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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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The Knights RP is pretty much this, but the other way around:

Eh, as fun as I'd find it I decided to try and figure out a rough concept for an actual male character. Bare in mind it's like 5:15am right now so there's a chance I'll change things later and this is very rough but still.

Heeeey, we can be great foils if the rp ends up taking off. Basically Girly Boy x Boyish Girl, nice.

Hahah, imagine though.

Everyone but one player for the Knight idea is a female in disguise...and the RP instantly becomes a standard shounen harem instead.

I unironically don't mind playing as a harem member PC to a harem master/mistress character, and vice versa.
I’ve pushed this morbid curiosity to the back of my mind for a month now, but I can’t take it anymore so here goes:

What… is a werehog? Is it like a werewolf, but tusked pig instead? Is it like Inosuke from Demon Slayer, but the boar head is his actual head instead of a mask?
Hmmmmmmmmmm… so another vote would be the tiebreaker, huh?

Reading To Become A Knight gave me a fun character idea, one that I’m more interested to play than the other plots so my vote goes to that one, if that helps to shatter the indecisive anxiety. :P

Also, conveniently, that’s the plot that works as a Group RP the best out of three.

--Caught in the Night--

After the dinner with the Head of the Public Safety Committee, the German Polymath decided that it was in her best interest to locate Franz Steiner immediately. As far as she was concerned, this was an urgent matter and the sooner she monopolized Franz's attention, the better it'd be for everyone, yes including the madwoman's defense team; being around Jeanne wouldn't be good for anyone, the best place for the blonde to be was in a secured padded cell deep inside an asylum for the criminally insane. Thus, even though it had been hours since the sun had set, Lucy didn't return to her castle-like abode.

One could argue that it was a poor move, trying to locate a Mesmerologist infamously known for being a slimy conman so late in the day, and that hypothetical argument would eventually become irrefutable as the bells rang...

...and Lucretia was still outside, nowhere close to her assigned dorm.

"...?!" Now no longer sheltered within the confines of castle walls, the bell's sheer volume struck Lucy at full force, causing the petite girl to jolt a bit; lips pursed, green eyes darting about nervously as a mysterious mist began rolling in, blanketing everything around her in their damp presence. She... didn't like this, this fog... it wasn't natural, wouldn't even take a savant to notice it.

Although Lucy hated to admit it, she felt tension gripping her body, eliciting that primal fight-or-flight response as she voice-commanded Schwarzritter to activate. The steel golem unfurled into its full imposing frame, providing its mistress with a sense of safety as they began trekking the long way back to the castle dormitory.

--Warped Winds and Blazing Ignitions--

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR

"Nnngh...!!" Pyra gritted her teeth as her literally-named "Protection'' force field buckled under the pressure of the shrapnel-choked wind beam. Even though Infernus was sturdier than Chi-Mechframes such as Titania and Selene, it was never designed for reliably tanking heavy attacks consistently unlike Grendel, and as such, the huge beam was cracking the barrier at an alarming rate, threatening to completely overwhelm the Frame Pilot behind it due to its sheer size. Fortunately, pilots rarely worked alone and Hinotori's uppercut disrupted the offensive, allowing Infernus a room to breathe.

The brunette narrowed her eyes as her boot-wings flapped and she soared through the sky, deciding that being on the move is still a better tactical option than staying still; she kept her eyes on the Warped while her active defense system continued topping up the amount of fireballs floating around her to respond against the lobbed debris that got too close for comfort. It turned out to be the right move as Pyra managed to evade the flying Warped's second beam, massively helped by the fact that it was trying to hit both Infernus and Hinotori at the same time, resulting in the beam being fired at an awkward angle, thus easier to avoid even with Infernus' meager agility.

She then received a message from Hinotori, conveying her intention for their enemy. "Acknowledged, Hinotori, pin it down if you can, over." Pyra stopped moving and held Infernus' lance with both hands - her left on the sidegrip situated at around one-third from its tip and her right on the shaft further back nearer to its hilt - for better control of the aiming process. At the same time, the lance's dragon-shaped head sprouted four wings of flame, their shape similar to the ones on her boots, albeit these were used to charge an attack instead of providing aerial movement.

Assuming Hinotori's plan worked at keeping the bird-like abomination's attention off her, Infernus' lance would begin feeding itself with boosters stored in specialized cartridges held inside the magazine attached to its neck. The biomechanical weapon would absorb the energies stored in said cartridges before ejecting it to allow for another cartridge to take its place in an automatic process that resembled an assault rifle ejecting empty bullets. With each booster consumed, its head-wings grew longer and the flames coalescing between its jaws intensified. "..." Pyra took a deep breath as she aimed the weapon at the avian menace, it was time to give the bastard a taste of its own medicine.

"Infernal… Buster!!"

