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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

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@Bro Ken Oooh, that's a fine idea. Alright, I'll change the Zephyr of Eden part to:

"Firstly, when Angel uses the [Bronze Self] Cast Note, the [Flight] Effect Note can be added to the Melody for free. Secondly, If Angel is affected by the [Flight] Effect Note, it effectively becomes +1 Rank stronger."

All coolz?
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Oke, slight problema, it's kinda pointless if you can give yourself flight for free anyways. Especially since we don't know if you'll be facing someone/something with the specific note too, much less have someone on your team available to help there.

Boss man thinks the perma +1 in that regards is a bit too much for all that. But I get that it'd be weird to have a flightless Angel outside of Maverick, so maybe keep just the self flight? If not we're always open for brainstorming something else.

That's fair, and coincidentally, it is the one aspect that I'm not sure if it's too much for Gold or not on top of everything else. It's the one that I don't need any further discussions to simply remove, just give me the confirmation and I'll do it right away.

Huh, with regards to Izu's Flight special, I could've sworn that Klava's Silver Special was something along the lines of 'Construction counts as one Rank higher'. Wouldn't the Izu Flight special just be a natural evolution of that, giving some more conditional perks now that it's Gold? The perma +1 is entirely a selfish thing anyhow, so it's not that crazy.

Yeah, I also believe the "count as +1 rank higher" part is fiiiine, it's the "any sources" part that makes it a bit too much, if not also rather pointless.

So, what's your verdict, Bro Ken?
@Izurich Geez, the new wave of Inquisition plants really suck at hiding their allegiance. Real talk, I stand with #superiortosilmeria. We're still going over this one though so I'll give you a final verdict when I'm not making dinner/doing taxes/multitasking.

Geez, spoilers, Bro Ken! 😤

Cool, I just woke up myself.


"Any sources" include herself or any outside forces?

Yep, any sources, whenever she's affected by a [Flight] Effect Note, basically, regardless of sources.
@BrokenPromise Up for review, Boss Bro Ken.

I'm already using Discord anyway so I'm cool with it.

My only "concern" (Read: First World Problem) though is that Discords tend to make the OOC completely abandoned, it'll be nice to have best of both worlds where the RP has Discord but the OOC is still used regularly or semi-regularly. I wonder if it can be done.
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