Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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@Silverwind Blade They still fly here in the States sometimes during airshows, specially in the South. They are beautiful, I wish I could have seen them in action. But, I guess airshows are a lot more prevalent here in the states than in the Old World.
@Silverwind Blade I suggest trying to find one in an airshow, that and the A-4, beautiful planes and majestic in all accounts. I saw a few when an Aussie group and some diggers came here to the states for training when I was doing a FoI on a local base, and she sounded beautiful.
<Snipped quote by Jamesyco>

The F-111 is absolutely allowed; multirole aircraft are perfectly fine. Won't all be air-to-air combat in the slightest.
The F-111 almost straddles the line between Strategic Bomber and tactical aircraft, but it's been used as both, so I don't have a problem with it. I debated choosing one myself, actually.

<Snipped quote by sly13>

No problems, was just getting a bit antsy since I had a good few people on the Int Check, and then nobody seemed to follow across to the OOC. Good to see you're here now, though.

Just wanted to double-check because of that line. but

Yep, trying to get stuff sorted since I just got a new project settled, also something like the F-111 Aardvark allowed? I know that is more of a multirole/strat.

The morning was quiet, and he was surprised to see the place empty, the fact that no one was about for the morning, though he figured people were out in fields or doing as they needed to survive for the next day. The town was just as droll, but for the sky, cobbled stones, and rain had their beauty, he saw it differently.

The meadows were almost the same; their natural beauty was something else. He noticed a few puddles; they were just small ponds of life that would be away within a few hours or days. However, he just listened to the birds and thumping of rabbits. The urgency to run was something normal; wildlife was something free, but it had to be afraid to lose the freedom it has or its life.

Torsten looked at those as he followed the pack; he leaned over Faline's shoulder and looked up, then down at the map again as he straightened himself back up. His nostrils slowly lowered as his breath slowed, he rolled his shoulder some as his far hand went up to pull on it, leaving a loud pop before his shoulder rolled forward once again.

"It is a good time of life and enjoyment, and I am glad there are those out here in this world to work and toil in its beauty."
he said with a soft demeanor, "But a rest for prayer may work well, to collect and listen to the world around us as those watch from above."
I'm down for the aircraft deal if you're still looking for players?

The man was on the floor beside his bed; his head was bowed, and his face was covered on the side towards the other women. He lifted his head slowly, and the man stood as he nodded when the cook came in. There was not much to him, which saved him a lot of time, and thankfully, prayer time came as dawn came. He looked over at the buns on the table and slowly shuffled his things back around him. A long sword and a wooden round shield hung off his belt. He slid his cloaks over them each and let himself become the block of mountain man that he was. He also moved a bow through a small hanging leather piece, letting it rest there as it sat partway on his leg and another part on his back.

He looked at a small pack, likely full of food and such, and lifted it over his shoulder as he let it hang on his back. Torsten looked towards Faline and nodded softly, "I am ready; I assume our changeling friend will be as well... She will be a good scout. She is one closer to nature and can be much smaller than us.."

The man slowly approached the table as he looked down at the bun. With one hand, he lifted one to look at it with finer detail, smelling it, squeezing it, and finally taking a small bite. Then he ate slowly, making sure to eat it slowly. Moving back towards the bed he was in and the door, he would finish his bun quickly, efficiently, and with little thought to anything taste.

"Enjoy your food, for we will likely not have as much in the near future, I have a few pots and pans to cook and toolsets for preparation, but it may not be as good."
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