Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@VitaVitaAR My draft for Teratoma's entry in the anomalies list, feel free to edit as you desire:

Branch-092 Contained Anomalies:
  • A-188: Teratoma
  • Grade: Esh
  • Description: Subject is an amorphous pseudo-organic entity best visually described as a pulsating mass of red eldritch flesh, capable of extensive shapeshifting and anatomical mimicry. When told to be more 'presentable' without any specific guidance, Subject will mimic A-187's overall build and appearance with some key differences, chiefly being hair color and apparel, they're dark green and a white sundress respectively.
  • Containment Protocol: Due to imprinting after A-187's personality and demeanor, Subject is quite docile and cooperative to instructions. Indoctrination is the best method to 'contain' it, but should physical containment become necessary, Subject must be contained within a secured bunker, hermetically-sealed without even an inch of opening as Subject is capable of squeezing even through the narrowest of gaps. Meat - preferably raw and fresh - has been shown to effectively pacify the Subject should it's agitated.
  • Anomalous Qualities: Subject appears to have originated from another plane of existence that can be colloquially described as 'Lovecraftian'. It is a biologically immortal creature capable of consuming any organic material and gaining information to mimic those it has consumed. It has no identifiable internal organs (excluding those it has mimicked) except for a tennis ball-sized 'core' that appears to function as its brain. Any physical damage done to its body is ultimately reversible as long as the core remains functional. Though a living creature of flesh and blood, it doesn't think, feel, or function as we do, but it can adapt. In relation, facility and field observations suggest that psychological phenomenon from Anomalies or otherwise unpredictably affect Subject; it's apparently immune to A-187's gifts and when subjected to Ms. Yamamizu's 'Drowning the Sins' curse, Subject enters a blissful dream where it's having an endless feast of marine animals instead of a drowning waking nightmare.

Inactive: On an indefinite hiatus

As they say, second's time the charm... oh wait.

@VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze

While I remember that Olivia is your PC from Wendil's Grimoiric Heart RP, but too bad I don't seem to get the joke... bummer.

Pleasant to see Ashley back nevertheless.
@VitaVitaAR I see, that's fair. Hmmm... alright then, without going into too much personal details, this character - a rip-off of Tohka she may be - holds a special place in my heart related to someone dear to me, therefore, rather than changing her up too much, it's better to go back to the drawing board and see if I can come up with a concept that both fits the RP and interesting for me to play.

If nothing comes up, then I'll just watch you folks write spooky SCP stories from the sidelines.
Imagine buying merch of yourself.


Some OC ripped off from my OC who came first by a few years.
True, but nah, being an ultra-narcissist is Nykannis' shtick lol
You're not bringing back Valk?

Nah, she can stay as a plushie along with Apollo and Huntress. :)

-something about discord gremlins-

Cool beanz, Bro Ken.
I'm thinking of ripping off either Arknights' Rosmontis or Lycoris Recoil's Chisato.

Former would be a walking bunker-slash-artillery platform, latter would be basically be a Dollar Store version of Neo (Matrix).
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