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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Are you sneaking around in places you shouldn't be. That's not very Ministry of you.

I am not Lumière, nor Lumiere, I am a lurker.
Also, seriously?


I hope I didn't give the GMs a dose of deja vu.
Checking in, @Sonnambula, you posting soon?
Hmmm. After writing my post, I just realised this could be a really thematic scene for Wilhelmina to learn a new power. It is a sudden storm after all, and depending on how severe it turns out, it could be very much in theme with her myth. What say you, fellow players and GMs?

Senpai approves of her kouhais growing in POWA!

--Twin Ignition--

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR

Though her immediate objective was completed without issues, the battle was far from over; Pyralis kept her biomechanically-enhanced senses sharp as she constantly observed the battlefield. As planned, Hoshiko began her explosive CQC assault against the larger Warped specimens; her rocket-boosted punches, kicks, and strikes night-effortlessly shattered bones and drilled holes through armored hide that'd otherwise require concentrated assault from conventional firearms to achieve the same. Just like the simulations, such results were within expected parameters; the Chi-Mechframes were deliberately engineered to be supremely effective against the Warped after all, it was the one thing they were designed for, slay Warped and slay them good.

Yet, even with all of this advantage, none of the Frame Pilots should underestimate their enemy for they were many and pilots were few. The mutants seemingly had no sense of fear either as they would commit suicidal charges without a second thought. Even now, Infernus' sensors detected projectiles being lobbed at her from the surviving Warped. However, again, this was to be expected; none of them were engaging her in melee, good.

"Infernus, flares!" The brunette activated her active defense system as fireballs - similar to the ones she did her carpet bombardment with - spawned all around here in a spherical pattern, floating in place. These fireballs then began launching themselves toward the pieces of ruins thrown at her, crashing then exploding against them to shatter them into non-threatening smaller chunks. With her ADS at work, Pyra herself held her lance with both hands then aimed at the ground as swirls of dragonfire began coalescing once more...

"Infernus, vaporize!"

Thus, as Hoshiko bulldozed her way through the Oni legion, she would be accompanied by the occasional infernal beam that seared and scorched the Warped around her, the two ignition-based Frame Pilots working in tandem to purify Saitama from the mutant filth.
“Are you a real angel, Lumiere?”

“Well, no, real ones are more like…”

--The Savant's Evaluation--


Was she? Lucretia never kept up with any of those tabloids and gossip media, fruitless use of time as they were, brainless entertainment designed for the blind masses; she wasn't going to confirm, nor deny the statement as they weren't worth spending even a second of her time into. The minute wait between his speech would've felt like an eternity to someone as impatient as Lucretia in normal circumstances, but right now, she had the fine-cooked food to enjoy in between their talks, now this was a 'distraction' worth wasting time into. "That is a fair assessment, but I know there are actors who intend to push said justice off-course." Which was indeed the elephant in the room, she didn't need to bother with this had the situation been different. As it stood, there were those who somehow rationalized that Jeanne should not be punished, did the French barbarian bribe them? Threaten them? Both? Well, not if she could help it.

The white-haired Occidental Technologist responded to her dark-haired counterpart with a nod, approving that Maximilien could immediately see reason. Technologism was the herald that brought primitive civilizations into a golden age of knowledge, progress, and enlightenment; barbarians like Jeanne took everything that it stood for and twisted it until it became the exact opposite, senseless savagery, enemy to all civilized people everywhere. The very thought of the gullible commoners rejecting Technologist crafts due to the truculency of the black sheep was abhorrent.

To be perfectly honest, even knowing that there were those willing to support Jeanne - three of them of Occident allegiance even - made her quite... emotional, but this was a matter that must be handled with pragmatism. Jeanne was a fool, no doubt, but a dangerous fool with powers she didn't deserve, rushing at her like a rabid dog would make her no different than the Frenchwoman.

It seemed twas' finally time to address the aforementioned room elephant, "Let us see here... it has been known that five individuals - in all their wisdom - took to Jeanne's defense: Franz Steiner, Higashiakemi Ryuuko, Lê Bằng Kiều, Nazca Whitehall, and Inti Ruq'a." She visibly frowned when mentioning the first of the pentad, just... what are you doing, Herr Steiner?

