Avatar of JadedBlaze
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    1. JadedBlaze 10 yrs ago


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Hello, my name is Gabby and I am 15 years old. I love to sing, draw, act, and I especially love to write! I've created a new roleplay, you can check it out below. I'm a fan of any fantasy or sci-fi (futuristic). Though I'm new to this website, I am experienced with play-by-post rpg's, and I expect the most from my partners and myself. I will most likely be playing in casual to advanced rpg's, but I will also play 1 on 1 (2 players only; private). PM me for questions, or requests. Thanks! :)

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@KoL Thank you for the suggestion about my character, I think it would make much more sense. I'm going to add to her backstory, so that basically, she was born in the 13th century, and one day, she was in the fields when she happened across a portal, which portal took her to present times, where an agency of criminals found her and trained her to be a master assassin... etc. you know the rest. (if that's okay with you) :)
Name: Ayame

Age: 18

Gender: female

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 120lb


Personality: Ayame is unbelievably tolerant, and knowledgeable like her mother. However, her fathers craving for valor and heroism never fails kick in during a battle, or any time really. This can be a bit of a problem though, making it seem like she's always trying to show off. She is always up to the challenge, and will always rise to the occasion. But even these respectable traits can be extinguished with the right... manipulation.

Skills and Powers:

-mental manipulation: Even though she has no magic, this would be one of Ayame's most efficient skills. Playing with the brain is a dangerous game to play, but if you play it right, there's sure to be a mind-twisting effect. Ayame has not yet mastered this skill, but if there's one thing she's learned, it's that everyone has their own "Achilles heel" in their mind, including herself, the trick is how to find it.

-martial arts: Though her best companion is her sword (and daggers), don't underestimate Ayame while unarmed. Once you know her, you can tell it's obviously not a skill she likes to talk about, but she has trained years in it, and has mastered it since she was very young.

-sword-fighting/knife-throwing: Everyone knows about Ayame's skill with a sword, but what they may not know, is that she has a much more specific skill set. Throwing a dagger as if it's nothing isn't easy, but Ayame surprisingly does it incredibly well, her throws either precise or perfect, but few know this. Though she is obviously not open about her knife-throwing skills,, she is much more proud of her swordsmanship. Her favorite sword, Startpiercer, will almost never leave her side, and it may not be her most efficient weapon, but as far as most know, it's the only one she has.

Bio: Ayame was born into a rich family, her mother being a successful business owner, and her father a well known hero in her country. Ayame loved horses ever since the first one she'd seen, and on her 6th birthday, her parents gave her her very own foal, whome she named Helios. The two instantly became best friends, and when Helios was old enough, Ayame began riding lessons, which was later an advantage when she became part of her country's cavalry. It was there that she decided to become more knowledgeable about combat, and soon she was mastering the skill of martial arts, and sword-fighting. But her life would take a turn she'd forever regret, when an agency of castaway chasers offered her extra combat lessons, but this would soon become much more. Instead they trained her to be a master assassin, whose mission was to eliminate all who might be a threat to the agency. After years of unwittingly destroying the good and innocent, Ayame realized what she had become, but sadly, it was too late. She ran away from the agency, back to her home country, and rejoined the cavalry, as well as becoming a Chaser. Since then, Ayame has tried to hide her unusually advanced combat abilities, and has tried to move on from her past. But in her heart, she knows that they will never stop haunting her, never stop seeking revenge, and she will always fear them.


Other: This is my first signup, so I'm not exactly sure if I did everything right (I apologize if I did), but if I did, just let me know please, and I'll try to fix it. Thanks! :)
I would like to apply as well. This sounds pretty interesting, and I should be done with a CS by tonight if that's ok? :)
Hello fellow RPers! I've been looking for for a good roleplay website for awhile now, so... well... here I am! I'm looking for any RPG's that are 1x1, but groups are fine too. I'll play any genre but If you're into fantasy or sci-fi, please tell me, 'cause that's my thang! ;D
In Survival 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

It's the year 2637, and Wild Fights became the #1 show around the world. In the show, animals from what's left of the wilderness, are put into an arena, taunted, tortured, and abused in the most barbaric ways until they have no choice but to compete viciously for survival. It never ends until there's a winning species. You are now one of those animals. Currently being shipped over to the very place where life as you know it will be eliminated. Winning is everything, and failure and not an option. Will you be able to face the real wild? Or is there possibly another path for you to take?

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