Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Pyrrhic Victory? Nay, Tis' a Testament to Human Resilience--

@BrokenPromise @Ponn @Crusader Lord @FamishedPants @SilverPaw

As the blood deluge swarmed right at her, a part of Valkyrie's mind recognized that Breacher was trying her best to keep her as safe as possible while also not disrupting her aim. However, there was no time to express gratitude, there wasn't even a time for a grunt of acknowledgment for the next few milliseconds would determine if the gambit of risking a shot instead of immediately hiding behind cover was worth it or not.

"...!" Alas, the brown-haired sniper esper didn’t even get the chance to examine her work as Breacher promptly grabbed her right after she pulled the trigger, a toned arm wrapped around her midsection and pulling her back while the ex-policewoman’s other arm held up the riot shield, bracing for impact against the red tsunami. The plan was to figuratively roll with the punches and just allow the wave to safely push them back until their backs hit against a wall or something, it’d significantly mitigate the potency of this all-or-nothing spell. However, as one famous Prussian general once said, "No plans survive first contact with the enemy", and the saying couldn't be truer the moment Arzendale's blood wave smashed against Su's shield.

The crimson liquid magically froze upon contact like a nigh-instant process of coagulation, forcing Breacher to either embrace being anchored in place or let the shield go, the latter was obviously out of the question so anchored they were. "..." Valkyrie winced, but otherwise silent, focused on making herself as small a target as possible for the benefit of Breacher and the detriment of Arzendale. More and more frozen blood saturated them like platelets attempting to cover a wound, and in stark contrast to that moment of aiming for the fanged monster's head just now, everything was transpiring in a blur of sanguine tide.

By the time things seemed to slow down a bit, Valkyrie found herself in a world of crystalline red, her back pinned against Breacher's armored torso, still with an arm holding her belly. Teslic Gauss was stuck with absolutely no room to move her arms and it quickly became clear that they were entombed in this red ice coffin. Valkyrie's orange irises shifted left and right for a moment before it came to her that they would need assistance sooner than later, as silly as the problem of literally being stuck was, it's still a serious matter. She could still hear muffled commotions from outside though, although she couldn't exactly discern any spoken words.

Right, her current situation sucked, no doubt about it, but there's no way she'd just resign. Even when she could do nothing, she'd still do something, no matter how meaningless the attempt seemed to be for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. To that end, Valkyrie simply took a single breath then held it, remaining perfectly still - an easy feat for a sniper - as she spaced out her breaths for as long as she could. She was the trained marksman here, she had specific training to be breathlessly still, Breacher didn't, it behooved her to accommodate the taller esper. After all, she'd be dead right now if not for the horned shielder, the least she could do was return the favor.


Amongst the cacophony transpiring outside, she heard muffled noises of something sharp mercilessly slicing through flesh and bone, this was soon followed by Arzendale's voice... then as if on cue, the blood coffin encasing her and Breacher simply melted away.

Without pause, Valkyrie took a deep breath as she separated herself from Su, raising Teslic Gauss to aim at anything hostile that was still moving. A quick glance revealed a few things: One, Arzendale was gone, two, Centrocious was too, and three, Lenore was still around. Good. Valkyrie adjusted her aim and-... the fake nun blinked away, just like that.

"..." Twice now that her targets simply vanished, twice now they've eluded her; Viper and Lenore, she'd remember their faces, their voice, and one day, she'd put a bullet through their skulls. However, she also came to realize that blinking away sure was convenient, it was no wonder why the maneuver was employed regularly. With self-directed little nods, the brunette made a mental note to research more about this Blink note for the immediate future.

Right now though, hmmm... it seemed every melee-centric member of the team were quite worse for wear, a noticeable contrast from the mostly-fine state of their ranged comrades. That, and she was running on fumes too with only barely enough mana to maintain her transformation. It was a hard-fought battle for sure and while it's a shame for the hostages, no one here was under the illusion that their lives weren’t already forfeit, the only right thing to do was to make sure their deaths wouldn't be in vain.

With a small sigh, Valkyrie spoke into the comms, "Orders, squad leader?" she inquired to Breacher (and also Binky if she's listening), coldly professional for she'd never humor these abominations with even a shred of her emotions.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Nibelung Valesti
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Static Shock
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Bend (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 500

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 16

--Seizing Saitama--

It seemed that poor Norika's suffering wouldn't be over anytime soon, in fact, it just got worse with the arrival of that showboating pilot, Teodora Constanza. Pyra was a patient girl, a calm and collected person even during the most intense rage-inducing moments in her games, a feat that required a certain talent for controlling your emotions, but even she had her equanimity truly tested by Teodora. While Hoshiko was no doubt louder than the blonde, at least the Japanese girl did so out of friendliness to cheer up everyone's day, but Teodora... oooh, this Romanian pilot had malicious intentions, Pyra was sure of it; the type of person who put others down with barely-concealed insults and rhetoric to feed her own ego. An insufferable bitch who couldn't even see her own pestiferousness even when it's spelled out right to her face, or more likely, she knew but couldn't care less.

