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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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TL:DR: She's Goku.

And Goku is simply the Japanese reading of Wu Kong.

...and I just explained the joke. :(
Given Camelot is screaming at her, Lilac just Lariat a pile of Pageless into the ground that Suzuya firebombed, and Roma looks bizarre in a bridal carry in front of her, I’d say she’s suitably distracted from a triple sneak attack to the back.

I'd say that she's so much of a battle-maniac, her instincts are hyper-tuned to combat stuff while drowning out everything else. She might even move without consciously registering said moves first, ultra instinct style.

Also this is the Monkey King she emulates, a kinesthetically-genius acrobat who's strong, durable, and agile in equal measure. My money's on Tesni when it comes to direct mano-a-mano physical combat, even when outnumbered, especially against familiars.

In the worst case scenario, she simply face-tanks the hits and then return the favor (at least) tenfold.

Well, I guess that's the performance of a Grimoire that's 90% focused on direct combat abilities, and the few that aren't direct combat abilities can be used to increase combat performance even further.

--Wings of Woe--

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR

Through their Chi-Mechframes' in-built comms, Infernus heard the chatter of her fellow pilots going about their business, including the one from the supposedly stealthy Chi-Mechframe, Deathstalker, but she guessed that the traits purported by its namesake was exclusively reserved for the Warped. Xuan-Yu was assigned to the backmost squad, which came as a bit of surprise for Pyra as it wouldn't take a genius to deduce that he was best suited at the middle where he could be most maneuverable, picking off priority targets at the front or those that managed to slip by unnoticed. However, Horizon's combat strategists weren't idiots, there must be a good reason for Deathstalker's peculiar placement in this mission.

Regardless, she should let the defense team deal with their own task and focus on her own objectives, and what a wise move that was as another Apex Warped made its appearance; unlike the gigantic human centipede thing, this one was significantly smaller yet much faster, and most importantly, it was beelining straight at her! Even at first glance, it could be surmised that the thing was noticeably faster and more agile than Infernus, and whether through some sort of bestial intelligence or simply a coincidence of its design, it decided to engage her in melee.

"Tch!" A fast and agile aerial Warped was her worst nightmare, one of the big reasons why she couldn't just merrily bombard away at every engagement and why working in a team was crucial. Her Flares ADS technique could handle lobbed projectiles just fine, but one that could swiftly change its trajectory to evade said defense system was another issue entirely. At the velocity that the Avian Warped possessed, Pyra had no choice but to hold out her right hand, "Protection!" she yelled as a fiery circular barrier spawned in front of her, its diameter wide enough to cover her entire height.

Right now, she could only hope that her barrier could hold whatever assault the bird had prepared and buy enough time for Hoshika to come assist her as the younger girl was much better suited at engaging this thing!
It was all that stopped the trio radiating visible malice for the Magical Girl they'd appeared behind in a flicker of speed, elemental energies crackled between outstretched fingers and legs mid kick, held back by words alone when the once playful summons bared their teeth with a desire to pull Tesni apart.

Expectation: Graciously sparing Tesni from being gangbanged by three familiars.

Reality: Narrowly saved three familiars from being on the receiving end of a battle-maniac Monkey King who'd otherwise find all the justification she needs to turn them into splatters on the floor.
Alright, posted! Let's go, girls!

@Ponn: I'm not really sure if Xolys is capable of flight or not, I erred on the side that it could for my post, but if this is inaccurate, just tell me and I'll edit the post accordingly.

--Eyes of the Storm--

@Sonnambula @Ponn @Villamvihar

"Hmmm..." Blue irises shifted up as she felt the telltale signs of droplets falling on her hair and skin, and so began the most common type of weather in Greater London, although her magical senses informed that there was something... off with this particular rain, like it was heralding the arrival of the anathema of all things good and bright. "Pageless..." Lucette murmured even before she caught visual confirmation of the looming pair of eyes partially veiled by the foggy clouds above; in doing so, she practically confirmed Olivia's musing, Wilhelmina's worry, and Nessie's zeal.

In a pseudo-hiveminded tandem with the group, Lucette grasped the winged golden pendant resting on her sternum, muttering a barely-audible prayer in Hebrew, then tilted her head up slightly, eyes closed, and her hair and clothes fluttered as a gust of supernatural wind lifted her feet a few inches off the grassy ground; swirls of bright auric light enveloped the old magical girl as her mundane apparel disintegrated into golden particles, leaving her bare for a brief moment before the very same light coalesced to shape her pure white-gold seraphic ensemble. The moment she opened her eyes, the dark circles where her pupils should be were now glowing white.

She extended a gloved right arm forward, "Metatron." before summoning eight pieces of golden-teal obelisks, they floated in a surrounding formation around her before forming up into a pair of wings, each composed of four pieces.

Her transformation completed, Lumiere turned at her students, pleased that all three of them were all ready for battle. "Not as 'interesting' as my doppelganger, so far anyway, let's see what it has in store for us, hmm?" She chuckled once at the Lady of the Lake before turning at Captain Goodhope "I hereby swear to protect the stories of humanity to my last breath." She enunciated her oath as the good captain's blessing flowed into her body, then last but not least, she addressed Ethereal Rose and Eldritch Master of Xhar'doth's plan, "If Goodhope is willing, she can ride on Xolys' back or on Lady of the Lake's broom... for we will not stay on the ground to engage this Pageless."

