Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 days ago

"On the eve of Her departure, She shed a single tear. She bade her children not to weep for Her absence, for She would always walk with them."

It was once said that of all of the goddess’ creations, humankind was her favorite. She was so overcome with love for humans that she shed numerous tears of joy. Those tears imbued them with her gift, manifesting in their ability to use magic. The humans used the magic given to them to carve their way through the world she had created for them. Over time, however, magic began to disappear as less were born with it, and humanity struggled. The humans prayed to the goddess for help, and in turn, she chose several humans to bless with a drop of her blood. This time, her gift was greater, and her influence was shown through symbols that would glow on their bodies. They were called Scions, and many worshiped them as they were living proof of the goddess’ blessing.

Over time, countries were formed around the Scions, and while the goddess’ influence was never forgotten, people’s attention turned to what the Scions could do for them instead. Royals and nobles often touted certain lineages for producing Scions, and those born of common blood were often snatched up by the nobility and given status and wealth. Notably, Scions are often discouraged from using their magic, leading to a majority becoming figureheads rather than the tools of war they were once feared to be. It isn’t unheard of for a Scion to be bested by other mages or even those without magic because of this. To combat any would-be assassins, most Scions are given bodyguards assigned from the church, and they are expertly trained to protect their charge.

The current era of peace throughout Estora has led to prosperity, albeit with the disappearance of the Scion of Time, a notable figure whose body was never found, tensions have been brewing. Some believe it to be the work of foreign threats, others believe the enemy comes from their own. The truth is only hidden to those who do not seek it.

The roleplay will kick off during the Millennial Festival celebrating the birth of the original Scions. It is one of the few times a year where every Scion is gathered at the same place at the same time. They'll be accompanied by their Templars and expected at a grand ceremony. Players will have the option to play a Scion or a Templar and will be expected to keep up with their posts. I'm looking for a group of five to six players and hoping for people who are willing to coordinate and cooperate if necessary. If there are any questions please let me know and I'll answer right away.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

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Stealing water dont @ me
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I fuck hard with a "mage and their swordsman" dynamic, so I'm pretty interested so far.

Can I play the "templar made entirely of metal"?
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Olive Fontaine
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Olive Fontaine Lunar Priestess

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Color me interested. I'd like to play the scion of shadow, if possible. I'm curious if you see this playing out as an adventure game, or more of an intrigue/social game. I'm sure you'll give us more of a set-up in game, but it'd help to know what style we're going for when brewing up my character.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Gravity was made for me FYI
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'd be up for rolling a templar.

Update: Rolled up a templar of lightning, but honestly if any Scion wants to pair up, I'd be more than happy to oblige and adjust the sheet accordingly.

Left magical ability limited for now till we get a sense of character power levels.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm down for something like this.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 days ago

Really glad to see interest in this! here be discord link so I can better field questions :)


Color me interested. I'd like to play the scion of shadow, if possible. I'm curious if you see this playing out as an adventure game, or more of an intrigue/social game. I'm sure you'll give us more of a set-up in game, but it'd help to know what style we're going for when brewing up my character.

little bit of both, mostly the latter though
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

a little wip before other people get their ideas out, the element is a bit interchangable if need be

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 days ago


Don't have time to write up a CS just yet, but I think I'm gonna call dibs for Scion of Lightning.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Definitely interested in this. I would be more than happy to work up a Templar for someone's Scion.
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