"..." The blue-eyed girl found herself staring a bit too long at Teodora, but then caught herself before the slightly-older girl could notice and silently continued with her meal, focusing on the mouth-watering smell and taste of the beef bowl to get her mind off the attention whore. She finished up shortly after Elise and pretty much did the same thing, returning her empty bowl and tray to the cleaning station then departing toward Horizon's Command Room.


The casual air of the mess hall had shifted away to the serious no-nonsense atmosphere of the strategy chamber. A familiar figure was already there even before the first assigned Frame Pilot entered the vicinity; Sandra Morrison, the woman in charge of the whole organization. Though the upcoming task wasn't categorized as a 'major' operation, the fact remained that the boss lady herself was manning the helm, meaning it was important enough for her to allocate her busy schedule for it.

Pyra occupied one of the vacant seats facing toward the central monitor before the briefing began proper. Blue eyes reflected the light off said monitor as Commander Morrison explained the details of the operation: its goal, field conditions, possible threats, and last but not least, team composition. Indeed, the main objective was to cleanse Warped presence from Saitama so it could be reclaimed by human authority. The Frame Pilots would ensure that the Japanese military wouldn't suffer crippling casualties just to reconquer this small part of the former Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

Fukada... Pyra mentally noted her would-be partner's name; the loud brunette who shared an ethnicity with her, wielder of Hinotori, a Chi-Mechframe specializing in close combat and rapid aerial movements, a fitting complement to Infernus' artillery abilities. That's fine really, Pyra didn't have any personal issues with anyone in the room, except for Teodora, however, in the battlefield, even the most annoying pilot couldn't hold a candle to the existential threat of the Warped, thus if it came down to it, she was more than capable of pushing her own emotions aside for cold professionalism. As Dulac mentioned, they didn't have to be friends to be coworkers, common goal begets petty squabbles.

"Understood, Commander," The shorter-haired brunette confirmed Morrison's instructions then proceeded to stand up, "I have no further questions. I'll see you all out there, everyone, let's do our best." Then made her way to the engineering bay to receive her custom-built mechanized biosuit.


"...-and that's how you activate it. Got all that, kiddo?" A gruff bearded man curled a smile as he finished his instructions to Pyra; Igor Pachmelnik Zakuskov, one of the many engineers employed by Horizon, a Russian man who lost his wife to the Warped incursions and now dedicated his life to prevent others from experiencing the same fate, no more children should grow up motherless if he could help it. He picked up a peculiar bracelet, purplish-black in color with distinctive fiery-red highlights, emblazoned with the symbol of a dragon's open maw, then offered it to Pyra, "Chi-Mechframe Infernus, all yours. Good luck out there, Frame Pilot Pyralis."

"Yes, I understand, sir." Although Pyra was intimately familiar with the ins-and-outs of Infernus by now, she knew that the engineer was just doing the final checks to really make sure she didn't screw things up right before a combat operation. "Thank you." She received the state-of-the-art device, one that she had spent six months of constant training so far, then strapped the buckles to her dominant arm, the left. With a final nod, the brunette continued toward the hangar, there was no time to waste, especially since she was assigned to scouting duty, the squad at the frontmost of the attack group.


Moments later, minutes before departure time, Pyra found herself standing by at one of the launch bays of Horizon's hangar area. She had changed her usual clothes into a black skintight leotard of a similar design to an Olympic swimmer's uniform, the most reliable outfit to serve as inner wear for what she's about to do, and there were no red-rimmed glasses upon her face. Upon the signal for imminent launch, she held her left arm outward, enunciating, "Infernus, blaze forth!"

Flames immediately enveloped her.

Starting from Pyra's left arm, the inferno traveled to cover her whole body from neck to toe, yet strangely they didn't burn her. Instead of disintegrating all in their path as flames would normally do, this conflagration coalesced to shape into a set of biomechanical armored dress on top of her leotard; black in color with a slight purple hue in select spots, crimson highlights carved through trailing tongues of flames; the blouse, knee-length skirt, and socks manifested first before they were followed by the Mechframe's bracers and boots, fitting themselves perfectly onto Pyra's arms and feet, a dark purple orb adorning each of them. The dress was finalized when a tri-pronged shuriken-esque brooch emblazoned itself on her sternum, its orb shining bright orange.

