@VitaVitaAR My draft for Teratoma's entry in the anomalies list, feel free to edit as you desire:
Branch-092 Contained Anomalies:
A-188: Teratoma
Grade: Esh
Description: Subject is an amorphous pseudo-organic entity best visually described as a pulsating mass of red eldritch flesh, capable of extensive shapeshifting and anatomical mimicry. When told to be more 'presentable' without any specific guidance, Subject will mimic A-187's overall build and appearance with some key differences, chiefly being hair color and apparel, they're dark green and a white sundress respectively.
Containment Protocol: Due to imprinting after A-187's personality and demeanor, Subject is quite docile and cooperative to instructions. Indoctrination is the best method to 'contain' it, but should physical containment become necessary, Subject must be contained within a secured bunker, hermetically-sealed without even an inch of opening as Subject is capable of squeezing even through the narrowest of gaps. Meat - preferably raw and fresh - has been shown to effectively pacify the Subject should it's agitated.
Anomalous Qualities: Subject appears to have originated from another plane of existence that can be colloquially described as 'Lovecraftian'. It is a biologically immortal creature capable of consuming any organic material and gaining information to mimic those it has consumed. It has no identifiable internal organs (excluding those it has mimicked) except for a tennis ball-sized 'core' that appears to function as its brain. Any physical damage done to its body is ultimately reversible as long as the core remains functional. Though a living creature of flesh and blood, it doesn't think, feel, or function as we do, but it can adapt. In relation, facility and field observations suggest that psychological phenomenon from Anomalies or otherwise unpredictably affect Subject; it's apparently immune to A-187's gifts and when subjected to Ms. Yamamizu's 'Drowning the Sins' curse, Subject enters a blissful dream where it's having an endless feast of marine animals instead of a drowning waking nightmare.
In its true, unadulterated form, the Anomaly codenamed as "A-188: Teratoma" can be visually described as a mass of pulsating red flesh, similar yet distinct from the tissue of mammalians, sitting in that uncanny valley of horror beyond the reaches of traditional comprehension of reality. It's able to shape and form various appendages at will including, but not limited to: prehensile tentacles, clusters of unblinking eyes, and pockets of maws lined with jagged teeth.
Peculiarly, due to Teratoma's great fondness with another Anomaly, the one registered as "A-187: Lonesome Princess", it has adopted a humanoid persona based on the Princess' physical appearance, taking the form of a young girl of West European descent standing at 136cm (4'6") with pale complexion, knee-length dark green hair, and eyes with green-red heterochromia with their irises' respective positions mirrored against each other. However, in contrast to the Lonesome Princess, Teratoma prefers to emulate modest clothing such as a simple white sundress in lieu of expansive frilly dresses worn by the Princess. Notably, this is the form that Teratoma adopts by default whenever she needs to be "presentable" as her true form isn't very... conducive for social situations.
❖ None:
Due to the hassle of keeping objects on her person as a shapeshifter, Teratoma has no equipment owned by herself specifically. Out in the field, should she ever find herself needing to use tools, she'll simply borrow from other Agents or loot one from the environment, whichever is more convenient at the time.
As an Esh-class Anomaly, Teratoma is capable of performing feats of eldritch persuasion that completely betrays the average person's understanding of how reality should work. Even the mere sight of her true self will often be enough to send most civilians fleeing in terror or catatonically cowering in abject horror.
Those abilities - as observed and documented by Sefirot - are as follows:
❖ Amorphous Fleshweaver:
Teratoma is an amorphous pseudo-organic entity that possesses virtually perfect control of her own metabolism. In practice, she's able to morph, shape, and sculpt her body at will, forming new appendages and organs simply by willing them, although she requires prior knowledge to know how to shape a select limb. Said knowledge is best acquired by consuming the biomass of other creatures; a lock of hair, a piece of skin, a finger, an arm, ...a whole body, the more mass the better. However, this seemingly boundless ability has an important caveat, Teratoma is unable to emulate powers deemed to be "intangible" such as magic - the ability to cast arcane spells - being the most common example.
For a more in-depth example: If Teratoma consumes a fire-breathing creature, whether she can acquire its flame breath depends whether the creature uses an organic, physical heat sac in its throat or some form of magical pyromancy to generate its flames, Tera can emulate the former, but not the latter.
