Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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@FourtyTwo I heard this was back and going hard unlike last time, mind if an OG pops in?

"Your brother is powerful girls... But not all of this is his destruction, some was at the end; some of it is much more recent past day or two, and the rest is the incompetence of those in control," he said to the bears as he went through several maps and found where they were, and he sighed as he looked around and then at Jazdia.

"My intuition is telling me this area is a trap, and we should keep moving. The bears should dismount and try to smell out any of the magic being used. That artillery back there was similar to what we are going to see if we fail, but it was different, more potent and filled with magical imbuement, much smaller than our artillery, but it seemed to linger like a cancer." he said, looking at his map, "this area can be seen by miles, and places we can't see with clarity. If someone was to bombard us, they easily could without us knowing where exactly they were."

"But... it's a good spot, get off the path a bit, and watch for those we need to, those who we aren't looking for we can follow them in. This is not my cup of tea with the spying, and planning a raid on someone's likely well-armed manor. That is more of Erwins thoughts. But my intuition tells me that here in the relative open is not going to be good in the long run."


Erwin looked wired at that point, alert, almost too alert as he looked about like a rooster in coyote season. He looked around, and he saw something off in the distance but he did not believe it to be anything but people fleeing. He pressed his lips together, and looked at Varya as he did not seem to enjoy much.

"This is why I shot the ancient... for fears that something like this would happen should someone decide that we were a ripe target that invoked revenge for troubles we caused them." he said, "In a world of men and corruption, there is only law and order, and that has broken down because of the war posturing, those from inside who seek power, for from the mountains to the north seek to pillage these lands while the warriors are away."


He moved back with the two bears, and looked them both in the eye, "This is a small taste of war... this is what Erwin is afraid of, he will do anything to stop something like this, because it causes disorder for all."

"Weapons of man can do the same as a mage, and without any enchanting. But this is more than just those craters, that was direct artillery, this is just blatant destruction and barbarism."

He slowly made his way into the snuggled part of the wagon he slept in prior, but when the came to the place, he looked at Jaz, "Are you sure this is the place, it is rather open, and in a place that seems relatively hostile? My eyesight is a bit too bad to see the landmarks of the mountain range, and it seems the closer ones I have used more recently are burned down."

He looked over to his side, "a few things, to my knowledge several months ago, the bears brother came through. But this looks recent, this looks like a test fire gone off course." he said pressing his lips together, "Artillery possibly."

He looked over at Varya and sighed a bit, "Preparation for war, it's been voted on. Everyone is preparing, that means less of the kings people here, and more local deputies to take over once again. This area has been full of turmoil for a short time, the kings men that were hee have likely been mobilized, and only a small group of soldiers is around because it's where they are stationed."

He rode his horse closer to the man, "things are changing, but... From what I heard, this is new... I know the bear's brother did a lot of damage here... but this is not from him."

He stared at the town around them, and he leaned over to where the bears were sitting, patting their head, "This, is the work of a single mage... imagine that expanded."

He looked around them, and smiled a bit, "we were here about a week ago Erwin before moving to our next stop south of here. Let us just hope another fight doesn't break out, this place doesn't need more death."


Erwin looked at those in front of them, and took out a small flat piece of bread, "Gruel is soup, we are traveling, just ask for bread like a normal person alright little one." he said with a smile, "but move on quickly."

With that, he moved his right hand across his body in wait as he looked at the surroundings, he looked at the soldier, "Do you know where the live? The brigands and traitors?"

"He is a soldier, he is fine." he said looking at the woman, "he has medication that can keep him up for a while, made right in the capital. It is used for productivity in factories, and he found another use for it. It makes him alert even in a drowsy state, he climbed into the carriage and pulled out a small pouch and bringing out a tiny brown ball the size of his pinky's fingernail.

Erwin rode up and took it before taking his place in line, and then he chewed it for a moment before swallowing it.

"Give him a minute and he should be fine... don't mind the mania if he starts talking. You might find him more agreeable, he is more open with it."


Erwin rode over and got the pill, he chewed the bitter paste but he swallowed it after a moment, it would be a while before it really got in the way of things. He smiled a bit, "I thank you for your concerns, but I'll be fine, I made a mistake I will not make again, and I will pay the punishment for it. Plus, we are on our own roads, there should not be much of a problem. When we get closer to our objective, I will swap out when we tend to the animals needs."

"But I do thank you both for your concern," he said quietly looking between the two trying to get him down, he looked drowsy, but he perked up and rolled his shoulders, he knew it didn't kick in yet, but it would eventually.

"Get on your horse boy... you are up front, learn to talk to people and find their thoughts out, learn not to be an idiot, and learn what everyone can do, these here are your unit now." he said as he was standing at the shotgun side of the carriages seat. He stared and looked at everyone as he pressed his lips together, "Miss Jazdia, feel free to hit him, but talk to him. You can learn things from him, and him from you. After all he helped make half the laws in the land that are new. But he can learn the old ways of non humans from you."

"Now..." he said as he made sure the horses were on tight and he climbed up, "who's driving?"

He looked back at the Bears, "today you get to see what a strong mage can do, what your brother did when we get to the village. It will be a lesson for you dears."


Erwin just sighed as he continued to saddle his horse, and he made sure his packs were on it, he was drowsy, but it is something he has done plenty of times before, he was thankful he was youthful. He slid his rifle into it's place, and pouches onto their dry bags.

He did not like the words his grandfather said, but there were a few that he might enjoy. So far he believed everyone to be money grubbing mercenaries, and those who cared not for order. Which in some aspect is true, but he could not fault them for that. He took a deep breath and mounted Bread, as he looked around, his grandfather singled out a name, and he despised it."

Erwin caught the woman, and the box in her hands, he pressed his lips together and rested her head against his shoulder as he would move his rifle to her chest, and he pulled her up into his arms and carried her towards where he put up a bedroll and tent. He laid her down and kissed the top of her head gently.

"Sleep well..." he said as he slowly moved a few cloths over her before taking his musket, and getting his pouches for it. He saw his grandfather and the bears sleeping, and he would stay up relatively uneventful for the rest of the night.

Erwin sighed a bit as he looked at her, and he reached his hand out towards her, "You are a good person, but you have plenty of place to judge others. You have watched me judge plenty, you have seen justice in it's honor. You have been with me and uncle for a year and seen several arrests. You have seen what has happened to traitors, human or not. They are the same under the law my love..."

He slowly smiled a bit, "But what is wrong?"
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