However, it wasn't done yet as three swirling tongues of flame snaked out of Pyra's left palm, forming into a long lance in the silhouette of a dragon's head. Steel-gray and red in color, the weapon could be held reliably by either one or two hands. Her fingers grasped the handle and with a flourish, swung the draconic lance once as flames dispersed from her as the transformation completed. Even still, the occasional wisps of fire remained about her form, although they were completely harmless, merely a visual manifestation of the Core's power.

"..." Breathing out once, she hardened her gaze as the launch door hissed open before her, clearing the way to the wide open sky above Japan. "Pyralis Constantina, Infernus, launching!" With that declaration into the comms, a pair of flaming wings sprouted from each of her boots as the One Born in Fire took to the ether, carving a trail of - mostly harmless - flames in her wake.

--Humanity's Chosen--

"Thanks...~" The brunette replied gratefully in that signature rather quiet tone yet lacking in shyness tone of hers, not all confident people had to express themselves via a loud voice after all. Pyra began enjoying her meal but it didn't take long for more people to join the ever-growing group; another Frame Pilot approached them, as expected due to the joint operation that'd be up in a matter of hours.

"Morning, Miss Louisa. Oh, just... making sure that I eat properly before the mission." This particular pilot was Louisa Faye, a noticeably older woman compared to Pyra, amongst - if not the - oldest in their ranks even. Although their time together had been short, Pyra had become accustomed to look at Louisa as a sort of guardian figure of the group, not purely because of her age and life experience, but her personality as well, the fact that her Chi-Mechframe performed the best when situated at the vanguard to take point certainly added to that mentor charm of hers. She was like the glue that held the team together so each of them could perform to the best of their abilities.

Returning to the matter of a confidently loud person though, a prime example of one was here; her presence announced to everyone via that shrill voice of hers, whether they like it or not. Such an overbearing presence could be none other than Fukada Hoshiko, one of the youngest pilots out there. If Louisa was the calm and collected parent figure then Hoshika was the exact opposite, that hyperactive younger sibling who might be too childish even for her age. Pyra didn't really mind, but she'd be lying to herself if she couldn't see how others might be annoyed by her. "Hey, Hoshika... y-yeah, enjoy your meal... I think we'll all need it."

Speaking of being annoyed, that expression couldn't be more visible on one Norika Dulac's face, a Frame Pilot who was actually Pyra's senior in age yet looked the youngest out of everyone here, much to unfortunately short girl's chagrin. Unlike Hoshiko, the flame-bearing Frame Pilot had enough sense to blissfully ignore the blade-swinging snow-haired pilot's presence, just the way the latter preferred it; too bad that it only took a single pestering golden-eyed cloudcuckoolander to ruin everything though. Ah well, her condolences to Norika.

There was another... pilot(?) that she spotted at the corner of her eyes, ah yes, definitely a fellow pilot; Seraphima Drakos was her name if she remembered correctly, a Greek person much like herself. Although in a somewhat ironic twist, Pyra knew her the least amongst everyone present here, but she hoped that would change sooner than later. It'd be nice to have a conversation in her native tongue, that and pilots forming a bond would be beneficial to everyone.

"Uhm... I think it's better be safe than sorry, it'll really suck if our performance dips on the field just because of an empty stomach." Pyra responded to both Elise and Louisa, "Makes sense, considering we have our own specialties. Logically, a proper team should have at least one ranged and close combatant each, cover each other's weaknesses and all that." A tried and true strategy, whether in real life or in one of her strategy games. Of course, sometimes you'd have to make do with what you have, but fortunately, Pyra believed they had a good distribution of Chi-Mechframe archetypes. "I think this upcoming mission is as much a test run as it is an actual operation. The best data is gathered from field practice after all, dangerous as it is." The bespectacled girl then curled a small, encouraging smile, "Nevertheless, let's all do our best. The world is depending on us."
I will post after @Sonnambula, @Ponn, and @Villamvihar~
Huh, I wonder if Grimoire Modding too much could cause you to become an artificial Alter.

Or vice versa. Alters becoming artificially normal. :P

<Snipped quote by KoL>

Or she’s the Librarian. I think this is the route I’m going to decide with.

Will she be a meganeko? Would be our third glasses girl, a hat-rick.
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Lilian: "But, as the older sister, I have a more appealing figure."

Lucette: … ”That’s true.”


By the way, I'm thinking of introducing a new Support character later. A "Grimoire Tuner", after all, the girls will need someone to repair and enhance their grimoires if they hope to survive the endless war against the tides of darkness.

Hmmmmmmm… My headcanon is that grimoires are pretty much self-regenerating and self-evolving or else all magical girls will be dependent on a “grimoire tuner” to grow, which I don’t like.

I think a more interesting angle would be that she’s a “Grimoire Modder” that provides various buffs and mods to enhance and/or modify a grimoire’s power. Perhaps she can also hasten the repair process of a truly damaged grimoire.