For navigating the world around her, Teratoma possesses each equivalent of a human's five senses, with touch and smell being her best, easily rivaling moles and bloodhounds respectively. In addition, she's capable of experiencing what's known as 'synesthesia', perceiving a sensation commonly attributed to a select sense via another such as; 'smelling' the color of blue or 'seeing' the scent of honey.
❖ Starfish Alien Physiology:
The only real vital organ that Teratoma possesses is a 'core', a lump of chewy flesh-like matter roughly the size of a tennis ball. As such, as long as this core isn't destroyed, Tera is able to eventually regenerate with no adverse effects, quite similar to a starfish. However, this doesn't mean she's unstoppable, nor invincible. Attacks of mundane and magical nature can still damage her body mass and at some point, she'll be incapacitated, alive but left helpless at the hands of her enemies, just like a starfish who has lost all of its arms surrounded by hungry predators. In such a situation, without the assistance of allies, she's as good as dead.
❖ Lovecraftian Psyche:
Summoned from a plane of reality utterly different from where Earth resides, although Teratoma can emulate the personality and behaviors of a 'person', the fact remains that Teratoma's mind inherently does not function like a typical human or even any other earthborne creatures really. This nature primarily manifests in her unpredictable reactions to mind-affecting phenomenons coming from humans and other Anomalies alike (Note: How each mind-affecting phenomenon affects Teratoma on a case-by-case basis is left to the discretion of the Game Masters).
One beneficial case example of this is Tera's complete immunity to Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess"'s 'Gift Curse'. Tera is one of the entities known to be unaffected even after accepting a gift from the Princess. Whether this has to do with Tera's alien mind, Princess' gifts, or both, Sefirot staff still can't be sure.
Though initially behaving no different than a simple animal when first encountered by Sefirot Agents, further observations at the organization's highly-secure facility discovered that the Esh-Class Anomaly codenamed "A-188: Teratoma" exhibits sapient-level capability to learn, think, and feel... to an extent. There are clear signs pointing to the Anomaly is more accurately emulating human behaviors instead of learning them instinctively like a normal human child. For lack of better words, Teratoma is like a fish who has learned how to walk on dry land. It's quite awkward and odd, but functional nonetheless.
Overall, she exhibits quite similar mannerisms as Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess".
Teratoma originated from a plane of reality existing beyond the boundaries of Earth's local universe, a spawn of the cosmic horror entity mentioned in hushed whispers and lost dark tomes as "Shub-Niggurath, Great Mother of a Thousand Young", it was called upon into the material world by a would-be warlock. Said warlock wished to evolve beyond mundane humanity, free from the ravages of age, disease, and even physical rigidity. In his relentless pursuit, he poured countless years and fortune to finally discover and prepare for the eldritch ritual.
After hours upon hours of continuous chanting, bloodletting, and offerings, he... succeeded, he summoned what he deemed to be a 'perfect lifeform', finally immortality shall be his!-...
...-and the first thing the creature did to repay its summoner was to consume him whole, in an ironic twist of something gone horribly right, he was now one with it, becoming 'immortal' just as he intended, but perhaps not in the way he envisioned.
As for the Fleshweaver Spawn, still hungry for more sustenance, it eventually found its way out of the warlock's hideout and into the streets, causing... not-insignificant numbers of horrified screams and soiled breeches purely by its physical appearance alone. This naturally attracted the attention of Sefirot - specifically Branch-092 - who sent their Agents to contain the newly-discovered Anomaly. Fortunately, despite being classified as an Esh-tier, the creature proved rather benign, easily persuaded into cooperation by offering it fresh meat... lots and lots of meat. It was then taken into a secure facility for safe containment. There, it was christened "A-188: Teratoma" due to its bizarre physiology bearing resemblance to the namesake medical condition.
Within the facility, in a curious turn of events, two Anomalies of completely different nature formed a sibling relationship, Teratoma and Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess" as the former proved to be immune to the latter's brainwashing gifts, leading to the two cultivating a bond, with some staff denoting them to be quite similar to human sibling dynamics.
Influenced by its apparent fondness for the Lonesome Princess, Teratoma began taking after the other anomaly's looks, behavior, and mannerisms, in what some facility staff equated to the 'filial imprinting' phenomenon commonly found in chickens, ducks, and geese. This turned out to be a boon for Sefirot as by employing parenting-style indoctrination, they had managed to convince the Fleshweaver that the Lonesome Princess is her older sister, Sefirot is family, humans are friends, and hostile Anomalies are 'bad monsters', and as a good girl, she should protect her family and friends from the "bad monsters". As a result, the eldritch, unnerving, yet rather innocently gullible entity agreed to become an Agent in service of Branch-092.