"Franz Steiner, a Mesmerologist hailing from Kingdom of Austria, one of the very few Mesmerologist Polymaths in the world, at least amongst those in official records. A talented musician and practical genius who preferred practice over theory, constantly jeered for wasting his gifts on a faux major. Although I agree that he's either brave or foolish to remain in this questionable field of study, I approve of his perseverance to focus and not care about what detractors think of him. I think that there's untapped potential in the study of the human mind, the brain is the organ in our body that's the least understood, even though it's the one that enables us to achieve what we have as a species." She paused, her frown growing deeper, "However, this action he took... defending du Bordeaux, what was he thinking...?"

Deciding that she wouldn't find the answer right now, Lucy moved on to the second member of the defense team, "Higashiakemi Ryuuko, an Egoist hailing from the Empire of Japan, although have infamously defected to my home country of Germany, in a move to spite her House no doubt. Unlike Franz, it's easy - elementary in fact - to discern why she took Jeanne's side. She's a wildcard, a traitor to her country, one who takes pride in spitting on her family’s legacy, she must have admired Jeanne for her propensity to have so little care for rules and regulation. Like-minded barbarians who live only for themselves to the detriment of others around them, life is but one big joke for their ilk." She finished her assessment of the draconic Egoist, her tone firm and doubtless much unlike her review of Franz. That said, she moved on.

"Lê Bằng Kiều, an Egoist hailing from Vietnam; a Polymath of circumstances as Egoism was the only thing available to him to save his life after an unfortunate feud in the family. A pity, perhaps he could've been a brilliant Technologist had fate turned otherwise. He's known to be a compassionate boy, always wishing for none to share his fate. Perhaps, out of this sense of generosity - naive as it might be - he decided to assist the 'helpless' Jeanne. Misguided, but understandable nonetheless. I am not sure if he can be convinced that not everyone deserves help, especially a remorseless savage such as Jeanne." Her assessment of the Vietnamese young man done, the silver-haired girl proceeded to the next.

"Nazca Whitehall, a Dynamist-Technologist hailing from the Empire of Britannia, although of no native birth. She's a former Abya Yalan royal from a minor kingdom that was subsumed by the Aztec Empire a decade or so ago, I believe. An incredulously lucky individual in stark contrast to Herr Bằng, to both be rescued from her failed nation and adopted by the famous Herr Whitehall of Britain, although it's not difficult to see that he saw potential in her. She's a Polymath with skills in both dynamism and technologism, constructing remote-controlled semi-autonomous drones of various shapes, sizes, and functions. I have been studying her crafts myself and actually learned things I can employ in my own projects. As for the reason why she took Jeanne's side... perhaps in a similar vein to Bằng, it's out of a sense of altruism to help the 'helpless' as she has had once been." Four out of five, and now it came down to the final member of the defense team, and...

"..." Now it was Maximilien's turn to endure an eternity of silence from his dinner partner; Lucretia's brows frowned, the genius of geniuses digging through every inch of knowledge stored in her mind to little avail, and after a few excruciating minutes, she admitted defeat with a slight slump of her shoulders and a barely-audible sigh, "I possess no knowledge of this Inti Ruq'a, other than the fact that he's an Abya Yalan Dynamist." She mentally clicked her tongue, berating herself for this 'failure'.

"They must not succeed in their ill-advised goal of reducing Jeanne's sentence, or aether forbid, make her go free." Lucretia leaned forward this time, ashen eyebrows narrowed in burning ambition, "What does it take to purge this stain on Occidental and Technologist honor, Herr Robespierre?" No price is too high…
Who else are we waiting on to post.

As mentioned before, I’m waiting on Nessie (Sonnambula), Wilhelmina (Villamvihar), and Olivia (Ponn) because I’m in the same situation as Lonewolf, our PCs just posted right before their group’s respective Pageless incursion.

With that context, I am totally blaming Elden Ring for the delays in this particular posting round.

--Packing Up--

@pantothenic @Daxam @Theyra

"Alright, you two follow me. We've got a lot of gear to move."