--Another Plant-Person?!--

@dreamingflowers @Exit @pantothenic

While the meeting was underway, Ionna's supercharged senses - a common trait of Revenants, even more so for ABs - detected the telltale signs of someone or something approaching the Strategy Room long before the slightly ajar door was pushed from the other side. "Hmmm...?" The purple revenant heard the shuffling of light footsteps, a whiff of earthen smell, and a soft stuttering voice; as a result, her gaze was already trained at the door when a person entered the room, someone she never met before, and justifiably, Ionna's first assumption was that the dark-haired earth-smelling woman was one of the Commune. She was clad in clothes and wrappings that looked quite well-worn, damaged even, and her movements betrayed her exhaustion. She must have been travelling for a while, huh?

Meanwhile, Laplace incessantly tried to get Licorice's attention, pestering the older crow with his overbearing friendliness, not caring in the slightest that the other corvid made it painfully clear that he wasn't having any of it. "Squawk~?" Although he did pause when Licorice turned his head at another one of those wingless-featherless creatures. Oh! It seemed this particular wingless was to the bigger crow like Ionna to himself! Interesting, so they both had saviors, huh? This fact fueled Laplace enthusiasm further as his sense of kinship intensified.

"Oh, hello!” Ionna waved a right arm at the new arrival, now that she directed her attention at her in particular, the petite revenant finally recognized that she smelled like Poppy. They were both plant-people then! Er... what was the correct term again? "Si... Sid... Sidhe?" The girl pondered out loud. However, her train of thought was interrupted when the redheaded plant-perso-... - Sidhe - specifically called her name; something about helping Dallas pack things up along with Vincent. "Sure!" She answered immediately, without a shred of protest before turning to the third tallest person in the room, "Just tell me what to lift, Dallas." A confident huff followed shortly after.

Then, her attention was taken once more by the raven-haired Sidhe, whose name was revealed to be "Akaia" by Poppy; she could hear their conversation just fine even from this distance after all. It's a bit of a shame that Ionna couldn't remember anything from her past life, disallowing her to have a mental comparison between her senses before versus after. Oh, didn't Akaia say something along the lines of wanting to meet the 'new friend' to Cerise? That “new friend” must be her, right? Well, herself and Vincent, Ionna supposed. Sure, she'd love to indulge that wish, Cerberus' friends are her friends too! Good people should stick with each other.

Although, Akaia looked quite spent and Poppy's verdict confirmed it further; Ionna certainly wouldn't wish to get in the way of her much-needed meal and rest, introductions and pleasantries could come later. For now, she had stuff to pack!

--Calm Before The Storm--


High above the sky of the Japanese archipelago was none other than the Horizon, a massive sky fortress serving as the mobile headquarters of the stateless organization of the same name, one of the most active contributors in the training and field of Frame Pilots in this bleak apocalyptic era of human history. Although Frame Pilots were the spearhead of the counterattack efforts, a spear wouldn't be complete with its shaft, and thus the skybase was crewed by tireless men and women of various ethnicity and origins all sharing a collective goal of ending the Warped threat and restore order to the ravaged Earth.

One of the aforementioned Frame Pilots was Pyralis Constantina, a girl of Japanese descent who was rescued from a Warped attack by a Greek soldier and subsequently adopted by him. It had been a year since Horizon scouted her out as an asymptomatic Echidna carrier and inducted her into the intensive Frame Pilot training program. Although she missed her adoptive father, Pyra knew that she possessed a boon that few others had and she wholeheartedly believed that it'd be grossly irresponsible of her to not use this power to help humanity push back against the Warped menace. Besides, for all the destruction those monsters had wrought, civilizations weren't cut off from each other; global communications endured, and that in turn alleviated the brunette a bit as she could simply contact Papa whenever she wanted.

Speaking of Nikolaos, she was just done exchanging text messages with him via her gadget-glasses when a certain person entered; Pyra knew her, how could she not? She was Elise Kim, a fellow Frame Pilot and one that possessed a Chi-Mechframe suited for long-ranged engagements just like hers. Since FPs were so few compared to the whole crew demographic, everyone tended to know everyone else. Seeing - and smelling - the finely-cooked Ramen prompted Pyra to partake in the same activity as she stood up to get herself a bowl of rice topped with thinly-sliced beef, boiled egg, and onions, a gyudon to be authentically accurate.

Her order done, she approached the pink-eyed albino, "Hey, Elise, can I join you?" Once the older girl replied, Pyra would sit down across from her then began enjoying her meal. The Japanese comfort food soothing her anxious excitement for the upcoming mission; this would be her biggest operation yet and she needed to perform her best.
Melody Cost Calculator: Link

Doctrine of Combat Supremacy: Link

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