fire three shots at Gunther's torso, see if her physical-based instrument could do something at this ethereal foe in lieu of her lack of mana; judging from the fact that the goth freelancer’s rocket simply phased through him though, her prospects weren’t great, but she still had to try, not like she needed to conserve ammo anyway.

Then whether it succeeded or not, she'd move away from the animated suits of armor, she didn't fancy getting a claymore to the face at the moment.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 16
Nice! Now imma tag the peeps for that sweet dopamine-inducing notification

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