Name: Maximillian Edenheit
Aliases: Max, White Knight, Dreamboat
Age: 17
Class: First Year
Gender: Male
Specialty: Swordsmanship
Role, Rank, and Order: Student, Knight, Order of Shield
Height: 172cm (5'8")
Weight: 78kg (172lbs)
Build: Athletic, toned
Eyes: Sapphire
Hair: Blond, short, combed leftward
Skin Tone: Pale
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Various faded cut scars and calloused hands from intense training.
Day To Day Attire: Either school uniform or a white formal suit w/ blue accents.
Strengths:❖ Valiant: Maximillian is brave, there's no other way around it. The blonde barely flinches in the face of danger, maintaining his cool even in situations that'll send the common man into panic. Though he's not completely unable to feel fear, he can reliably channel that fear into focus instead.
❖ Robust: The White Knight matches his stalwart mental fortitude with admirable physical endurance. He can take more blows than the average person before going down and the effects of healing magic appear to be amplified when cast on him.
❖ Kind: Max is one of those individuals who possess a genuinely kind heart, he almost always helps others without expecting any reward even in situations where it's his right to be compensated, and it's exceedingly difficult for him to hold a grudge. Although he doesn't hesitate to punish evil when he sees it, but only because it's the right thing to do and not due to any personal vendetta.
Weaknesses:❖ Naive: A wide-eyed idealist, a young boy who never quite grew up, a naive fool, so said his detractors, but they may have a point. Maximillian believes that with enough effort, good will triumph over evil and that every villain will always get their dues, except that reality often isn't quite so simple.
❖ Sexist: His fascination with olden tales of chivalry and knighthood may have inspired him to walk the path of a selfless protector, but on the other hand, they also influenced him to put women in a certain light, that they're delicate flowers who must be protected from the evils of the world. Though Max doesn't consciously realize it most of the time, others can see that he's hesitant to fight women and tends to assume that evil women are simply 'misguided'.
Brave * Chivalrous * Altruistic * Idealistic
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Gallant, chivalrous, brave, and selfless, Maximillian embodies the concept of the 'knight in shining armor'. He believes that it's his duty to help the helpless and defend those who can't defend themselves. There's a certain naively idealistic air about him that endears to some, but infuriates others, however, whether they agree or not with his methods, one will be hard-pressed to deny that for all of his faults, Max is truly a kind person. He genuinely wishes to bring happiness to others, to fight so they don't have to. Such a character may be commonplace in tales of gallant knights and heroic adventurers, but not so much in the real world.
Unscrupulous individuals, especially if they're women, who know how to veil ill intent behind a cordial mask will find it quite easy to pull Maximillian's strings. The White Knight may believe he's fighting on the side of good and justice, but if he's not careful, his trusting nature may very well be his own undoing.
Habits:❖ Chuckling and/or smiling to express disagreement.
❖ Opening doors, giving way, and various other "gentlemanly" things for people, especially girls.
Hobbies:❖ Horse riding, it's an enjoyable pastime as well as a necessary skill for him.
❖ Volunteer work, at least one good deed a day.
❖ Enjoying fiction, especially Epic and High Fantasy, whether in the form of books, movies, or video games.
Fears:❖ Betrayal
❖ Being manipulated
Likes:❖ Knights
❖ Heroic fiction
❖ Fair maidens
❖ Altruism
❖ Mountains
❖ Horses
Dislikes:❖ Tyrants
❖ Tales with a "bad ending"
❖ Manipulators
❖ Oppression
❖ Beaches
❖ Wasps
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking. Levels include novice, apprentice, journeyman, expert, master.
- Swordsmanship (Journeyman): From the moment he first held onto the grip of a sword, Max knew that he was born to carry the blade, wield it, and perhaps one day, die by it. Though he himself never thinks of his talents as any special, any fencing instructor worth their salt will recognize the boy's natural aptitude with the weapon. With time and experience, he has a good chance of standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the greatest swordsmen in history.
- Horse Riding (Apprentice): A proper knight shouldn't be a one-trick pony, thus, even though his greatest talent lies with the sword, Max picks up other disciplines to complement his sacred role. He's not as skilled with them yet, but he has no intention of stopping here. Though other faster, more reliable forms of travel are available nowadays, Max won't feel quite right if he doesn't know how to ride these majestic beasts that had served humanity since time immemorial.
