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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Branch-092 Facility - Containment Wing--

While everyone else was busy socializing, training, spooking, or struggling with mundane everyday technology, the Esh-Class Anomaly registered as "A-188: Teratoma" was content to enjoy its meal as the person-sized slab of meat was being dissolved inside its amorphous body; muscle, ligaments, and even bone, by the time the Fleshweaver was done, absolutely nothing would be left of the meal. The entity might be many things, but let no one ever say that it's a waster, parents all over the world could only dream of having a child as thorough as it.

As expected, soon enough, the wholeass chunk was gone, so utterly that law enforcement would have no way of recovering any traces if it was a murder victim instead of raw beef. In a matter of minutes, Tera had finished something that would take the average person multiple full meals to chow down. "HaAaAaA~" Satisfied, the blob of eldritch flesh morphed back to the seemingly innocent green-haired young girl without much ceremony, just like that transforming from a breeches-soiling creature to an adorable “child”. Hmmm... Raising a hand to her chin, she pondered about what she'd like to do next. Since there were no "bad monsters'' to punish right now, she could play with sis again, or frolic around the base, or... she could take a comfy nap using her new steak-shaped pillow! Yes, yes, that'd be most pleasurable indeed.

Making her decision, Tera skipped over to her king-size bed, belly-flopped on it, practically glomping the steak pillow, then she rolled around on the bed with it for a couple times before settling into a position. "Nyem, nyem...~" With her belly full, she closed her eyes and began drifting off into a blissful slumber, probably dreaming of... something, best not to pry into the abyss, lest the abyss pries back.

--??? - Town Outskirts--

"Oh?" Remilia was more intrigued than disappointed when Rayne explained the intricacies of her teleportation power, all the minute details elaborating why all five of them couldn't simply be instantaneously transported back to this village. I see... so this curious ability of hers is built upon the concept of altruism. The more gratitude she receives, the more powerful she becomes, in a way, not unlike how deities in Gensokyo feed off devotion of their worshippers, the more they have, the more powerful they become. The Scarlet Devil mused as she casually rubbed her chin, continuing to listen to Rayne, "I won't deceive you, the fact that you can't teleport yourself and others who haven't yet established a Link with you doesn't quite help our current situation." Remilia's shoulders shrugged briefly, "However, tis' what it is." While she supposed Lewa and herself could be sent back by simply linking with Rayne, that'd leave the Knight-Witch alone with Elaine and her baby, that - obviously - wouldn't be a wise decision for their goal as rescuers.

"I am unable to say for sure as I do not know this human," The vampiress once again shrugged her shoulders, "But I do know this, every individual awakens at their own pace, depending on quite a number of factors. As far as my experience goes, the general pattern is that the more powerful an individual is, the faster they'll regain consciousness, and this human female appears to be an ordinary specimen of her kin." Remilia deduced as best as she could given her lack of knowledge about Elaine, "Furthermore, I must also mention that due to one reason or another, I've lost most of my prowess after my sudden exodus from Gensokyo," She paused briefly, "I may not appear as such, but I'm currently experiencing constant aches throughout my body even as we speak." So... once again, tis' what it is. "I believe we should let her awaken on her own, but if it's any consolation to you, Lady Rayne, I can assure you that she is now fine, alive, just unconscious."

With their next course of action set, Remilia took note that Lewa would be the one to carry the humans, a wise initiative considering what someone of his stature could do. "Of course, please lead the way, Sir Lewa." She elegantly gestured with her arm as the Toa of Air began ascending the stairs, back to where they came from, Remilia simply followed suit by hovering behind him.

"Tch..." Of course, the first thing she was immediately reminded of after their egress was the accursed rain, the endless, ceaseless, pouring droplets. And to think that I wasn't even given the chance to bring my parasol... Though her current apparel - bonnet, dress, and shoes all - had been enchanted to self-repair and self-clean over time, it didn't lessen the cold and damp discomfort of being drenched in rainwater. This, plus the revelation that the emerald-plated mechanical-man somehow managed to lose his sense of direction. ... Was Remilia perplexed? Somewhat, annoyed? Even more so, however, instead of making a sarcastic quip that'd achieve nothing, the gears in the Fate Seamstress' mind began turning. Peculiarly, without Remilia herself realizing it, losing her powers and being separated from her family and servants compelled the lost mistress to behave more pragmatic than usual, and she was already known to be the wisest member of the Scarlet Devil Manor.

