Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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Interested in something like this, but had a few rps of my own similar to this, let's hope this one can jump ship.
Def interested.
Okay, I'm back from italy
finishing up my term paper and I should be able to get going
Salamanders, Ironhands, or Raven Guard would be my top three
Still looking for peeps, def interested in this?
Oliver Black

Was still making his way up the hill when he heard the last helicopter, he stared for a moment turning, and letting out burst after burst towards flying machine. He managed to hit it, but he heard something above him, a rumbling. He saw a small bit of smoke, but he had no idea if it was fatal, there was another issue that was likely far more pressing.

"Oh, fuck." he said turning to see a wall of snowplowing down towards him, his eyes opened and he moved against the small sled of snow he was holding onto dearly, and he slowly turned to face up the snow as he lifted it up. He planted it down into the snow as he started to lock everything in his suit down, then he felt the initial push. So far, his armor was doing somewhat well, the objects on the sled pushing against his shield. Some of them that were sticking off like rockets, tubes, and such fled from the shield and his grasp.

He put his head down, and let go of the shield as he let it just rest against him, and he felt the ground below him shake, "mother fuc-." the snow beneath him, and some of the rocky slope that he had been standing on gave way, and then he felt his shield on his armlet lose with the sled and the objects upon it. He began to tumble as he would go down the pathway that he had taken up, just with several more feet of snow around him in all directions.

Through his older headset, static, and the eventual string of cursing that was not very common with the Christian man would breakthrough as he made his way quickly down the mountain's face. His boxes, his shield, the door that was made into a sled, and weapons littered the pathway around him and behind him in the wake of the armored man. If he had not locked his armor, it would have likely been fatal for the man as it would have crushed and likely cut off appendages as the metal pushed with the force of the snow.

Once it had stopped, he felt as if he had been rocks within a tumbler, and his head spun as he just laid there beneath the snow. He was relatively silent as he stared up into the darkness of snow around him, feeling it melt to the armor. "Hey, can anyone hear me over the net, I got caught in an avalanche, and am unable to unlock my suit with the exception of my left leg. Assistance is required, when local is secured."

His left foot was the only thing he was truly able to move, and that just shifted around a bit, back and forth. He felt the cold around him, but he also felt the battery packs warm against his back. he tried to shift himself using his entire body, but he was unable to at that moment.
Oliver Black

"I thank you Miss Bertha, but..." he saw one coming over the ridgeling and tracers spat from where he stood. He took a deep breath, and let them fly as best as they could towards the helicopter slowly coming into view. "They aren't bunched up... and are coming in ones or two's thankfully, if you see one let me know... until then, I am going to try making it to the peak so I can have better coverage over the area."

He would continue and finish his burst of .50 before he started the process of reloading, he dropped his pack, and lifted another one up moving it to his back, and around his shoulders. He pulled the ties close around and he found himself pulling it into the feed. He would start towards the pod, finding himself at where he was to come out, he pulled the door off, and started to pull things on top of it, taking a dangling cord, and using it as a sled as he would start to ascend up the slopes.

He heard another and started looking around, trying to find which way it was going to come from, "Hey, we got one more... I can't see it where I'm at."

He looked around and pressed his lips together, and he lifted his gun, "maybe two... the engines are echoing off the peaks."

Tiny Nord looked and sighed a bit, mounting himself, his eyes scanning the peaks, and the valley he could see. He would keep moving his vision back and forth, hating every moment of being there where he did not have a good view of the area. He took the cord in his spare hand with his shield, and kept moving, his back towards the way he was travelling.

"Yea, I can't see him, anyone have eyes on?"
<Snipped quote by Jamesyco>

Another unfortunate thing about the 40K RPs, but hopefully with a more character-focused RP that can be alleviated a little. Also helps that you're already in the discord apparently lmao.

Which one lol, I'm in like 8 of em :3

Always down for 40k, I know a lot of the ones I've been in end prematurely, so I'm always down for another shot.
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