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Panromantic Demisexual
I draw, write, I do other shit too but I can't exactly list them off the top of my head.
Sadly a theater kid

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I'm honestly okay with either one!!

Granted, I may not be *great* at a 3-way, simply because it's been years since I've done anything like it. But it does seem interesting in this case! I've just been yearning to do something Beetlejuice related for a good while now, so I'm overall just happy to be talking to people who are interested in the offer-

@Baphomini @Eviledd1984

Yes, it was intended to be a 1x1, hence why I responded to you both separately. I tend to usually stick to 1x1 roleplays since my past experience with group interactions have been overwhelming and typically result in one person being left out.


seeing as it's been quite a while and I do think the idea could make for a really cool scenario, I'd be open to discussing details of a group roleplay if you both are open to it! If not, I'm still more than happy to go over details for separate 1x1 scenarios with the both of you.

A rival scenario sounds interesting! Go ahead and shoot me a message, we can discuss further details in private.

Oh fantastic!!

While I was initially looking for someone to play Keaton's version of Beetlejuice, I am *very* much so open to ocs! Honestly I'm just looking to do something set in the universe, so even a character working as a kind of successor would be fun to work with!

Go ahead and shoot me a message! We can discuss further details there.

Hello hello hello!! Back at it again with yet another one of these interest checks because one of my hyperfixations has reawaken(what a shocker).

I’m looking to do something based off of Beetlejuice; preferably something more based around the show/movie’s lore. Though that doesn’t mean I’m not opposed to the musical adaptation, I’m open to it! It’s just not my FAVORITE adaptation(unless we're talking in terms of how they write Beetlejuice and Lydia's dynamic, in that case it's my favorite out of the three adaptations).

I’ve been roleplaying for the last seven years and would consider my writing style to be on the border of semi-lit and literate; I can do multiple paragraphs at a time and tend to prefer this as I don’t like to be too vague, but I also like to match my partner’s length as well!

Onto the topic at hand; I’m currently looking for someone to play the titular bitchular himself, as I’ve been wanting to try out some interactions between him and either some of my ocs or the other canon characters. I’m more than happy to write a PLATONIC scenario as Lydia; if not that, then I would also be open to playing the Maitlands(for either the popular throuple ship that's gone around or just to experiment with the dynamic they have with Beetlejuice before everything else in the plot happens). In all honesty, I could most likely write for a good chunk of the other characters(Charles, Delia, Juno, etc;), so it ultimately depends on what we decide to do.

In terms of plot, I'm really looking to some more light-hearted slice of life type scenarios; but I'm also completely open to doing something a little more serious too! Throwing some horror in there is welcome with open arms, there's plenty of room for shenanigans, ultimately I'm not looking for anything too serious!

If doing something canon-based doesn't sound good, we could do a completely oc-based scenario just based in the setting! Each adaptation of the source material has it's own twist on the initial lore, so whether it take place in the movie's setting of Winter River or the show's setting of Peaceful Pines(as well as the Neitherworld), I'm sure that whatever we come up with would get interesting.

Feel free to either respond to this thread or shoot me a message if you’re interested!!

Back at it again with yet another fandom-related interest check, this time for Twisted Metal! I haven’t played any of the games, but I have watched the show and I’m catching up on all of the lore for the games. That said, I *would* prefer if we kept things based in the show’s lore, just so things are easier.

Most specifically, I’m looking for somebody to play Needles Kane for me. I have an OC I’d like to pair with him and I already have a plot in mind, it doesn’t stray *too* far from the show’s canon.

HOWEVER. I should add that while I still of course have ideas of romance and some form of fluff, seeing as this is Twisted Metal; there will be violence/action, angst, and romance won’t be the primary focus. My general idea is after the show’s events, the tournaments could take place as the games usually would and bloodshed ensues.

If you’re looking to double, I’m open to trying to play some of the other characters! Granted, I have yet to play said characters, but I’m certainly willing to take a crack at them!!

Feel free to message me if you’re interested and want to discuss more about things like length, plots, or elements!
Hey there! I've been looking for both fandom and non-fandom roleplay partners! While I have my info here, I can always give more details in private messages. Feel free to send me a message if you're interested in anything!

Romance, Angst, Action, Drama, Slice of Life

•Cuphead(both game and show adaptations)
•Inside Job
•Rocky Horror
•The Black Phone
•Stranger Things
•Super Mario


So I have plots for multiple fandoms I have listed, but the ones below are my ocxoc plots!

•Please do not control my character unless I say that it is okay for you to do so.

• I am ghost friendly, however I would prefer if you gave me a reason as to why you're leaving beforehand, just so it doesn't come as a surprise.

• We're human beings with our own lives, if I don't respond right away, I'm more than likely busy or occupied with something. If I plan on taking a break because of life issues, please don't take that as me essentially ghosting you.

• Please write at LEAST two paragraphs, I need details to work off of in order to make a coherent story, so I would prefer if you give me something to work with.

• Again, we're human beings. Mistakes happen. I have a tendency to forget some details, so please don't go all crazy on me if I make a mistake in something like the timeline or setting.

• If you need a break or plan on going a hiatus, let me know!

• If I say I'm uncomfortable with something, I'm uncomfortable with it.

• Communication is key! Don't be afraid to approach me with ideas! :>>

•I would like talking OOC, but it's not required!
Okay, I'm not personally opting for this, but I feel like people would be more enticed by the gentle reminder that you're asking for someone to play DAVID BOWIE, which should certainly get some attention.

You think so?
In Ello! 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
welcome to the labyrinth. lol ;)

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