Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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Erwin peaked at the last little bit, and he stood as he turned, he placed his hands together, "Ask for his license all honest traders here in Kindeance have licenses of some kind. If so look for my grandfathers name on it!" he yelled rather inconsiderately, but hopefully most people weren't asleep.

A moment later he would feel a metal cup to the leg as his grandfather was stirring finally, but that still could not fully awaken the man.

Erwin stared down at his grandfather as he moved to sit back down, and he just relaxed a bit. Slowly moving his rifle before he just stared at the darkness away from the little camp that they had made. "Sorry, grandfather, weird folk about this time of night..."

The man just stared at what ever the hell was happening from the wagon, he looked down at his grandfather who was cuddling with the bears, so much for the tent idea, and just stared at his musket wondering what the hell he did to deserve this lifestyle. And that his grandfather has more game than he does. He stared at the wagon and the fuss happening around it, and figured what could possibly go wrong.

He did in fact figure something would go wrong; either the bears shook/scared the poor man to death, or something would go wrong, who knows he might just be apart of another robbery to get something someone wants. He's done it before, but that kind of robbery is called taxation. But Erwin just sighed, it was took dark, it was night, why the hell would a peddler try to approach them in the middle of the night unless if he was selling some cursed object, or it was a trap. He moved to sit in the wagon with his rifle, and sighed as he looked anywhere but where the fanfare was.

Erwin looked back at Varya and nodded as he smiled, "Erwin, I don't hold title or rank too young, not enough experience, and I don't have land. Though my foolery and lifestyle most people would think different. I don't know your name yet." he said as he pulled a bedroll off, he looked over to the road, for a moment, and just went back to walking beside the elf relaxing, he was mostly dressed for the night, and the only thing on him was his sword. He took his chainmail off at the wagon when he put most of things and his saddle bags near his grandfather.

"Hopefully, whatever it is over there wont mean much." he said quietly laying his bedroll out near the tent he just laid down for the bears, "I'll be back in a minute." he said as he went back to the wagon one last time to make sure his grandfather was set, and that his rifle could be retrieved in short notice.

"Girls, your tent is ready if you want to head there."

le sad~

it has been sadly over the past year, text rp is a slowly dying thing sadly.
Thernous and Erwin

The elderly old man felt something trying to rouse him from his slumber, he had been sleeping since they left Rascade. When something tried to rouse him, he figured it was some form of unknown entity like a dog trying to be sweet, so he slowly turned a but to his side as he sank deeper into the cloth.

Erwin seeing this and having dismounted, relaxed as he began to unfurl his saddle and his things from Bread. He brushed his steed, kept it's lead tied to his things before he moved over to the wagon to look up at the sister, then he just leaned over and slowly lifted his grandfather's shoulders as he pulled the cloth out slowly.

"Take what is needed out from under him, he seems to have made his choice on sleeping arrangements," Erwin said quietly as he freed the tent from its elderly prison. Then he smiled up to them both, "He typically stays in the backs of these while his coachman takes him where is needed. The fact he is so close to the coach seat means there must be something of comfort here. But he's been awake for over a day; he is tired. But, I'll get you both a tent, and if anything else is needed I'll move the hibernating old man again."

He, after helping the tent freeing, went to release the two horses on the wagon, making sure they were tied to the wagon, before doing the same with bread after putting his saddle bags in the wagon near his grandfather. Hopefully, that would keep him warmer or give him something to rest on should the old man decide it.


The old man smiled at the two bears as he slowly reached up to get the lip of the wagon; before he started to climb the nice little latter made for him on the side, a few pops could be heard, mostly from his back, as he did so, and he relaxed in the seat once he got up. The old man patted the seat a few times before standing on the step and climbing into the back behind the driver's position into the wagon proper. He watched the bears further back as he just more or less snuggled into the wood, cloth, and other supplies inside the wagon.

It was something good, a nice settled spot for the old man to rest in as it got darker. It was dusk, and there was limited light coming from the sunset and that which reflected from the moon and stars. However, he figured that just giving the direction North-West when they got out of the city would be the best course of action; everyone seemed educated in some form or at least should be able to read a map. Or at least he hoped, but that could be seen; he had spent some time awake trying to make schemes into plans.

"Erwin, if you are behind me, please just lead the way. You should know it; I will be trying to sleep once we get outside the city." with that, he snuggled in tightly and found himself a corner of a tent he was next to, pulling it over his lap as he just went deeper into it like the little old man he was.


The young man was in fact behind his grandfather by several paces, to keep in line with his betrothed, he held her arm and separated from her as he moved to Bread, and he took from his pack a chainmail shirt just to slip on for now, and his sword to put around his waist, setting his musket in it's saddle mounting. He checked it's powder pouches, and the holder for his shot and climbed up onto the horse.

"Grandfather, it's out of the city, and then the north road until the river ends. To my knowledge, the ferry crossing line got broken a week or two ago and no one has been able to get a new one across yet," he replied to his grandfather. "Once outside of town, it's only one road, and at these hours we will be the only ones moving on it."

The man moved bread towards the door, when his grandfather spoke.

"And be in the front with the elf lad if he wishes to ride, he seems like he has good ears and eyes, you two might do well together. Just keep away from the toll roads like I taught you." Thernous said.
I'm down for something like this.
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