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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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@RoseKnightJason I've updated Beth's CS as per your suggestion, adding this part:
When cast, a sanguine magic circle gradually expands outward from underneath her feet and those who're touched by said circle will feel their blood being drained out until they have no more to drain. It's functionally a hex-type spell and like all curses, it can be nullified or resisted. In this case, someone with enough physical endurance will be able to brute force through its effects.

Also moving the draft from the Interest Check to here for convenience.

Jon "The Shadow" Jones ain't got nothin' on my man Lamont. Truly, there's always a bigger fish.
@RoseKnightJason My CS is up for review, GM!

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@Izurich sounds exactly like what James is looking for! I can't wait to see her sheet fully written out. If we get at least one more person I'll throw up a character sheet section but for now, why not leave your sheet here to inspire other players to join, eh? Oh, and someone with life extending powers likely has had run inside with the Witch Hunters of the church before, so feel free to mention this in your sheet if you want to. I can give you the rough outline of one of their powers/persona if you wanna get specific with it.

Sounds great! Then I'll get working on it and put it up here for review once it's done.

Related, sure, tell me about those Witch Hunters.
This sounds cool! I hereby express my interest of being shanghaied into involuntary servitude recruited into a life of freedom and booty!

Pending changes and/or new ideas, my current character concept - inspired by the lore regarding witches and the Anglican Church - plays with the trope of "Antichrist creepy child". I imagine her to look like a young girl on a superficial level, but interacting with her on any capacity would reveal that she's anything but, instead an old crone wielding baleful haemomancy (blood magic).

Some says she unnaturally extends her life via routinely absorbing the life force of young maidens, some says she really is Elizabeth Bathory herself seeking a new life after her supposed execution by immurement, all mere rumors and speculations, but one thing is clear, any pirate crew would find her to be an asset, a bloody one but hey, bloodshed is a part of the life they've chosen, no?

--Osprey - Holy Grounds--

Luckily, the High Caretaker didn't take offense to any of the 'abominations' treading upon his goddess' sacred grounds, either through compassion or disinterest, it mattered not, the party couldn't afford another fight right now, especially not against the chosen of a deity.

Just after Eve finished explaining what she knew, she heard her name being called, prompting the Pseudolon to turn her gaze at the tallest Skaeler among them. She blinked once, getting a good look at the spy's profile before simply concluding, "What Eliane said." Though she wished she could do more, her expertise was more along the lines of causing rather than reversing harm. "You can also use our potions." There we go, that should be good enough.

Upon Galahad's suggestion, the party - plus Cid - entered the temple grounds proper. Eve's crimson irises reflected the divine opulence on display. It'd be such a shame if Valheim and their False Odin followed them here, she sincerely hoped her assumptions about Cid's divine-ordained powers weren't too far off.

The Faux Bahamut sat down seiza-style across the High Caretaker then lent her earless ears to everything he had to say, every single piece of information about the Blight, Valheim, and how they were all connected, vindicating her animosity toward her so-called creators. By the end of it, instead of burning rage, Eve felt... relief, the tranquil serenity of discovering that the Kirins' cause was truly righteous. All of those people she had killed, the suffering and death she had inflicted, those were all against individuals serving true evil. Whatever Rudolf hosted only felt wrong and eldritch, but Valheim... they were worse than the Blight and it's their moral-bound duty to rid the world of their taint.

"I can tell you at least one, High Caretaker," Eve spoke up as she used a hand to gesture at herself, at her unsollanic features on an otherwise Sollan girl, "Among other crimes against nature, they must have used Etro's divine essence to acquire the Primals' as well, then they exploited these ill-gotten gains to make my kind. I was created using Bahamut's, the creature we just fought was likely spawned using Odin's, but I know for certain that there are more out there; corruptions of the world's divine pantheon, wielded like warhounds... how utterly revolting."

Sighing harshly, Eve gritted her teeth, "So, please, High Caretaker, tell me-... us how to end this, all of this, for good!"
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Near Sapple Springs - Rest Stop--

Right, there was that phenomenon with the Mist too, really, anything related to that unidentified airship felt eldritch in nature, like something that existed but shouldn't, as Silje aptly described in her own words. Unfortunately, it wouldn't take a genius to deduce that the answers wouldn't come easy, if they'd even come at all.

Justice's vexation of Morden's... 'tactlessness' was understandable, but it was nothing surprising coming from the overzealous WARDEN, the anti-Vangar propaganda might have been too successful on him. Should the day comes where it'd bite them in the ass, Valerie had mentally prepared for it, just as she had prepared for Silje going nuclear on them. To summarize, they'd cross the bridge when they get there.

After Collette vouched for Valerie's theory, the secret police's director gave them what essentially was their next assignment, it being an 'off the record' black ops was irrelevant, they had direct orders from someone quite up there in the chain of command. "Affirmative, Sir." She gave a subtle yet firm nod. No arguments there, everything Veld said made logical sense.

As the Nephilim wasn't quite knowledgeable at practical engineering, she simply assisted with manual labor and let the experts such as Kali deal with the actual fitting of what things into other things. Well, they did it, the vehicle definitely had seen better days but it was functional, and if push came to shove, Valerie could always do... that again, but for her sake, 'that' should always remain a last resort.

"If we can requisition a large family van, yeah, sure, but as things stand, the truck is still our best option." The shortest of the party's white-haired trio responded pragmatically, then she continued with that very same mindset, "Considering how hellbent that thing was on finishing off our royal diplomat for good? I wouldn't count on it."

--Hillside Hamlet - Town Hall--

Seeing that no one needed urgent treatments, Remilia simply delegated her mist to generally apply its healing properties to anyone coming in contact with it. Furthermore, she didn't manage to listen anything the sullen blonde girl muttered, but even if she did, she wouldn't see her as anyone peculiar. Truly, after spending the last five centuries with a certain younger sister, the Scarlet Devil's sense of "creepy blonde pale young girl" had been utterly desensitized.

Thus, it took Sanae's explicitly pointing her out for Remilia to pay "Wingless Flandre" any particular attention, "Oh, it'd appear she's referring to the source behind those shadow oozes." The petite youkai surmised, "If only Satori's pet nekomata is here, she's an expert on all things rotten-... ah, nevermind, that Necromantic Hermit might be the better candidate." She mused, "Unfortunately, as said before, wounds of the psyche are beyond me.

"Bringing her with us would be unwise, but it seems that both you and Youmu were able to see something in this girl that I couldn't, so if you decide to invite her to travel along with us, I won't stop you." Remilia then rubbed her chin slowly, pondering if there was anything else she could suggest, "You can also let me feed on her and see if I can discern anything unusual from her blood." The vampiress quipped with all the nonchalance of musing an ordinary plan of action.
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