Thus, after a moment of weaving the 'perfect' scheme, Remilia turned toward Rayne, "I'd normally loath to be a beggar, but as things stand, I must beseech you to lend me your headwear, Milady." Once the Halfling Knight-Witch had deigned to temporarily hand over her sizable hat to her, Remilia would use it as a makeshift umbrella as she began ascending toward the gloomy sky. Once she had gotten enough altitude, she'd survey the horizons, spotting a collection of man-made structures not too far away. That must be the village. After taking note of its general direction, she descended back down, her wings ceased flapping as her feet touched the rain-soaked ground.

"Thank you, Lady Knight-Witch." Though initially hesitant, she offered the hat back to its rightful owner. After that, she nodded at both Rayne and Lewa, "I've located the hamlet, I'll take us there." Without further ado - in no small part due to wanting to get some shelter - Remilia began trekking through the forest, toward the direction of the recently-raided village. There, she'd get her quite-overdue answers...

@DracoLunaris @Lugubrious
Gonna use this thread to make my bot reports (and pester the mods).

To start off, we got the classic furniture salesman:
Reminder: His lightning is blue, not yellow, avoid this rookie mistake. 😒

I'm rather curious how our two Vellum members will play- I get the feeling of Wick crossed with Bond, which can only be a delightful thing!

From what I can see, Elise and Taslim have a Red Oni and Blue Oni dynamic respectively. Let's see how it turns out IC. 😎

And yeah, Wick, Bond, and Agent 47 are among my major inspirations for him.
I am immediately entertained that 3/4 of our cast is some percentage of Asian nationality.

--??? - Town Outskirts--

Huh... For a brief moment, Remilia felt a tinge of curious amusement from the way Lady Rayne the Knight-Witch and Sir Lewa the Toa of Air reacted to a simple display of Blood Magic, a minor healing spell to mend an equally minor wound, most certainly nothing to write home about let alone be impressed by. It was only after a following moment of epiphany that Remilia realized something, that living in Gensokyo for most of her life had accustomed her to Gensokian repertoire of powers, made worse by the fact that she often mingled with individuals of more or less equal standing as herself. I suppose for the less... endowed folks, what I just did already counts as a miracle? Heh, it's... nice, in a way. The Scarlet Devil certainly wasn't one to rebuke compliments when it's deserving.

"You're very welcome, Lady Rayne, Sir Lewa, fufu~" Remilia chuckled elegantly, flashing a subtle smirk of vain smugness, "I see... so that is the reason why these two humans fled their home." The lilac-haired girl nodded as she took in the information relayed by Rayne and Lewa; the cause of the exodus, the current state of the town, Rayne's teleportation abilities, and last but certainly not least, Sanae's whereabouts. So there are others? Unsurprising, she picked me, what was stopping her from grabbing another? I wonder who they’ll be; Flan? Sakuya? Marisa? Perhaps even Reimu? Regardless, I'll find out soon.

"Most certainly," The Blood Mistress chuckled in agreement at the Knight-Witch and Air Toa, "After all, I am nothing but magnanimous. Bring us to this lodge, then I shall mend their maladies, and since I'm feeling generous, 'they' include Sanae as well." She was already ready to depart just as Lewa embraced the wife and her child with his sizable emerald limbs. "Well? What are we dallying for?" Remilia asked Rayne, assuming that she'd teleport them all right about now.

@DracoLunaris @Lugubrious

--Branch-092 Facility - Containment Wing--

It shouldn't come as a surprise that a contained Anomaly could be found in the aptly-named Containment Wing, however, two anomalies in the same chamber? Unusual, bizarre, or even... anomalous if you would. Nevertheless, such was the case within the containment chamber assigned to host the Avon-Class Anomaly "A-187: Lonesome Princess", inside the low-security room was an oddly innocent sight, especially to laymen blissfully unaware of the truth.