Whether there were curious stares directed her way or not, Lumiere would explain regardless, "The Apex Pageless resided in the clouds, not here, and we will certainly not risk any civilian lives waiting for it to descend... if it would ever descend. Therefore, blessed heroines, as the group with the most flight-capable magical girls out of the two, it behooves us to utilize our ability where our comrades lacked." With that said, she would wait until Wilhelmina came to a decision on her method of transport, though her expression and body language urged her to not dally for every second was precious.

After a decision was reached, Lumiere would nod with a finality to it before soaring up on obelisk wings of gold, making sure to keep her pace with the slowest member to not leave anyone behind. Their destination? The twin golden eyes of the storm.

From the clouds it came, and in the clouds too shall it be purified.

--The Price of Madness--


“Your assessments are curious, for one rooted in pragmatism and logic such as yourself.”

Maximilien’s silverware clicked against his plate as he set it down, the young man interlacing his gloved hands and resting them upon the table. In deep shadow and harsh light, he gave off the impression of a great wall, inscrutable and domineering, incorruptible and unrepentant. Yet there was a flicker there, perhaps a trick of the light, or perhaps the faintest sign of disappointment.

He did not comment upon it, however, and instead, nodded his head once. “Inti Ruq’a is indeed an enigma, but he possesses the favour of the Tawatinsuyu Emperor, and it is upon that individual’s recommendation that he gained his spot here. The boy’s ignorance may be feigned, but regardless, he is not worth considering.” Indeed, a Dynamicist may be a wartime asset, but when it came to proving one’s innocence with evidence and rhetoric, no amount of Dynamicism would save one’s neck.

“I will make this clear only once, Mademoiselle Konigsmahne: I care only to see justice enacted, and if enough evidence is gathered that alleviates the burden of guilt from Mademoiselle Du Bordeaux’s shoulders, then her punishment will be lessened.” The Head of the Committee of Public Safety allowed that to sink in for a long five seconds, his eyes locking onto hers. Then, a tightening of the lips, to the smallest of smiles. “But of those you have named, only Monsieur Steiner possesses the qualities necessary to create a fair defense in his…friend’s name. Monopolize his attention for two days and two nights, Mademoiselle Konigsmahne, and there will be no defense.”

"..." Lucretia took a brief respite via enjoying her own serving of French wine, she normally didn't like talking so much, not only twas' physically tiring, they were often a waste of her time, meaningless words where instead she could make tangible progress in her projects. However, after arriving at Bermuda, the silver-haired girl found herself conversing exponentially more than ever before; from her first encounter with Franz to Robespierre and everyone in-between. The fatigue of speech was starting to affect her mood, but the petite Polymath knew that this would most likely continue due to the nature of her goals here in the artificial island. She’d have to get used to it, no two ways about it.

"I will not deceive you with any notion that my antipathy for du Bordeaux contains no personal influence, Herr Robespierre," Lucy's expression hardened, slightly, but the influence of the room's only light source made that minute shift all the more ominous, "I despise her, and it will be beneficial to both Occidental Technologists and myself if she's to be severely condemned for her crimes.” The fact that such a high-profile unrepentant psychopath managed to be officially enrolled in Bermuda spoke volumes of the French King's integrity, and Robespierre might try to exude an aura of indifference, but Lucy had no illusion that he didn't have a personal stake in the matter, what with his shared nationality with Jeanne. She knew that he wanted to see the French bitch suffer as much as Lucy did...

...or else, why would he even bother to propose this... solution. Interesting - and convenient - for her plans already involved Herr Steiner to begin with. This would simply be hunting two birds with one bullet, a state of convenience in which she would not refuse. "He and I know each other personally, thus I already possess initial leverage over him. Ja, it shall be done." She nodded with a sense of finality similar to a judge's verdict.

“As I have been made aware,” Maxilimien responded, picking up his silverware once more. “Will you stay for the remaining courses, Mademoiselle Konigsmahne?”

Now that the little collusion was over and a scheme was made, Lucretia leaned back, feeling like some amount of weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Sure, Jeanne was still out there, but at least now she could do something to change that. For now, she could do with some fine dining indeed, the last time she had a real meal was the late breakfast from earlier today, "I will."
No. They're just cool looking. If you want to draw some meaning from them, they probably look like knights due to Camelot being around as Pageless do twist into forms that fit their surroundings. We saw this at the construction site.

I love this since it ICly explains and reinforces Lumiere’s theory about the Pageless being the Dark Reflection of humanity, regardless whether it’s the actual case or not (no spoilers!).
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Yeah, sorry sorry, been a bit of a nightmare of a week for me. I'll try get something out tomorrow.

No worries, just making sure since I didn't get a reply from before. I'd have decided to move on had you not answer in the next few days (and Nessie can just catch up later).

That said, gotcha! Survive, fam.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

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I am an Honest Lurker. If someone asks me who I've lurked and/or where I've lurked in RPGuild, then I will answer honestly.
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