❖ Color Code: 26ffea & fe2863 ❖ While Tera can consume virtually everything organic in nature, including otherwise harmful substances such as poison and strong acid, her most absolute favorite is flesh, preferably raw and fresh. ❖ Tera's "clothes'' aren't actually clothes, they're flaps of fibrous skin shaped to emulate fabric. Uncanny or fascinating or both.
In its true, unadulterated form, the Anomaly codenamed as "A-188: Teratoma" can be visually described as a mass of pulsating red flesh, similar yet distinct from the tissue of mammalians, sitting in that uncanny valley of horror beyond the reaches of traditional comprehension of reality. It's able to shape and form various appendages at will including, but not limited to: prehensile tentacles, clusters of unblinking eyes, and pockets of maws lined with jagged teeth.
Peculiarly, due to Teratoma's great fondness with another Anomaly, the one registered as "A-187: Lonely Princess", it has adopted a humanoid persona based on the Princess' physical appearance, taking the form of a young girl of West European descent standing at 136cm (4'6") with pale complexion, knee-length dark green hair, and eyes with green-red heterochromia with their irises' respective positions mirrored against each other. However, in contrast to the Lonesome Princess, Teratoma prefers to emulate modest clothing such as a simple white sundress in lieu of expansive frilly dresses worn by the Princess. Notably, this is the form that Teratoma adopts by default whenever she needs to be "presentable" as her true form isn't very... conducive for social situations.
❖ None:
Due to the hassle of keeping objects on her person as a shapeshifter, Teratoma has no equipment owned by herself specifically. Out in the field, should she ever find herself needing to use tools, she'll simply borrow from other Agents or loot one from the environment, whichever is more convenient at the time.
As an Esh-class Anomaly, Teratoma is capable of performing feats of eldritch persuasion that completely betrays the average person's understanding of how reality should work. Even the mere sight of her true self will often be enough to send most civilians fleeing in terror or catatonically cowering in abject horror.
Those abilities - as observed and documented by Sefirot - are as follows:
❖ Amorphous Fleshweaver:
Teratoma is an amorphous pseudo-organic entity that possesses virtually perfect control of her own metabolism. In practice, she's able to morph, shape, and sculpt her body at will, forming new appendages and organs simply by willing them, although she requires prior knowledge to know how to shape a select limb. Said knowledge is best acquired by consuming the biomass of other creatures; a lock of hair, a piece of skin, a finger, an arm, ...a whole body, the more mass the better. However, this seemingly boundless ability has an important caveat, Teratoma is unable to emulate powers deemed to be "intangible" such as magic - the ability to cast arcane spells - being the most common example.
For a more in-depth example: If Teratoma consumes a fire-breathing creature, whether she can acquire its flame breath depends whether the creature uses an organic, physical heat sac in its throat or some form of magical pyromancy to generate its flames, Tera can emulate the former, but not the latter.
For navigating the world around her, Teratoma possesses each equivalent of a human's five senses, with touch and smell being her best, easily rivaling moles and bloodhounds respectively. In addition, she's capable of experiencing what's known as 'synesthesia', perceiving a sensation commonly attributed to a select sense via another such as; 'smelling' the color of blue or 'seeing' the scent of honey.
❖ Starfish Alien Physiology:
The only real vital organ that Teratoma possesses is a 'core', a lump of chewy flesh-like matter roughly the size of a tennis ball. As such, as long as this core isn't destroyed, Tera is able to eventually regenerate with no adverse effects, quite similar to a starfish. However, this doesn't mean she's unstoppable, nor invincible. Attacks of mundane and magical nature can still damage her body mass and at some point, she'll be incapacitated, alive but left helpless at the hands of her enemies, just like a starfish who has lost all of its arms surrounded by hungry predators. In such a situation, without the assistance of allies, she's as good as dead.
❖ Lovecraftian Psyche:
Summoned from a plane of reality utterly different from where Earth resides, although Teratoma can emulate the personality and behaviors of a 'person', the fact remains that Teratoma's mind inherently does not function like a typical human or even any other earthborne creatures really. This nature primarily manifests in her unpredictable reactions to mind-affecting phenomenons coming from humans and other Anomalies alike (Note: How each mind-affecting phenomenon affects Teratoma on a case-by-case basis is left to the discretion of the Game Masters).