Two young girls, each appearing no older than ten summers, could be seen playing house with various plushies and toy furniture. One had red-green heterochromatic eyes, long white hair, doll-like pale complexion, and wearing a frilly gothic lolita dress, while the other shared the former's multi-colored eyes except mirrored into green-red, she also had knee-length dark green hair and similarly pale skin tone, but wears a much more modest apparel in the form a simple white sundress. Judging by their smiles and giggles, they appeared to be having fun.

"What does Winnie like, sis~?" The green-haired girl asked, her right hand holding the stuffed doll of a yellow-furred anthropomorphic bear, a curious look on her youthful visage.

"Oh~ Winnie really loves honey, Tera." Answered the white-haired girl with a few gingerly nods, meanwhile, her left hand was clutching a beige-furred rabbit character, "Rabbit also really likes honey!"

"Oooh, I see~ so both of them love honey, un un~" Tera - the one with the green hair - nodded sagely in understanding, then tilted her head a bit in brief contemplation, "But Tera likes meat more than honey."

"Hehe~ of course, you really love meat after all." The Lonesome Princess giggled to her 'younger sister', "Oh, speaking of meat, I have something for you, Tera~" Her Anomalous Highness put down the rabbit plush then proceeded to rummage into a toy treasure chest, a brief moment later, she procured another plush, bearing the shape of a cartoon steak, "Tadaaa~ I made this for you, Tera!"

"Ooooh!" Tera's mismatched eyes figuratively shone as she laid her gaze upon the 'steak', then as casually as one would extend a limb, the lower-half of Tera's right arm morphed into a red, flesh-like tentacle, it wrapped around the gift before pulling back as it shifted back to a more... humanoid arm, "It looks really tasty, sis~ can I eat it?" The leaf-haired Anomaly inquired with palpable hunger.

Normally, right now, the Lonesome Princess' mysterious gift curse should start to take hold on the recipient, turning them into brainwashed devotees of the Avon-Class Anomaly, practically dooming them into a fate worse than death, yet... for one inexplicably eldritch reason or another, Teratoma wasn't affected at all. Her lovecraftian nature scoffed at such petty attempts, she came from a plane of existence where madness and chaos made incarnate, what would be considered an anomaly for mere mortals was nothing but child's play to her kin. On the flipside, this allowed the Lonesome Princess to not be so lonesome anymore as she could have a friend that she wouldn't - couldn't - innocently murder.

"No, silly, that's for hugging, like a pillow! Ehehe~" Her Highness giggled in mirth, amused by Tera's antics, always thinking about food, what a handful girl~

"Oooh... un un, then Tera will not eat it, Tera will hug it!" The Fleshweaver grinned, slightly bit disappointed that it wasn't edible, but overall still delighted at receiving a gift from her 'older sister', however, this presented an issue, a grave issue, "Since Tera can't eat this meat, I'll get some eatable meat then!" The young girl stood up, leaving the bear doll in exchange for the steak plush, "Tera will see you later, sis~"

"Hehe~ okaaaay~ see you later, Tera~" The Lonesome Princess waved to the other Anomaly, then as Tera left, she put the dolls and toy furniture away, exchanging them for a coloring book and a pack of crayons, "Hmhmhm~"

As for Teratoma, she made her way back to her own room (containment chamber), in which the assigned personnel unlocked to allow the benign, cooperative Anomaly to enter. Once inside, she put her newest gift onto-... Hmmm... since sis said this is for hugging... ...-her bed instead of the shelf. That done, the Anomaly walked over to the large fridge set upon a wall, opening it to reveal rows upon rows of fresh, raw meat. "Uweee~" She licked her lips hungrily as she grabbed one of the meat slabs, closed the fridge back, then went over to an empty floor space within the rather spacious chamber, meat slab in tow.

There, Tera's humanoid body rapidly morphed with sickening noises of wet slime and crunching bones as she - it - returned to its true, unaltered form, a pulsating mass of living red flesh. "NyUm NyUm~" Its garbled voice reverberated through the air like a forbidden litany of madness as its mass swallowed the slab whole, and just like that, it vanished into the creature's gaping maw. Though one could imagine said piece of meat being replaced by a living, breathing person, fortunately, the eldritch entity was content with its current meal... for now.

EDIT: Player resigned, consent given to GM to do as they please with the character.

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