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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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A Poor Prisoner

Peytr Ruhnoveltz

A man stood in darkness, lit by only those further down. He had not seen light in sometime, but he saw that there was light and talking. He heard talking. He listened, it was several of the jailers, newer ones, the old ones had gone too far. He remembered one of them, but these two new ones were different. He marked things about them, that was easy, they were easily identifiable traits about them both even through seeing them a few times. But there was a different voice, a female voice. It was different, he had heard several women while he was here, yet this one seemed saner, and younger than most of them.

He rested his head against the cell door as he slowly felt it pop, the lock had somehow, disengaged. He slowly moved away from the door, his hand touched it, it felt warm. Warmer than the stone, and he enjoyed the more solid wood door to what most of the others got. He rested his hand against the few bits of metal and let his boney hands reach to touch more of the wooden door, he slowly lowered a little hatch that someone stuck food in here and there. He saw the little bars that were going from top to bottom and the lights on the other side. But he didn't care, he didn't need anything else in that moment. Something was wrong with his door, and he wouldn't let anyone know, maybe until it was too late. Maybe this time he would exit the square confinement without a pole attached to his neck. Maybe, he would just walk out, and leave, but that voice. There was more down here, there were few that he couldn't let go to suffer as he did. He knew it all, he knew what he had done to several of the others down here that died, he remembered it.

He remembered every moment of their lives, and he stared at the woman down there. Maybe she was like them, maybe she was, if she was he could hurt her. He could hurt a lot of people, he could hurt the two men. He just needed to touch them, and awaken something inside them maybe. That is what the pole is for, to keep him from touching anyone who doesn't want to touch him. The pole keeps them safe, without that they aren't safe. He listened to them, and their threats towards the woman.

"If you do that, you'll be in my hands next, you'll get to see what I can do... You can be apart of what I see." Peytr rasped, his face against the metal plate that was barely open, "Keep up with that, and you'll just be another test subject in a cage with me."

Torsten stood as he watched the rest fleeing, he stood by the unconscious mage on the ground. HE pressed his lips together and sighed a bit, he slowly placed the girl on the ground as he fixed the rest of his things together. He looked at the newcomer and sighed a bit before looking at Faline.

Then he looked at everyone else, then back the woman, then back at everyone else. He just stared at them as if they were asking some foreign questions, and as if he was in the middle of a store of bulls holding china. He pressed his lips together, "Miss Faline, do you have any idea what is going on, who these folk are... Also, do you need assistance with the wounds? It is something I can patch up relatively easily."
We can hope.
Ah, yes, the man who hates water, on a boat. Lets do this.


"Ah, two birds with one stone. It would be that another old timer like myself would show up unannounced." he said with a bit of a chuckle before his demeanor changed a bit, and he looked far more serious, "the barrier is not much of a problem if we can get inside it. Same with the anti-scrying. The twins can sniff him out, the other objective with the traitors is to figure out why Patriarch of the Jonas family is here, find the foreign agents from Meche, and take as many of those with status prisoner for interrogation, after that we will see. If we can get as much information out of them as we can before continuing the plan, the more reasons and weapons we will have against those causing turmoil in Meche."

Thernous took a hand and rolled his shoulders back, as he smiled, "I will stay back unless needed, if one of the two mages comes I can hold one off for a while, but I have no intention in fighting again. I will gladly do the dirty work after, but age in humans is something fickle. Besides that, we have a well-versed team. Many of which use older styles and techniques, we are varied. For the most part, Lady Blackwater, do you have any areas of contention that might have a lesser travelled route into the area, somewhere say a small team of those with a bit of subversive motivation can move through? We have someone who is a partial aeromancer with us, and if she uses her abilities right, we can suppress a lot of noise from a group of individuals moving silently. Besides that, most of us have light footsteps, while here I've been listening, and most of our elvan complement is rather light on their feet, and you as well Lady Blackwater. But honestly... keeping it silent until we can get a good stronghold might be best. Give those whom are not light on their feet a moment to catch up, so that you can all find and secure the bear, and clean the house afterwords with traitors and those who work for traitors."

He was more or less thinking out loud at that moment with how things would go, his eyes were looking the direction of the house instead of at anyone, but he looked back at them. "Lady Blackwater, would there be any areas such as that, relatively small, likely going to be for servants, and material to be moved through. At this hour, there would only be a few in that area, in the morning there will be quite a bit more with the host arranged before us. I believe Delvings might expedite our plans, with him being there, night might be the better time to strike. If we wait too long, even in the wee hours of the morning it will be too dangerous as they prepare for morning rituals."


Thernous smiled softly and nodded to the new arrivals from his little spot in the carriage, he had a small bit of bread in his mouth as he just looked at the woman. He took it out of his mouth as he slowly shrugged out of his little encampment in the carriage's extra parts. Thernous stood slowly as he looked down at her, "It is good to meet you." he said with a smile, "now... about the first part of our journey, this hour might do us well depending on the information we have. If not, we can do it as early as possible."

He relaxed a bit and smiled, bowing his head for a moment before he slowly went back into the spot. The old man relaxed for a moment as he looked towards where Louise was doing her soup. But he figured it wouldn't be much, he relaxed just a tad and smiled.

"But... we should be prepared, so Miss Blackwater, what all have you seen when looking through the area?"
def interested

The old man nodded to the young chap who relayed his information, making sure to tell him, "Make sure you tell Erwin before he gets paranoid or jumpy."

He looked at the bears, and the bear approaching as he smiled, "I thank you, and it seems as if someone has Erwin, but keep yourselves light on your feet, and we should be fine."


Erwin nodded at Varya and smiled, "I thank you brother..." he said as he dismounted and looked around, "since the entire group is here, do we want to move to a more secluded spot... so that we aren't in the middle of an open field? If anyone with night sight comes, we are open to their vision, likewise if someone should hear us, this seems to be a high trafficked spot."
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