One beneficial case example of this is Tera's complete immunity to Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess"'s 'Gift Curse'. Tera is one of the entities known to be unaffected even after accepting a gift from the Princess. Whether this has to do with Tera's alien mind, Princess' gifts, or both, Sefirot staff still can't be sure.
Though initially behaving no different than a simple animal when first encountered by Sefirot Agents, further observations at the organization's highly-secure facility discovered that the Esh-Class Anomaly codenamed "A-188: Teratoma" exhibits sapient-level capability to learn, think, and feel... to an extent. There are clear signs pointing to the Anomaly is more accurately emulating human behaviors instead of learning them instinctively like a normal human child. For lack of better words, Teratoma is like a fish who has learned how to walk on dry land. It's quite awkward and odd, but functional nonetheless.
Overall, she exhibits quite similar mannerisms as Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess".
Teratoma originated from a plane of reality existing beyond the boundaries of Earth's local universe, a spawn of the cosmic horror entity mentioned in hushed whispers and lost dark tomes as "Shub-Niggurath, Great Mother of a Thousand Young", it was called upon into the material world by a would-be warlock. Said warlock wished to evolve beyond mundane humanity, free from the ravages of age, disease, and even physical rigidity. In his relentless pursuit, he poured countless years and fortune to finally discover and prepare for the eldritch ritual.
After hours upon hours of continuous chanting, bloodletting, and offerings, he... succeeded, he summoned what he deemed to be a 'perfect lifeform', finally immortality shall be his!-...
...-and the first thing the creature did to repay its summoner was to consume him whole, in an ironic twist of something gone horribly right, he was now one with it, becoming 'immortal' just as he intended, but perhaps not in the way he envisioned.
As for the Fleshweaver Spawn, still hungry for more sustenance, it eventually found its way out of the warlock's hideout and into the streets, causing... not-insignificant numbers of horrified screams and soiled breeches purely by its physical appearance alone. This naturally attracted the attention of Sefirot - specifically Branch-092 - who sent their Agents to contain the newly-discovered Anomaly. Fortunately, despite being classified as an Esh-tier, the creature proved rather benign, easily persuaded into cooperation by offering it fresh meat... lots and lots of meat. It was then taken into a secure facility for safe containment. There, it was christened "A-188: Teratoma" due to its bizarre physiology bearing resemblance to the namesake medical condition.
Within the facility, in a curious turn of events, two Anomalies of completely different nature formed a sibling relationship, Teratoma and Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess" as the former proved to be immune to the latter's brainwashing gifts, leading to the two cultivating a bond, with some staff denoting them to be quite similar to human sibling dynamics.
Influenced by its apparent fondness for the Lonesome Princess, Teratoma began taking after the other anomaly's looks, behavior, and mannerisms, in what some facility staff equated to the 'filial imprinting' phenomenon commonly found in chickens, ducks, and geese. This turned out to be a boon for Sefirot as by employing parenting-style indoctrination, they had managed to convince the Fleshweaver that the Lonesome Princess is her older sister, Sefirot is family, humans are friends, and hostile Anomalies are 'bad monsters', and as a good girl, she should protect her family and friends from the "bad monsters". As a result, the eldritch, unnerving, yet rather innocently gullible entity agreed to become an Agent in service of Branch-092.
❖ Color Code: 26ffea & fe2863 ❖ While Tera can consume virtually everything organic in nature, including otherwise harmful substances such as poison and strong acid, her most absolute favorite is flesh, preferably raw and fresh. ❖ Tera's "clothes'' aren't actually clothes, they're flaps of fibrous skin shaped to emulate fabric. Uncanny or fascinating or both.
@VitaVitaAR I see, that's fair. Hmmm... alright then, without going into too much personal details, this character - a rip-off of Tohka she may be - holds a special place in my heart related to someone dear to me, therefore, rather than changing her up too much, it's better to go back to the drawing board and see if I can come up with a concept that both fits the RP and interesting for me to play.
If nothing comes up, then I'll just watch you folks write spooky SCP stories from the sidelines.
I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
[h3]7/8 Weeb[/h3]
...[s]kill me.[/s]
[sub][i]Avatar drawn by [url=https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane]Vayreceane[/url][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so... <br><div class="bb-h3">7/8 Weeb</div><br>...<span class="bb-s">kill me.</span><br><br><sub><span class="bb-i">Avatar drawn by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane">Vayreceane</a></span></sub></div>