- Archery (Apprentice): It's folly to think that a knight can only fight up close as sometimes, certain situations require a more distant approach. Between fighting ‘honorably’ or saving an innocent's life? There's no choice to make because there's only one right answer.
- Hiking (Apprentice): Max's fondness for mountains and physical exercise in general incentivize him to go hiking, exploring the wonders of nature while training his body at the same time, kill two birds with one stone as they say.
- Waltz (Novice): Inspired by scenes of a knight hero dancing elegantly with their princess (or prince) in the tales he saw, Max had an idea to take up waltz lessons, but apparently, being skilled in fencing footwork doesn't immediately translate to the dance floor.
A listing of unique talents, magic, or possessions. Teachers may have two majors and two minors. 4th year Knights may have one major and two minors. 3rd year Knights may have two minors. 2nd year Knights may have one minor. Nobles and 1st year Knights may have one minor.
For the Order of Shield, please fill out with specialized attacks/maneuvers/weapons/etc.
For the Order of Twilight, please fill out with magic/artifacts/specialized moves/etc.
- Golden Dawn (Artifact / Minor): An old heirloom of the Edenheit family taking the form of a golden-blue longsword. It's said to be once wielded by one of the Knights of the Round Table. Whether the legend is true or not, one thing is clear, the sword holds some supernatural power as despite possibly being older than a millennium (if the legends are to be believed), it's still pristine as if freshly forged. Aside from being utterly shattered into million pieces, the sword will eventually return to this flawless state.
Parents:❖ August Edenheit (Father, Private Accountant, 40)
❖ Vishka Edenheit (Mother, Florist, 43)
Siblings:❖ Erina Edenheit (Sister, Student, 14)
❖ Erio Edenheit (Sister, Student, 10)
Childhood:The eldest child of three siblings, Maximillian was born to a happily-married middle-class family in the United Kingdom, specifically England. Being the oldest and only boy amongst his siblings had acclimatized Max to the role of a protector and guide, the one his younger sisters depended on whenever his parents weren't available. Perhaps this was why tales of chivalrous knights resonated greatly with him; whether it was the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table or Emperor Charlegmane and his Holy Paladins, the blonde boy had been fascinated by such stories of stalwart chivalry, unflinching in the face of evil.
And indeed, there are evil in the real world as well, whether it took the form of bullies trying to hurt his sisters or tyrannical dictators oppressing the people, the real world is full of villains who must be punished so that the good may live peacefully. A daydreamer, a wide-eyed idealist, a naive little fool, whatever his peers chose to call him, good or bad, Maximillian knew one thing, that he was born into this earth to be a crusader of justice, to be the defender of the defenseless, and helper of those who can't help themselves.
Thus, between his regular education, Maximillian began taking fencing classes, and this was where he - and his family - discovered his talent. It was as if Sir Gawain himself was reincarnated as him. Speaking of which, perhaps there was some truth to the legends behind the old family heirloom, an enchanted longsword that has been passed down from generations to generations, once said to be wielded by one of the Knights of the Round Table.
Adolescence:As it turned out, one of his father's most prominent clients, a nobleman of the Harcourt family, heard news of the accountant's eldest son. Intrigued by the boy's vision and talents, the nobleman offered to sponsor his enrollment into the illustrious Saint Valerius Academy. Honored by the generous proposition, Maximillian graciously accepted and vowed to do his utmost best, he shall be a full-fledged knight, crusader of justice!
If there are billions of good people on this world, then he's one of them; if there are only a million or even a few thousands, then he's still one of them; if there's only one, then he's that person; finally, if there's none left, then that means he's no longer alive. He'll defend all that's good and well in the world until his very last breath.
Special Moments:❖ When he first wielded his family's heirloom sword.
❖ When he received sponsorship from the Harcourt family to enroll in Saint Valerius Academy.
Current Events:❖ None at the moment.
* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other *
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
❖ Character Quote: “With this blade, I offer thee an accord; Stand by me and thou shall naught fear a thing.”
❖ Theme Song: Silver Sky Knight❖ Aura Color: Gold
❖ Scent: White Lily
❖ Partner: TBA