The One Born in Fire willed the gathered power to release as a huge beam of concentrated dragonfire blazed through the air, scorching, melting, and incinerating anything unlucky enough to be in its way. If all went according to plan, the beam would consume her target into naught by ash. As for Hinotori, her defiant shout wasn't just to activate the attack, but doubly served as a warning for the younger girl to get out of the way of a potential friendly fire, in quite a literal sense for this particular case.
Who will solve the storm Pageless' mystery first. I wonder.

Ozma, KS-ing at the last moment.

@BrokenPromise @SilverPaw @FamishedPants @Crusader Lord @Ponn @Majoras End @ERode@OwO

Not a moment too soon, the cabbage-haired esper made her appearance, all fresh and chipper unlike the rest of the GEMINI team. The sole reason that Valkyrie didn't even think of dumping kerosene on top of those green locks were the established fact that her esper form only lasted thirty seconds a couple minutes, and the last fight sure lasted a hell lot more than a couple minutes; every second she could save for Justin was worth it to the point where sacrificing a few lives was still the better option in the long run.

"Sooner or later, we'll find that fake nun and end her heresy, the fact that she and Silhouette seemed to know each other should help to track her down." But Lenore was but a small obstacle to the real meat of this operation, that being purging Justin's existence, "Tiger Tony the human trafficker monster apparently had half a brain since he escaped the moment we culled more than half of his pack, but hopefully this bloodsucker is too arrogant for that." The ostentatious decor of his godforsaken home seemed to imply this was the case. Twas' not only Binky who had an apathetic expression to the death and destruction around them, a common occurrence amongst people in jobs that involved witnessing grievous harm and death on a regular basis really, being too sensitive in this line of work wouldn't be good for you, just look at Orion.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, we shall not let these innocents' deaths be in vain. The more we delay, the more this world has to suffer his presence, let's go." She nodded firmly at Veronica's Punching Bag as the agents made their way deeper into the mansion, inching ever closer to the inner sanctum.

...or so they would if not for a slight delay when Leroux suggested the idea of using Lada's hemomancy to 'top up' their mana, something Valkyrie honestly hoped would work as well, but unfortunately, the facts said otherwise; worse than being a high risk high reward gamble, the gimmick wouldn't do much for an esper, merely wasting Lada's mana for meager returns. Well, at least there was no harm suggesting it.

The discussion finished, the septet marched onward.


Entering another open chamber of the cursed mansion, just like before, Valkyrie subconsciously tuned out all of the superficial decorations: the tiled floors, furniture, sculpture of bestiality, and everything else that wasn't relevant to the mission, they would all be burned down soon anyway. What caught her immediate attention was the distinct larger-than-life presence of Billy Black, monster and leader of the terrorist organization dubbed 'Maverick Alternative'. Well, him and his cohorts, most of which Valkyrie could recognize, either through intel or recent experience; Tetrad, a maverick esper (Read: terrorist), and the rest... freelancers, from the Cobra Gang operation; that oriental ice queen, the faceless chiseled douchebag, and... what was a child doing here with them? Hooo... roping even children into his cause, that was to be expected from a lawless organization led by a literal monster!

"..." Valkyrie's orange eyes subtly narrowed with the callous hatred that she pretty much reserved for all monsters and espers who took their side, no exceptions. Her trigger finger was itchy to take a shot at Billy, but her sense of self-preservation - fueled by her knowledge of Billy's might - kept her in line. Hearing Binky's exchanges with him made her mentally roll her eyes, Justin and Billy, there was little distinction between them, both of them do NOT belong here on god's good earth. They all should return to the shithole where they came from and stay there, that or just perish really. Frustratingly at the moment, she didn't have the power to assert that ultimatum, but one day...

Right now, she could settle with thinning out his herd; the less brainwashed fools flocking under the wendigo monster, the better this world would be. As for the freelancers, well, as said before, they had made their choice and if they decided to go against the law, then the law would fight back, nothing personal.

It took barely any convincing from Breacher's sign language for Valkyrie to go with the plan. The moment Su moved, the brunette did the same, sprinting to take position behind the armoire on the opposite side of Tetrad's. See, there was this dilemma about going up against the railgun esper, unlike Breacher's hand cannon, Teslic Gauss cared naught for the presence of mundane cover. Valkyrie triangulated Tetrad's exact position based on sight and sound, aimed, and fired three sabots at her in that specific order; each of them would punch through the closet as if it didn't exist, then if all went well, they should puncture through the card-carrying bitch's vital organs. Whether she'd die instantly or painfully, it didn't matter, for as long as they ceased living.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 16
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Well, he does have wings, although up until now all he's done is a little gliding.

However, if the GMs are okay with it, I have no problem with him having full flight capability.

Even if that's not normally the case, we could just say it's a boost received from Goodhope's blessing.

Either way works fine for me.

A boost from Goodhope is fine.

Alright! NoEdits4Me.
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