"You got it, Boss!" The ashen-haired Revenant perkily nodded, if she was wearing her whip-tail right now, one could imagine it'd be swaying in enthusiastically excitement; they were going on a mission to make the world a better place after all, how could anyone not be pumped at that? Well, except the Lost maybe, but as far as she knew, no one here was a Lost, hah! As the hornless Ionna went along with Dallas and Vincent, the contrast was almost comical as the two Revenants stood several heads taller than her yet they were all assigned to the same duty of hard labor.

Along the way, they encountered a certain one-eyed individual, the only other human member of the Commune, one who carried a heavy burden on his shoulders trying to pull his sister from the cold grip of death. "Hey, Desmond!" Ionna waved at him, "I hope Amelia wakes up soon~" She grinned, exposing her twin fangs and radiating genuine innocence, just a girl who thought that Amelia waking up would cheer her brother up and thus hoping it'd occur sooner than later. Desmond often looked quite tired and sad, and to the petite revenant, the sole reason was obviously Amelia. If she turned out to be okay, then he wouldn't be sad anymore.

Whether Desmond agreed on the offer to help or not, the group continued on their way. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Storage Room & Armoury section of the three-pronged base; plenty of materials, tools, and supplies were all neatly stacked up, each in their own categorized sections. Ionna immediately began to work, beelining for the heaviest crates first as her wiry limbs effortlessly stacked up three crates before picking said stack up with both hands as if they weighed nothing. To a layman, seeing someone as hale as Dallas and Vincent performing the same feat wouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination, but witnessing a four foot nothing skinny girl doing it would certainly drop a jaw or two; one should never judge a book by its cover, and the saying couldn't be anymore true for Revenants.

"Hup hup! Come on, guys!" If not due to the danger of jostling around and accidentally dropping a cargo, Ionna would be more than capable to just run toward the van, but even she had the sense of caution to take her time. Once at the van, she'd put the stacked crates down and then handle them one by one to fit each into the vehicle, then rinse and repeat until everything in the shopping list was crossed off. Between herself, Dallas, and Vincent, this should be done in a jiffy.

--Infernus-52 Stratofortress--

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR

As soon as she left the vicinity of the Horizon, Pyra wasted no time in heading toward the exact coordinates of the objective assigned to her. To that end, a holographic HUD display spawned in front of her face, projected by the suit itself in lieu of the lack of holo-glasses. She gave a quick glance at the map of the Saitama prefecture, complete with real-time information such as the locations of other Frame Pilots and allied armies. Furthermore, scans had shown the presence of hordes of small-scaled Warped just beyond the perimeter of the Japanese forces’ offensive line.

Right, it was time to get to work and she knew just what had to be done. The fiery pair of wings at her boots grew slightly larger as she picked up her speed, soaring through air as she positioned herself high above the offensive line. She scanned the area ahead, crawling with goblins and oni-esque monsters, then spoke into the comms, in which would be received by Horizon's Central Command, Hinotori, and most importantly, the Japanese soldiers; friendly fire was nothing to scoff at after all.

"Infernus reporting, to all allied forces in the area, hold your position and stand by for air support, over."

With that declaration, her boot-wings flapped as Pyra flew forward... slowly, deliberately, in a select route she had charted for herself. Along the way, the brunette pilot aimed Infernus' lance diagonally downwards as the weapon's head swirled with infernal power. After a short moment of gathering up energy, Pyra gradually released them as melon-sized fireballs began raining down at various angles toward the ground. Visually, they were like meteor showers, except if each and every meteorite actually hit the ground instead of burning up in the air; beautiful and deadly in equal measure, each sphere of flames erupted upon impact, sending lethal explosive force to any Warped caught in the saturated area.

Methodical, controlled destruction like a professional demolitions team, explosions of dragonfire followed one after another like an infernal symphony. After finishing her fly-by, Pyra returned to her previous position, "Infernus here. Area bombardment completed, allied forces may proceed, maintain caution for any surviving Warped as you go, over."

According to her calculations, most of the horde would already be wiped out, except for those sturdy and/or lucky enough to withstand the onslaught, such as the larger oni specimens, but that was why she didn't work alone. Hoshiko should be more than capable of handling what stubborn monsters remained, and if Pyra could make her do that without having to worry about being swarmed by the smaller hostiles, then she'd consider it a job well done.
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